SCHOLCOMM Discussion List
Code of Conduct for SCHOLCOMM email list
ACRL provides the email list as a service to its members and others interested in issues related to scholarly research and communication. The purpose is to facilitate the meaningful exchange of information and ideas. Subscribers are encouraged to use the group to seek answers to questions, to ask others how they have done something, to inquire about program activities, to post job openings or conference announcements, or even to share “success” stories.
It is not expected that everyone will agree with all posts. Frank exchanges of views are encouraged; however, this email list is not intended as a forum for specific personal or political debates. While posting a dissenting view in a polite and professional manner is acceptable, further exchanges between individuals should be undertaken in personal email to preserve the integrity of the email list’s main purpose.
- We expect people posting to this list will exhibit courtesy in behavior and speech, disagreeing respectfully and listening carefully to a range of viewpoints, while having meaningful dialogue about differences. If list members consistently post outside of the purpose of the discussion list or engage in disrespectful or belittling behavior towards other list members, the list monitor and the Research and Scholarly Environment Committee Officers will decide how to address the situation. This may include the possibility of removing a subscriber from the list.
- The ACRL Guide to Policies & Procedures section 12.17 on Political Discussion states: "Due to ALA's tax exemption as a 501(c)(3), ALA resources cannot be used to support or oppose any candidate for public office. Nor can they be used to link to other sites that contain such support or opposition. Neither can ALA's resources be used to suggest or support boycotts or to make defamatory remarks." This information was distributed to all ALA discussion lists in 2008 and is part of the subscription information for new discussion list members. Repeated attempts to promote or disseminate political views could result in removal from the list.
- It is not appropriate to share copies of articles directly via the SCHOLCOMM email list. Many contract terms or license agreements prohibit sharing articles in this way. Please use your local ILL service if at all possible. We do not want to place either this list or the ACRL at risk by using this avenue to bypass ILL, and those of you providing copies of articles possibly place your institution at risk too.
- Announcements of conferences, workshops, new publications, and position openings appropriate to the topic of the list are allowed.
- All postings must be free of copyright restrictions that limit distribution.
- File attachments should not be used; to prevent the spread of viruses, etc., any attachments are automatically stripped from your message before posting.
Messages sent to the SCHOLCOMM list are posted automatically, without review or moderation. Please contact the discussion list owners, if you have any questions about the use of the discussion list.
Subscribing, Posting and Unsubscribing
SCHOLCOMM is running through ALA Connect. You can subscribe, change your subscription settings, post by doing the following:
Current ACRL Members
All ALA members automatically have an ALA Connect account connected to their ALA login. You can login and join any open community, including this discussion group’s community.
To join a community
1. Sign In to and navigate to the community home page you want to join, in this case search for ACRL Scholarly Communication Discussion Group.
2. If you are eligible, the blue Join Community will appear. Select it.
3. Once you confirm notification frequency, the community content will be available to you.
Non-ALA Members
Non-ALA members are welcome to create a free Connect account and have access to numerous resources as well as well to view the community’s discussion forums. Individuals who have not signed up for a Connect account and then joined the ACRL Scholarly Communication Discussion Group ALA Connect Community will not be able to post a message to the discussion list. To create a free Connect account, go to an ALA page that requires a login, such as the ACRL Scholarly Communication Discussion Group ALA Connect Community
1. If you land on a page that requires login, you will be directed to a page with three options, one of which allows you to create a free account.
2. In the resulting window, enter your email address and last name. The system will confirm whether you have an account in our system already. If an account exists, you will be given password recovery options.
3. For a new account, complete the contact details. Save changes once complete. Login to Connect and select the Join Community button on the community they would like to join or have the admin send an invite link via email.
To join a community
4. Sign In to and navigate to the community home page you want to join, in this case search for ACRL Scholarly Communication Discussion Group.
5. If you are eligible, the blue Join Community will appear. Select it.
6. Once you confirm notification frequency, the community content will be available to you.
How to use the list
- Address all discussion list email messages to the new Connect discussion list address:
- When a message is sent to the new Connect email address, it will generate a post directly to your group’s ALA Connect Community. Additionally:
- Members can continue to post to the group simply by addressing an email to the new address.
- Members of this community will get an email notification and be able to respond directly via email, or by logging in and responding to the discussion post within the community.
- Members can adjust their Connect notification settings to receive individual email notifications or a digest format. To change those settings, when logged into Connect, click on “My Connect”, then “Community Notification Settings”.
Please visit the Connect FAQ page for more information.
- Always try to invite commentary and thoughts from others who might have different experiences, motivations and beliefs than you.
- Always respond respectfully and professionally.
- Be open to the possibility that you might change your mind.
- Be open to ambiguity and competing truths.
- It is not the intention of the monitor to censor or edit posts and messages are posted automatically, without review and approval. Obvious spam and political speech, as defined above, will be addressed or possibly removed from the list.
Interested in subscribing to other ACRL discussion lists? See a complete list.