ACRL Member of the Week
Jenny Horton Headshot
Meet Member: Jenny Horton
Fabio Montella, Suffolk County Community College
Meet Member: Fabio Montella
Jo Ann Murphy
Meet Member: Jo Ann Murphy
Maria Ruelas Headshot Photo
Meet Member: Maria Ruelas
Jack Leong standing infr
Meet Member: Jack Hang-tat Leong
Jason Burton
Meet Member: Jason Burton
Image of a woman wearing glasses with a grey background.
Meet Member: Chelsee Dickson
Olga Koz photograph
Meet Member: Olga Koz
Headshot of Jaycee Chapman
Meet Member: Jaycee Chapman
Image of Abigail Mann
Meet Member: Abigail Mann
Lorely Ambriz at the EPCC Northwest Campus Library by the library stacks
Meet Member: Lorely Ambriz
Dr. Alyse Jordan
Meet Member: Alyse Jordan
Meet Member: Sabine Jean Dantus
Headshot of Rachel Makarowski
Meet Member: Rachel Makarowski
Headshot of Diane H. Dias De Fazio
Meet Member: Diane H. Dias De Fazio
ACRL conference attendees

About ACRL

Representing nearly 8,500 individuals and libraries, the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), the largest division of the American Library Association, develops programs, products, and services to help those working in academic and research libraries learn, innovate, and lead within the academic community. Founded in 1940, ACRL is committed to advancing learning, transforming scholarship, and creating diverse and inclusive communities.

Get Involved

ACRL provides members with meaningful opportunities to become active in the profession. Our members give back to the association and gain essential experience in return.

As a member of the academic and research library community, you are motivated by the extraordinary possibilities that higher education offers, dedicating your career to improving our educational systems.


I love my librarian award logo 2025

Love your librarian? Of course you do!

Nominate your librarian for this year's I Love My Librarian Award. They could receive $5,000 and the recognition of a lifetime. Nominations are due September 30!


ACRL Online Learning Courses

ACRL's live webcasts and multi-week online courses are designed to meet the demands of your schedule and budget. ACRL online learning helps fund advocacy, research, and continuing education programs for the academic library community worldwide.

ACRL and Core Facilities Survey

2024 ACRL/Core Academic Library Facilities Survey

All academic libraries are invited to participate in this survey to contribute to a better understanding of current library facilities, including access, shared spaces, and use of space, as well as future space needs.

Only one response should be submitted per institution. Email invitations were sent to all contacts who usually receive ACRL’s Trends & Statistics Survey. If you did not receive an email invitation with a unique link, your institution can complete the survey using this link.

Please contact if you have any questions about the survey.

Answer questions like:

  • What proportion of academic libraries share space with other campus partners?
  • What proportion of library seats have computer work stations?
  • What proportion of square footage is devoted to collections, public spaces, or staff workspaces?
  • What are the top needs for academic library spaces in the next five years?