Sandra Aya Enimil

Sandra Aya Enimil headshot
Describe yourself in three words:

Straightforward, thoughtful, collaborative.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?

I am currently listening to: Lizzo and the podcast Criminal. I am reading "She Begat This" by Joan Morgan; "The Copyright Thing Doesn't Work Here: Adinkra and Kente Cloth and Intellectual Property in Ghana" by Boatema Boateng; "Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses: A Practical Workbook for Integrating Themes, Ideas, and Inspiration into Your Class" by Sage Rountree and Alexandra DeSiato

Describe ACRL in three words:

Innovative, collaborative, necessary.

What do you value about ACRL?

I value that ACRL provides opportunities for engagement and professional development for academic librarians at all career levels. The ACRL conference was one of the first professional library conferences I attended and I was pleased to be accepted and glad to be part of the community.

What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus?

I help my library and campus community understand how copyright impacts their research, scholarship, teaching and creative inquiry. Through consultations, workshops and one-on-one meetings, I learn about all of the fantastic activities happening on our campus and how I can help navigate copyright. I enjoy working with faculty and graduate students in learning about their rights as creators of content, by exploring their rights as authors or thinking through Open Access. I also love speaking with partners about how they can and should make use of copyrighted materials.

In your own words

Since I hold both law and library degrees and briefly worked as an attorney, I get asked about differences between librarianship and legal practice. There are definite differences, but something I think is very similar is that people have specific (and sometimes unspecific or unknown) needs and librarians and lawyers work on ways to help to meet those needs. They both solve problems or try to provide resources to solve problems. My experiences all come to bear in the work that I do, I am grateful to work in a field where the fullness of my professional life is welcome and respected.

Credentials:JD, MSLIS

Title:Copyright Services Librarian/ Head, Copyright Services

Workplace:The Ohio State University Libraries

Location:Columbus, Ohio