Planning, Assessing, and Communicating Library Impact

Putting the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education into Action
A blue logo of a white clipboard with a checklist and a target

Libraries in higher education are increasingly required to demonstrate their value and document their contributions to overall institutional effectiveness. The Standards for Libraries in Higher Education is a framework for library planning and assessment that can be used for a variety of circumstances including annual planning, program review, and accreditation self-study. Through presentation, discussion, and group activities, you'll learn how to use the Standards to communicate your library’s impact.


This workshop is intentionally designed for:

  • All librarians, library staff, or library administrators who need to demonstrate the value of their library
  • All librarians, library staff, or library administrators who need to document their contributions to overall institutional effectiveness
  • All librarians, library staff, or library administrators who seek to identify areas for quality improvement in their library
  • Library staff or administrators who have little or no previous experience implementing the Standards
  • Other campus partners or professionals involved in assessment, institutional planning and improvement, or academic technology

Learning Objectives

Workshop participants will be able to:

  • Establish the library and institutional contexts to effectively engage in planning, self-study, accreditation, or program review processes.
  • Use the ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education and other foundational documents as a framework to develop benchmarks, evaluate quality and performance, and demonstrate value to the institutional mission.
  • Evaluate various metrics and assessment tools to select the best approach for a given situation.
  • Examine the role of leadership in building a culture of assessment to engage all librarians and staff members in effective decision-making.


Planning, Assessing, and Communicating Library Impact is available as an in-person or virtual RoadShow.

Learn more about hosting a RoadShow.

Sample In-Person Schedule

  • 3 Hours: The Standards as a Foundation for Assessment; Moving Assessment from Theory into Practice - A Planning and Assessment Cycle Approach; Developing Outcomes
  • 1 Hour: Lunch break
  • 1.25 Hours: Designing Assessments that Demonstrate Mission, Value, and Contribution (Criteria, Actions, Evidence, Analysis, Change)
  • 1.25 Hours: Metrics and Bench-marking
  • 1 Hour: Leadership and Organizational Change; Wrap-up and Reflection

Total: Approx. 8-8.5 hours

Note: This is a sample schedule for example purposes; hosts will receive a final agenda including breaks and meal-times from their RoadShow presenter team.

Sample Virtual Schedule

The virtual Standards workshop takes place across two half-days, and the schedule is flexible.

Day 1 (2 Hours):

  • The Standards as a Foundation for Assessment
  • Moving Assessment from Theory into Practice - A Planning and Assessment Cycle Approach
  • Developing Outcomes
  • Designing Assessments that Demonstrate Mission, Value, and Contribution (Criteria, Actions, Evidence, Analysis, Change)

Day 2 (2 Hours):

  • Metrics and Bench-marking
  • Leadership and Organizational Change
  • Wrap-up and Reflection

Total: Approx. 5-6 hours

Note: This is a sample schedule for example purposes; hosts will receive a final agenda including breaks from their RoadShow presenter team.

Meet Our Presenters

Kathleen “Kat” Kim Bell headshot

Kathleen “Kat” Kim Bell is currently Head, Assessment and Planning at George Mason University Libraries. In this role, she works collaboratively to lead strategic planning, support assessment, and guide diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. She is currently Treasurer for the Asian Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA) and serves on the Steering Committee the Conference on Academic Library Management (CALM). She is a 2018 graduate of the Minnesota Institute. Before joining Mason, she worked in a variety of archives, museums, and nonprofits. She holds a BA and MA in dance, an MLS from Texas Woman's University, and a Master of Science in Organization Development and Knowledge Management from George Mason University.

Andrea Falcone headshot
Andrea Falcone is the Dean of Libraries at SUNY Binghamton. In this role, she provides vision, leadership, and resources for the libraries, including four physical locations and approximately 130 personnel. Andrea has published and presented widely on innovative teaching techniques, improving classroom communication skills, and pedagogical uses of technology. She is the Editor of the Beta Phi Mu Scholars Series published by Rowman & Littlefield and is the column editor for "Leadership Reflections," which appears in the Journal of Library Administration. Andrea earned a Masters in Library Science from Indiana University and a Master’s in English from the University of Toledo.
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe headshot
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe is Professor/Coordinator for Research and Teaching Professional Development, in the University Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as well as an affiliate faculty member in the university's School of Information Sciences, Center for Global Studies, and European Union Center. Along with Debra Gilchrist, Lisa was the lead designer for ACRL's training program for the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education and the IMLS-funded Assessment in Action (AiA) program. For more information about Lisa, see, or learn more about her in her ACRL Member of the Week profile on ACRL Insider.
Rhonda Huisman headshot
Rhonda Huisman, MAE, MISLT is Dean of University Library at St. Cloud State University, where she directs library strategic planning, instruction, collections, and space as well as staffing, professional development, and outreach. Rhonda has researched faculty-librarian collaborations, information literacy, and the first-year experience, but her primary focus has been on collaborating with K-12 librarians, community colleges, and four-year institutions to research college-readiness initiatives. She attended the Harvard Leadership Institute, and is an alumna of the Immersion Assessment track and current Immersion faculty member. Recent publications and presentations at ALA, ACRL, LOEX, and the IUPUI Assessment Institute covered high-impact education practices, faculty-centered workshops, and communities of practice, and regularly teaches first-year seminars and education courses. She is an active member of local and state committees, ACRL committees, and served as Chair of the Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee in 2016-17. Learn more about Rhonda in her ACRL Member of the Week profile on ACRL Insider.
Lisa Stillwell headshot
Lisa Stillwell, MILS, is Associate Librarian for Research Services at Franklin & Marshall College, where she is responsible for managing the research/reference, instruction, and interlibrary loan services. She is also an active member of the F&M community, serving on the General Education Advisory Committee, the F&M Votes Coalition, the Committee on Sexual Misconduct, and the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Panel. An active member of ACRL, she served on the Task Force on the First-Year Experience, has co-chaired National Conference Program Planning Committees since 2005, and served on the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education Task Force (2009 - 2011).
Keri Thomas-Whiteside headshot
Keri Thomas-Whiteside has nearly 20 years of experience in librarianship. She has been an information literacy coordinator, assessment mentor, and chaired the Collection Development subgroup of the SUNY Library Council’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Task Group. Keri participated in ACRL’s Immersion Program Track and is certified in DEI instruction, racial equity impact and distance education. She has been a librarian at Rhode Island Historical Society, Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, Trocaire College, and Erie Community College. Keri is currently on leave from libraries while owning and operating Westside Stories, a used book store in Buffalo, NY.

Here's what participants are saying!

"This was one of the best workshops I have ever attended. As someone who would describe herself as novice/intermediate in terms of assessment knowledge this was eye-opening and provided me with many ideas that I am implementing now."

"I am not in a leadership position, but I will now be able to better support my supervisor with any program assessment she would like to initiate."

"This was one of the best workshops I have ever attended. As someone who would describe herself as novice/intermediate in terms of assessment knowledge this was eye-opening and provided me with many ideas that I am implementing now."

"I feel much more confident about crafting outcomes!"

"I felt like I received solid, practical information - not just theory."

"I have been exposed to the ACRL Standards and the concepts of assessment but mostly in isolation. It was nice to interact and see how others use it in their own institutional contexts."


Institutions pay a licensing fee to host an ACRL RoadShow workshop. ACRL organizational members receive a 10% licensing fee discount.

In-Person Workshop

  • Up to 24 participants: $3,500 licensing fee and travel costs for one presenter
  • 25-60 participants: $6,000 licensing fee and travel costs for two presenters
  • 60+ participants: Contact us to make special arrangements for a larger in-person group

Virtual Workshop

  • Up to 24 participants: $3,500 licensing fee, includes one presenter
  • 25-60 participants: $6,000 licensing fee, includes two presenters

RoadShow Discounts and Savings

Bring Planning, Assessing, and Communicating Library Impact to your campus!

To schedule a Standards for Libraries in Higher Education RoadShow, contact Ari Zickau at