New Roles and Changing Landscapes: Publications

ACRL publishes a wide variety of titles related to issues in new roles, changing landscapes, and fostering change. Browse a selection of titles below, and visit our publications catalog for complete details on ACRL books.

Fostering Change: A Team-Based Guide

book cover of "Fostering Change: A Team-Based Guide" prepared Brianna Marshall, Dani Brecher Cook, and Cinthya Ippoliti.

Prepared by Brianna Marshall, Dani Brecher Cook, and Cinthya Ippoliti

Developed with leadership from ACRL’s New Roles and Changing Landscapes Committee, Fostering Change is intended to be a practical tool for teams immersed in the labor of leading change in the library and on campus. This guide takes you and your team step-by-step through understanding change, building engagement, and creating and instituting the change, allowing you to pick and choose different aspects of the process that resonate most. It’s intended to help place people at the center of every change process and give individuals across academic libraries the tools to spark, lead, and sustain change, no matter their organizational position. Fostering Change is packed with exercises, templates, and resources to use as you plan and execute change.

Access free today!

More Publications

Edited by Kathryn M. Houk, Jordan Nielsen, and Jenny Wong-Welch

Edited by Russell Michalak, Trevor A. Dawes, and Jon E. Cawthorne


College & Research Libraries News (C&RL News) regularly publishes articles on new roles and changing landscapes topics. Visit the C&RL News website for more.

Jamia Williams and Jessi Van Der Volgen. "Boundaries and Burnout: Thriving in the Academic Library." (September 2024)

Nancy Shore, Kristina Clement, and Katherine Rose Adams. "Librarians and Degree Seeking: The 'Paper Ceiling' and Advancement in Academic Libraries." (June 2024)

Kristina Clement, Chelsee Dickson, and Karen Doster-Greenleaf. "Inclusive Hiring Should Be Standard in My Library: So Why Isn’t It and What Can We Do About It?" (May 2024)

Michael Kirby and Meredith Farkas. "Leading and Locked Out: Academic Community College Librarianship." (May 2024)

Denise Brush. "Trust in Academic Libraries: How to Build Connections between New Co-workers." (April 2024)

Courtney Stine, Sarah Frankel, and Anita Hall. "Parenting and the Academic Library: Experiences, Challenges, and Opportunities." (April 2024)

Sydney Adams, Lisa Forrest, and Nancy Falciani-White. "Creativity in the Library: Intentionality and the Art of Making Space." (March 2024)

Irene M. H. Herold. "Organizational Thriving: Building Your Culture." (February 2024)

Michelle Price. "Open Offices and Working from Home: Inequities in Residency Wealth." (January 2024)