Melissa Mallon
ALA Divisions:

Inquisitive, compassionate, innovative.
In preparation for a fall discussion group on critical digital literacy, I'm working my way through "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism" by Shoshana Zuboff. I'm also reading the latest novels from two of my favorite authors, "The Witch Elm" by Tana French and "State of the Union" by Nick Hornby.
Welcoming, invigorating, connecting.
I love being an ACRL member. ACRL has provided me with many opportunities for service at a national level, more networking opportunities than I can count, and lots of chances to share my ideas about librarianship with the profession at large. I've been a member since grad school, and truly appreciate the chance to learn from and grow with my fellow academic librarian colleagues.
As a director, I love that I get the chance every day to amplify the amazing work of my colleagues. Whether we're partnering with faculty to integrate information & digital literacies into the curriculum or teaching transferable research skills to students, I love advocating for the library's role in teaching & learning and sharing the amazing work our librarians do!
Now that I've entered "mid-career" status as a librarian, I can say that this is absolutely the right job for me! I'm always learning and growing as a professional, and finding new areas of librarianship that fascinate me. I am who I am because of the colleagues I've met along the way; these amazing information professionals have inspired and motivated me to question and challenge the status quo. Academic librarians play such an important role in making the world a better place, and I am so happy to be part of this profession.
Title:Director of Peabody Library/Director of Teaching & Learning
Workplace:Vanderbilt University
Location:Nashville, TN