Scholarly Communication: Other Resources
Check out ACRL's variety of additional resources to help you stay informed and up to date on issues in scholarly communication.
Current Resources
Legacy Projects
ACRL has a longstanding commitment to accelerating the transition to a more open system of scholarship through education, political advocacy, coalition building, and research. In January 2000, an ACRL task force on scholarly communications began discussing how ACRL might contribute to shaping and envisioning the future of scholarly communications. In the task force’s January 2002 report, they recommended that ACRL, as one of its highest strategic priorities, be actively engaged in working to reshape the current system of scholarly communications. Based on the recommendations in the report, ACRL launched its scholarly communication initiative in spring 2002, establishing a new standing committee of the ACRL Board of Directors. Past projects include:
Open and Equitable Scholarly Communications: Creating a More Inclusive Future
On June 12, 2019, ACRL released “Open and Equitable Scholarly Communications: Creating a More Inclusive Future.” Developed over the course of a year with leadership from the Research and Scholarly Environment Committee (ReSEC) and with a high degree of community involvement, this powerful new action-oriented research agenda encourages the community to make the scholarly communications system more open, inclusive, and equitable by outlining trends, encouraging practical actions, and clearly identifying the most strategic research questions to pursue. This report is an important contribution to ACRL’s core commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion which includes valuing different ways of knowing and identifying and working to eliminate barriers to equitable services, spaces, resources, and scholarship. The full research agenda is freely available on the ACRL website as a PDF and for purchase in print in the ALA store. Learn more in an American Libraries feature, Choice Authority File podcast, or Scholarly Kitchen blog post. Watch the recording of a free ACRLPresents Webcast from Monday, July 15, 2019. Also, a team of ALA Emerging Leaders (Cari Didion, Sheila García, Kim Henze, and Teresa Schultz) created targeted use cases (see their poster and report) for how different groups might address the focus areas in the ACRL research agenda. Learn more about their work and about applying for a research grant by watching a recording of a free webcast offered Monday, September 9, 2019.
Establishing a Research Agenda for Scholarly Communication: A Call for Community Engagement
In 2007, a research agenda was developed to explore the current themes and research opportunities. This agenda laid the groundwork for ReSEC’s activities and collaborations.
Principles and Strategies for the Reform of Scholarly Communication
This document from June 2003 is intended to be a foundational statement that provides overall guidance the ACRL scholarly communications initiative.