Index for Rare Books & Manuscripts LibrarianshipVolumes 1-10 (1986-1995)

Compiled by Kathy (Kit) Dusky
Portland State University, Oregon

Edited by Sidney Berger
University of California, Riverside

Filing is word-by-word (ALA, 1968)

Standard abbreviations are used except in titles. Names of some organizations—ALA, ACRL, LC, etc.—are also abbreviated and are alphabetized as if spelled out.

A | B| C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J| K| L | M |
N| O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Abby Aldrich Rockefeller: the woman in the family, Kert, rev. of, 9:117-18
ABC for book collectors, Carter, rev. of, 10:102-4
ACQUISITIONS (OF MATERIALS), 4:43-52; 6:100-107; 7:26-42
"Administering the cataloging of special collections materials," Taraba, 7:87-90
Ahearn, Allen and Patricia, "Pricing scarce and rare books and manuscripts," 9:31-38
Ahouse, John, revs. (New Prince-ton encyclopedia of poetics; The Oxford companion to twentieth-century poetry in English), 9:125-27
Aldus and his dream book: an illustrated essay, Barolini, rev. of, 8:115-16
Aldus Manutius and the development of Greek script & type in the fifteenth century, 2nd ed., Barker, rev. of, 9:64-65
Alexander, Fran, ed., Multilingual dictionary of publishing, printing and bookselling, rev. of, 9:57-59
"All that glitters: fund raising for special collections in academic libraries," Streit, 3:31-41
Allen, Greer, "The design and printing of library exhibition catalogues," 5:77-84
Allen, Sue, Decorated cloth in America: publishers' bindings, 1840-1910, rev. of, 10:44-48
Allen, Susan M., "Using the Internet to report rare book and manuscript thefts," 10:22-37
"Alternatives to interlibrary loan," Lange, 3:107-11
American Antiquarian Society, The collections and programs of the American Antiquarian Society: a 175th-anniversary guide, rev. of, 4:133-34
American maps and mapmakers: commercial cartography in the nineteenth century, Ristow, rev. of, 1:161-66
Amos, Thomas L., "Non-MARC databases and the census level record," 6:23-37
Anatomy of an auction: rare books at Ruxley Lodge 1919, Freeman, rev. of, 6:73-75
Anninger, Anne, comp., Spanish and Portuguese 16th century books in the Department of Printing and Graphic Arts: a description of an exhibition and a bibliographical catalogue of the collection, exhib. rev., 1:74-75
Antiquarian bookselling in the United States: a history from the origins to the 1940s, Stern, rev. of, 1:147-49
"The antiquarian micro," Friedman, 1:141-45; 2:39-46
Archival choices: managing the historical record in an age of abundance, Peace, ed., rev. of, 2:129-31
Archives assessment and planning workbook, McCarthy, ed., rev. of, 5:42-46
Armbruster, Carol, rev. (Authentic witnesses), 9:122-23
The art of lettering: the history, anatomy, and aesthetics of the Roman letter forms, Kapr, rev. of, 1:58-60
Artists of the book in Boston: 1890-1910, Finlay, rev. of, 2:67-68
"The arts and the antiquarian book trade: the inherited past and a viable future," Goldschmidt, 2:7-17
Ashby, Anna Lou, "RBMS: an overview," 1:7-9
ACRL, CLIP Notes, #6, Special collections in college libraries, Erdmann, comp., rev. of, 2:125-27
ACRL, RBMS, "Borrowing of special collections materials for exhibition: a draft," 2:27-37
Authentic witnesses: approaches to Medieval texts and manuscripts, Rouse, rev. of, 9:122-23
AUTHORS-20TH CENTURY, 4:7-41; 5:9-21
"Automating intellectual access to archives," Library Trends, vol. 36, no. 3 (1988), Gilliland, ed., rev. of, 4:65-71
Avrin, Leila, Scribes, script and books: the book arts from antiquity to the Renaissance, rev. of, 6:127-29

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Ball, Douglas, Victorian publishers bindings, rev. of, 2:62-65
Balsamo, Luigi, Bibliography: history of a tradition, rev. of, 5:46-49
"Barbarians within the gate: pillage of a rare book collection?" Bradbury, 9:8-16
Barker, Nicolas, Aldus Manutius and the development of Greek script & type in the fifteenth century, 2nd ed., rev. of, 9:64-65
Barkworth, S., The Nijmegen Proof: a romance of rare books, rev. of, 3:75-78
Barolini, Helen, Aldus and his dream book: an illustrated essay, rev. of, 8:115-16
Barringer, George M., revs. (Reliures et cartonnages déditeur en France au XIXe siècle [1815-1865], 2:127-29; Victorian publishers bindings, 2:62-65)
Basbanes, Nicholas A., "Collectors and libraries: some studies in symbiosis," 8:37-48
Becoming a fundraiser: the principles and practice of library development, Steele, rev. of, 9:62-63
Behra, Robert, rev. (First editions), 10:104-5
Belanger, Terry, "Rare books and special collections in American libraries: seeing the sites," 1:11-24
Bengtson, Betty G., "Navigating the mainstream: key to survival," 8:92-96
Berger, Sidney E., "The design and evaluation of exhibition catalogs," ill., 7:45-60, comment, 7:160; "Editors note," 8:5-6, 77-78; 9:5-6, 73-74; 10:5-6, 61-62; "The Exhibition Catalogue Awards for 1991," 6:119-26; rev. (Conservation and preservation of humanities research collections), 5:39-42
Berkeley, Edmund, Jr., revs. (Archives assessment and planning workbook, 5:42-46; Strengthening New Yorks historical records programs, 5:42-46; Varsity letters, 8:61-62)
"Beyond the books: programs for exhibitions," Morris, 6:89-99
"Beyond the guidelines, or better access to access projects," Grendler, 1:107-15
The Bible in the Latin West, Gibson, rev. of, 10:43-44
Bibliographic access to Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts: a survey of computerized data bases and information services, Stevens, ed., rev. of, 8:116-18
"Bibliographical note: searching for Mary Anne," Sider, 10:40-41
Bibliographie der Buch und Bibliotheksgeschichte, vol. 10, 1990, Meyer, comp., rev. of, 8:128-30
Bibliographies: their aims and methods, Krummel, rev. of, 1:167-68
Bibliography: history of a tradition, Balsamo, rev. of, 5:46-49
Bibliography: its history and development, rev. of, 1:159-61
A bibliography of George Poulett Scrope, geologist, economist, and local historian, Sturges, rev. of, 2:69
A bibliography of the Foulis Press, 2nd ed., Gaskell, rev. of, 2:47-51
Bidwell, John, rev. (A bibliography of the Foulis Press, 2nd ed.), 2:47-51
Binding terms: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing, rev. of, 3:152-54
Black, Lois Fischer, rev. (A catalogue of books, both printed and manuscript, in the Reynolds Historical Library produced during the course of the eighteenth century), 9:123-25
Black riders: the visible language of modernism, McGann, rev. of, 9:59-60
Blake and the idea of the book, Viscomi, rev. of, 10:106-07
Bliss, Anthony, rev. (The reconfigured eye), 9:49-50
Blumenthal, Joseph, Robert Frost and his printers, rev. of, 1:166-67
BOOK COLLECTING-20TH CENTURY, 2:81-93; 4:7-41; 5:9-21
Book collecting and care of books, Wells, rev. of, 1:170
Book dealers in North America: a directory of antiquarian and secondhand book dealers in the U.S.A. and Canada, 1986-87, 10th ed., rev. of, 2:68-69
The book encompassed: studies in twentieth-century bibliography, Davison, comp., rev. of, 8:125-28
BOOK REVIEWS, 1:55-69, 147-67; 2:47-66, 125-35; 3:59-79, 137-54; 4:53-71, 121-34; 5:39-49, 105-17; 6:59-79, 127-33; 8:61-70, 115-33; 9:49-65, 117-31; 10:43-54, 100-11
BOOK THIEVES, 10:22-37
BOOK VENDORS, 2:7-17; 4:43-52
Bookbindings & other bibliophily: essays in honour of Anthony Hobson, Rhodes, ed., rev. of, 10:100-102
Booking in the heartland, Matthews, rev. of, 2:135-36
Bookmans guide to Americana, 9th ed., Heard, rev. of, 3:79-80
Bookmans price index: a guide to the values of rare and out of print books, vols. 31-32, McGrath, ed., rev. of, 1:168-69
BOOKPLATES, 10:40-41
BOOKS-15TH CENTURY, 4:85-100
BOOKS-19TH CENTURY, 7:75-159
Books as a way of life: essays by Gordon N. Ray, Ray, rev. of, 4:126-30
BOOKS RECEIVED, 6:80-81, 134-35; 7:65; 8:70-72, 133; 9:66-67, 131-32; 10:54-55, 111-12
"Borrowing of special collections materials for exhibition: a draft," Dunlap, 2:27-37
Bozeman, Patricia, "264 catalogues . . . and counting: the Leab Awards after five years," 5:85-94
Bradbury, Daniel J., "Barbarians within the gate: pillage of a rare book collection?" 9:8-16
Britt, Judith S., Nothing more agreeable: music in George Washingtons family, rev. of, 1:69-70
Brockman, Paul, A guide to manuscript collections of the Indiana Historical Society and Indiana State Library, rev. of, 2:131-34
Brogan, T. V. F., ed., New Prince-ton encyclopedia of poetics, rev. of, 9:125-27
Browar, Lisa, "An oral contract isnt worth the paper its printed on," 6:100-107; rev. ("Scholarly communication and information technology: exploring the impact of changes in the research process on archives," American Archivist, vol. 55 [Spring 1992]: 236-315), 9:50-54
Brown, Lauren R., "Present at the tenth hour: appraising and accessioning the papers of Congresswoman Marjorie S. Holt," 2:95-102; rev. (Archival choices), 2:129-31
Buy books where-sell books where: a directory of out of print booksellers and their author-subject specialties, Robinson, rev. of, 1:169

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Cagle, William R., rev. (Modern first editins), 2:51-53
Canadian guide to rare books, Gauvin, rev. of, 5:116-17
Cantrell, Karen, ed., Funding for museums, archives and special collections, rev. of, 4:63-65
Cardinal, Roger, ed., The cultures of collecting, rev. of, 10:48-49
Carter, John, ABC for book collectors, rev. of, 10:102-4
CATALOGING (BIBLIOGRAPHIC), 6:11-22, 53-57; 7:98-108
"Cataloging 19th-century childrens books," King, ill., 7:120-26
"Cataloging 19th-century single-sheet publications," OKeefe, ill., 7:141-49
CATALOGING RULES, 4:111; 6:39-52; 7:7-23, 79-83, 109-18, 120-26, 141-49
"Cataloging the decorative elements of 19th-century imprints," Nipps, ill., 7:128-38
A catalogue of books, both printed and manuscript, in the Reynolds Historical Library produced during the course of the eighteenth century, McGuinn, rev. of, 9:123-25
Chaison, Joanne D., rev. (U.S. reference-iana [1481-1899]), 5:113-16
Choosing and working with a conservator, Paris, rev. of, 6:77-79
Cloonan, Michèle Valerie, "The future (imperfect) of special collections and library school education," 10:65-72; "Mass deacidification in the 1990s," 5:95-103; ed., "Recent trends in rare book librarianship," Library Trends, 36.1 (1987), rev. of, 3:142-48
Cobb, David A., comp., Guide to U.S. map resources, rev. of, 3:63-66
Cohen, Morton N., rev. (Lewis Carroll at Texas), 2:65-66
Cole, John Y., ed., The community of the book: a directory of selected organizations and programs, rev. of, 1:167
Cole, Michael, ed., International rare book prices, 1988, rev. of, 3:150-52
Collecting: an unruly passion; psychological perspectives, Muensterberger, rev. of, 9:118-20
"The collecting of twentieth-century library manuscripts," Rota, 1:39-53
The collections and programs of the American Antiquarian Society: a 175th-anniversary guide, American Antiquarian Society, rev. of, 4:133-34
"Collectors and libraries: some studies in symbiosis," Basbanes, 8:37-48
The community of the book: a directory of selected organizations and programs, Kaston, comp., rev. of, 1:167
"A complete list of exhibition catalogues submitted . . . 1990," Hoover, 5:87-94
COMPUTER SOFTWARE, 1:141-45; 5:23-31
Connolly, Joseph, Modern first editions: their value to collectors, rev. of, 2:51-53
Conservation and preservation of humanities research collections: essays on treatment and care of rare books, manuscripts, photography, and art on paper and canvas, Oliphant, ed., rev. of, 5:39-42
CONSERVATORS, 2:103-7; 4:103-11
"Continuing education and special collections professionals: the need for rethinking," Cox, 10:78-96
"Conundrums for rare book catalogers," Dooley, 7:79-83
COPYRIGHT, 5:61-70; 6:108-18
Cox, Richard J., "Continuing education and special collections professionals: the need for rethinking," 10:78-96; Strenthening New Yorks historical records programs: a self-study guide, rev. of, 5:42-46
Crane, Joan St.C., rev. (The Parkman Dexter Howe Library), 1:149-56
"Creating an image," Wolf, photo., 1:25-37
Crews, Kenneth D., "Unpublished manuscripts and the right of fair use: copyright law and the strategic management of information resources," 5:61-70
Crime in the library, Lincoln, rev. of, 1:72-74
Cronenwett, Philip N., revs. (The permanence and care of color photographs, 9:54-55; Robert Frost and his printers, 1:166-67)
The cultures of collecting, Elsner, ed., rev. of, 10:48-49
Cummings, Anthony M., University libraries and scholarly communication, rev. of, 8:121-22
"Curator or conservator: who decides on what treatment?" Henderson, 2:103-7
CURATORS, 2:103-7; 4:103-11
"A current Library of Congress project for cataloging 19th-century imprints," Urquiza, 7:91-97
"Current security practices in college and university special collections," Wurzburger, 3:43-57

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Daniels, Maygene F., ed., A modern archives reader: basic readings on archival theory and practice, rev. of, 2:57-60
Davis, Donald G., Jr., ed., Libraries, books & culture, rev. of, 3:73-75
Davison, Peter, comp., The book encompassed: studies in twentieth-century bibliography, rev. of, 8:125-28
dBASE III+, 5:23-31; 6:23-37
"Debating discards: a response to Nicholson Baker," Douglas, 9:41-47
Decorated cloth in America: publishers' bindings, 1840-1910, Sue Allen, rev. of, 10:44-48
Describing archival materials: the use of the MARC AMC format, Smiraglia, ed., rev. of, 6:131-33
DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGING, 7:120-26, 128-38, 141-49, 152-59
"Descriptive cataloging and rare books," Stalker, 7:7-23
"The design and evaluation of exhibition catalogs," Berger, ill., 7:45-60, comment, 7:160
"The design and printing of library exhibition catalogues," Allen, 5:77-84
DeWitt, Donald L., Guides to archives and manuscript collections in the United States: an annotated bibliography, rev. of, 9:127-28
Dickinson, Donald C., Henry E. Huntingtons library of libraries, rev. of, 10:109-11
A dictionary of abbreviations commonly used by German and Italian antiquarian booksellers and auctioneers, Rosenthal, rev. of, 9:57-59
A directory of rare book and special collections in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, Williams, ed., rev. of, 1:65-69
Dooley, Jackie M., "Conundrums for rare book catalogers," 7:79-83; "Descriptive cataloging and rare books," 7:7-23
Douglas, Nancy E., "Debating discards: a response to Nicholson Baker," 9:41-47
Dunlap, Ellen S., "Borrowing of special collections materials for exhibition: a draft," 2:27-37; rev. (Funding for museums, archives and special collections), 4:63-65

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An early London printing house at work: studies in the Bowyer Ledgers, with a supplement to "The Bowyer ornament stock," (1973), an Appendix on the Bowyer-Emonson Partnership, and "Bowyers paper stock ledger," by Herbert Davis, Maslen, rev. of, 9:120-22
"Editorial," Gwyn, 2:5-6, 79-80
"Editorial statement," Gwy, 1:5
EDITORIALS, 1:5; 2:5-6, 79-80; 3:89-90; 4:5-6; 5:5-7; 6:5-6, 7-9; 7:5-6, 75; 8:5-6, 77-78; 9:5-6, 73-74; 10:5-6, 61-62
"Editors note," Berger (8:5-6, 77-78; 9:5-6, 73-74; 10:5-6, 61-62); Schreyer (4:5-6, 5:5-7; 6:5-6; 7:5-6)
"Educating and training special collections librarians," Joyce, 10:73-76
ESTC on CD-ROM, rev. of, 8:64-68
Elder, Stephen D., and Victoria Steele, Becoming a fund-raiser: the principles and practice of library development, rev. of, 9:62-63
Elsner, John, ed., The cultures of collecting, rev. of, 10:48-49
"Embracing the flood: questions about collecting twentieth-century non-literary works," Landon, 2:81-93
"Ephemera: MARC-formatted cataloging records," Zietz, 7:152-59
Erdmann, Christine, comp., Special collections in college libraries, rev. of, 2:125-27
"The evolution of the concept of special collections in American research libraries," Joyce, 3:19-29
"The Exhibition Catalogue Awards," 1991, Berger, 6:119-26; 1992, Taylor, 8:51-59; 1993, Smyth, 9:95-102; 1994, Salazar, 9:105-15
EXHIBITION CATALOGUES, 1:74-76; 2:113-24; 3:131-36; 4:113-20; 5:77-84, 85-94; 6:119-26; 7:45-60, 160; 8:51-59; 9:95-102, 105-15
EXHIBITIONS, 3:91-101; 6:89-99
"Expanding access: loan of original materials in special collections," Hickerson, 3:113-19

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Fairbrass, Sheila, ed., Manchester 1992 conference papers, rev. of, 8:69-70
Farudi, Daryush, comp., Buy books where--sell books where: a directory of out of print booksellers and their author-subject specialties, rev. of, 1:169
Ferguson, Stephen, comp., "RBMS at 30: growing along with the profession," Appendix I & II, 3:8-16; revs. (ESTC on CD-ROM, 8:64-68; Preserving Harvards retrospective collections, 6:129-31)
Final report of the Congressional papers project, rev. of, 3:78-79
Finlay, Nancy, Artists of the book in Boston: 1890-1910, rev. of, 2:67-68
First editions: a field guide for collectors of English and American literature, Ward, rev. of, 10:104-5
Folkerts, Menso, ed., The use of computers in cataloging Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts: papers from the International Workshop in Munich, 10-12 August 1989, rev. of, 8:116-18
Forging history: the detection of fake letters & documents, Rendell, rev. of, 10:107-9
Freeman, Arthur and Janet Ing, Anatomy of an auction: rare books at Ruxley Lodge 1919, rev. of, 6:73-75
Friedman, Joan M., "The antiquarian micro," 1:141-45; 2:39-46
"From eccentric to sanctified: the eclectic exhibition catalogues of 1989 and the Leab awards," Hoover, 4:113-20
Fuller, Elizabeth E., rev. (Describing archival materials), 6:131-33
FUND RAISING, 3:31-41; 9:19-28, 77-85
Funding for museums, archives and special collections, Wallen, ed., rev. of, 4:63-65
"The future (imperfect) of special collections and library school education," Cloonan, 10:65-72

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Gardner, Joel, rev. (The management of oral history sound archives), 4:57-60
Gaskell, Philip, A bibliography of the Foulis Press, 2nd ed., rev. of, 2:47-51
Gauvin, Daniel, Guide Canadien de livre rare/Canadian guide to rare books, rev. of, 5:116-17
"Generous but responsible: the unique, the rare, and interlibrary loan," Huttner, ed., 3:103-30
The gentle invasion: continental emigré booksellers of the thirties and forties and their impact on the antiquarian booktrade in the United States . . . The second annual Sol M. Malkin lecture in bibliography, Rosenthal, rev. of, 3:66-73
"George Catlin and Sir Thomas Phillipps: a nineteenth-century friendship," Troccoli, 10:9-20
George Cruikshanks life, times, and art, vol. 1 (1792-1835), Patten, rev. of, 9:128-31
Gibson, Margaret T., The Bible in the Latin West, rev. of, 10:43-44
Gilliland, Anne J., ed., "Automating intellectual access to archives," Library Trends, vol. 36, no. 3 (1988), rev. of, 4:65-71
Gilpin, George H., revs. (Rare book and manuscript libraries in the twenty-first century; The role and future of special collections in research libraries), 10:51-54
Gilreath, James, ed., The judgement of experts: essays and documents about the forging of the Oath of a freeman, rev. of, 6:68-70
Goldschmidt, Lucien, "The arts and the antiquarian book trade: the inherited past and a viable future," 2:7-17
Goldstein, David, Hebrew incunables in the British Isles: a preliminary census, rev. of, 1:55-57
Gordon, Ann D., Using the nations documentary heritage: the report of the historical documents study, rev. of, 7:63-64
GRANTS, 1:107-15; 3:31-41
Green, James N., "Recent publications," 3:59-80, 137-54; 4:53-71, 121-34; 5:39-49, 105-17; 6:59-81, 127-35; 7:63-65; revs. (Bibliography: history of a tradition, 5:46-49; International rare book prices, 1988, 3:150-52; Preserving the illustrated text, 7:64-65; Using the nations documentary heritage, 7:63-64)
Greenberg, Stephen, rev. (Aldus and his dream book), 8:115-16
Greetham, D. C., ed., Text: transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship, 1 for 1981, rev. of, 1:70-71; Textual scholarship: an introduction, rev. of, 10:105-6
Grendler, Marcella, "Beyond the guidelines, or better access to access projects," 1:107-15
"Guest editors note," Zietz, 7:75
Guide Canadien de livre rare/Canadian guide to rare books, Gauvin, rev. of, 5:116-17
A guide to manuscript collections of the Indiana Historical Society and Indiana State Library, Pumroy, rev. of, 2:131-34
A guide to the Archives of Hampton Institute, Malval, comp., rev. of, 1:60-61
A guide to the Modern Literary Manuscripts collection in the special collections of the Washington University Libraries, Murray, comp., rev. of, 2:68
Guide to U.S. map resources, Cobb, comp., rev. of, 3:63-66
Guidelines and application instructions, National Endowment for the Humanities, rev. of, 8:130-33
"Guidelines for submission of articles to Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship," 1:77-79; 2:71-73; 3:81-83; 4:73-75; 5:53-55; 8:134-36
Guides to archives and manuscript collections in the United States: an annotated bibliography, rev. of, 9:127-28
Gullans, Charles, Decorated cloth in America: publishers bindings, 1840-1910, rev. of, 10:44-48
Gundersheimer, Werner, "Two noble kinsmen: libraries and museums," 3:91-101
Gwinn, Nancy E., ed., Preservation microfilming: a guide for librarians and archivists, rev. of, 3:59-63
Gwyn, Ann, "Editorial," 2:5-6, 79-80; "Editorial satement," 1:5

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Hall, Holley, ed., James Merrill, Poet, exhib. rev., 1:75
Hamburger, Susan, revs. (Collecting: an unruly passion, 9:118-20; Non-standard collection management, 8:63-64)
Hamilton, Ian, ed., The Oxford companion to twentieth-century poetry in English, rev. of, 9:125-27
Hamsa, Charles F., Bookmans guide to Americana, 9th ed., rev. of, 3:79-80
Harmon, James D., Integrated pest management in museum, library and archival facilities: a step by step approach for the design, development, implementation and maintenance of an integrated pest management program, rev. of, 8:124-25
Harris, Carolyn, "It takes two to tango: a conservators view of curator/conservator relations," 4:103-11
Harrod, Leonard Montague, Harrods librarians glossary of terms used in librarianship, documentation and the book crafts, 5th ed., rev. of, 1:71-72
Haugh, Georgia C., comp., "RBMS at 30: growing along with the profession," Appendix III, 3:17-18
Hawkins, Carin Ruff, revs. (Bibliographic access to Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts; "MARC cataloging for Medieval manuscripts," Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship, vol. 6, no. 1 (1991); The use of computers in cataloging Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts), 8:116-18
Heard, J. Norman, Bookmans guide to Americana, 9th ed., rev. of, 3:79-80
Hebrew incunables in the British Isles: a preliminary census, Goldstein, rev. of, 1:55-57
Henderson, Cathy, "Curator or conservator: who decides on what treatment?" 2:103-7; revs. (Location register of twentieth-century English literary manuscripts and letters, 4:53-57; Preservation microfilming, 3:59-63)
Henry E. Huntingtons library of libraries, Dickinson, rev. of, 10:109-11
Hickerson, H. Thomas, "Expanding access: loan of original materials in special collections," 3:113-19
Higginbotham, Barbra Buckner, Our past preserved: a history of American library preservation, 1876-1910, rev. of, 6:76-77
Hill, W. Speed, ed., Text: transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship, 1 for 1981, rev. of, 1:70-71
History comes to life: collecting historical letters and documents, Rendell, rev. of, 10:107-9
Hobson, Anthony, Humanists and bookbinders: the origins and diffusion of the humanistic bookbinding 1459-1559, with a census of historiated plaquette and medallion bindings of the Renaissance, rev. of, 5:110-13
Hodson, Sara S., "Private lives: confidentiality in manuscripts collections," 6:108-18
Hohman, Judy, Strengthening New Yorks historical records programs: a self-study guide, rev. of, 5:42-46
HOLT, MARJORIE S., 2:95-102
Hoover, John Neal, comp., "A complete list of exhibition catalogues submitted . . . 1990," 5:87-94; "From eccentric to sanctified: the eclectic exhibition catalogues of 1989 and the Leab awards," 4:113-20; revs. (A dictionary of abbreviations commonly used by German and Italian antiquarian booksellers and auctioneers, 9:57-59; Multilingual dictionary of publishing, printing and bookselling, 9:57-59); "Two paths: books as history, books as art, and the 1987 Exhibition Catalogue Awards," ill., 2:113-24; "Where the catalogues are: a check list for obtaining recent rare book exhibition catalogues," 3:131-36
"How the RBMS Exhibition Catalogue Awards got from there to here, from then to now," Leach, 1:127-39
Hubbell, Leslie C., rev. (Nothing more agreeable), 1:69-70
Humanists and bookbinders: the origins and diffusion of the humanistic bookbinding 1459-1559, with a census of historiated plaquette and medallion bindings of the Renaissance, Hobson, rev. of, 5:110-13
Huttner, Sidney F., ed., "Generous but responsible: the unique, the rare, and interlibrary loan," 3:103-30; "Recent publications," 8:61-72, 115-33; 9:49-67, 117-32; 10:43-55, 100-12; revs. (Manchester 1992 conference papers, 8:69-70; Marbled paper, 5:107-9)

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"The incunabula collections at the Library of Congress," Van Wingen, 4:85-100
Index to personal names in the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections, 1959-1984, Ostroff, ed., rev. of, 3:148-50
Ing, Janet see Arthur Freeman
"Institutional collecting of twentieth-century literature," Matheson, 4:7-41
Integrated pest management in museum, library and archival facilities: a step by step approach for the design, development, implementation and maintenance of an integrated pest management program, Harmon, rev. of, 8:124-25
International rare book prices, 1988, Cole, ed., rev. of, 3:150-52
INTERNET, 10:22-37
"Introduction," Mason, 7:76-78
"Introduction: MARC cataloging for Medieval manuscripts," Mayo, guest editorial, 6:7-9
Isaacs, Alan, ed., Multilingual dictionary of publishing, printing and bookselling, rev. of, 9:57-59
"It takes two to tango: a conservators view of curator/conservator relations," Pilette, 4:103-11
Ives, Sidney, gen. ed., The Parkman Dexter Howe Library, rev. of, 1:149-56

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James Merrill, Poet, Hall, ed., exhib. rev., 1:75
Johnson, Elizabeth L., "Oh, no, its a serial! or, cataloging 19th-century serials," 7:109-18
Jones, William Goodrich, "Leaner and meaner: special collections, librarians, and humanists at the end of the century," 8:80-91
Joseph, Michael Scott, rev. (George Cruikshanks life, times, and art), 9:128-31
Joyce, William L., "Educating and training special collections librarians," 10:73-76; "The evolution of the concept of special collections in American research libraries," 3:19-29
The judgment of experts: essays and documents about the forging of the Oath of a freeman, Gilreath, ed., rev. of, 6:68-70

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Kapr, Albert, The art of lettering: the history, anatomy, and aesthetics of the Roman letter forms, rev. of, 1:58-60
Kaston, Carren O., comp., The community of the book: a directory of selected organizations and programs, rev. of, 1:167
Keller, Dean H., rev. (The Lilly Library), 2:60-62
Kenney, Anne R., "Expanding access: loan of original materials in special collections," 3:113-19
Kert, Bernice, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller: the woman in the family, rev. of, 9:117-18
Kimball, Margaret J., "Workflow for processing manuscripts in automated systems," 1:117-26
King, Cornelia S., "Cataloging 19th-century hildrens books," ill., 7:120-26
Koda, Paul S., exhib. revs. (James Merrill, Poet, 1:75; Spanish and Portuguese 16th century books in the Department of Printing and Graphic Arts, 1:74-75; Women of courage, 1:75-76); "Recent publications," 1:55-76, 147-70; 2:47-70, 125-37; revs. (Artists of the book in Boston, 2:67-68; Bibliographies, 1:167-68; A bibliography of George Poulett Scrope, geologist, economist, and local historian, 2:69; Book collecting and care of books, 1:170; Booking in the heartland, 2:135-36; Bookmans guide to Americana, 9th ed., 3:79-80; Bookmans price index, vols. 31-32, 1:168-69; Buy books where--sell books where, 1:169; The community of the book, 1:167; Crime in the library, 1:72-74; An early London printing house at work, 9:120-22; A guide to the Modern Literary Manuscripts collection in the special collections of the Washington University Libraries, 2:68; Harrods librarians glossary of terms used in librarianship, documentation and the book crafts, 5th ed., 1:71-72; Libraries, Books, and Culture, 3:73-75; The library preservation program, 2:136-37; Marks in books, illustrated and explained, 1:169-70; Our past preserved, 6:76-77; Sheppards book dealers in North America, 10th ed., 2:68-69; Text, 1:70-71; Victorian novels in serial, 2:69-70; The Wolf years, 1:72; Women writers in McFarlin special collections, first series, 2:70)
Korey, Marie Elena, revs. (Antiquarian bookselling in the United States, 1:147-49; Guide Canadien de livre rare/Canadian guide to rare books, 5:116-17); The Wolf years: the renascence of the Library Company of Philadelphia 1952-1984, rev. of, 1:72
Krummel, D. W., Bibliographies: their aims and methods, rev. of, 1:167-68
Kühne, Andreas, ed., The use of computers in cataloging Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts: papers from the International Workshop in Munich, 10-12 August 1989, rev. of, 8:116-18

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Laird, Michael, rev. (Bookbindings & other bibliophily), 10:100-102
Landon, Richard, "Embracing the flood: questions about collecting twentieth-century non-literary works," 2:81-93; rev. (Books as a way of life), 4:126-30
Lange, Thomas V., "Alternatives to interlibrary loan," 3:107-11
Larson, Jennifer, rev. (The judgment of experts), 6:68-70
Layne, Sara Shatford, "MARC format for Medieval manuscript images," ill., 6:39-52
Leach, Sally, "How the RBMS Exhibition Catalogue Awards got from there to here, from then to now," 1:127-39
"Leaner and meaner: special collections, librarians, and humanists at the end of the century," Jones, 8:80-91
Lee, Sul H., ed., The role and future of special collections in research libraries: British and American perspectives, rev. of, 10:51-54
Leonard and Virginia Woolf as publishers: the Hogarth Press 1917-1941, Willis, rev. of, 8:120-21
Lewis Carroll at Texas, Taylor, rev. of, 2:65-66
LIABILITY, 6:100-107
LIBRARIANS, 1:93-105
LIBRARIANS-TRAINING OF, 5:33-38; 10:65-72, 73-76
Librarians glossary of terms used in librarianship, documentation and the book crafts, 5th ed., Harrod, rev. of, 1:71-72
LIBRARIES-SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, 1:11-24; 8:37-48, 80-91, 106-11; 10:65-72, 73-76, 78-96
Libraries, books & culture, Davis, ed., rev. of, 3:73-75
The library preservation program: models, priorities, possibilities, Merrill-Oldham, ed., rev. of, 2:136-37
Library publications programs, SPEC Kit #145, Office of Management Studies, Association of Research Libraries, rev. of, 4:60-63
"The Lilly Fellowship Program: training for rare book librarians," Silver, 5:33-38
The Lilly Library: the first quarter century 1960-1985, rev. of, 2:60-62
Lincoln, Alan Jay, Crime in the library, rev. of, 1:72-74
"Literary canons, literary studies, and library collections: a retrospective on collecting twentieth-century writers," Staley, 5:9-21
Location register of twentieth-century English literary manuscripts and letters, Sutton, comp., rev. of, 4:53-57
Luckenbill, Dan, "Using dBASE III+ for finding aids and a manuscripts processing workflow," 5:23-31

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MacNeil, Heather, Without consent: the ethics of disclosing personal information in public archives, rev. of, 8:118-20
Malavieille, Sophie, Reliures et cartonnages déditeur en France au XIXe siècle (1815-1865), rev. of, 2:127-29
Malval, Fritz J., comp., A guide to the Archives of Hampton Institute, rev. of, 1:60-61
The management of oral history sound archives, Stielow, rev. of, 4:57-60
Managing special collections, Scham, rev. of, 3:137-42
Manchester 1992 conference papers, Fairbrass, ed., rev. of, 8:69-70
MANUSCRIPTS-COLLECTIONS-20TH CENTURY, 1:39-53; 2:81-93; 4:7-41
Marbled paper: its history, techniques, and patterns with special reference to the relationship of marbling to bookbinding in Europe and the western world, Wolfe, rev. of, 5:107-9
"MARC cataloging for Medieval manuscripts," Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship, vol. 6, no. 1 (1991), Mayo, ed., rev. of, 8:116-18
"MARC format for Medieval manuscript images," Layne, ill., 6:39-52
MARC FORMATS, 5:71-76; 6:11-22, 23-37, 39-52, 53-57; 7:141-49, 152-59
Margins and marginality: the printed page in early modern England, Tribble, rev. of, 10:49-51
Marks in books, illustrated and explained, Stoddard, rev. of, 1:169-70
Martin, Elizabeth, ed., Multilingual dictionary of publishing, printing and bookselling, rev. of, 9:57-59
Martin, Robert S., revs. (Guide to U.S. map resources, 3:63-66; Special collections in college libraries, 2:125-27; Without consent, 8:118-20); ed., Scholarly communication in an electronic environment, rev. of, 9:63-64; and Elaine B. Smyth, "Working with Friends of the Library to augment staff resources: a case history," 9:19-28
Maslen, Keith, An early London printing house at work: studies in the Bowyer Ledgers, with a supplement to "The Bowyer ornament stock," (1973), an Appendix on the Bowyer-Emonson Partnership, and "Bowyers paper stock ledger," by Herbert Davis, rev. of, 9:120-22
Mason, Alexandra, "Introduction," 7:76-78; revs. (Managng special collections, 3:137-42; Paper terms, 6:70-73; Type evidence, 6:70-73); "Using MARC to catalog Medieval manuscripts: comments," 6:53-57
"Mass deacidification in the 1990s," Cloonan, 5:95-103
Matheson, William, "Institutional collecting of twentieth-century literature," 4:7-41
Matthews, Jack, Booking in the heartland, rev. of, 2:135-36
Mayo, Hope, "Introduction: MARC cataloging for Medieval manuscripts," guest editorial, 6:7-9; ed., "MARC cataloging for Medieval manuscripts," Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship, vol. 6, no. 1 (1991), rev. of, 8:116-18; "Medieval manuscript cataloging and the MARC format," 6:11-22; rev. (Personennamen des Mittelalters), 6:59-67
McCarthy, Paul H., ed., Archives assessment and planning workbook, rev. of, 5:42-46
McGann, Jerome, Black riders: the visible language of modernism, rev. of, 9:59-60
McGrath, Daniel F., ed., Bookmans price index: a guide to the values of rare and out of print books, vols. 31-32, rev. of, 1:168-69
Multilingual see Fran Alexander
McGuinn, Marion, A catalogue of books, both printed and manuscript, in the Reynolds Historical Library produced during the course of the eighteenth century, rev. of, 9:123-25
McNamara, Charles B., rev. (Special collections in college and university libraries), 4:130-33
"Medieval manuscript cataloging and the MARC format," Mayo, 6:11-22
MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS, 6:11-22, 23-37, 39-52, 53-57
Merrill-Oldham, Jan, ed., The library preservation program: models, priorities, possibilities, rev. of, 2:136-37
Metzger, Philip A., rev. (Proceedings of the New York state seminar on mass deacidification, Albany, New York, October 15-16, 1992), 8:68-69
Meyer, Horst, comp., Bibliographie der Buch und Bibliotheks-geschichte, vol. 10, 1990, rev. of, 8:128-30
Michelson, Avra, "Scholarly communication and information technology: exploring the impact of changes in the research process on archives," American Archivist, vol. 55 (Spring 1992): 236-315, rev. of, 9:50-54
Mitchell, William J., The reconfigured eye: visual truth in the post-photographic era, rev. of, 9:49-50
A modern archives reader: basic readings on archival theory and practice, Daniels, ed., rev. of, 2:57-60
Modern first editions: their value to collectors, Connolly, rev. of, 2:51-53
Moebs, Thomas Truxtun, comp., U.S. reference-iana (1481-1899), rev. of, 5:113-16
Morris, Leslie A., "Beyond the books: programs for exhibitions," 6:89-99; rev. (Anatomy of an auction), 6:73-75
Muensterberger, Werner, Collecting: an unruly passion; psychological perspectives, rev. of, 9:118-20
Multilingual see Alexander, Fran
Murray, Timothy D., comp., A guide to the Modern Literary Manuscripts collection in the special collections of the Washington University Libraries, rev. of, 2:68

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National Endowment for the Humanities, Division of Preservation and Access, Guidelines and application instructions, rev. of, 8:130-33
"Navigating the mainstream: key to survival," Bengtson, 8:92-96
Needham, Paul, The printer and the pardoner, rev. of, 2:53-57
Nevins, Iris, Traditional marbling, rev. of, 2:134-35
"The new literary scholarship, the contextual point of view, and the use of special collections," Oram, 8:9-16
New Princeton encyclopedia of poetics, Preminger, rev. of, 9:125-27
"New ranges for collecting Western Americana: is it time to put the old bibliographies out to pasture?" Vinson, 9:87-93
The Nijmegen Proof: a romance of rare books, Barkworth, rev. of, 3:75-78
Nipps, Karen, "Cataloging the decorative elements of 19th-century imprints," ill., 7:128-38; revs. (Binding terms, 3:152-54; Provenance evidence, 3:152-54)
"Non-MARC databases and the census level record," Amos, 6:23-37
Non-standard collection management, Pearce, ed., rev. of, 8:63-64
Nothing more agreeable: music in George Washingtons family, Britt, rev. of, 1:69-70
NOTICES, 1:69-74, 167-70; 2:67-70, 135-37; 3:79-80; 7:63-65

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"Of sherpas and mountain climbers: the special collections librarian in the library development process," Steele, 9:77-85
Office of Management Studies, Association of Research Libraries, Library publications programs, SPEC Kit #145, rev. of, 4:60-63; Preservation guidelines in ARL libraries, SPEC Kit #137, rev. of, 4:60-63; University copyright policies in ARL libraries, SPEC Kit #138, rev. of, 4:60-63
Ogden, Barclay, On the preservation of books and documents in original form, rev. of, 4:121-26
"Oh, no, its a serial! or, cataloging 19th-century serials," Johnson, 7:109-18
OKeefe, Doris, "Cataloging 19th-century single-sheet publications," ill., 7:141-49
Oliphant, Dave, ed., Conservation and preservation of humanities research collections: essays on treatment and care of rare books, manuscripts, photography, and art on paper and canvas, rev. of, 5:39-42
On the preservation of books and documents in original form, rev. of, Ogden, 4:121-26
"Online catalogs and the retrospective conversion of special collections," Pasternack, 5:71-76
ONLINE DATABASES, 1:117-26, 141-45; 5:71-76; 7:98-108; 9:41-47
"An oral contract isnt worth the paper its printed on," Browar, 6:100-107
Oram, Richard W., "The new literary scholarship, the contextual point of view, and the use of special collections," 8:9-16; revs. (Black riders, 9:59-60; The cultures of collecting, 10:48-49)
Ostroff, Harriet, ed., Index to personal names in the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections, 1959-1984, rev. of, 3:148-50
Our past preserved: a history of American library preservation, 1876-1910, Higgin-botham, rev. of, 6:76-77
Overmier, Judith, rev. (Textual scholarship), 10:105-6
The Oxford companion to twentieth-century poetry in English, Hamilton, ed., rev. of, 9:125-27

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P, Q
Pantzer, Katharine F., rev. (The printer and the pardoner), 2:53-57
Paper terms: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing, rev. of, 6:70-73
Paris, Jan, Choosing and working with a conservator, rev. of, 6:77-79
Parkes, M. B., Pause and effect: an introduction to the history of punctuation in the West, rev. of, 9:60-62
The Parkman Dexter Howe Library, Ives, gen. ed., rev. of, 1:149-56
Pasternack, Howard, "Online catalogs and the retrospective conversion of special collections," 5:71-76
Pattn, Robert L., George Cruikshanks life, times, and art, vol. 1 (1792-1835), rev. of, 9:128-31
Paul, Karen Dawley, Records management handbook for United States Senators and their repositories, rev. of, 1:156-59
Paulson, Barbara, comp., "RBMS at 30: growing along with the profession," Appendix III, 3:17-18
Pause and effect: an introduction to the history of punctuation in the West, Parkes, rev. of, 9:60-62
Peace, Nancy E., ed., Archival choices: managing the historical record in an age of abundance, rev. of, 2:129-31
Pearce, Michael, ed., Non-standard collection management, rev. of, 8:63-64
The permanence and care of color photographs: traditional and digital color prints, color negatives, slides, and motion pictures, Wilhelm, rev. of, 9:54-55
Personennamen des Mittelalters, rev. of, 6:59-67
Pilette, Roberta, "It takes two to tango: a conservators view of curator/conservator relations," 4:103-11
Poulson, Zachariah, 3rd, rev. (The Nijmegen Proof), 3:75-78
Preminger, Alex, ed., New Princeton encyclopedia of poetics, rev. of, 9:125-27
"Present at the tenth hour: appraising and accessioning the papers of Congresswoman Marjorie S. Holt," Brown, 2:95-102
Preservation guidelines in ARL libraries, SPEC Kit #137, Office of Management Studies, Association of Research Libraries, rev. of, 4:60-63
Preservation microfilming: a guide for librarians and archivists, Gwinn, ed., rev. of, 3:59-63
Preserving Harvards retrospective collections: report of the Harvard University Library Task Group on Collection Preservation Priorities, rev. of, 6:129-31
Preserving the illustrated text: report of the Joint Task Force on Text and Image, rev. of, 7:64-65
"Pricing scarce and rare books and manuscripts," Ahearn, 9:31-38
The printer and the pardoner, Needham, rev. of, 2:53-57
PRIVACY, 6:108-18
"Private lives: confidentiality in manuscripts collections," Hodson, 6:108-18
Proceedings of the New York state seminar on mass deacidification, Albany, New York, October 15-16, 1992, rev. of, 8:68-69
PROVENANCE, Sider, "Bibliographical Note," 10:4041
Provenance evidence: thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing, rev. of, 3:152-54
Pumroy, Eric, A guide to manuscript collections of the Indiana Historical Society and Indiana State Library, rev. of, 2:131-34
"Queer things from old closets: libraries-gay and lesbian studies-queer theory," Taylor, 8:19-34

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Rare book and manuscript libraries in the twenty-first century, Wendorf, ed., rev. of, 10:51-54
"Rare book cataloguing rules to be revised," RBMS, Bibliographic Standards Committee, 4:111
"The rare book librarians day," Traister, 1:93-105
RBML, "Guidelines for submission of articles," 1:77-79; 2:71-73; 3:81-83; 4:73-75; 5:53-55; 8:134-36
"RBMS: an overview," Ashby, 1:7-9
"RBMS at 30: growing along with the profession," Schreyer, 3:3-18
RBMS, Bibliographic Standards Committee, "Rare book cataloguing rules to be revised," 4:111
RBMS EXHIBITION CATALOGUE AWARDS, 1:127-39; 2:113-24; 3:131-36; 4:113-20; 5:85-94; 6:119-26; 8:51-59; 9:95-102, 105-15
"Rare books and special collections in American libraries: seeing the sites," Belanger, 1:11-24
Rare books 1983-84: trends, collections, sources, Schreyer, ed., rev. of, 1:61-65
Rare people and rare books, Sowerby, rev. of, 3:66-73
Ray, Gordon N., Books as a way of life: essays by Gordon N. Ray, rev. of, 4:126-30
Ray, Kevin, rev. (Leonard and Virginia Woolf as publishers), 8:120-21
Rayward, W. Boyd, rev. (Bibliography: its history and development), 1:159-61
"Recent publications," Green (3:59-80, 137-54; 4:53-71, 121-34; 5:39-49, 105-17; 6:59-81, 127-35; 7:63-65); Huttner (8:61-72, 115-33; 9:49-67, 117-32; 10:43-55, 100-112); Koda (1:55-76, 147-70; 2:47-70, 125-37)
"Recent trends in rare book librarianship," Library Trends, 36.1 (1987), Cloonan, ed., rev. of, 3:142-48
The reconfigured eye: visual truth in the post-photographic era, Mitchell, rev. of, 9:49-50
Records management handbook for United States Senators and their repositories, Paul, rev. of, 1:156-59
Reed, Kathleen, "Borrowing of special collections materials for exhibition: a draft," 2:27-37
Reith, Louis J., rev. (The Bible in the Latin West), 10:43-44
Reliures et cartonnages déditeur en France au XIXe siècle (1815-1865), Malavieille, rev. of, 2:127-29
Rendell, Kenneth W., Forging history: the detection of fake letters & documents, rev. of, 10:107-9; History comes to life: collecting historical letters and documents; rev. of, 10:107-9
"A request from the new editor," Schreyer, 3:89-90
Rhodes, Dennis E., ed., Bookbindings & other bibliophily: essays in honour of Anthony Hobson, rev. of, 10:100-102
Ristow, Walter W., American maps and mapmakers: commercial cartography in the nineteenth century, rev. of, 1:161-66
RLIN, 1:117-26
Robert Frost and his printers, Blumenthal, rev. of, 1:166-67
Robinson, Ruth E., comp., Buy books where--sell books where: a directory of out of print booksellers and their author-subject specialties, rev. of, 1:169
The role and future of special collections in research libraries: British and American perspectives, Lee, ed., rev. of, 10:51-54
Rosenthal, Bernard M., A dic-tionary of abbreviations commonly used by German and Italian antiquarian booksellers and auctioneers, rev. of, 9:57-59; The gentle invasion: continental emigré booksellers of the thirties and forties and their impact on the antiquarian booktrade in the United States ... The second annual Sol M. Malkin lecture in bibliography, rev. of, 3:66-73
Rota, Anthony, "The collecting of twentieth-century library manuscripts," 1:39-53
Rothenberg, Jeff, "Scholarly communication and information technology: exploring the impact of changes in the research process on archives,ù American Archivist, vol. 55 (Spring 1992): 236-315, rev. of, 9:50-54
Roundtree, Lynn, revs. (Final report of the Congressional papers project, 3:78-79; Records management handbook for United States Senators and their repositories, 1:156-59)
Rouse, Mary A. and Richard H., eds., Authentic witnesses: approaches to Medieval texts and manuscripts, rev. of, 9:122-23
Rubovits, Norma B., rev. (Traditional marbling), 2:134-35
Rutledge, Renata, Book collecting and care of books, rev. of, 1:170
Ryan, Michael T., revs. (Pause and effect, 9:60-62; "Recent trends in rare book librarianship," Library Trends, 36.1 (1987), 3:142-48; University libraries and scholarly communication, 8:121-22); "Shopping around," 4:43-52

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Salazar, Theresa, "The Exhibition Catalogue Awards for 1994," 9:105-15
Samuels, Helen Willa, Varsity letters: documenting modern colleges and universities, rev. of, 8:61-62
Scham, A. M., Managing special collections, rev. of, 3:137-42
"Scholarly communication and information technology: exploring the impact of changes in the research process on archives," American Archivist 55 (Spring 1992): 236-315, Michelson, rev. of, 9:50-54
Scholarly communication in an electronic environment, Martin, ed., rev. of, 9:63-64
Schottlaender, Brian E. C., "Something wicked this way comes: special collections as viewed by a technocrat," 8:98-103
Schreyer, Alice D., "Editors note," 4:5-6; 5:5-7; 6:5-6; 7:5-6; "RBMS at 30: growing along with the profession," 3:3-18; ed., Rare books 1983-84: trends, collections, sources, rev. of, 1:61-65; "A request from the new editor," 3:89-90
Scribes, script and books: the book arts from antiquity to the Renaissance, Avrin, rev. of, 6:127-29
"Searching for Mary Anne," see under Sider, "Bibliographical note"
Sedwick Judith, Women of courage: an exhibition of photographs, exhib. rev., 1:75-76
"Setting the course: the role of special collections in the library," Zeidberg, 8:106-11
Shaw, S. Diane, rev. (Margins and marginality), 10:49-51
Shelton, Cynthia, rev. (The collections and programs of the American Antiquarian Society), 4:133-34
Sheppards book dealers in North America: a directory of antiquarian and secondhand book dealers in the U.S.A. and Canada, 1986-87, 10th ed., rev. of, 2:68-69
"Shopping around," Ryan, 4:43-52
Shrader, Richard A., rev. (A guide to the Archives of Hampton Institute), 1:60-61
Sider, Sandra, "Bibliographical note: searching for Mary Anne," 10:40-41
Silver, Joel, "The Lilly Fellowship Program: training for rare book librarians," 5:33-38
Silverman, Randy, rev. (Decorated cloth in America), 10:44-48
Slive, Daniel J., revs. (Forging history; History comes to life), 10:107-9
Smiraglia, Richard P., ed., Describing archival materials: the use of the MARC AMC format, rev. of, 6:131-33
Smith, Margit J., rev. (Integrated pest management in museum, library and archival facilities), 8:124-25
Smith, Merrily, ed., The library preservation program: models, priorities, possibilities, rev. of, 2:136-37
Smyth, Elaine B., "The Exhibition Catalogue Awards for 1993," 9:95-102; and Robert S. Martin, "Working with Friends of the Library to augment staff resources: a case history," 9:19-28
Snyder, Theresa, rev. (Index to persoal names in the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections, 1959-1984), 3:148-50
"Something wicked this way comes: special collections as viewed by a technocrat," Schottlaender, 8:98-103
Sowerby, E. Millicent, Rare people and rare books, rev. of, 3:66-73
Spanish and Portuguese 16th century books in the Department of Printing and Graphic Arts: a description of an exhibition and a bibliographical catalogue of the collection, Anninger, comp., exhib. rev., 1:74-75
SPEC Kit #137, Preservation guidelines in ARL libraries, Office of Management Studies, Association of Research Libraries, rev. of, 4:60-63
SPEC Kit #138, University copyright policies in ARL libraries, Office of Management Studies, Association of Research Libraries, rev. of, 4:60-63
SPEC Kit #145, Library publications programs, Office of Management Studies, Association of Research Libraries, rev. of, 4:60-63
SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, 8:37-48, 93-103
Special collections in college and university libraries, rev. of, 4:130-33
Special collections in college libraries, Erdmann, comp., rev. of, 2:125-27
"Special collections lending: a readers view," Woolley, 3:121-30
Staley, Thomas F., "Literary canons, literary studies, and library collections: a retrospective on collecting twentieth-century writers," 5:9-21; rev. (Becoming a fundraiser), 9:62-63
Stalker, Laura, "Descriptive cataloging and rare books," 7:7-23
"Standards and guidelines prepared by the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries," Thomas, 2:109-12
Steele, Victoria, and Stephen D. Elder, Becoming a fundraiser: the principles and practice of library development, rev. of, 9:62-63; "Of sherpas and mountain climbers: the special collections librarian in the library development process," 9:77-85; rev. (Abby Aldrich Rockefeller), 9:117-18
Stern, Madeleine B., Antiquarian bookselling in the United States: a history from the origins to the 1940s, rev. of, 1:147-49
Stevens, Wesley M., ed., Bibliographic access to Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts: a survey of computerized databases and information services, rev. of, 8:116-18
Stielow, Frederick J., The management of oral history sound archives, rev. of, 4:57-60; rev. (A modern archives reader), 2:57-60
Stoddard, Roger E., Marks in books, illustrated and explained, rev. of, 1:169-70
Streit, Samuel A., "All that glitters: fund raising for special collections in academic libraries," 3:31-41; revs. (Guidelines and application instructions, 8:130-33; Library publications programs, 4:60-63; Preservation guidelines in ARL libraries, 4:60-63; University copyright policies in ARL libraries, 4:60-63)
Strengthening New Yorks historical records programs: a self-study guide, Cox, rev. of, 5:42-46
Stroud, James, rev. (Choosing and working with a conservator), 6:77-79
Stumbaugh, Colleen R. C., rev. (Scholarly communication in an electronic environment), 9:63-64
Sturges, Paul, A bibliography of George Poulett Scrope, geologist, economist, and local historian, rev. of, 2:69
Sutton, David, comp., Location register of twentieth-century English literary manuscripts and letters, rev. of, 4:53-57
Swaim, Elizabeth A., rev. (Rare books 1983-84), 1:61-65

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Tabor, Stephen, revs. (Aldus Manutius and the development of Greek script & type in the fifteenth century, 2nd ed., 9:64-65; The book encompassed, 8:125-28)
Taraba, Suzy, "Administering the cataloging of special collections materials," 7:87-90
Taylor, Marvin J., "The Exhibition Catalogue Awards for 1992," 8:51-59; letter to the editor, 7:160; "Queer things from old closets: libraries--gay and lesbian studies--queer theory," 8:19-34
Taylor, Robert N., Lewis Carroll at Texas, rev. of, 2:65-66
Taylor, Saundra, rev. (A guide to manuscript collections of the Indiana Historical Society and Indiana State Library), 2:131-34
Text: transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship, 1 for 1981, Greetham, rev. of, 1:70-71
Textual scholarship: an introduction, Greetham, rev. of, 10:105-6
Thomas, John B., III, "Standards and guidelines prepared by the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries," 2:109-12
Traditional marbling, Nevins, rev. of, 2:134-35
Traister, Daniel, "The rare book librarians day," 1:93-105; revs. (A directory of rare book and special collections in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, 1:65-69; The gentle invasion, 3:66-73; Humanists and bookbinders, 5:110-13; On the preservation of books and documents in original form, 4:121-26; Rare people and rare books, 3:66-73); "What good is an old book?" 7:26-42
Tribble, Evelyn B., Margins and marginality: the printed page in early modern England, rev. of, 10:49-51
Troccoli, Joan Carpenter, "George Catlin and Sir Thomas Phillipps: a nineteenth-century friendship," 10:9-20
"264 catalogues ... and counting: the Leab Awards after five years," Bozeman, 5:85-94
"Two noble kinsmen: libraries and museums," Gundersheimer, 3:91-101
"Two paths: books as history, books as art, and the 1987 Exhibition Catalogue Awards," Hoover, ill., 2:113-24
Type evidence: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing, rev. of, 6:70-73

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U.S. reference-iana (1481-1899), Moebs, comp., rev. of, 5:113-16
University copyright policies in ARL libraries, SPEC Kit #138, Office of Management Studies, Association of Research Libraries, rev. of, 4:60-63
University libraries and scholarly communication, Cummings, rev. of, 8:121-22
"Unpublished manuscripts and the right of fair use: copyright law and the strategic management of information resources," Crews, 5:61-70
Urquiza, Belinda D., "A current Library of Congress project for cataloging 19th-century imprints," 7:91-97
The use of computers in cataloging Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts: papers from the International Workshop in Munich, 10-12 August 1989, Folkerts, ed., rev. of, 8:116-18
"Using dBASE III+ for finding aids and a manuscripts processing workflow," Lucken-bill, 5:23-31
"Using MARC to catalog Medieval manuscripts: comments," Mason, 6:53-57
"Using the Internet to report rare book and manuscript thefts," Allen, 10:22-37
Using the nations documentary heritage: the report of the historical documents study, Gordon, rev. of, 7:63-64

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VanWingen, Peter M., "The incunabula collections at the Library of Congress," 4:85-100; rev (The art of lettering), 1:58-60
Vann, J. Don, Victorian novels in serial, rev. of, 2:69-70
Varsity letters: documenting modern colleges and universities, Samuels, rev. of, 8:61-62
Victorian novels in serial, Vann, rev. of, 2:69-70
Victorian publishers bindings, Ball, rev. of, 2:62-65
Vinson, Michael, "New ranges for collecting Western Americana: is it time to put the old bibliographies out to pasture?" 9:87-93; rev. (ABC for book collectors), 10:102-4
Viscomi, Joseph, Blake and the idea of the book, rev. of, 10:106-7

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W, X
Walch, Timothy, ed., A modern archives reader: basic readings on archival theory and practice, rev. of, 2:57-60
Wallach, William K., rev. ("Automating intellectual access to archives," Library Trends, 36.3 (1988)), 4:65-71
Wallen, Denise, ed., Funding for museums, archives and special collections, rev. of, 4:63-65
Ward, K. Anthony, First editions: a field guide for collectors of English and American literature, rev. of, 10:104-05
"We have met the enemy; . . . collection security in libraries," Zeidberg, 2:19-26
Weidel, Joseph W., rev. (American maps and mapmakers), 1:161-66
Weimerskirch, Philip J., rev. (Blake and the idea of the book), 10:106-07
Wells, Ellen, Book collecting and care of books, rev. of, 1:170
Wendorf, Richard, ed., Rare book and manuscript libraries in the twenty-first century, rev. of, 10:51-54
"What good is an old book?" Traister, 7:26-42
"What the bibliographer says to the cataloger," Winship, 7:98-108
"Where the catalogues are: a check list for obtaining recent rare book exhibition catalogues," Hoover, 3:131-36
Wieck, Roger S., rev. (Scribes, script and books), 6:127-29
Wilhelm, Henry, The permanence and care of color photographs: traditional and digital color prints, color negatives, slides, and motion pictures, rev. of, 9:54-55
Wilkie, Everett C., Jr., rev. (Henry E. Huntingtons library of libraries), 10:109-11
Williams, Moelwyn I., ed., A directory of rare book and special collections in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, rev. of, 1:65-69
Willis, J. H., Jr., Leonard and Virginia Woolf as publishers: the Hogarth Press 1917-1941, rev. of, 8:120-21
Winship, Michael, "What the bibliographer says to the cataloger," 7:98-108
Without consent: the ethics of disclosing personal information in public archives, MacNeil, rev. of, 8:118-20
Wolf, Edwin, 2d, "Creating an image," photo., 1:25-37
The Wolf years: the renascence of the Library Company of Philadelphia 1952-1984, Korey, rev. of, 1:72
Wolfe, Richard J., Marbled paper: its history, techniques, and patterns with special reference to the relationship of marbling to bookbinding in Europe and the western world, rev. of, 5:107-9
Women of courage: an exhibition of photographs, Sedwick, exhib. rev., 1:75-76
Women writers in McFarlin special collections, first series, rev. of, 2:70
Woolley, James, "Special collections lending: a readers view," 3:121-30
"Workflow for processing manuscripts in automated systems," Kimball, 1:117-26
"Working with Friends of the Library to augment staff resources: a case history," Martin and Smth, 9:19-28
Wurzburger, Marilyn, "Current security practices in college and university special collections," 3:43-57
Wakiji, Eileen, "MTV to the rescue: changing library attitudes through video," 211-16
Wallerstein, Immanuel, et al., Open the social sciences: report of the Gulbenkian Commission on the restructuring of the social sciences, rev. of, 392-93
Weigand, Wayne A., Irrepressible reformer: a biography of Melvil Dewey, rev. of., 103-4
Welburn, William C., rev. (From grunts to gigabytes), 98-99
W. Ill. U., "The core list mirage: a comparison of the journals frequently consulted by faculty and students," 48-55
"Who speaks for academic librarians? Status and satisfaction comparisons between unaffiliated and unionized librarians on scholarship and governance issues," Spang, 446-62
"Why is it that? Ironies, paradoxes, and subtleties," Riggs, editorial, 112-14
Wilkins, Janie L. Hassard, "University professional and managerial staff: information needs and seeking," 561-74
Wilkins, Walter, "The Internet as a medium for online instruction," 433-44
The wired neighborhood, Doheny-Farina, rev. of, 580-81
Womack, Kay, "Résumé content: applicants perceptions," 540-49
Women bookbinders 1880-1920, Tidcombe, rev. of, 577-78

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Zafren, Herbert C., rev. (Hebrew incunables in the British Isles), 1:55-57
Zeidberg, David S., "Setting the course: the role of special collections in the library,"8:106-11; "We have met the enemy; . . . collection security in libraries," 2:19-26
Ziegler, Rebecca, revs. (Biblio-graphie der Buch und Biblio-theksgeschichte, vol. 10, 1990, 8:128-30; Guides to archives and manuscript collections in the United States, 9:127-28)
Zietz, Stephen J., "Ephemera: MARC-formatted cataloging records," 7:152-59; "Guest editors note," 7:75

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