Chapter 7: Appointments and Nominations

7.1 Appointments

ACRL division and section committee volunteers are an integral part of the Association. Committee members help shape the Association by advancing its strategic plan and influencing the direction of academic and research librarianship.

The appointments process is carried out on two levels within ACRL. On the division level the process for filling vacant committee positions is carried out by the president-elect in consultation with the Appointments Committee. At the section level, the task of appointing committee members is the responsibility of the section's vice-chair.

7.1.1 Committee Service Requirements

To serve on a committee, a volunteer must:

  • Be an individual member of ALA, ACRL (and section, if applicable) in good standing for the duration of the appointment (A.5.5.1 Membership (Old Number 4.5.1);
  • Be willing and able to participate in the activities of the committee, support its mission or concern, and carry out assignments in a timely manner;
  • Review ACRL's Conflict of Interest Policy in Chapter 15.3
  • Submit an electronic appointment acceptance form
  • Comply with ALA policies on Member Service and Participation

ALA Policy A.5.4 Member Service Policy (Old Number 4.4)
No person shall concurrently serve in more than three separate positions. Governing board, committee, liaison, subcommittee, and other responsibilities which require service in another position (e.g., service on a committee which entails assembly representation) are not in conflict with this policy. Appointment procedures and forms used at all stages of the appointment process shall remind members of their responsibility to adhere to this policy.

ALA Policy A.5.5.2 Participation (Old Number 4.5.2)
Members of all ALA and unit committees, task forces, and similar bodies are expected to participate in the work of the group. Participation includes both attendance at synchronous meetings scheduled in conjunction with ALA Annual Conference or at other times during the year, as well as contributions through asynchronous communication methods that may be utilized by the group outside of formal meetings. Face-to-face attendance at conferences is not required and committee work can be completed virtually throughout the year.

7.1.2 Volunteering for Committee Service

Identify the committees that interest you by reviewing the charge and roster listed in the Directory of Leadership, networking with current committee members, and reviewing the activities of the committee. To formally volunteer, submit a volunteer form by going to Volunteer recruitment starts in late fall and concludes on February 28 of the year the appointment commences.

7.1.3 Factors influencing appointment

These guidelines, developed by a Board Working Group, are intended to help ACRL members understand which priorities are considered in appointing members to volunteer positions at the division level. These guidelines are not intended to serve as a strict rubric. Generally, the Vice-President, Appointments Committee, and section Vice-Chairs should approach appointments with a holistic perspective, seeking overall balance in service to the association’s goals and priorities.

    • Evidence of prospective committee member’s interest and expertise
    • Seek geographic diversity on committees and sections. This can include international representation, and/or it can include representation from different regions of the United States.
    • Seek diversity in types of institutions represented on committees and sections. Candidates from public, private, and non-educational (research) institutions, consortia, and other institutions should be included, as well as candidates from community colleges, four-year college and universities, and research and doctoral universities. Historically, community college representation is particularly needed in order to ensure equitable representation for colleagues employed in community colleges.
    • Consider diversity in roles and duties represented on committees and sections. Candidates from all areas of academic and research librarianship should be considered for appointment, although in some cases it may be important to appoint candidates with particular expertise to carry out particular duties.
    • Seek to balance seniority, experience, and tenure in committees and sections.

    • Recommendation of the current committee chair. (Source: Board, Midwinter 2009)

Although the appointment process may reflect the priorities of the vice-president/president-elect and section vice-chairs, several factors are always considered:

  • Evidence of interest and expertise. Have prospective volunteers visited and/or posted to the committee’s ALA Connect community, introduced themselves to the chair, or attended the meetings (virtual or face-to-face)? Do they have knowledge and/or previous experience that relates to the work of the committee? Have they indicated their interest on the volunteer form?
  • Demographics and composition of committee. A balance is sought with respect to type of library (community college, college, or university), geographic representation, ethnic diversity, and gender. Those who have not had the opportunity to serve on an ACRL committee are encouraged to volunteer as it is important to add new perspectives.
  • Recommendation of the current committee chair. Current committee chairs are asked to suggest prospective members.
  • Willingness to participate in the work of the committee. Volunteers should be prepared to engage in the committee work year-round.

The final appointments are the prerogative of the ACRL vice-president/president-elect and the section vice-chairs.

7.1.4 Appointments process

Division-level Committees

The Vice-President/President-Elect is the appointing authority for chairs, vice-chairs, and all committee members (except for the Publications Coordinating Committee component committees and the ACRL Conference Coordinating and component committees). (Source: Executive Committee Fall 2009 and Spring 2010)

The Appointments Committee makes recommendations and acts in an advisory role to the Vice-President/President-Elect (except for the Publications Coordinating Committee component committees and the ACRL Conference Coordinating and component committees).

The ACRL staff supplies the appointments instructional materials. Following these instructions, the Appointments Committee reviews volunteer forms submitted and any recommendations provided by committee chairs. Additionally, the Appointments Committee will also receive special instructions from the Vice-President/President-Elect regarding committee composition and/or general goals.

Once the recommendations are approved by the Vice-President/President-Elect and Executive Director, ACRL staff will send the formal appointment invitations. It is expected that informal commitments will have been secured by the Appointments Committee or Vice-President/President-Elect in advance from members recommended to serve as chairs or vice-chairs.

Section-level Committees

Section vice-chairs appoint the chairs and members of section committees. The ACRL office supplies the appointments instructional materials.

7.1.5 ACRL Representatives

The ACRL Board of Directors is responsible for representing ACRL within ALA and beyond. As one of the approaches for fulfilling this responsibility, the Board has established ACRL Representative positions. ACRL Representative responsibilities:

  • Maintain membership in ALA/ACRL throughout the Representative term.
  • Actively participate in the ALA unit to which they are serving as a representative by attending meetings, reviewing proposals and documents, communicating ACRL’s concerns, etc.
  • Communicate to the ACRL Board of Directors and report on the activities of the ALA unit to which they are serving as a representative and any opportunities for ACRL to contribute to the unit’s mission twice/year. Representative reports are to be submitted to ACRL Program Manager for Strategic Initiatives Allison Payne at thirty days after each meeting of the unit. This will generally be the same as the committee meeting notes/minutes deadline following each ALA Annual Conference and LibLearnX or virtual meetings held throughout the year. Additional reports and/or communications to the ACRL President are welcome if needed. Similarly, if needed, the Board may request additional reports.
  • At the end of the appointment term, orient the new representative to the role and make introductions to the ALA unit members and staff. ACRL Representative resources:

  • All ACRL Representatives are listed on the ACRL Representatives Assembly roster with contact information available to ACRL members. ACRL Representatives will be automatically added as members for the duration of their term on the ACRL Representative ALA Connect Community.
  • Representatives can solicit advice from other Representatives (using the ACRL Representative ALA Connect Community, as well as relevant ACRL staff and Board members.
  • An orientation to the role from the former representative.
  • The ACRL Representative report template can be found on the ACRL Forms page and email reminders about deadlines.
  • Opportunity to participate in ACRL leadership events including Leadership Council during the ALA Annual Conference, as well as ACRL’s Virtual Leader Orientation. ACRL Representative appointment procedures:

Some ACRL Representatives are appointed directly and some are ex-officio. For those that are appointed directly, the ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect will appoint member volunteers to serve as ACRL Representatives.

7.2 Special Appointments

7.2.1 ACRL Budget & Finance Committee Chair and ACRL Conference Chair

In alternating years, the Vice-President/President-Elect will appoint the ACRL Budget and Finance Committee Chair or the ACRL Conference Chair. (Source: ACRL Board of Directors 2009 virtual action.)

The ACRL Budget and Finance Committee Chair appointment term is exempt from the five-year limit to consecutive service on the same group. The Chair may serve up to a ten-year limit to consecutive service on the Budget and Finance Committee if serving as chair. (Source: ACRL Board of Directors, April 6, 2022, Spring Board Virtual Meeting)

7.2.2 Selection and appointment of Immersion Program Coordinator Initiating the Immersion Program Coordinator Selection Process

The Immersion Program (IP) Coordinator will notify the Chair of the Immersion Program Committee as to whether he/she is seeking to renew his/her appointment, if eligible, by the beginning of the annual conference one year prior to the appointment expiration. If required, the Chair will initiate the selection process. Immersion Program Coordinator Selection Committee

The Selection Committee is composed of the Immersion Program Committee Chair, serving as chair, IP faculty who are not candidates for the coordinator role, and a representative from the ACRL Board of Directors who serves as a non-voting, ex-officio member. Eligibility for Immersion Program Coordinator

Because of the unique nature of the IP, the coordinator must have close familiarity with the development and implementation of the program and its curriculum over time. This is a cumulative and iterative process, and the faculty requires both stability and continuity as well as the new ideas and perspectives that come with natural turnover of faculty members. Because experience in and depth of knowledge about the IP are critical to the ongoing success of the program, current and prior IP faculty members are eligible for the coordinator role. If no current or prior faculty are candidates for coordinator, eligibility will extend to prospective faculty applying through the IP faculty selection process. Timeline for Immersion Program Coordinator Selection

  • On or before September 1 // Individuals self nominate or give permission for others to submit their names for nomination to the Chair of the Immersion Program Committee.
  • By October 1 // Candidate questions are developed in consultation between the faculty members who are not candidates and the Immersion Program Committee.
  • By December 1 // Candidates present written statements as to how they meet the qualifications for the position and respond to the questions developed by the joint committee.
  • By March 1 // Candidates may also be asked to respond in person to follow-up questions during the Midwinter Meeting or by phone or virtual session.
  • April-June // The selection committee deliberates and votes by a secure email ballot that is tallied by the selection committee chair. The nominee’s name is shared with the Immersion Program Committee and is sent, along with their application form and the list of all candidates’ names, to the ACRL Board of Directors for their approval and confirmation at the annual conference. Following board approval, the ACRL President appoints the new coordinator to a three-year term beginning immediately following the annual conference. (source Midwinter 2010)

7.2.3 Selection and appointment of IFLA representatives

These guidelines are designed to aid the ACRL Board of Directors and section executive committees in selecting ACRL members to represent ALA on appropriate IFLA standing committees. Individual ACRL members wishing to participate in IFLA may also use the Guidelines. The ACRL Leadership Recruitment and Nominations Committee (ACRL LRNC) acts in an advisory capacity to the Board in recommending approval for appointment. While any section may bring forth a nominee for a relevant standing committee, ACRL looks to the sections below as the primary bodies to do so. Official representation may be sought for the following standing committees of IFLA:

  • Academic and Research Libraries Section (ACRL ULS, CLS, and CJCLS)
  • Art Libraries (ACRL Arts)
  • Information Literacy (ACRL IS - alternates with AASL)
  • Rare Books and Special Collections (ACRL RBMS)
  • Social Science Librarians (ACRL EBSS, ANSS, and PPIRS)
  • Science and Technology Libraries (ACRL STS)

ACRL members may also be interested in serving on IFLA standing committees not listed above (for example Bibliography, Reference Work, or Education and Training). To determine the ALA unit responsible for bringing forth nominees for IFLA sections not mentioned above, see the complete list of ALA Units and IFLA Sections on the ALA Web site. For a complete list of all IFLA Activities and Services, please visit the IFLA page.


ACRL should nominate a new representative for each relevant IFLA standing committee during each IFLA nomination cycle unless otherwise noted. This is desirable as overlapping representatives provides more ALA involvement on the standing committee. Additionally, having nominees during each cycle ensures that if for some reason an ALA representative in one cycle is not elected to IFLA, ALA still maintains one representative on a standing committee.

ACRL LRNC's role in the IFLA standing committee nominations

  • Work with specific ACRL sections as indicated above to solicit nominees from ACRL membership.
  • Establish criteria that will help assure that the most qualified members, those with international experiences and commitment will be recommended.
  • Formulate a rank-ordered list of all candidates for nomination to IFLA standing committees according to the election cycle and submit recommendations to the ACRL Board.

General Eligibility

Any ALA member may be suggested for nomination to an IFLA standing committee. A list of IFLA standing committees and current ALA representatives can be found on the ALA Web site. Individuals can serve on a committee for two consecutive terms. Representatives must be willing and able to fund their own participation. For complete eligibility requirements see below.

IFLA Election Process

IFLA elections are held biennially. A list of the various sections within IFLA's structure and the U.S. members (indicating ALA's official representatives) with their terms of office can be found on the ALA Web site.

IFLA regulations require that each member, i.e., each association or institution, registered for a standing committee may only nominate one candidate per election. The American Library Association is registered for all IFLA standing committees.

Nominees will be declared elected when the number of nominees is fewer than the number of vacancies on that particular standing committee. If the number of nominees exceeds the number of vacancies, the IFLA Secretariat will take a postal ballot in March of the election year. (Source: ACRL Board of Directors, 2003 Midwinter Meeting) Bodies responsible for making nominations

The IFLA Statutes state that only member associations and institutions can nominate individuals for committee appointments and that those organizations can nominate an individual only if that organization belongs to the IFLA section to which the individual is being nominated. As an association member of IFLA, the American Library Association nominates representatives to IFLA standing committees. The ACRL procedures outlined below are used for identifying candidates for ACRL Board endorsement. Once endorsed by the ACRL LRNC, the names of those supported by the ACRL Board to be official nominees are forwarded to the ALA IRC IFLA Subcommittee. In turn, the ALA International Relations Committee makes recommendations to the ALA Executive Board which determines the final ALA nominations to IFLA.

Identification of ACRL Nominated Representatives

  • A call for applications to represent ALA on an IFLA standing committee is announced by the ACRL Leadership Recruitment and Nominations Committee (LRNC).
  • ACRL member who wishes to nominate him/herself as an official representative shall submit a brief memo of justification outlining why representation is desirable and will forward this to the appropriate ACRL subunit along with the individual's IFLA Nomination Form and other documentation as detailed in the public call.
  • ACRL sections review the applications submitted and make recommendations in rank order to the ACRL LRNC.
  • In executive session, the LRNC reviews the complete set of applications submitted for the cycle and the section recommendations and prepares a list of rank order recommendations for each of the IFLA committees ACRL may submit recommendations to ALA for consideration by the ACRL Board. The LRNC is responsible for keeping all applicants informed of the nomination process and their status.
  • The ACRL Board considers the LRNC recommendations and makes the final decision regarding official ACRL appointed representation for IFLA committees for consideration by the ALA International Relations Committee and then ALA Executive Board. The Board transmits its decisions to the LRNC and to the ALA International Relations Committee.
  • The ALA Executive Board will select one ALA member per IFLA standing committee for nomination and submit recommendations to the IFLA Headquarters in The Hague, Amsterdam.
  • Election by postal ballot will be held for those committees that have more candidates than open committee positions. Terms of appointment

  • IFLA Section Committee appointments are for four-year terms.
  • An IFLA committee member serves for a four-year term. The committee member can then be reappointed for a second four-year term. The maximum term of service is eight years.
  • An individual can serve for only two consecutive four-year terms on any one committee. No person shall be a member of more than one section standing committee at one time, unless he or she is a member of a regional section standing committee. Criteria for Selection

  • The ACRL sub-unit recommending the individual for an IFLA committee appointment, the ACRL LRNC and the ACRL Board should evaluate individuals based on the following criteria at the point of placing their names in nomination for an IFLA standing committee.


  • The representative shall be a member of ACRL.
  • The representative shall be a member of and active in an ACRL divisional or sectional committee concerned within the area being represented.
  • The representative satisfies IFLA requirements for nomination to an IFLA standing committee.
  • The representative should have a knowledge of at least one working language of IFLA (English is a working language).
  • The representative should have reasonable expectation of attending meetings of the standing committee without cost to IFLA, ALA or ACRL.


  • The following are not listed in priority order and it is understood that perhaps no individual can fully satisfy all desired qualifications. They are meant merely to provide general guidance. Professional qualifications include that the individual:
    • Should be fully conversant with the theories underlying the area in question and considered an expert in the field covered by the section.
    • Should have been engaged in operations or activities in the area concerned for a substantial period of time.
    • As appropriate to the assignment, should have had experience with national or international standard-setting activities.
    • Personal effectiveness including that the individual:
      • Should be articulate and persuasive.
      • Should possess demonstrated abilities in leadership and in dealing with people tactfully. Responsibilities of ACRL Nominated Representatives to IFLA

  • The representative shall provide a written report to the sponsoring subunit on appropriate developments and information from the meeting(s) attended.
  • The representative shall also transmit a copy of his/her report(s) to the ACRL LRNC, the Executive Director of ACRL, and the ALA IRC within a month of the conclusion of the meeting unless other arrangements have been made.
  • These reports may appear in appropriate ACRL and ALA publications. Documentation supporting a candidate for an IFLA Standing Committee

The candidate should provide:

  • Complete application form, a resume, statement of language and travel ability, and a letter to the sponsoring unit describing why the individual's qualifications make him/her a good choice for serving on the appropriate committee.

The sponsoring committee should provide:

  • The sponsoring unit should include a cover letter listing rank order the section's recommendations and describe why the unit believes it's recommendation is qualified to serve as a representative.

Statement of acceptance:

The nominee will need to provide the following as required by IFLA in addition to the above information:

  • A statement of the nominee that he/she accepts the nomination;
  • A short statement of the nominee's qualifications and present position;
  • A statement by the nominee that he/she can fulfill the working language and travel requirements.
  • A statement that the nominee understands that IFLA, ALA and ACRL will not be providing funds to attend conferences and that the nominee will provide his/her funds to attend IFLA. Appointment calendars

Differences between the ALA and IFLA calendars:

  • There are significant differences between ALA and IFLA in IFLA's appointment calendar as well as in the way standing committee nominations are made.

In order to meet ALA's and IFLA's deadlines for nominations, the following calendar is imposed:

[Note: This calendar deals ONLY with the nomination process.] The calendar will be described in When //Action terms.

  • ALA LibLearnX of every even year // The ACRL LRNC chair and the ACRL office will remind appropriate ACRL Section Executive Committees that nominations will be sought for IFLA standing committees.
  • March of every even year// The ALA IRC Chair will send out a call for nomination to ALA units.
  • Spring // ACRL LRNC Chair and the ACRL office gather information regarding current ACRL-supported IFLA appointments with regard to which IFLA committees are of direct interest to ACRL, who is currently on the committee, who is eligible for reappointment, and who will be leaving the committee.
  • Spring // ACRL LRNC announces to appropriate listservs and on the ACRL website.
  • May // Candidates assemble required paperwork and submit it to the appropriate ACRL unit or subunit for support prior to submitting it to the ACRL LRNC for discussion during its Annual Conference meeting.

IFLA nominations calendar: Every even year

When // Action

  • Annual Conference // ACRL LRNC reviews candidates submitted by units.
  • Fall Virtual Executive Board Meeting // ACRL Board considers LRNC recommendations.
  • October // ACRL Board submits the names of candidates to ALA International Relations Committee through the ALA International Relations Office.
  • October//ALA IRC reviews and accepts recommendations to forward to the ALA Executive Board.
  • November // IFLA officially calls for nominations that will be due into IFLA Headquarters in the following spring.
  • December-January // ALA Executive Board decides on list of candidates ALA will be proposing for IFLA Committees.

IFLA nominations calendar: Every odd year following the call for nominations:

When // Action

  • February // ALA submits the nominations to IFLA Headquarters.
  • March // IFLA Headquarters notifies ALA of new standing committee members or holds postal ballots for any IFLA committee having more than 20 people on a standing committee.
  • April // Elections complete and new members receive orientation materials from IFLA Headquarters.
  • August // New standing committee members attend IFLA Conference, assume their duties at the second section meeting of the General Conference and participate in election of officers for the coming two years.

2024 - 2025 timetable for nomination of ALA representatives to IFLA standing committees

When // Action

  • March 2024 // LRNC requests ACRL membership assistance in soliciting suggestions for nominations to IFLA standing committees.
  • March-April 2024 // ACRL sections solicit membership for nominations.
  • May-June 2024 // ACRL sections submit nominations to LRNC.
  • June 2024 // LRNC finalizes nomination list and submits to the ACRL Board for approval.
  • October 2024 // ACRL Board transmits its decisions to the selectees, the appropriate subunit, and the LRNC.
  • November 2024 // Résumés and rationale sent to the ALA Executive Board.
  • December 2024-January 2025 // ALA Executive Board will decide the slate of ALA-endorsed candidates for IFLA Executive Board. ALA Executive Board will select one person per standing committee for nomination.
  • February 2025 // Nominations are due at IFLA Headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands.
  • April 2025 // Election by postal ballot for those committees that have more candidates than committee positions open.
  • Spring 2025 // IFLA Headquarters will send orientation information to the new standing committee members.
  • August 2025 // Standing committee members assume their duties at the second meeting of the General Conference, starting with the election of the standing committee's chair and secretary.

Source: ACRL Executive Committee, March 18, 2010.

7.2.4 Selection of the Conference Coordinating Committee Chair

The Chair of the Conference Coordinating Committee should be a past ACRL president or Board member or someone with equivalent experience who is committed to the ACRL Conferences." Source: ACRL Board, June 1986; Executive Committee, Fall 1996

In alternating years, the Vice-President/President-Elect will appoint the Budget and Finance Committee Chair or the ACRL Conference Chair. (Source: ACRL Board of Directors 2009 virtual action.)

7.3 Nominations (divisional and sections)

Committees on nominations are appointed by the president-elect for the division and the chair-elect for each section. The president-elect and the section chairs-elect may not serve as members of the nominating committees. Membership of the Leadership Recruitment and Nomination Committee is limited to no more than five individuals to facilitate meeting scheduling and confidentiality of the process. Membership should include one current or former board member. It is important that members know the work of the association and are familiar to some degree with potential candidates. These nominating committees are charged to prepare a slate of candidates to fill positions that become vacant through term expirations. At least two candidates should be nominated for each office.

7.3.1 Nominations packet

ACRL staff will prepare complete instructions outlining the process for the committee and identify any vacancies for which nominations are needed. In addition, the staff will send a list of ACRL members and biographical information forms to the committee. It is the responsibility of the committee to solicit nominations through a variety of sources.

7.3.2 Written confirmation

When the Leadership Recruitment and Nomination Committee chair and the Section Nominating Committee chair send the slate to the ACRL office it should be accompanied by letters from the candidates confirming their willingness to place their names on the ballot. The slate should also indicate the order for listing the candidates' names on the ballot. The LRNC slate is due to the ACRL office by June 1, and the section slate is due in the ACRL office by September 15.

7.3.3 Biographical information

Biographical information from each candidate is due the third Friday in October. Candidates will be e-mailed instructions for submitting their biographical information and statement of concern using the ALA online ballot information form once they have submitted their letter of consent. A statement of concern for the ballot is recommended but not required.

7.3.4 Leadership Recruitment and Nomination Committee and Section Committee chairs

It is the responsibility of the chair to:

  • Schedule meetings (virtual or in-person) for ALA Annual Conferences. These should be "closed" meetings; ( Note: Section chairs will schedule section meetings.)
  • Inform committee members of the time of the meeting(s);
  • Contact potential candidates to determine interest in office;
  • Provide candidates with instructions;
  • Inform candidates of all deadlines related to the election (see appointments and nominations calendar).

7.4 Election Guidelines for ACRL Board Candidates

Candidates stand for election to ACRL Board positions in accordance with guidelines approved by the ALA Council in 1992 which ensure “there is equality of opportunity for all members of the American Library Association to seek elected office regardless of their personal financial resources or their access to organizational or other financial support.” (Please review the FAQ if you are considering being a candidate for the ACRL Board of Directors.)

7.4.1 Endorsements

The principle stated in the 1992 ALA Council guidelines is to ensure that no candidate is given an advantage by receiving a higher level of support from the Association or its units. Therefore, endorsement by an ACRL unit constitutes organizational support not available to all candidates. ACRL units may not endorse candidates. However, for information purposes, ACRL may identify all members standing for ACRL office in official communication channels.

Appointed committee chairs, or members of committees may endorse candidates and may use ACRL electronic discussion lists to express their support for an individual candidate or candidates for ACRL offices, as long as they do not use their official titles or create the impression that they are speaking on behalf of an ACRL committee or unit of ACRL. Candidates can list endorsers by name, but not by ACRL title or office. ACRL Board of Directors members shall not endorse any candidate in any American Library Association election.

7.4.2 Candidate Spending

Candidates are expected to use good judgment in their use of financial or other resources available to them in standing for office.

7.4.3 Support Provided to ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect Candidates

Candidates for Vice-President/President-Elect receive only the following support from ACRL:

  • Publication of a biography in C&RL News;
  • Posting information on the ACRL election web site containing the candidate’s photo, and biography (as published in an issue of C&RL News);
  • Publishing statements from the Vice-President/President-Elect candidates in an issue of C&RL News;
  • A link on the ACRL election web site to a web site maintained by the candidates (if so requested by the candidates);
  • Electronic distribution of one message to ACRL members whose ALA communications preferences allow.

7.4.4 Use of ACRL Funds to Support Individual Candidates

ALA policy defines ALA funds as funds of all offices, divisions and round tables. Other than the support provided as specified above, no additional ACRL resources may be used to support any individual ACRL Board candidate. No funds are budgeted for additional staff support, mailings, or production of materials to support the candidacy of any individual ACRL Board candidate.

Source: ACRL Board, June 2011

7.5 Nominating Committee Calendar


  • ACRL office sends instructions to Section Nominating Committee chairs.
  • Nominating Committee chair can request section member roster from ACRL staff.


  • Nominating committee invites nominees to become candidates for office.


  • Leadership Recruitment and Nomination Committee submits final slate of candidates to stand for election in the spring of the following year by June 1. Letters of consent from each candidate are also due at that time.


  • Annual Conference: Nominating Committees meet to finalize a slate of candidates for office.


  • Section Nominating Committee chairs submit slates of candidates along with letters of consent to the ACRL office by mid-September.
  • ACRL office sends instructions to Leadership Recruitment and Nominations committee (for candidates being elected in the spring of the following year).
  • Section vice-chairs appoint Nominating Committee chairs for the following year.


  • Biographical information and statements of concern for ballots due via the ALA online ballot information form by the third Friday in October.
  • Call for nominations for ACRL Board candidates for election in the spring of the following year issued in C&RL News.


  • Names of candidates for forthcoming spring elections published in College & Research Libraries News and on ACRL Web site.
  • Page one of ballots sent to Nominating Committee chairs for approval.
  • LibLearnX: Leadership Recruitment and Nominations committee draws up a list of candidates for the ACRL vice-president/president-elect office and other Board offices for election in the spring of the following year.

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