Keeping Up With... ACRL 2017


ACRL 2017 logoACRL 2017 – At the Helm: Leading Transformation is coming March 22-25, 2017, in Baltimore. The ACRL Conference is your once-every-two-years opportunity to access the best information, discover new ideas, and stay at the forefront of academic and research librarianship. Out host city evokes the spirit of exploration and discovery as we navigate to new ports through waters deep with history and practice. You’ll leave ACRL 2017 with ideas you can put to use right away, inspiration and renewed passion for the profession, and new connections that support you in your efforts.

Conference Program

ACRL 2017 features more than 500 thought-provoking sessions hand-selected by your peers. The conference offers a variety session formats, including contributed papers, panel sessions, poster sessions, roundtable discussions, TechConnect presentations, preconferences, and workshops. With this wide range of formats, there’s something to appeal to all learning styles. Sessions include information on developing library collections, campus outreach, critical information literacy, open access, digital humanities, OERs, cultural competency, library leadership and gender, design thinking, libguides, and more.

The ACRL 2017 program schedule is now available on the conference website. You can sort the schedule by date, session format, primary tag, or search for particular speakers. And while you can’t be in two places at once, your conference registration allows you access to over 200 of these sessions in the Virtual Conference for one full year after the event.

Preconferences and Workshops

ACRL 2017 preconferences provide a full day of in-depth active learning and require an additional fee when you register for the conference. Preconferences feature information on action research, COUNTER, universal design for learning, OER, digital learning objects, and law school for librarians.

Workshops provide several hours of active learning and are limited to 72 attendees. There is no cost for workshops, however pre-registration is required and will be available in February. ACRL 2017 workshop topics include high-impact educational practices, copyright solutions, data visualization, grant funding, and more.

Keynote Speakers

ACRL 2017 keynote speakersBe challenged and inspired by ACRL’s three distinguished keynote speakers, who also double as information designers, journalists, authors, social commentators, comic writers, and the 14th Librarian of Congress. Information designer David McCandless will deliver the opening keynote on March 22. McCandless is a British data-journalist, author, and information designer. He creates stunning infographics that explore new directions for journalism and discover new stories among the vast amount of data surrounding us.

ACRL 2017’s middle keynote on March 23 features author and cultural critic Roxane Gay. Gay’s writing is widely revered for its reflective, no-holds-barred exploration of feminism and social criticism. Her work garners international acclaim for her deft eye on modern culture and for the signature wit and ferocity of her critiques. She is the author of Ayiti, An Untamed State, Bad Feminist, and the forthcoming Difficult Women and Hunger to be published in 2017.

You’ll leave ACRL 2017 inspired by our final keynoter, newly appointed Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden. Hayden is the 14th Librarian of Congress along with the first woman and first African-American to fill the post. Fortune magazine ranked Hayden among the World’s 50 greatest leaders in 2016.

What’s New

The ACRL Conference is always trying different things to enhance your experience and ACRL 2017 is no exception. Give something new a whirl and expand your possibilities. New additions to the conference in 201 include a conference app, lightning talk, team trivia night, and more! ACRL 2017 also features a variety of wellness activities including morning runs/ walks, desk yoga, meditation sessions, and a variety of lounges for chillaxation. The popular headshot studio makes a return appearance in Baltimore as well.

Virtual Conference

When you register for ACRL 2017, it’s yours for free for one year! The Virtual Conference includes live webcasts, as well as more than 200 slidecasts of face-to-face presentations exactly as they occurred during the conference. Slidecasts provide you with the opportunity to access content you might have missed onsite - all year long.

Register Today!

Register for ACRL 2017 by January 27, 2017, and take advantage of discounted early-bird registration rates. You can save $70 or more! Group discounts are also available for institutions that register ten or more employees. Save 10% off conference registration fees.

Registration and housing are now available on the ACRL 2017 website.

We'll see you in Baltimore!

Connect With ACRL 2017

Learn more, connect with fellow attendees, and stay up-to-date on conference news and activities through the ACRL 2017 website, Facebook, Twitter, and the official conference #acrl2017 hashtag.