Elizabeth Johnson

Elizabeth Johnson headshot
Describe yourself in three words

Team-player, focused, and driven.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?

I'm reading two books that get me in the right frame of mind as I work on a book chapter: "Twisted: The Tangled History of Black Hair Culture" by Emma Dabiri and "Just Work: Get Sh*t Done Fast & Fair" by Kim Scott.

Describe ACRL in three words:

Conferring, educating, and growing.

What do you value about ACRL?

What I value most about ACRL is that while working on my MLIS degree, I found insightful resources through the websites. But more importantly, I've gained friendships and networking through CORE forums and workshops that serve as an asset to this day.

What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus?

My journey of becoming a library professional has come full circle since I was a professor for over a decade. So my contributions on my campus take the form of a teacher/librarian who is mentoring, writing, researching, and serving.

In your own words

What I do daily is stand at the gap. Some days I stand symbolically, but most days, I stand literally. I assist colleagues, students, and community patrons in gaining knowledge and understanding. I invite others to stand with me!

Credentials:Ph.D.; MLIS; and MS

Title:Assistant Director of Operations and Planning/Associate Professor

Workplace:Tennessee State University

Location:Nashville, TN