Lisa Kallman Hopkins
ALA Divisions:
Kind, committed, curious.
I just finished "The Hero of This Book: A Novel" by Elizabeth McCracken and "The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness" by Sy Montgomery, and I'm currently halfway through "Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally" by Emily Ladau.
Provides connection & opportunity.
I am grateful that ACRL provides opportunities for publishing, expanding my career, connecting with others, and sharing ideas. I appreciate the platform for collaboration and discourse.
I serve on committees that make a significant impact to the campus, such as the Academic Master Planning Taskforce, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Institutional Assessment, the DEI committee, and QEP taskforce. I serve as a catalog editor and editor on the Strategic Plans. I also serve as the copyright specialist for the university.
As an academic librarian at this particularly unique university, we serve students who are hungry to learn, hungry to have a better life for themselves and their families. Our students are nontraditional, often military-affiliated, and often coming back as older students. I wake up eager to make a difference each day, working with students who seek out and appreciate assistance. Whether I'm cataloging, fixing broken links, or working one-on-one with students, I am aware of my impact on their education. It is inspiring and empowering, and I love it.
Title:Head of Technical Services, Assistant Dean of the University Library & Archives
Workplace:Texas A&M University-Central Texas, University Library & Archives
Location:Killeen, TX