Contact ACRL
Mailing address:
Association of College and Research Libraries
American Library Association
225 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1300
Chicago, IL 60601-7616
Telephone: (312) 280-2523
Toll Free: 1 (800) 545-2433, ext. 2523
(between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. CDT)
Fax: (312) 280-2520
Margot Conahan
Manager of Professional Development | 312-280-2522
Margot Conahan is ACRL's Manager of Professional Development and provides leadership for ACRL’s professional development program, identifying content, content providers, and dissemination mechanisms that meet the needs of those working in libraries in higher education institutions. Margot oversees all aspects of ACRL's professional development offerings, including the ACRL Conference, Immersion Program, preconferences, licensed workshops, institutes, and online learning program.
David Connolly
Recruitment Advertising Sales Manager and Grant Specialist, | 312-280-2513
David Connolly is Recruitment Advertising Sales Manager and Grant Specialist at ACRL where he manages ALA JobLIST, the online career site ACRL operates jointly with American Libraries and ALA's Office of Human Resources Development and Recruitment. He coordinates ACRL's grants program, researching and managing grant opportunities for the association. David also tracks manuscript submissions and supports the Editor-in-Chief with other administrative tasks for C&RL News.
David Free (he/him/his)
Editor-in-Chief of C&RL News/Senior Communications and Membership Strategist | 312-280-2517
David Free is Editor-in-Chief of College and Research Libraries News and ACRL's Senior Communications and Membership Strategist. He is responsible for content and production of C&RL News; develops marketing, communication, and promotional strategy for ACRL programs, publications, and services; manages member services; and coordinates ACRL's Standards, Guidelines, and Frameworks.
Sara Goek
Project Manager, Data and Research | 312-280-5841
Sara Goek is Project Manager, Data and Research for ACRL and the Public Library Association (PLA). Sara leads key data-related initiatives for both divisions, including the annual surveys, Benchmark tool, and Project Outcome. She also develops related research and training materials.
Rachel Hendrick
CHOICE Editor and Publisher | 860-347-6933 x120
Rachel joined ALA in 2014 as the operations manager at Choice and in 2016 became the director of operations. During her tenure she has worked on a number of projects at Choice such as the Choice rebranding effort, the relaunch of Choice Reviews, the Authority File podcast, the Towards Inclusive Excellence content stream, and the redesign of as a showcase for all the great content Choice produces. Rachel was initially attracted to Choice because of its mission to provide reviews to academic libraries but she has found there a community of innovative content creators.
Brian Lim (he/him/his)
Program Coordinator | 312-280-2514
Brian Lim is ACRL's Program Coordinator for Data and Research. Brian administers and supports ACRL's data tools including Benchmark: Library Metrics and Trends, Project Outcome for Academic Libraries, and TATIL. He also organizes ACRL's Member of the Week program and assists with generating statistics for the Section Membership Committee.
Bill Mickey
Editorial Director of CHOICE | 860-347-6933
Bill Mickey is Editorial Director at Choice. He oversees editorial operations and all print and online content produced by a team of subject editors, a copy chief, and student interns. He also helps develop new content products and initiatives.
Dawn Mueller
Senior Production Editor | 312-280-2516
Dawn Mueller is Senior Production Editor at ACRL. She is responsible for the production of C&RL, RBM, and all non-serial publications; develops and maintains the ACRL website and microsites; designs and produces all ACRL marketing brochures and flyers; coordinates and prepares proceedings and program books for ACRL conferences.
Erin Nevius
Content Strategist | 312-280-2516
Erin Nevius is ACRL's Content Strategist. Erin identifies and acquires content in a variety of formats, including but not limited to books, e-learning, podcasts, webinars, and blog posts that will inform academic and research librarians. Her focus is on finding and delivering compelling, timely, and practical content in the format that works best for the audience.
Tory Ondrla (she/her/hers)
Conference Manager | 312-280-2515
Tory Ondrla is ACRL's Conference Manager and handles logistics for the ACRL Conference and other professional development events. She facilitates site selection, negotiates hotel, convention center, and supplier contracts, and executes audio-visual and catering plans. She works with various member committees to help them achieve their goals and objectives for professional development events.
Gena Parsons-Diamond (she/her/hers)
Program Manager, Data and Research | 312-280-2512
Gena Parsons-Diamond is ACRL's Program Manager for Data and Research. Gena manages and administers ACRL's suite of data tools including Benchmark: Library Metrics and Trends, Project Outcome for Academic Libraries, and TATIL to support ACRL's strategic goals, particularly related to increased data benchmarking, assessment, and research.
Allison Payne (she/her/hers)
Interim Executive Director | 312-280-2519
Allison Payne is ACRL's Interim Executive Director. She coordinates activities of the association's Board of Directors and Budget & Finance Committee; prepares and maintains the ACRL budget; manages initiatives for equity, diversity and inclusion; and manages division-level appointments.
Elois Sharpe
Program Officer | 312-280-5277
Elois Sharpe is ACRL's Program Officer for Governance. She manages the ACRL division-level committee process, annual ACRL Board elections, ACRL's IFLA section standing committee appointments, and ACRL meeting scheduling for ALA conferences and ACRL's virtual meetings scheduling. She supports the work of the ACRL Board of Directors, ACRL Budget & Finance Committee, and division-level committees. Coordinates the fulfillment of Frameworks and Standards orders.
Ari Zickau (they/them/he/him)
Program Manager for Consulting and Professional Development | 312-280-2521
Ari Zickau is ACRL's Program Manager for Consulting and Professional Development, leading and managing both ACRL’s Consulting Services and RoadShow licensed workshops. They oversee ACRL’s team of experienced adjunct consultants and work to expand Consulting Services through strategic marketing and outreach. Ari also ensures high-quality professional development for academic and research libraries through ACRL's online and in-person RoadShow program.