Describe yourself in three words:

Dedicated, curious, compassionate.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?

I’m interested in how we can design systems that are inherently inclusive and equitable, so I’ve been reading Knowledge Machines: Digital Transformations of the Sciences and Humanities (Infrastructures). In the book Eric Meyer and Ralph Schroeder argue that digital technologies have fundamentally changed research practices in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. I’m interested in the transformations of research especially in the context of two field’s; sociology of science and technology and social informatics, where both the social (people) and technical (infrastructure) are considered. Link to book is…

Describe ACRL in three words:

Connecting, supportive, inclusive.

What do you value about ACRL?

I really value the variety of educational resources provided by ACRL and the members. Being part of ACRL has provided me with so many opportunities for professional development, networking with my peers, and making professional friends who share knowledge and resources.

What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus?

As the scholarly communications librarian, I help educate faculty and students about all aspects of the processes involved in communicating their research. As the scholarly communications librarian, I help educate faculty and students about all aspects of the processes involved in communicating their research. We have seven separate college campuses that our library serves and so I also educate a wonderful team of instruction librarians who assist me with instruction on copyright and fair use, scholarly identity, open access, depositing works in our repository, and this fall we are launching an Open Educational Resources Program for faculty.

In your own words

I’m humbled and excited that I have be chosen to be a new presenter for the one-day RoadShow Scholarly Communication: From Understanding to Engagement. I’m passionate about Open Access and Open Science, and participating in the Roadshow is a wonderful opportunity to understand the needs of my academic library colleagues, learn from my peers, and a chance to share some of the ways to support the communication of research.

Credentials:MLISc, MSc

Title:Scholarly Communications Librarian

Workplace:The Claremont Colleges

Location:Claremont, California