Damiana Fortenberry
ALA Divisions:

Kind, enthusiastic, detail-oriented.
I usually love reading romance, and in that genre J.R. Ward is my favorite author. However, it's become a personal tradition of mine to read something in the horror or thriller genre every holiday season. This years book is "Mountain of Madness" by H.P. Lovecraft.
Supportive, inclusive, helpful.
I've been connected with so many resources that have helped me become a better librarian through ACRL. My mentor and I met through this organization and it's been such a wonderful experience being able to have that professional guidance and support. Every aspect of the ACRL that I've encountered thus far has been about helping new and experienced academic librarians alike. I'm very grateful that the ACRL exists and am especially grateful to the many people who contribute to it.
I'm actually a public librarian! Although I've only been in academic libraries as a student and an interning librarian, I've performed plenty of services to patrons that are the same whether you're in a public or academic library. I often help patrons in one-on-one sessions do in-depth research on topics they're interested in knowing more about, and guide them to more resources pertaining to that subject. I research and conduct programs that help the public learn about a variety of topics. The ones I've been most passionate about have been those pertaining to health literacy for all ages. And, of course, I help patrons with readers advisory when it's needed.
The desire to help people is first and foremost in my mind when I think about what I do, and I think that would be true whether I was in an academic or a public library. Being a librarian has taught me that I enjoy helping people reach their full potential and guiding them to resources that may make their life better.
Title:Library Associate
Workplace:Gwinnett County Public Library
Location:Lawrenceville, GA