Chapter 2: Board of Directors and Executive Committee

2.1 Composition

2.1.1 Board of Directors

The composition and the duties of the Board of Directors are defined in Articles V-X of the ACRL Bylaws.

The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers of the Association, the chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, the ACRL councilor, and eight elected directors-at-large. The ACRL executive director shall be an ex-officio member without vote. (Source: ACRL Bylaws: Article IX. Board of Directors)

The ACRL Leadership Recruitment and Nominations Committee (LRNC) is charged with identifying a diverse pool of potential candidates and selecting nominees for ACRL Vice- President/President-Elect, ACRL representative on the ALA Council (as necessary), and Director(s)-at-Large (as necessary). The LRNC is composed of the chair, vice-chair (appointed by the ACRL vice-president/president-elect), one member from the University Libraries Section, one member from the College Libraries Section, one member from Community and Junior College Libraries Section, one member from Communities of Practice, one member from Chapters Council and one at-large member (appointed by the ACRL vice-president/president-elect). The type-of-library Sections, Chapters Council, and Communities of Practice Assembly each determine the process for naming their LRNC member. Terms of the LRNC are staggered to ensure continuity on the committee.

2.1.2 Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the president, the vice-president/president-elect, the past-president, the ACRL councilor, the chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, and the ACRL executive director (without vote).

2.1.3 Desired Board Candidate Qualities

The Board developed the following set of qualities to consider when choosing candidates for the ACRL Board of Directors. As successful candidates, members of the Board are expected to embody these qualities during their Board term of service.


ACRL is committed to integrity and transparency and is dedicated to the values of higher education, to intellectual freedom, and to upholding “The Library Bill of Rights.” We seek Board members who endorse and embody these values. More specifically, we seek Board members who will avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest that would damage the image of the Association. We seek Board members who will not make, participate in, or attempt to influence any decision or other action of ACRL that could result in a direct or indirect benefit to the member, the Board, the member’s family, or any organization in which the Board member has a personal financial interest.


We are seeking individuals who can listen, analyze, think clearly and creatively, and work well with people individually and in a group. We seek individuals who can clearly articulate ideas, listen carefully to others, and synthesize discussions to make informed decisions.

Commitment to Board Service

Board candidates should understand the time commitment of the position and not over extend themselves so that they can give the position the attention it deserves. Board members should be willing to prepare for and attend all Board meetings to ensure a quorum, ask questions, take responsibility, and follow through.

Pride in the Profession

We are looking for someone who is proud to be an academic or research librarian or library worker and who inspires pride in the profession.


We seek Board members who can offer visionary leadership and a broad perspective on the issues and challenges of the profession. Members should be open to change, new ideas, and have global perspective. Board candidates should demonstrate a commitment to professional associations and to continuous learning. Connections to the broader information, technology, and higher education communities are helpful.

Professional Stature

We seek Board members who have demonstrated expertise in librarianship or related professional areas. Stature can be demonstrated through years of service, expert knowledge, or service in other non-profit organizations. It is helpful for Board members to have expertise in areas such as organizational and/or financial management; marketing and/or fundraising; strategic and/or long-range planning, professional development, staff training, and continuing education. It is not a requirement that members of the Board be library directors or deans to be eligible to serve on the Board.

Commitment to ACRL

A Board member should have a strong interest in the present and future of ACRL. Board members should embrace the core purpose of ACRL and have enthusiasm for assisting the Association in establishing and realizing the goals and objectives to support the core purpose. Service on ACRL division-level committees, task forces, or discussion groups and/or section committees demonstrates interest in ACRL but is not a prerequisite for service on the Board. Board members should be willing to serve as ambassadors on behalf of ACRL to support the ACRL Chapter Speakers Bureau. Board members should be willing to provide financial support to the Friends of ACRL consistent with personal circumstances and to attend the ACRL Conference(s) (as circumstances allow).

2.2 Responsibilities

2.2.1 Board Responsibilities

The ACRL Board of Directors has general oversight and direction of the affairs of the association. It conducts all business pertaining to the association, and has authority to make decisions for the association during the periods between meetings.

Specific expectations:

  1. Attend all Board meetings (face-to-face and virtual) in their entirety.
  2. Vote on all Board actions (face-to-face and virtual).
  3. Assume responsibility for implementing and advancing the Plan for Excellence.
  4. Review, assess, and oversee policies and actions taken by the association.
  5. Adopt programs to carry out the association's core purpose.
  6. Approve the budget.
  7. Approve funding for new initiatives.
  8. Support Board actions publicly even if individually one has reservations about the decision.
  9. Employ a chief staff executive to carry out policy.
  10. Provide the Executive Director with appropriate resources to carry out the programs adopted, and evaluate the Executive Director based upon performance.
  11. Fulfill assignments as board liaisons, representatives of the association, and on Board working groups.
  12. Evaluate and expeditiously follow up on actions by the Board.
  13. Be available to members, individuals and groups for discussion and concerns.
  14. Represent ACRL within ALA.
  15. Assist in generating nominations for ACRL awards.
  16. Understand that the Board is a working Board and requires a significant time commitment.

The Board of Directors must work toward the greater good of the Association. In order to do so, the Board must operate as a whole and not as individuals. Each position is of equal importance to its success, and if any one Officer or Board member fails, the working ability and effectiveness of the entire Board and organization is impacted. A Board must have mutual respect among its members. Free and open discussion is encouraged in meetings.

Expectations of effective Board members: Please review the FAQ for additional answers to Board expectations.

  1. Ensure that programs are responsive to ACRL membership needs and support the Plan for Excellence.
  2. Listen to needs and interests of membership. Report to President and Executive Director issues or concerns from members.
  3. Fulfill Board liaison assignments as well as assignments to Board working groups, committees or representative of the Association.
  4. Board work is year round and Board members attend all Board meetings (face-to-face and virtual) in their entirety.
  5. Evaluate and expeditiously follow up on actions taken at Board meetings.
  6. Use Board meeting time effectively (intelligently); bring all important matters before the Board; present in writing any recommendations for action.
  7. Prepare for each Board meeting by carefully studying the agenda and supporting materials.
  8. Ask questions for clarification during the discussion period before the Board formally acts as appropriate.
  9. Read Board documents and budget reports to make careful, informed decisions on issues and the future of the association.
  10. Participate actively in Board decision-making by voicing opinions.
  11. Support Board actions publicly even if individual reservations exist about the decision.
  12. Keep abreast of ACRL activities and issues by reading meeting minutes and maintain communication with member units you serve as Board liaison to.
  13. Maintain constructive relationships within all units and divisions of the association.
  14. Send copies of correspondence (or CCs on e-mail) to Executive Director, President, or other members of the Board as appropriate.
  15. Read thoroughly: ACRL foundation documents, ACRL Guide to Policies & Procedures, ALA Handbook of Organization, ACRL Bylaws, the Board orientation manual, and other materials pertaining to the job.
  16. Study ALA and ACRL program information to be a knowledgeable (intelligent) source of information for members and nonmembers.

Financial Expectations of Board members:

Board members are expected to fully support the Association’s activities, including:

  1. Attend the ACRL Conference.
  2. Join the Friends of ACRL.
  3. Support the new ACRL Excellence fundraising initiative.
  4. Recognize the possibility that they may be called on to spend additional days at ALA and ACRL conferences for special Board work sessions.

2.2.2 Executive Committee

The Executive Committee has meetings during the year that are separate from the Board of Directors and are convened as needed by the president, typically in the fall and spring. The Executive Committee's actions are reported not later than the next meeting of the Board. The Executive Committee has the responsibility to:

(a) Act for the Board and make decisions on matters which:

  1. require action before the next Board meeting;
  2. have been specifically delegated by the Board to the Executive Committee; and
  3. affect the budget and require immediate action.

(b) Act for the Board in the administration of established policies and programs, and make recommendations to the Board with respect to matters of policy and operations

(c) Review ACRL activities and programs and recommend priorities.

2.3 Responsibilities of officers

The elected officers of the division as defined by the bylaws are the president, the vice-president/president-elect, and the immediate past president. The Executive Director is the chief appointed officer for the association. Some of the duties of these officers are included in the bylaws, but many responsibilities are assigned by the Board of Directors as needs arise. The list that follows includes those duties mentioned in the bylaws and other responsibilities that are generally accepted as the function of the various officers.

2.3.1 President

Association Governance – board meetings, personnel committee, strategic planning

  1. Serves as an officer of the division
  2. Plans Strategic Planning and Orientation Session for the Board (typically held in September or October).
  3. Serves as a member of the division Board of Directors and presides at its meetings.
  4. Serves as a member of the division Executive Committee and presides at its meetings.
  5. Presides at the ACRL membership meeting:
    1. required membership meeting held at ALA Annual – Saturday at 8:00 a.m.
    2. optional annual President's Program – ALA Annual Saturday morning
  6. Sees that the officers and members of the Board of Directors observe the bylaws, and that the orders of the Board of Directors and of the membership are carried out.
  7. Plans and directs the activities and programs that have been approved by the Board.
  8. Provides the leadership for monitoring the division's strategic plan.
  9. Identifies actions in the best interest of the division and of the profession, and recommends such actions to the Board of Directors.
  10. In consultation with the Executive Director, draws up agendas for Board, Executive Committee, and membership meetings. Also in consultation with the Executive Director, draws up agendas for and presides at the ACRL Leadership Council sessions held on Friday afternoon at the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conferences.
  11. Responsible for orientation and training of Board.
  12. Responsible for creating effective environment for Board to conduct its work. Conducts regular evaluations of Board effectiveness.
  13. Mentors and advises vice president/president elect.
  14. Consults with ACRL Board of Directors and Officers and carries out ACRL Executive Director's annual performance evaluation. Submits a written recommendation to ALA Executive Director for member and program services.
  15. Makes interim appointments to fill committee vacancies, wherein the appointee serves until the expiration of the term of the member replaced.
  16. Serves on Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award and Excellence in Academic Libraries Nomination and Selection committees.
  17. Participates in regular conference calls with other Officers and the Executive Director.

Communication- about ACRL to its units and to ALA

  1. Responsible for communicating Board actions, concerns, and issues as they arise.
  2. Suggests agenda topics for Communities of Practice Assembly and Chapters Council to ensure that important/broad ACRL issues are covered.
  3. In consultation with the Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, plans joint Board/Budget and Finance Committee Meeting at Midwinter and presides at meeting.
  4. Keeps the Board and Executive Committee informed of all action and activities by forwarding copies of all documents.
  5. Prepares and submits an Annual Report to ALA Council.
  6. Maintains effective relationships between ACRL and ALA and its divisions. Shares information, communicates concerns, participates in governance through attending meeting such as:
    1. ALA fall joint meeting of ALA Board and 11 Division Executive Committees,
    2. ALA Planning and Budgeting Assembly,
    3. Joint meeting of ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) and the divisions,
    4. Division Presidents’ Breakfast Sundays at 7:00 a.m. at ALA Conferences, and
    5. ALA Presidents’ Luncheon.
  7. Provides information to staff to maintain the President’s page on the ACRL website, including biographical information, message from president, schedule, special events, press box, reports, contact information and a photo.
  8. Communicates activities and plans in reports for C&RL News, quarterly President’s reports, and special messages to ACRL units.
  9. Represents ACRL at chapter conferences by invitation.
  10. Solicits donations to Friends Fund.

Representation-external to Higher Ed org, media, vendors etc

  1. Represents the division between meetings of the Board and Executive Committee.
  2. Responds to requests from ALA Office of Public Information for interviews and information.
  3. Attends some liaison organization’s meetings as the ACRL representative, e.g., CNI, ARL.

Ceremonial – awards, National Conference, receptions

  1. Attends ACRL Presidential Candidates Forum, ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute reunions, and the New Leader Orientation.
  2. During an ACRL National Conference year, presides over opening ceremony; may introduce keynote speaker, welcomes new members and scholarship winners; hosts colleagues breakfast; participates in ribbon cutting; etc.
  3. Presents Excellence Awards at on-campus ceremonies.
  4. "Hosts" ACRL Legislative Day Lunch when held as part of the National Library Legislative Day.
  5. Attends invitational receptions at Midwinter and Annual Conference, as schedule permits, e.g., receptions for ALA officers, ALA president’s lunch, etc.
  6. At final Board meeting during Annual Conference thanks Board members completing their terms, with prepared remarks specific to their contributions.

President’s Ex Officio and Liaison Responsibilities

  • Ex Officio member of Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award Committee
  • Ex Officio member of Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Committee (Nominations)
  • Ex Officio member of Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Committee (Selection)
  • Board liaison to the Liaisons Coordinating and Components Committee
  • Board liaison to the Advocacy Committee
  • Board liaison to ACRL Chapters Council
  • Ex Officio member of ALA Advocacy Committee
  • Representative of ACRL at Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) fall and spring Task Force

  • Representative of ACRL at Association of Research Libraries (ARL) meetings
  • As an Officer, leads the Executive Director’s evaluation

2.3.2 Vice-President/President-Elect

Association Governance – Board meetings, Personnel Committee, strategic planning

1. Serves as an Officer of the division and as a member of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and the Budget and Finance Committee.

2. Reaches out to defeated vice-president/president-elect candidates. Solicits interest in committees or projects that former candidates might wish to serve on

3. Appoints division-level committee members, vice-chairs, and chairs not otherwise appointed by the Publications Coordinating Committee. Terms to begin in presidential year.

4. Appoints representatives to outside organizations and other ALA units as needed.

5. Performs such other duties as the Board of Directors or the president may assign.

6. Is ex-officio member and attends Budget and Finance Committee meetings as a way to be grounded in the financial operations of the association.

7. In the absence of the president, presides at meetings of the Board, the Executive Committee, and at the membership meeting.

8. Plans Strategic Planning and Orientation Session to be held early in presidential year (typically September or October).

9. As an Officer, advises the President in ACRL Executive Director's annual performance evaluation.

10. Participates in regular conference calls with other Officers and the Executive Director.

Communication- about ACRL to its units and to ALA

11. Maintains effective relationships between ACRL and ALA and its divisions. Shares information, communicates concerns, participates in governance through attending meeting such as:

  • ALA Fall Joint Meeting of ALA Board and 11 Division Executive Committees,
  • ALA Planning and Budgeting Assembly,
  • Joint meeting of ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) and the divisions,
  • Division Presidents’ Breakfast on Sundays at 7:00 a.m. at ALA Conferences, and ALA Vice-Presidents’ Luncheon.

12. Provides information to staff to create vice-president’s page on the ACRL website to include, biographical information, schedule, special events, press box, reports, contact info, and a photo.

13. Communicates activities and plans in reports for C&RL News.

14. Represents ACRL at chapter conferences by invitation.

Representation- external to media

15. Responds to requests from ALA Office of Public Information for interviews and information.

Ceremonial – awards, National Conference

16. Attends ACRL Presidential Candidates Forum, ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute reunions, and the New Leader Orientation.

17. During ACRL National Conference year may preside or host an event.

18. Attends invitational receptions at Midwinter and Annual Conference, as schedule permits, e.g., receptions for ALA officers, ALA vice-president’s lunch, etc.

Vice-President/President Elect’s Ex Officio and Liaison Responsibilities

  • Ex Officio member of Budget & Finance Committee
  • Ex Officio member of ALA Appointments Committee
  • As an Officer, participates in the Executive Director’s annual review
  • Board liaison to Professional Development Coordinating Committee and component committees:
  1. Annual Conference Programs Committee
  2. Midwinter Workshops and Annual Preconferences Committee
  3. President's Program Planning Committee
  4. Scholarships Committee
  5. Virtual Institutes Committee
  • Board liaison to Research Coordinating Committee and component committees:
  1. Research Planning and Review Committee
  2. Research Program Committee

2.3.3 Immediate Past-President

Association Governance – board meetings, Personnel Committee, strategic planning

1. Serves as a member of the ACRL Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

2. Supports president.

3. Participates in regular conference calls with other Officers and the Executive Director.

4. Works with staff to plan the New Leader Orientation and presides at that session.

5. As an Officer, participates in the Executive Director’s annual review.

Communication- about ACRL to its units and to ALA

6. Develops questions to ask ALA Presidential candidates for C&RL News article (December).

7. Every third year, drafts two or three questions for ALA Treasurer Candidates for C&RL News article(December; next time will be 2012 for the 2013 election).

8. Maintains effective relationships between ACRL and ALA and its divisions. Shares information, communicates concerns, participates in governance through attending meeting such as:

  • ALA Fall Joint Meeting of ALA Board and 11 Division Executive Committees,
  • ALA Planning and Budgeting Assembly,
  • Joint meeting of ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) and the divisions, and
  • Division Presidents’ Breakfast Sunday at 7:00 a.m. at ALA Conferences.

9. Writes Annual Report for the December issue of C&RL News (due October).

10. Represents ACRL at chapter conferences by invitation.

Representation- external to media

11. Responds to requests from ALA Office of Public Information for interviews and information.


12. Attends Candidates Forum, ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute reunions, and New Leader Orientations.

13. Attends invitational receptions at Midwinter and Annual Conference, as schedule permits, e.g., receptions for ALA officers, etc.

Immediate Past-President’s Ex Officio and Liaison Responsibilities

  • Ex Officio member of Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Committee (Selection)
  • ACRL representative to the ALA Planning and Budget Assembly (PBA)
  • ACRL representative to ALA Budget Analysis Review Committee (BARC)
  • Board liaison to Publications Coordinating Committee and component committees:
  1. Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey
  2. CHOICE Editorial Board
  3. C&RL Editorial Board
  4. C&RL News Editorial Board
  5. New Publications Advisory Board
  6. Publications in Librarianship Editorial Board
  7. RBM Editorial Board
  8. Resources for College Libraries Editorial Board

2.3.4 Past-President, Once-Removed

Communication- about ACRL to its units and to ALA

  • Writes Annual Report for C&RL News covering the presidential year that is due when he/she is past president (October).

Past-President, Once Removed - Ex Officio and Liaison Responsibilities

  • Serves as chair of the Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Committee (Selection).

2.3.5 Budget and Finance Committee Chair

  1. Shares information on financial picture of association. Represents budget and finance perspective in Board discussions. Advises Board on appropriate process to vet programs from a financial perspective.
  2. Oversees work of Budget & Finance Subcommittees:
  • Friends Fund Subcommittee
  • Friends Fund Disbursement Subcommittee
  1. In consultation with president, plans joint Board/Budget and Finance Committee meeting at LibLearnX (formerly Midwinter).
  2. Attends ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) Planning and Budget Assembly as ACRL representative. Votes as ACRL representative when appropriate.
  3. Maintains effective relationships between ACRL and ALA and its divisions. Shares information, communicates concerns, participates in governance through attending meeting such as:
  • ALA Fall Joint Meeting of ALA Board and 11 Division Executive Committees,
  • ALA Planning and Budgeting Assembly,
  • Joint meeting of ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) and the divisions.

Budget and Finance Committee Chair’s Ex Officio and Liaison Responsibilities

  • ACRL representative to ALA Planning and Budget Assembly.
  • ACRL representative at joint meeting of ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) and the divisions.

2.3.6 Councilor

1. Attends ALA Council meetings.

2. Serves as a member of the ACRL Board of Directors.

3. Serves as a member of the ACRL Executive Committee.

4. Stays informed on academic and research library and information issues, ALA and ACRL issues and trends, and ACRL membership needs.

Communication- about ACRL to its units and to ALA

5. Informs the ACRL Board on ALA trends, issues, interests, and actions that have implications for academic and research librarians and libraries.

6. Represents the position of the Board of Directors to the ALA Council on matters before it, and votes on behalf of the division if so directed by the ACRL Board.

7. Informs the Board of the potential its members have for action such as lobbying for their opinion or mobilizing support.

8. Convenes the Academic Caucus of Council and identifies issues that need to be addressed.

9. Keeps ACRL leadership informed of pertinent Council discussions by forwarding appropriate messages from the ALA Council discussion list to ACRLeads.

10. Maintains effective relationships between ACRL and ALA and its divisions. Shares information, communicates concerns, through attending meeting such as:

  • ALA Fall Joint Meeting of ALA Board and 11 Division Executive Committees
  • Division Presidents’ Breakfast Sunday at 7:00 a.m. at ALA Conferences.


11. Attends ACRL membership meetings.

2.3.7 Executive Director

1. Informs the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, members, and others on the conditions of the association and all important factors influencing it.

2. Plans, formulates, and recommends for the approval of the Board of Directors basic policies and programs that will further the organization's objectives.

3. Executes all decisions of the Board of Directors except when other assignments are specifically made by the Board.

4. Attends all the meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. In consultation with president, prepares Board and Executive Committee meeting agendas. Is responsible for Board and Executive Committee meeting records, and annual report for the membership, in addition to regular reports to the Board of Directors.

5. Refers all issues, problems, financial questions, operations matters, or ancillary considerations that may arise exceeding defined level of authority to the Executive Committee and Board.

6. In cooperation with the Budget and Finance Committee, develops, recommends, and, upon approval, operates within an annual budget. Ensures that all funds, physical assets, and other property of the association are appropriately safeguarded and administered, and is responsible for financial management, including planning, purchases, receipts, disbursement, reports, and analysis. Provides the necessary liaison and staff support to the Board and committees to enable them to properly perform their functions. Sees that committees’ decisions and recommendations are submitted to the Board of Directors.

8. Develops, for purposes of day-to-day administration, specific policies, procedures, and programs to effectively and efficiently implement the general policies established by the Board of Directors.

9. Executes such contracts and commitments as may be authorized by the Board of Directors for approval.

10. Recruits, hires, trains, and motivates association staff personnel, and is responsible for all promotions and terminations.

11. Obtains maximum utilization of staff by clearly defining their duties, establishing performance standards, conducting performance reviews, and encouraging ALA to maintain a competitive compensation structure.

12. Carries out such other general responsibilities as may be delegated by the officers and the Board of Directors.

13. Participates in regular conference calls with Officers.

Communication- about ACRL to its units and to ALA

14. Every third year serves on the ALA Senior Management team.

15. Represents the association by establishing and maintaining effective relationships with other organizations external to ALA—both public and private—and sees that the positions of the association are enhanced in accordance with the policies and objectives of each organization.

16. Maintains effective relationships between ACRL and ALA and its divisions. Shares information, communicates concerns, participates in governance through attending meeting such as:

  • ALA Fall Joint Meeting of ALA Board and 11 Division Executive Committees
  • ALA Planning and Budgeting Assembly
  • Joint meeting of ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) and the divisions

Executive Director’s Ex Officio and Liaison Responsibilities

  • Ex Officio member of the Executive Committee
  • Ex Officio member of the Board of Directors
  • Ex Officio member of Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Committee (Nominations)
  • Ex Officio member of Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Committee (Selection)
  • Ex Officio member of Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award Committee
  • Staff liaison to Budget & Finance Committee
  • Staff liaison to the Liaisons Coordinating Committee and its component committees
  1. Liaisons Assembly
  2. Liaisons Grants Committee
  3. Liaisons Training and Development Committee

2.4 Meetings

2.4.1 Meeting Dates and Schedules

The Board meets two times a year during the Midwinter Meeting and the Annual Conference. Typically, two formal board meetings are scheduled during each as well as one or two informal meetings for updates, document checking, and training. The Board sometimes decides to come in a day early and meet on the Thursday before conference when additional work is needed on strategic planning or other projects.

The Executive Committee meets twice a year, in the spring, usually during the first week in May in Washington, D.C. to coincide with ALA’s National Library Legislative Day, and in the fall during September or October in Chicago along with other ALA divisions and the ALA Executive Board.

2.4.2 Open Sessions

All meetings of the Board are open except when discussions affecting the privacy of individuals, institutions, or the association are held. Seats are provided for observers at open meetings.

An open microphone is set aside during the first Board meeting and the timing will be up to the current Board. (Source: ACRL Board of Directors, June 24, 2023.)

Special meetings and conference calls may be arranged at the discretion of the Board. Any Board member may request a special meeting or conference call. The final decision about whether to hold special meetings or conference calls rests with the president.

During virtual or hybrid Board meetings, any chat functionality will be limited and available only to members of the ACRL Board of Directors and ACRL Staff. Non-members or guests will have access to the chat function during open mic sessions or at the invitation or recognition of the Board’s presiding officer. (Source: Approved by the ACRL Board of Directors on February 17, 2023)

2.4.3 Strategic Planning and Orientation Meeting

Each year, the Board holds a strategic planning and orientation session. In some years, the strategic planning and orientation session has been held in conjunction with the Annual Conference and fall Executive Committee meeting. At other times, the strategic planning and orientation session is held over a weekend in the fall, but on different dates and at a different location than the fall meeting.

The general purposes of Board strategic planning and orientation sessions are:

  1. to provide orientation for newly elected Board members;
  2. to provide an opportunity for the Board to discuss overall association goals, plans, and strategies for the next fiscal year;
  3. to consider "mega-issues" that the association and Board should be addressing/monitoring;
  4. to provide an opportunity for informal communication among Board members in order to produce more effective and productive decisions; and
  5. to build a sense of teamwork among Board members.

2.4.4 Minutes/Action summaries

Staff takes minutes of the ACRL Board meetings. Following each Board meeting, a brief summary listing actions taken by the Board is published in the ACRL publication of record, C&RL News.

Minutes of each Board meeting are prepared, approved by the Board, and distributed to the Board, staff, ACRL Leaders, and to other members of the association. Board meeting minutes are as lo posted to the Board of Directors ALA Connect Community. Typographical errors and non-substantive corrections may be reported directly to the ACRL staff, which will make the appropriate changes. Substantive corrections should be brought to the Board’s attention at the following Board meeting when the minutes are approved so that the correction(s) may be approved and included in the revised minutes.

Note that the Board approves minutes of the Board’s meetings and the Executive Committee approves minutes of the Executive Committee’s meetings. To illustrate, the Fall Executive Committee minutes will be shared with the full Board but the approval of the minutes is the responsibility of the Executive Committee.

2.4.5 Rules and procedures for Board Meetings

During its meetings, the official parliamentary authority of the Association guides the Board, which is currently the Robert’s Rules of Order. However, because the Board is a small group and its meetings tend to be more informal, strict adherence to parliamentary procedure is not always necessary. Board meetings do not include a parliamentarian. In the case of a procedural question, the rules of Robert’s Rules of Order prevail.

Source: ALA Bylaws Article XII. Parliamentary Authority

2.4.6 Board Social Media Policies

The Board adheres to the ACRL Board Social Media Guidelines during its meetings.

2.4.7 Closed Sessions

Closed sessions are used only to discuss matters affecting the privacy of individuals, institutions, and the association. The presiding officer reports out following each closed session in order to summarize the discussion and/or note any formal actions taken by the Board. Actions taken in closed session are announced, and votes are confirmed in an open session.

Closed sessions are noted on the agenda. Individual Board members may request a closed session if they feel an issue warrants one. The Board may also decide to go into closed session during a meeting if the item under discussion affects the privacy of an individual, an institution, ALA, or ACRL.

The Board is bound by ethics and common sense in observing rules of confidentiality and silence regarding discussions in closed session. In general, if public awareness of the issue will violate the privacy of an individual or institution, the session should be closed. Board members should not reveal the elements or substance of the discussion. If Board members are uncertain what they may reveal, this should be discussed during the closed session.

2.4.8 Virtual meetings

During virtual or hybrid Board meetings, any chat functionality will be limited and available only to members of the ACRL Board of Directors and ACRL Staff. Non-members or guests will have access to the chat function during open mic sessions or at the invitation or recognition of the Board’s presiding officer. (Source: Approved by the ACRL Board of Directors on February 17, 2023)

2.5 Documents and Agendas

2.5.1 Document Distribution

Board documents include a variety of document types: committee reports, staff reports, agendas, calendars, informational items, confidential items, and miscellaneous communication. Board meeting agendas and documents are posted to the ACRL Board's ALA Connect Community. Generally, documents are posted two weeks before the meeting. However, late documents will continue to be posted up to the travel day before the meeting.

The ACRL staff maintains a file of all documents distributed to the Board during the year.

2.5.2 Agendas

Officially, a docket is the list of items to be discussed at a meeting, and an agenda is the order in which they are discussed. These terms tend to be used interchangeably. However, the commonly used term in ACRL is agenda.

The president has responsibility for setting the agenda of the Board for each meeting. Approximately two to four weeks prior to each regularly scheduled Board meeting, the president sets the agenda. The agenda and a schedule of all Board meetings, including social events, and receptions are distributed to Board members by staff as far ahead of the Board meeting as possible.

Agenda items are solicited from all Board members, staff, committee chairs, and section chairs approximately six to eight weeks prior to each Board meeting. Board members may ask that items be placed on the agenda for discussion during either open or closed session. Copies of any supporting documents that will be needed during the discussion should be sent to the staff for numbering and posting at least four weeks before the meeting.

2.6 Voting

2.6.1 Voting at meetings

The Board makes its decisions through the voting process. At Board meetings, a majority vote rules. During meetings, Board members indicate their vote by raising their hand and/or by saying "aye", "no", or "abstain" as requested by the chair. The chair notes the outcome of a vote orally, i.e., saying, "the vote passes," "the vote is unanimous’, "the vote fails." The chair may report the "ayes" and "nays".

Votes taken in closed session must be reported out, with the vote confirmed in open session.

2.6.2 Motions

Motions are made in writing on official Board motion forms, which are available at each Board meeting. Motions must be signed. A second is required except in the case of motions presented by the chair of a Board committee as part of the report of that committee. The written motions are used as a formal record of the Board’s actions; therefore, it is important that both the mover and the seconder complete the written motion form fully, accurately, and legibly.

2.6.3 Voting between meetings

On occasion, the Board may need to conduct business or take votes outside of its regular meetings. This may occur for the following reasons:

At a regularly schedule Board meeting, the Board decides it needs additional information or staff work before voting and agrees to vote later;

A decision needs to be made immediately, an opportunity arises, or a crisis develops that requires Board action between regularly scheduled meetings of the Board.

2.6.4 Procedures for Voting by Mail, Telecommunications, or Electronically.

Voting between meetings is provided for by the ACRL Bylaws, Article XX, Sections 1, 2, and 3. If a conference call is held and votes are taken, or votes are taken through e-mail or regular U.S. mail, Board members are asked to confirm their vote in open session at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.

2.7 Reports to the Board

All units of the Association are required to make written reports annually of their activities and to submit them to the ACRL office for distribution to the Board and for inclusion in the Annual Report of Association Activities. In making the report, unit leaders should be careful to point out how the activities advance the associations strategic goals.

2.7.1 Submitting and Preparing Action and Information Reports for Board of Directors

Submitting Items to the Board for information, discussion, or action

An announcement soliciting agenda items is sent to all Board members, staff, and committee and section chairs approximately six to eight weeks prior to the Board’s Midwinter and Annual Conference meetings as well as prior to the spring and fall executive committee meetings. Items may be submitted for Board consideration by completing a Board of Directors Action Form. Any necessary supporting documentation that will be needed during the discussion should be sent to the staff for numbering and posting with the completed Board of Directors Action Form at least four weeks before the meeting following the instructions below.

  1. Board of Directors Action Form are available on the Forms page of the ACRL website.
  2. Background: Provide brief background of the issue or topic, the recommendations and the articulation of the discussions for and against the recommendations, and the unit’s reasons for the recommended Board action. Note:
  • If a unit is submitting a report and recommendations, the recommendations should be detailed in the Board of Directors Board Action form and not included in the body of the report.
  • Reports are to be submitted as attachments to requests for Board action. The requested Board action may be that the Board discuss a report and provide further direction or feedback.
  • Deadlines. Reports must be received at the Association Office according to established deadlines, announced typically eight weeks before the Board’s meeting, with a deadline of four weeks before the meeting.
  • Financial Impact Statement: In June 1995 the Board of Directors approved a motion requesting the inclusion of a budget and staffing impact statement in all recommendations being considered for action. The executive director prepares the impact statement.

2.8 Association-wide Initiatives

Initiatives may originate in a number of different ways, from individuals, committees, sections, the Board, or the President. Association-wide initiatives must relate to the Association's strategic goals and priorities and as such should be reviewed annually.

These parameters should be followed for association-wide initiatives:

  • The Board and the Executive Director provide oversight for all Association-wide initiatives;
  • The Board consider assigning a liaison from the Board to each initiative, at least through its development phase. That Board member will be responsible for ensuring adequate communication occurs between initiative members and the Board:
  • All initiatives be subject to an assessment process undertaken by the Board. Assessment methods and measures should be built in to each proposal from the outset —as much as possible - and tracked by the Board liaison, most likely in two phases. The initial development phase assessment strategy should be designed to support decision making about continuing the initiatives; once that decision is made, there may need to be longer-term assessment. Certainly, towards the end of the designated development phase, the Board or its designees will need to assess formally the success of the initiative;
  • Funding methods for initiatives be determined either through the regular funding procedures for a unit - if made the responsibility of such a group - or through a special allocation. Budgets for Association-wide initiatives should be projected for several years. Longer-term budgeting is desirable, but will not always be possible. Ongoing staffing needs of Association-wide initiatives must be considered as part of budget development.
  • The Board, after appropriate assessment and at the point a decision is made to continue the initiative beyond its development phase, must determine where the initiative should fit within the Association's organizational structure. It may be the responsibility of an existing unit or a new organizational entity may need to be created to oversee the implementation of the initiative. In certain circumstances, the Board may establish a position within the ACRL office to assume specific responsibility for the ongoing functions that derive from the initiative or ask the executive director to assign oversight responsibilities to an existing staff member.
  • In the event that an Association-wide initiative involves other ALA divisions or other organizations, the same recommendations apply.

There is no "one size fits all" approach to funding and organizational models for association-wide initiatives. The above outline details an approach to be taken but the specifics of that approach may vary from initiative to initiative. For example, not every association-wide initiative may require that a Board member be formally designated as its liaison. The one constant in every case, however, is that the ACRL executive director and the Board "either as a whole or through its designee" must be jointly responsible for ensuring that free and open communication take place in regards to the initiative, at every phase of its implementation, to ensure that its role is fully understood within the Association, and to ensure that it is carried out in a manner consistent with existing Association priorities, strategies, and policies. (Source: Approved by ACRL Board, ALA Annual Conference, Atlanta, June 18, 2002.)

2.9 Activities of the Board

2.9.1 Midwinter Meeting

  • Special ACRL Board of Directors work session (Occasional, Thursday all-day).
  • ACRL Board of Directors update and Effectiveness Training (typically, Friday, 8:30-12:00 p.m.).
  • ACRL Leadership Council Networking Session (Friday afternoon, 1:00-2:00 p.m.). Includes all committee and section chairs and vice-chairs; Interest Group convenors, Chapters Council officers, Board members, Budget & Finance Committee members, and candidates for ACRL's section vice-chairs and ACRL Board seats.
  • ACRL Leadership Council Session (Friday afternoon, 2:00-4:00 p.m.). The ACRL President chairs this session.
  • Communities of Practice Assembly (traditionally Friday, 4:30-5:30 p.m. following the Leadership Council, but this is now a no-conflict time). Includes representatives of all of ACRL’s sections, Interest Groups, and Discussion Groups. ACRL officers are required to attend; other Board members are welcome to attend.
  • Board Meeting I (Saturday afternoon, 1:30-5:30). Includes open microphone session where ACRL members are encouraged to share ideas with the Board or call attention to issues of concern during the final 30 minutes of the meeting.
  • Joint Board of Directors and Budget & Finance Committee meeting (Monday, 8:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m.). Any ACRL member may attend this open meeting.
  • ACRL Board luncheon (Monday lunch). Board members meet informally, usually in the ACRL suite.
  • Board Meeting II (Monday, 1:30-4:30). This is the final meeting for the conference.

2.9.2 Annual Conference

  • Special ACRL Board of Directors work session (Occasional, Thursday all-day).
  • ACRL Board of Directors update (typically Friday, 8:30-12:00 p.m.). Includes current Board members and newly elected individuals.
  • ACRL Leadership Council Networking Session (Friday afternoon, 1:00-2:00 p.m.). Includes all committee and section chairs and vice-chairs; Interest Group convenors, Chapters Council officers, Board members, Budget & Finance Committee members, and candidates for ACRL's section vice-chairs and ACRL Board seats.ACRL Leadership Council (Friday afternoon, 2:00-4:00 p.m.). The ACRL President chairs this session.
  • ACRL Membership Meeting (Saturday morning, 8:00-8:30 a.m.). Highlight key accomplishments; recognize Board members and newly elected officers. Only officers required to attend.
  • ACRL 101 (Saturday morning, 8:30-10:00 a.m.) Optional event for Board members.
  • ACRL President's Program (Saturday, 10:30-12:00 p.m.). Recognize all ACRL colleagues (vendors who provide support to ACRL), keynote speaker. All ACRL award recipients announced. Present division-level awards except Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award.
  • Board Meeting I (Saturday afternoon, 1:30-5:30). Open microphone session. ACRL members are encouraged to share ideas with the Board or call attention to issues of concern during the final 30 minutes of the open meeting. For the last half hour of the meeting the Board goes into Executive Session to review the performance of the Executive Director.
  • ACRL Board luncheon (Monday lunch). Board members meet informally, typically in the ACRL suite.
  • ACRL Board photo (Monday, 1:15 p.m.) The current and incoming Board photos are taken.
  • ACRL Board Meeting II (Monday, 1:30-4:30 p.m.) This is the final meeting of the conference. The gavel is passed to the vice-president/President-elect. Outgoing Board members are recognized.
  • ALA Inaugural Banquet (Tuesday, 7:00-11:00 p.m.). ACRL’s vice-president is inaugurated at this dinner/dance. ACRL typically fills 2-3 tables with Board members, guests, and staff. The cost of the ticket is the responsibility of each individual attending. ACRL staff collects the ticket money and reserves the tables so Board members can be seated together.

2.10 Activities of the executive committee

2.10.1 Fall meeting

This is usually a concurrent meeting with other ALA divisions, and recently the ALA Executive Board, held in Chicago during September or October.

Members may submit items that they wish to have the committee's advice or opinion on, or items for action that because of timing cannot wait until the next meeting of the full Board.

2.10.2 Spring Executive Committee meeting

This meeting is often held in Washington, D.C. to coincide with the ALA Library Legislative Day. This is typically a one-day meeting.

Members may submit items that they wish to have the committee's advice or opinion on, or items for action that because of timing cannot be held until the next meeting of the full Board.

2.11 Meeting commitments for officers

2.11.1 President

The ACRL president attends the Midwinter Meeting, Annual Conference, spring and fall Executive Committee meetings, Board strategic planning and orientation sessions, and other meeting commitments.

In addition to those duties specified in the ACRL Bylaws and those listed under the roles and responsibilities for the position, the ACRL president has several meeting commitments at the ALA Midwinter Meetings and ALA Annual Conferences, along with a variety of others occurring at various times during the year. Meeting commitments fall into three categories: ALA, ACRL, and external organizations. Following are the meeting commitments for this position.

ALA Meetings

ALA meetings are scheduled by the ALA president working with the ALA Executive Office. Communication about the time, agenda, and any supporting documents comes from the ALA

Executive Office.

  • ALA President’s Lunch, Saturday 12:00-1:30 p.m.

    The ALA President usually hosts a lunch for all Division Presidents at the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference typically on Saturday from 12:00 -1:30 p.m.
  • ALA President’s Breakfast, Sunday 7:00 – 9:00 a.m.

    The ACRL president, with the ACRL vice-president, past-president, councilor and Executive Director meets with other division officers at the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference (always on Sunday, 7:00-9:00 a.m.) in an informal setting to discuss issues of mutual concern and share ideas and interests.
  • ALA Planning and Budgeting Assembly, Sunday 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

    The ACRL president, along with other ACRL leaders, has an opportunity at both the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference to meet with members of the Budget

    Analysis and Review Committee to discuss issues of concern and share ideas.
  • ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee, Sunday 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

    The ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) and division leaders meet to

    discuss issues of concern and share ideas at the Midwinter Meeting and at the Annual Conference on Sundays from 2:30-3:30 p.m.

ACRL Meetings

  1. The president works with ACRL staff to develop the agenda and presides during the ACRL Board of Directors meetings at both the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference (Saturdays and Mondays).
  2. The president works with staff to prepare the agenda and presides at the ACRL Executive Committee meetings twice a year, fall and spring, usually held in Chicago and Washington D.C. respectively. The fall meeting is typically scheduled for one-and-a-half days; the spring meeting for one day immediately preceding or following the ALA Legislative Day. The fall meeting is often a concurrent meeting with other ALA divisions and the ALA Executive Board.
  3. The president works with staff to select a Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session location, set purpose/outcomes for the session, select facilities, and develop the agenda for the session. The president presides over the session.
  4. The president presides over the ACRL Membership Meeting (Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., preceding ACRL 101) and the Award Ceremony during Annual Conference at the opening of the President's Program on Saturday morning.
  5. In consultation with Executive Director and Executive Committee, plans agenda for and presides over the Leadership Council session that is held on Fridays, between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.
  6. The ACRL Sections and Interest Groups are represented through the Communities of Practice Assembly. This group meets at both Midwinter Meetings and Annual Conferences on Fridays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. The president is expected to participate in these meetings.
  7. The president is expected to meet with the Chapters Council during the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference. Chapters Council meets on Sundays, 8:00 a.m.-noon.
  8. The president serves as an ex officio member of the Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award Committee and the Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Nominations Committees.
  9. ACRL provides opportunities for its officers to visit the local chapters. The president may be invited to visit a chapter as a speaker to share information about ACRL programs,services, and activities. The president should confirm availability with the chapter and ask that they contact the ACRL office about further details.
  10. The president leads the Officers in the Executive Directors evaluation process. At the Midwinter Meeting, Officers review progress to date and confer with Executive Director regarding any necessary midyear adjustments (e.g., unexpected emergencies or opportunities, ALA-directed changes) and/or concerns. At Annual Conference convenes Executive Session at the close of the first ACRL Board meeting to review performance of Executive Director. President discusses annual evaluations with Executive Director, outlines priority areas for coming year, and highlights any areas requiring particular direction by the Executive Director.

Other meetings

Association of Research Libraries

  • The ACRL president is invited to attend the Association of Research Libraries' (ARL) fall and spring meetings. If the president is not an ARL director, funds in the ACRL Board budget may be used to support this activity.

Coalition for Networked Information

  • The president may also attend the Coalition for Networked Information fall and spring meetings as an ACRL representative

2.11.2 Vice-President/President-Elect

The ACRL vice-president/president-elect attends the Midwinter Meeting, Annual Conference, spring and fall Executive Committee meetings, Board strategic planning and orientation sessions, and other meeting commitments.

In addition to those duties specified in the ACRL Bylaws and those listed under the roles and responsibilities for the position, the ACRL vice-president/president-elect has several meeting commitments at the ALA Midwinter Meetings and ALA Annual Conferences, along with a variety of others occurring at various times during the year. Meeting commitments fall into three categories: ALA, ACRL, and external organizations. Following are the meeting commitments for this position.

ALA Meetings

ALA meetings are scheduled by the ALA vice-president working with the ALA Executive Office. Communication about the time, agenda, and any supporting documents comes from the ALA Executive Office.

  • ALA Appointments Committee, Saturday Time TBD

    The ACRL vice-president is a member of the ALA Appointments Committee. Work with the Appointments Committee ends with the year as vice-president. The Appointments Committee works virtually and also meets at Midwinter, usually for a two-hour meeting on Saturday. As a member of the Appointments Committee, the vice-president will be asked to recommend members to serve on ALA-wide committees. Vice-presidents should start making a list of people to serve in various capacities as soon as they are elected and talk to other division vice-presidents about supporting their choices very early.
  • ALA Vice-President’s Lunch, Saturday 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.

    The ALA President usually hosts a lunch for all Division Vice-Presidents at the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference typically on Saturday from 12:00 -1:30 p.m.
  • ALA President’s Breakfast, Sunday 7:00 – 9:00 a.m.

    The ACRL vice-president, with the ACRL president, past-president, councilor and Executive Director meets with other division officers as part of the President’s Breakfast at the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference (always on Sunday, 7:00-9:00 a.m.) in an informal setting to discuss issues of mutual concern and share ideas and interests.
  • ALA Planning and Budgeting Assembly, Sunday 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

    The ACRL vice-president represents the division at the ALA Planning and Budgeting Assembly along with the chair of the ACRL Budget and Finance Committee. The Assembly convenes at the Midwinter Meeting and at the Annual Conference on Sundays from 1:00-2:30 p.m.
  • ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee, Sunday 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

    The ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) and division leaders meet to discuss issues of concern and share ideas at the Midwinter Meeting and at the Annual Conference on Sundays from 2:30-3:30 p.m.
  • ALA Division Leadership Training Session

    An ALA Division Leadership Training Session is usually held in the fall for vice-presidents/presidents-elect. The purposes of this all-day session are to provide information on how the association works, share information about division programs, get acquainted with colleagues in other divisions and provide training in working with the media. This session typically precedes the Fall Executive Committee meeting.

ACRL meetings

  1. The vice-president attends the ACRL Board of Directors meetings at both the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference (Saturdays and Mondays).
  2. The vice-president attends the ACRL Executive Committee meetings twice a year, fall and spring, usually held in Chicago and Washington D.C. respectively. The fall meeting is typically scheduled for one-and-a-half days; the spring meeting for one day immediately preceding or following the ALA Legislative Day. The fall meeting is often a concurrent meeting with other ALA divisions.
  3. The vice-president attends the ACRL Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session, typically held in September or October.
  4. The vice-president is an ex officio member of the ACRL Budget and Finance Committee. The committee meets three times during Midwinter Meetings and twice at Annual Conferences (usually Saturday, Sunday, and Monday 8:00-11:00 a.m.).
  5. A Virtual Leader Orientation session is held annually for newly elected and appointed officers.
  6. The Leadership Council is held on Fridays, between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.
  7. The ACRL Sections and Interest Groups are represented through the Communities of Practice Assembly. This group meets at both Midwinter Meetings, and Annual Conferences on Fridays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. The vice-president is expected to participate in these meetings.
  8. The vice-president is expected to meet with the Chapters Council during the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference. Chapters Council meets on Sundays, 8:00 a.m.-noon
  9. ACRL provides opportunities for its officers to visit the local chapters. The vice-president may be invited to visit a chapter as a speaker to share information about ACRL’s programs, services, and activities. The vice-president should confirm availability with the chapter and ask that they contact the ACRL office about further details.
  10. The president leads the Officers in the Executive Directors evaluation process. At the Midwinter Meeting, Officers review progress to date and confer with Executive Director regarding any necessary midyear adjustments (e.g., unexpected emergencies or opportunities, ALA-directed changes) and/or concerns. At Annual Conference convenes Executive Session at the close of the first ACRL Board meeting to review performance of Executive Director. President discusses annual evaluations with Executive Director, outlines priority areas for coming year, and highlights any areas requiring particular direction by the Executive Director.

2.11.3 Past-President

ALA Meetings

ALA meetings are scheduled by the ALA president working with the ALA Executive Office. Communication about the time, agenda, and any supporting documents comes from the ALA Executive Office.

ALA Meetings

ALA meetings are scheduled by the ALA president working with the ALA Executive Office. Communication about the time, agenda, and any supporting documents comes from the ALA Executive Office.

  • ALA President’s Breakfast, Sunday 7:00 – 9:00 a.m.

    The ACRL president, with the ACRL vice-president, past-president, councilor and Executive Director meets with other division officers at the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference (always on Sunday, 7:00-9:00 a.m.) in an informal setting to discuss issues of mutual concern and share ideas and interests.
  • ALA Planning and Budgeting Assembly, Sunday 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

    The ACRL president, along with other ACRL leaders, has an opportunity at both the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference to meet with members of the Budget Analysis and Review Committee to discuss issues of concern and share ideas.
  • ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee, Sunday 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

    The ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) and division leaders meet to discuss issues of concern and share ideas at the Midwinter Meeting and at the Annual Conference on Sundays from 2:30-3:30 p.m.

ACRL Meetings

  1. The past-president attends the ACRL Board of Directors meetings at both the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference (Saturdays and Mondays).
  2. The past-president attends the ACRL Executive Committee meetings twice a year, fall and spring, usually held in Chicago and Washington D.C. respectively. The fall meeting is typically scheduled for one-and-a-half days; the spring meeting for one day immediately preceding or following the ALA Legislative Day. The fall meeting is often a concurrent meeting with other ALA divisions.
  3. The past-president attends the ACRL Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session, typically held in September or October.
  4. The past-president plans the New Leader Orientation session in conjunction with ACRL staff. In FY10 ACRL is piloting a virtual orientation session.
  5. The past-president attends the Leadership Council that is held on Fridays, between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.
  6. The ACRL Sections and Interest Groups are represented through the Communities of Practice Assembly. This group meets at both Midwinter Meetings and Annual Conferences on Fridays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. The past-president is expected to participate in these meetings.
  7. ACRL provides opportunities for its officers to visit the local chapters. The past-president may be invited to visit a chapter as a speaker to share information about ACRL’s programs, services, and activities. The past-president should confirm availability with the chapter and ask that they contact the ACRL office about further details.
  8. The president leads the Officers in the executive directors evaluation process. At the Midwinter Meeting, Officers review progress to date and confer with executive director regarding any necessary midyear adjustments (e.g., unexpected emergencies or opportunities, ALA-directed changes) and/or concerns. At Annual Conference convenes Executive Session at the close of the first ACRL Board meeting to review performance of executive director. President discusses annual evaluations with executive director, outlines priority areas for coming year, and highlights any areas requiring particular direction by the executive director.

2.12 Calendar of Activities for Officers

2.12.1 President


  • Presidential theme article for September issue of C&RL News due August 1.
  • Finalize plans for the ACRL Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session (usually

    held in September or October).


  • Start writing message for Annual Report covering period ending with previous Annual

    Conference (your vice-presidential year), published in the December issue of C&RL

    News. 300-500 words, due October 15.
  • Work with Executive Director on agenda for Fall Executive Committee meeting.
  • Finish any remaining committee and task force appointments.
  • Start preparing President’s Report for Fall Executive Committee meeting.
  • Encourage ACRL Board/others to nominate individuals for ACRL awards.
  • Finalize any last minute details and attend the ACRL Board Strategic Planning and

    Orientation Session (usually in September or October).


  • Finish message for Annual Report covering period ending with previous Annual

    Conference (your vice-presidential year), published in the December issue of C&RL

    News. 300-500 words, due October 15.
  • Plan ACRL Leadership Council activities.
  • In even years only, appoint chair of ACRL National Conference Executive Committee

    (This is a separate process than regular divisional appointments - you’ll get a mailing

    detailing the process).
  • Attend ACRL Executive Committee meeting and joint meeting with ALA Board at ALA

  • If planning a President’s Program, check in with President's Program Committee re:

    arrangements/publicity providing assistance as needed.
  • Attend the ACRL Board strategic planning and orientation session (usually in September

    or October).
  • Ensure that at the Board Planning session the Board has selected topic for mega-issues

    discussion at Midwinter Board meeting.
  • Attend ARL (typically mid to late October).
  • With Executive Committee, select topics for Leadership Council.


  • Begin developing a brief written report for ACRL Leaders at Leadership Council and

    Board report at Midwinter.
  • Attend CNI (typically late November, early December).
  • Provide staff a quote for Friends promotion.


  • Prepare agenda for Midwinter Meeting with Executive Director.
  • Identify topics for Board update session.
  • Contact any task force and/or committee chairs for progress reports, if desired.


  • Prepare written President’s Report to the Board.
  • Prepare presentation for ACRL Leadership Council.
  • Prepare for Midwinter Meeting.


  • Preside at the ACRL Board Update session or Board Effectiveness Training Seminar

    (Friday morning).
  • Preside at the ACRL Leadership Council (Friday 2:00-4:00 p.m.).
  • Preside at ACRL Board meetings.
  • Attend ALA Planning and Budget Assembly.
  • Attend division officers' breakfast. (typically Sunday, 7:00 a.m.).
  • Attend Communities of Practice Assembly (formerly Friday 4:30-5:30 p.m.).
  • Attend Chapters Council & Candidate’s Forum.
  • Attend Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award Selection Committee.
  • Attend joint meeting of Board and Budget & Finance Committee.
  • Meet with ACRL Officers and Executive Director to review progress to date and confer

    with Executive Director regarding any necessary midyear adjustments (e.g., unexpected emergencies or opportunities, ALA-directed changes) and/or concerns.
  • Attend joint meeting of BARC and divisions.
  • Attend invitational lunch for all presidents within ALA, hosted by the ALA president

    (typically Saturday).
  • Attend Excellence Award to Selection and Nomination Committee.


  • Prepare for Excellence Award presentations.
  • Prepare for ACRL Conference presentations (in odd-numbered years).


  • Present Excellence Awards on campus (typically scheduled in spring).
  • Attend ACRL National Conference (in odd-numbered years).
  • Attend CNI meeting.
  • Prepare for spring Executive Committee meeting.
  • Prepare to host ACRL Legislative Day lunch.
  • Finalize thank you letters to non-reappointed committee chairs, vice-chairs and members.
  • Attend ARL (typically late April).


  • Announcement of election results. (Also published on ACRL homepage and in June issue

    of C&RL News.)
  • Attend ACRL Executive Committee meeting and ALA Legislative Day in Washington,

  • Review and finalize ACRL President’s Report to Council. This will also be used in

    program at ACRL membership meeting. (ACRL staff will draft and send you a copy to

    review and edit).
  • Work with Executive Director on agenda for Annual Conference Board meeting.
  • Prepare written President's Report for Annual Conference Board meetings. Selections

    may be shared orally with the Leadership Council.
  • Prepare thank you statements for outgoing Board members to deliver at final Board

    meeting when presenting ACRL gift. These typically highlight their contributions to the

  • Collect data from the Board for Executive Director’s performance review using the ALA

    assessment form.


  • Annual Conference
  • Preside at ACRL Board meetings.
  • Preside at ACRL membership and president's program meeting.
  • Attend the Leadership Council (Friday, 2:00-4:00 p.m.).
  • Attend Communities of Practice Assembly (Friday, 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.).
  • Attend ALA Planning and Budget Assembly.
  • Attend ACRL President’s Program and awards reception.
  • Attend division officers' breakfast (typically Sunday, 7:00-9:00 a.m.).
  • Attend invitational lunch for all presidents within ALA, hosted by the ALA president

    (often Saturday lunch).
  • Convene Officers to prepare performance review with Executive Director.
  • Meet with Executive Director to review performance. Prepare written statement for ALA senior executive director for programs and services.
  • Meet with incoming vice-president and other ACRL officers to discuss work and

    direction of the association.
  • Arrange to send appropriate files to incoming president.
  • Make presentations to outgoing Board members at final Board meeting.
  • Hand gavel to incoming president at final Board meeting.
  • Attend ALA Inaugural Banquet.

JULY/AUGUST Post Conference

  • Prepare written statement reviewing the ACRL Executive Director’s performance for the
  • ALA Senior Associate Executive Director for Member Programs and Services.
  • Write thank you notes to Board, staff, etc.
  • Assist incoming president with transition.

2.12.2 Vice-President/President-Elect


  • Immediately upon election provide quotes for press release and C&RL News election article (published in June).
  • Appoint ACRL representative to the ALA Conference Coordinating Committee for the conference to be held in your presidential year.


Annual Conference

  • Attend ACRL membership meeting for introduction to members.
  • Attend ACRL Leadership Council.
  • Attend ACRL Board meetings and Budget and Finance Committee meetings.
  • Meet with Executive Director and other ACRL officers to discuss the work and direction of the association. Arrange with the president to receive appropriate files.
  • Attend ALA Inaugural Banquet.
  • Appoint President's Program Committee (as appropriate).
  • Appoint Appointments and Leadership Recruitment and Nomination Committee chairs and committee members.


  • Begin to plan for association's projects and programs for year as president.


  • Communicate to the President's Program Committee chair and members the nature of program for the year and expectations of them.
  • Finish remaining appointments to President’s Program, Leadership Recruitment and Nomination, and Appointments Committees.
  • Prepare goals for appointments process that your committee will use to guide them in recommending appointments.
  • Communicate to the chairs of Appointments and Leadership Recruitment and Nomination Committees goals for filling vacant positions. Both of these committees will be receiving official instructions from the ACRL office later this month (with a cc: to you).
  • Finalize appointment offer letter.
  • Start preparing Vice President’s Report for Fall Executive Committee meeting.
  • Plan for association's projects and programs to advance strategic goals for your presidential year. In the past this has been discussed at the Fall Executive Committee meeting and a written statement from the vice-president has been reviewed detailing the necessary steps.
  • Attend ASAE CEO symposium (Date to be determined; usually in September or November)
  • Attend the ACRL Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session (usually in September or October)


  • Begin thinking about any special budget needs for upcoming fiscal year and inform the Executive Director so that they can be incorporated into the first draft of the budget.
  • Check in with committees appointed (appointments, nominations, president’s program) as needed to assist with overview/direction, etc
  • Attend the Division Leadership Program at ALA Headquarters.
  • Attend ACRL Executive Committee meeting at ALA Headquarters.
  • Attend the ACRL Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session (usually in September or October). Begin thinking about the ACRL Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session that vice-president will plan.


  • Finish goals for appointment process.
  • Advise Appointments Committee as needed.
  • Begin developing written update about plans for ACRL Leadership Council at Midwinter (if time is allocated for this).
  • Let staff know of any location preferences for Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session so that appropriate travel research can be done. Select dates.
  • Think about goals/outcomes for the Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session.


  • Consider whether any initiatives will require special task forces and if so prepare request for Board action.


  • Check in with Appointments, Leadership Recruitment and Nomination, and President’s Program Planning Committees as needed to see that all is going smoothly.
  • Finalize Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session dates and location.


  • Attend ACRL Board Update session (Friday morning)
  • Attend ACRL Board meetings.
  • Represent ACRL on the ALA Committee on Appointments.
  • Attend ALA joint BARC and division meeting.
  • Attend ALA Planning and Budget Assembly.
  • Attend meetings of ACRL Budget and Finance Committee for review of budget requests for next fiscal year.
  • Attend division officers' breakfast (typically 7:00 a.m. Sunday).
  • Attend joint meeting of Board and Budget & Finance Committee
  • Attend Leadership Council Networking Session and the business meeting with Board and other ACRL appointed and elected leaders. (Friday, 2:00-4:00 p.m.)
  • Attend invitational lunch with ALA vice-president and divisions.


  • Recommendations from Appointments and Leadership Recruitment and Nomination Committees due to vice-president.
  • Secure informal appointment acceptance from vice-chair and submit final committee appointments to ACRL office.
  • Continue planning content of Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session.


  • Prepare for ACRL National Conference presentations/functions (typically introductions, welcomes, etc.) (odd-numbered years).


  • Attend ACRL National Conference (in odd-numbered years).
  • Prepare for Spring Executive Committee meeting.
  • Prepare Vice President's Report for Spring Executive Committee meeting.
  • Monitor appointments with help of staff; work with Appointments Committee to make additional appointments that come up when members decline.
  • Make the appointments that the vice-president is the appointing authority for.


  • Attend ACRL Executive Committee meeting and ALA Legislative Day in Washington, D.C.
  • Monitor appointments with help of staff; work with Appointments Committee to make additional appointments that come up when members decline.
  • Prepare Vice President's Report for Annual Conference (this will be a Board document; selections may also be highlighted orally at the Leadership Council).
  • Provide quotes about upcoming presidential year for C&RL News election article (published in June).
  • In consultation with the Officers and executive director, assign Board liaisons to division-level committees and sections as appropriate for the coming year.


  • Continue working on topics/authors for C&RL News column.

Annual Conference

  • Attend ACRL Board meetings and updates.
  • Attend ACRL Leadership Council Networking Session (Friday, 1:00-2:00 p.m.)
  • Attend ACRL Leadership Council (Friday, 2:00-4:00 p.m.)
  • Attend Chapters Council. (Sunday morning)
  • Attend invitational lunch for all vice-presidents within ALA. (usually Saturday)
  • Attend ACRL Board meetings and Budget and Finance Committee meetings.
  • Attend ACRL membership meeting.
  • Attend ACRL President’s Program and awards reception.
  • Attend Planning and Budget Assembly. (Sunday afternoon)
  • Attend division officers' breakfast. (Sunday, 7:00-9:00 a.m.)
  • Attend ALA joint BARC and division meeting.
  • Meet with incoming vice-president and other ACRL officers to discuss the work and direction of the association.
  • Arrange with the president to receive appropriate files and arrange to send appropriate files to incoming vice-president.
  • Receive passing-of-the-gavel at final Board meeting and conduct the closing portion of the meeting with newly-elected Board members.
  • Attend ALA Inaugural Banquet.


  • Write inaugural column for C&RL News. If a presidential column is planned, it is due July 30 for September issue.
  • Plan orientation with Executive Director for Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session. Finalize content with facilitator, etc.

2.12.3 Past-President


  • Start writing message for Annual Report covering period ending with previous Annual Conference (your presidential year), published in the December issue of C&RL News. 300-500 words, due October 15.
  • Attend ACRL Executive Committee meeting at ALA Headquarters (or October).
  • Attend ACRL Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session (or October).


  • Finish message for Annual Report covering period ending with previous Annual Conference (your presidential year), published in the December issue of C&RL News. 300-500 words, due October 15.


  • Draft and complete questions and poll ACRL Board for input on questions to be posed to the candidates for ALA president for the C&RL News article.



  • Attend ACRL Board meetings.


  • Prepare for ACRL National Conference presentations/functions (typically introductions, welcomes, etc.) (odd-numbered years).


  • Work with associate director to plan New Leader Orientation at Annual Conference.
  • Attend ACRL Executive Committee meeting (typically held in Washington, D.C. in conjunction with ALA National Library Legislative Day).


Annual Conference

  • Attend ACRL Board meetings.
  • Attend ACRL President’s Program and awards reception.
  • Meet with incoming vice-president and other ACRL officers to discuss work and direction of the association.
  • Arrange to send appropriate files to incoming past-president.

2.13 Communications

Board members communicate with each other, headquarters, and members using a variety of methods, including U.S. mail, telephone, fax, and electronic mail.

2.13.1 Roster

Upon election, each Board member is asked for home and business address, home and business telephone number, fax number(s) and e-mail address. This information is included on a Board roster that is distributed to the Board and to staff. The official Board roster containing only the Board members’ institutional information (or other desired contact information) is listed on the Board of Directors Page. The rosters are revised as needed throughout the year. Board members should advise the staff immediately of any changes in the roster information.

2.13.2 Electronic Mail

Since the Board often communicates by electronic mail, it is imperative that each Board member has access to e-mail. The Board has its own private electronic discussion list, which is used for information, communication, and the exchange of ideas. All members of the Board are also subscribed to the ACRL discussion list "ACRLeads".

2.13.3 Communication with Members

When issues of key importance to members, committees, or units arise, Board members are often lobbied through letters, e-mail, or telephone calls. In all cases, it is important for the Board members to discuss such issues ahead of time if possible. A consistent response that reflects the Association’s viewpoint, contains the correct information, and includes the main reasons for the Board’s/Association’s position is key. Board members are certainly free to express their own personal points of view, but because it is sometimes difficult for members to separate "personal" from "Board" responses, care must be taken to make this distinction clear. In cases where Board members have questions about a particular issue or are uncertain about how to respond, posting to the Board listserv, a call to the president, and/or a call to the executive director may be necessary.

2.13.4 Communication between Board and Staff

In order to assure the flow of communication and orderly conduct of the business of the Board, these procedural guidelines for communications to and from ACRL staff are helpful:

Staff Communication to the Board

Official written communications addressed to the full Board from the ACRL staff, whether for action or for information, are transmitted to the Board through the executive director. The executive director and the appropriate staff manager should be informed of and copied on all routine informational documents to Board members.

By virtue of their specific responsibilities, some members of the staff communicate verbally on a regular basis with individual officers and Board members. In such cases, the executive director is kept informed about such communications on an ongoing basis. Staff members should consult with the executive director or their supervisor before bringing non-routine matters directly to individual officers or members of the Board.

It is not the intention of these guidelines to delay or inhibit communication in either direction; rather, the guidelines have been implemented to ensure that misunderstandings and inconsistencies do not occur.

Board Communication with the Staff

Formal communications between the Board and the staff as a whole are transmitted to the staff through the executive director. The executive director is responsible for directing the work of all ACRL staff. Therefore, although individual officers and Board members may have occasion to communicate directly with members of the staff to request information or assistance, in instances where it is not clear who might be the most appropriate staff member to respond or where a response may involve several staff members or require significant staff time or effort, requests should be directed to the executive director.

2.13.5 Official Functions/Representing ACRL

From time to time, members of the Board may be asked to represent the Association in an official capacity. Examples include representing the Association at a conference or a state, regional, or international meeting, or as the official delegate to a special event, such as an ALA ceremony or the anniversary of an institution or the dedication of a building. When the president chooses not to attend, he/she may designate another Board member to represent ACRL. During the Midwinter Meeting and the Annual Conference, Board members may be asked to speak at programs or meetings of ACRL units. These engagements should be accepted only if they do not interfere with Board members’ responsibilities for attending Board meetings and other official Board functions.

2.13.6 Public Relations

At times the Board may have to make decisions that are not popular with one or more segments of the association. It is critical to the ongoing health of the association that clear, consistent, factual, and, for the most part, written rationales be used to convey such decisions.

Board members may be asked questions by the press and should be aware that when Board members express their views, the audience may assume that the Board member is speaking for the Board and thus for the Association. Board members should be aware of this phenomenon and should clearly state when they are speaking for ACRL and when they are speaking as personal members. When responding to questions from the press, Board members are encouraged to quote from the official record, i.e., the minutes and other documentation.

ALA often provides officers media training so that they can respond to the press and media effectively and with poise. Board members are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities.

2.13.7 Board Liaisons

Directors-at-large are assigned liaison responsibility to sections and division-level committees. The Board liaison is a representative to a unit for the purpose of facilitating communications between the Board and the unit. The liaison should receive copies of all agendas, minutes, reports, and other documentation from the unit, but Board members are not expected to attend all meetings of the unit. It is helpful for the liaison to maintain close communication with the unit chair and staff liaison.

2.13.8 Use of ACRL’s Name

The Board of Directors is the voice for the association. Sections, committees, and other established units are not authorized to speak for the association except through the Board. This is to say that unit leaders should refrain from issuing statements, taking positions, or endorsing any statements or positions except with Board approval.

2.13.9 Guidelines for External Communication

Periodically the Association needs to communicate with external audiences on policies and issues relating to ACRL’s core purpose. In determining when to communicate and who shall represent ACRL the following factors should be considered:

  • Urgency of need to communicate
  • Significance of issue
  • Scope and impact of issue on ACRL and its members
  • Need for consistent relationship
  • Established policy on the issue

If the association has established a position on an issue, the Executive Director and President are each authorized to communicate the association’s viewpoint to the outside world. Subsequently, the Executive Director and President will report such communications to the Board in a timely manner. When deciding who shall represent ACRL, the factors listed above shall be used to make the determination.

If the association has not established an official position on an issue and an external communication is needed without the delay caused by referral of the matter to the Board, the Executive Director and President are each authorized to send such communication, making the decision on who will represent ACRL on a case-by-case basis using the factors above. Subsequently, the Executive Director and President will report such communications to the Board in a timely manner.

When urgency is not an issue and the issue is significant, the full Board may be consulted. Alternatively, as per Article X, Section 2 of the ACRL bylaws, the Executive Committee may act in place and stead of the Board of Directors between Board meetings and may act for the Board and make decisions on matters which require action before the next Board meeting. (Source: ACRL Board, June 2005)

2.14 Conflict of Interest Policy

Certain activities sponsored by the ACRL may pose a potential conflict of interest between a member's business or personal affiliations and his or her participation in the division. Such activities include, but are not limited to, selection of recipients of awards or of outstanding publications, and formal evaluation of specific nonprint databases and media or of specific vendor services. ACRL members asked to serve on committees should be conscious of real or apparent conflicts of interest and the possible effect of such conflicts on the credibility of the division and should act with professional ethical judgment to avoid such situations.

No members should make, participate in making, or use their ACRL position to influence the making of any committee or division decision in which the member has a direct or indirect financial or business interest.

If a member determines that he or she should not participate in a divisional decision because of a personal conflict of interest, the determination not to act should be accompanied by a public disclosure of that interest. In the case of a voting body, this determination and disclosure should be made part of the official record of the body, and the member should abstain from action on the matter(s) in conflict. In the case of a committee appointment, the disclosure should be made in writing to the appropriate appointing officer. A candidate for elective office should include a disclosure of any potential conflict of interest in the biographic statement submitted for the ballot.

Any member who is unsure of his or her responsibilities in this area may request assistance from the ACRL executive committee of the section or division, as appropriate.

If a member fails to identify a conflict of interest which may reflect negatively on the actions of ACRL, this Executive Committee may, by a majority decision, remove conflicting duties from the member's charge. (Source: ACRL Board, June 1995)

2.15 Relationship with the Executive Director

The Board establishes a close relationship with the executive director. The executive director and staff provide information reports and recommendations to help the Board make and implement its decisions. During meetings, the executive director is consulted for advice and information.

The executive director reports regularly, both verbally and in writing, to the Board in order to provide Board members with current information and news. The executive director may also schedule regular calls (weekly, bi-weekly) with the president and other ACRL officers.

2.16 Expenses of Board Members

It is ACRL policy to pay expenses of members of the Executive Committee to attend fall and spring meetings. Expenses of Board members will be paid to attend the Board strategic planning and orientation session, and interim meetings of the Board when such expenses are not paid by the member’s home institution. Expenses to attend meetings of the Board during the Midwinter Meetings and Annual Conferences are not paid.

Covered Expenses

The following expenses, which may be incurred by Board members attending official Board meetings or events, are generally covered:

  • Ground transportation between home and airport (taxi, van or car service, mileage/airport parking)
  • Ground transportation between airport and meeting site (taxi, van or car service, public transportation)
  • Round trip air travel (coach class), round trip train fare; mileage
  • All meals not provided (the ALA per diem should be used for meals: $10 breakfast, $15 lunch, and $25 dinner)

Any communication with Board members regarding clarification of expense reimbursement requests is handled through the executive director or a staff designee.

Expense Report Forms

Board members are asked to submit reports of their expenses using the ACRL Reimbursement Request Form. Original receipts for hotel, air or other transportation; refer to the form for complete details. Allow two to four weeks for processing.

Telephone Expenses

Telephone calls and internet service made from Board members’ homes, institutions, or hotels to take care of ACRL business are reimbursable. Board members who incur such charges for Board-related business may request reimbursement for such expenses. An original (preferable) or photocopy of the bill, with Board-related charges clearly indicated, should be sent to the ACRL staff using the ACRL Reimbursement Request Form. Allow two to four weeks for processing.

Reimbursement policies

Only expenditures that have been previously authorized by the Board may be reimbursed to committees, sections, and chapters. (Source: ACRL Budget and Finance Committee, March 1979)

It is essential that all receipts such as the e-ticket printout or the back of the airline ticket (the passenger receipt), hotel bills, telephone printouts, copying invoices, etc., be submitted with the reimbursement request form. Original receipts, not copies, must be submitted. Airfare receipts are required even if your travel was booked and paid for by ACRL staff through ALA’s travel agency.

"The executive director has the right to reimburse units (chapters, sections, committees) within the following limits:

  • The request(s) must not exceed the total budget approved by the ACRL Budget and Finance Committee.
  • Original receipts or bills must be included in accordance with ALA Accounting guidelines.
  • Activities supported must be in accordance with the guidelines stated in the ACRL fiscal policies."

(Source: ACRL Board, January 1987)

The Executive Director is authorized to approve individual unbudgeted expenditures, up to and including $5,000, not to exceed 1% of the total ACRL and CHOICE budget. The Executive Director will notify the ACRL President of such expenditures. (Source: ACRL Executive Committee, October 2004.)

2.17 Board Recognition

In recognition of service on the ACRL Board of Directors, Board members, upon completion of their terms of office, are honored at the final Board meeting of the Annual Conference. Board members are presented with a token of the Association's appreciation. The funding level will be adjusted annually. (Source: ACRL Board, July 1985)

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