Describe yourself in three words:

Curious, flexible, compassionate.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?

I listen to both audiobooks and podcasts in my car during my long commute. Currently, I'm listening to "Crooked Hallelujah" by Kelli Jo Ford, a novel about multiple generations of Native American women. The podcasts I listen to regularly are: Crime Junkie, Subtitle, Twenty Thousand Hertz, Uncover, and We Can Do Hard Things.

Describe ACRL in three words:

Connecting, educating, advocating.

What do you value about ACRL?

I value connecting with and learning from other academic librarians through committee work and programming. I also value the breadth of resources and opportunities that ACRL offers to its members through service, publications, webinars, and training. I've been a member of ACRL since 1998 and was heavily involved with the University Libraries Section for many years; eventually serving as Chair from 2009-2010. Since 2017, I've been active in the Literatures in English Section and am the current Vice Chair/Chair-elect.

What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus?

I manage a team of subject librarians who work with arts, humanities, and social sciences departments. In this role, I primarily provide support and mentoring. I also serve as a Subject Librarian for Applied Linguistics & ESL, English, and World Languages & Cultures. I provide reference and research support, build collections in those areas, and teach students how to use the library's resources. Teaching is my favorite aspect of my job. I especially like working with the Freshman English classes!

In your own words

I didn't know I wanted to be a librarian until I was halfway through a master's program in English literature. I was working full-time in an academic library in the reference department when two of the librarians invited me to lunch to talk about careers in librarianship. I loved what I was doing in reference and knew that I wasn't going to pursue a Ph.D. in English. After finishing my M.A., I applied to library school and never looked back. I love that I get to continually learn new things, and work on a variety of stimulating projects; I'm excited to spend my days on a university campus and the energy that brings; and I love working directly with students. Academic librarianship is the perfect career for me.

Credentials:M.A., M.S.L.S. she/her

Title:Team Leader for Arts & Humanities and Humanities Subject Librarian

Workplace:Georgia State University

Location:Atlanta, GA