ACRL Section Candidate Letter of Consent
I, (
insert name), accept the nomination to run for Vice-Chair of the ACRL (
insert Section name) in the 2011 ACRL election. I understand that, if elected, I will serve a 3-year term of office. I recognize that I must be a current member of ALA/ACRL when standing for office and while serving my term, if elected. I agree to have my contact information published in conjunction with the election.
I also acknowledge that, if elected, I am expected to attend all Section functions at ALA Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings. I am expected to represent the Section at ACRL Leader Development & Strategic Planning (12:30-4:00 p.m., June 24, 2011), and Communities of Practice Assembly (4:30-5:30 p.m. June 24, 2011) in New Orleans, LA. If elected, I will continue to represent the Section at these meetings at Midwinter and Annual conference during my term as Vice-Chair and Chair.
Signature Date