Mary Francis
ALA Divisions:

Responsible, productive, logical.
For work: “How Colleges Change: Understanding, Leading, and Enacting Change” by Adrianna Kezar. For fun: “Carpe Jugulum” from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.
Growth, professional, connections.
I appreciate the in-depth professional development opportunities offered by ACRL. I’ve taken part in both Immersion and the Assessment in Action programs which not only provided me with content and experience that I could apply in my position, but also connected me with a wide number of great librarians across the U.S. whom I keep in contact with to this day.
I provide my campus a place to come for information. At the most basic level, that means the resources that are used to conduct research. However, the library also serves as a clearinghouse for information about the campus. The library is engaged in campus life which allows us to gather and share information about services, events, and campus expectations.
I love working in an academic library because it is an institution dedicated to learning set within an organization dedicated to learning. I enjoy working with students across campus and hearing all of them get excited about their own fields. I want to help people think about something, no matter what their something entails.
Title:Reference Instruction Librarian
Workplace:Dakota State University
Location:Madison, SD