Teresa Williams
ALA Divisions:

Professional, productive, forward-thinking.
I just finished “A Girl Named Zippy: Growing Up Small in Mooreland, Indiana” by Haven Kimmel. This book was recommended by Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck (dubbed the “NFL’s unofficial librarian”) for members of his book club. I am also reading “Stars between the Sun and Moon: One Women’s Life in North Korea and Escape to Freedom” by Lucia Jang.
Advocate, supportive, informative.
I value how ACRL encourages and supports connections among librarians as well as the opportunities it provides for professional development.
As a business librarian, I am always working to help our students learn to identify and use reliable business information, including how to recognize the best open and public resources they can freely access for their information needs beyond graduation.
As an academic librarian, I have the opportunity to get to know so many students, but I have just a few short years to make a difference in how they navigate their way to reliable information. That is why I think it is so important for academic librarians to encourage students to also connect with their local public libraries. Information needs do not end after college, and I hope our graduates will continue to use the many valuable resources and services of libraries no matter where their careers might take them.
Title:Business Librarian
Workplace:Butler University
Location:Indianapolis, IN