How to Apply for an ACRL Committee

  1. Select the committees that interest you. The ALA Online Handbook of Organization lists all of ACRL's committees and their charges. Visit ACRL's Division-level Committee ALA Handbook Listing to review committee charges, rosters, and public posts from ALA Connect. Attend the committee's meetings at ALA Conference to help you decide if those are the activities that interest you.
  2. Introduce yourself. Talk with committee members. Express your interest to the committee chair. Explain how you might contribute to the work of the committee.
  3. Submit a volunteer form. Be sure to cover all of the items asked for in background information section of the form. If you have attended committee meetings or programs, mention that. Be sure to submit your online volunteer form in advance of the deadline as appointing authorities begin making appointment decisions immediately after the deadline. Return to the ACRL Volunteer Page to access the online volunteer form.
  4. Volunteer again . . . and again. If you are not successful in being appointed one year, volunteer again the next year . . . and the next. Remember that a multitude of factors—number of appointments made, number of volunteers for each committee, number of volunteers from your type of library or your geographic area—determine the actual appointment, and these factors change from year to year.

Want to learn more about the ACRL appointment process? The ACRL Membership Committee hosted a webcast on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, on how the ACRL appointment process works for division-level committees, sections, interest groups, and discussion groups. We encourage you to view the recording.