Target Organization Application Form
NOTICE: The Council of Liaisons has been superseded by the Liaisons Coordinating and Component Committees. These policies and procedures govern only individual liaisons whose terms end in FY11 or FY12.
Those suggesting organizations for the council to consider for a liaison relationship should complete and submit an application packet that includes:
a cover letter
a completed application (below)
brief description of organization (number/type of members date founded, address and URL)
and a minimum of three letters of support (letters from, for example, relevant ACRL committees, sections, roundtables, acrl leadership and, when possible, the targeted association)
The application packet content should describe–in short–why the organization should be an ACRL liaison organzation. Once complete, application packets should be submitted to
ACRL Council of Liaisons
Application submitted by:________________________________________________
Contact Information:____________________________________________________
Name/Title of Organization/Association, etc;________________________________
Organization Mailing Address:______________________________________________
Organization Web Address:________________________________________________
Contact within Organization (if applicable)____________________________________
How was this organization identified for the ACRL Council of Liaisons application?
In what ways does the target organization reflect a direction of ACRL as articulated in ACRL’s Strategic Plan (be specific, citing Plan statements)?
Describe the alignment in the vision, strategy, and goals between the target organization and ACRL.
What current issues do the target organization and ACRL share? In what ways will an ACRL liaison this organization advance academic library issues?
How would this relationship position ACRL/academic libraries to address and prepare for future issues facing the library and information profession and/or related professions?
What are the specific goals and planned outcomes of the liaison relationship with the target organization?