Describe yourself in three words:

Curious, earnest, community-oriented.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?

I am currently reading "The Sum Of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone And How We Can Prosper Together" by Heather McGhee. I highly recommend it!

Describe ACRL in three words:

Expansive, collaborative, connecting.

What do you value about ACRL?

I value that ACRL provides a community where I can keep growing and building relationships with fellow librarians around topics that are important to my professional life. For example, I’ve enjoyed the connections I’ve made serving as a convener on the Academic Library Services to International Students interest group. I especially love the opportunity to connect and learn at the ACRL conference—I always feel like a kid in a candy store when I browse the program and see all the sessions where I can meet amazing colleagues and engage with exciting ideas.

What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus?

As an instruction librarian, I love empowering students by teaching them information literacy skills that will help them succeed in their studies and thrive as lifelong learners. I also contribute to my campus by building relationships with faculty and campus departments so that together we can better support student success.

In your own words

Learning brings me joy. This is what first drew me to libraries, because information is the tool that powers learning. My favorite part of being an academic librarian is passing that joy on by helping students, staff and faculty become more confident and effective information seekers and users. In the process, I find that I learn a lot from my patrons as well. As an early career librarian, I’m grateful to be in a collaborative profession with opportunities to learn and grow, and I’m thankful for the mentors and colleagues who help me on my way!


Title:Reference and Instruction Librarian

Workplace:Penn State University, Abington campus

Location:Abington, PA