ACRL Organizational Membership Application
Library Organization :
Primary Contact:_______________________________________
ACRL Organizational Membership Dues ........................... $125
Organizational membership in ACRL includes subscriptions to College & Research Libraries and College & Research Libraries News.
Note: A prerequisite for an organizational membership in ACRL is an organizational membership in the American Library Association.
ALA Organizational Membership Dues ________
Eligible organizations include nonprofit libraries and nonprofit schools conducting programs of library education, as well as other nonprofit organizations including library associations, affiliated organizations, and foreign organizations.
ALA dues for a U. S. Library or Library School are based on the number of FTE students.
FTE Dues
Very small (Under 1,000). . . . . . . . . $175
Small (1,001 – 2,999) . . . . . . . . . . . . $300
Medium (3,000 – 9,999) . . . . . . . . . . $500
Large (10,000 – 19,999) . . . . . . . . . . $1,300
Very large (20,000+) . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000
International Library or International Library School including Canadian libraries which belong to the Canadian Library Association ($150) ________
Non-profit Organizations, Library Associations, affiliated organizations, chapters, and non-profit organizations other than libraries or library schools. ($150) ________
Total Dues ________
Membership in an ACRL section or interest group is complimentary. Check all that you want to join.
Anthropology and Sociology (ANSS)
Asian, African and Middle Eastern (AAMES)
College Libraries (CLS)
Community and Junior College Libraries (CJCLS)
Distance Learning Section (DLS)
Education and Behavioral Sciences (EBSS)
Instruction (IS)
Law and Political Science (LPSS)
Literatures in English (LES)
Rare Books and Manuscripts (RBMS)
Science and Technology (STS)
Slavic and East European (SEES)
University Libraries (ULS)
Western European Studies (WESS)
Women and Gender Studies (WGSS)
Interest Groups
Academic Library Services for International Students
Access Services
African-American Studies Librarians
Contemplative Pedagogy
Digital Badges
Digital Curation
Digital Humanities
Digital Scholarship Centers
Health Sciences
Image Resources
Librarianship in For-Profit Institutions
Library and Information Science (LIS) Education
Library Marketing & Outreach
Numeric and Geospatial Data Services in Academic Libraries
Readers' Advisory
Technical Services
Universal Accessibility
Virtual Worlds
You will receive services upon payment. Please allow 4-6 weeks for initial receipt of publication. You will be billed annually in the month in which you joined.
Method of Payment
Our check is enclosed for $ ____________, payable to the American Library Association
Our purchase order is enclosed, please send us an invoice.
Charge $____________, to my
American Express
Card Number __________________________________Expiration Date _________________
Name as it appears on card ____________________________________________________
Authorized Signature _________________________________________________________
Mail completed applications to:
The American Library Association
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611