Live Webcasts

ACRL e-Learning webcasts are 60-90 minutes in length. Webcasts take place in an interactive, online classroom environment with one user/one login. View the complete schedule and register for a webcast today.

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ACRL's live webcasts and multi-week online courses are designed to meet the demands of your schedule and budget. ACRL online learning helps fund advocacy, research, and continuing education programs for the academic library community worldwide.

February 2025

Toward Inclusive Academic Librarian Hiring Series: Part One - Developing Inclusive Hiring and Onboarding Processes (February 5, 2025)
Learn how the presenters revamped their hiring and onboarding processes to be more people-centered, fostering a greater sense of connection and ownership for new hires. This webcast details the implementation and results of these multi-stage processes, including how stakeholder feedback was incorporated. Discover actionable steps to implement similar improvements at your organization.

Toward Inclusive Academic Librarian Hiring Series: Part Two - Incorporating Universal Design into The Hiring Process (February 12, 2025)
Make your library's hiring process more inclusive for librarians with disabilities. Explore how to incorporate Universal Design (UD) principles into academic librarian searches, offering flexibility in where, when, and how the process occurs. The presenter will share their experience chairing a search committee for a tenure-track role, including the barriers faced and practical tips for overcoming them.

Toward Inclusive Academic Librarian Hiring Series: Part Three - Training for Search Committees and Stakeholders (February 19, 2025)
Explore how to establish intentional search committees and launch inclusive search processes before recruitment begins. Presenters will share their experiences building inclusive search cultures across diverse institutions and offer strategies for embedding equity and inclusion not just in hiring but throughout library operations, centering these values for candidates, current staff, and future colleagues.

Toward Inclusive Academic Librarian Hiring Series: Part Four - Hiring under Anti-DEI Policies (February 26, 2025)
The presenters will discuss the use of rubrics to evaluate faculty applicants' diversity statements. While these rubrics were initially implemented to ensure consistent evaluation and communicate organizational values, subsequent administrative policies and laws impacted their use. The presenters will examine the impact of these changes and share strategies for navigating the current landscape.