Engaging with the ACRL Framework: A Catalyst for Exploring and Expanding Our Teaching Practices
Bring the Framework RoadShow to your campus or schedule a virtual workshop!
Program Description
The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education - with its emphasis on self-reflective and lifelong learning and on conceptual understandings about information, research, and scholarship and encouraging - has prompted many librarians to consider their teaching practices from fresh angles, as they explore their evolving instructional roles within and beyond the library classroom. The Framework’s vision of information literacy education as a shared responsibility of all educators suggests both opportunities and challenges for teaching librarians, as we expand pedagogical approaches and partnerships. This workshop supports librarians in engaging more deeply with the Framework and exploring ways that it may help to enrich their individual teaching practices, as well as their local instruction programs and institutions.
Throughout this workshop participants will explore concepts and pedagogical approaches outlined in the Framework and their significance to their own instructional work. Attendees will apply their learning and reflection to creating instruction plans for their local contexts and considering possibilities for growing teaching partnerships.
Number of presenters: Two presenters for up to 100 participants
Who Should Attend
This workshop is relevant to any librarian who supports teaching and learning, whether through direct instruction or through instructional programming or initiatives. While the workshop is most relevant to academic librarians, librarians working in other types of libraries and educators who are employed outside of a library will also benefit from engaging with the theoretical concepts and practical applications explored among participants.
Learning Outcomes
Workshop participants will be able to...
- Recognize the overarching goals and the major components of the Framework and what theories influenced the document's creation.
- Reflect on their personal perspectives on and experiences with the Framework and how these influence their engagement with the document.
- Examine their unique institutional and instructional contexts and the possibilities and constraints these contexts present for their pedagogical work,
- Apply principles of instructional design to develop instruction that is centered on the Frames and that fosters learning transfer and metacognition.
- Explore the unique knowledge and experiences that librarians bring to teaching and learning and their implications for expanding librarians' instructional roles and partnerships.
- Explore how the Framework can be used to foster dialogue and collaboration among educators.
Sample Schedule
Total Time: 8 hours, 45 minutes
- 15 Minutes: Welcome and Workshop Overview
- 60 Minutes: Segment 1: Setting the Stage: Exploring Possibilities & Challenges
- 15 Minutes: Break
- 60 Minutes: Segment 2: Foundational Knowledge: Pedagogical Theories and Approaches
- 15 Minutes: Break
- 60 Minutes: Segment 3: Considering Institutional & Instructional Contexts
- 60 Minutes: Lunch
- 2 Hours, 45 Minutes: Segment 4: Instructional Design with the Frames in Mind
- 15 Minutes: Break
- 45 Minutes: Segment 5: Building Collaborations
- 15 Minutes: Final Reflections and Closing Remarks
Jenny Dale is the Information Literacy Coordinator at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro's University Libraries, where she oversees the First-Year Instruction Program, coordinates information literacy assessment, and provides professional development training for librarian and teaching faculty colleagues. Jenny also collaborates with students and faculty in the departments of Communication Studies, English, Media Studies, and Women's and Gender Studies in her role as a liaison librarian. She holds a Master of Science in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Learn more about Jenny in her ACRL Member of the Week profile on ACRL Insider.
Kate L. Ganski is Assistant Director of Libraries for User Services at the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, where she is responsible for casting the vision and developing goals and metrics for library services contributing to the campus goals of graduating successful students, producing excellent research, and engaging the community. She also coordinates the information literacy instruction program, which includes training and professional development for librarians and interns. Kate holds a Master’s in Library Science from Southern Connecticut State University. Learn more about Kate in her ACRL Member of the Week profile on ACRL Insider.
Samantha Godbey is Education Librarian at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where she is liaison to the College of Education and Department of Psychology. In this role, she has worked directly with faculty to integrate research-based assignments and information literacy concepts into their courses. Samantha’s research focuses on the Framework as well as information literacy instruction and assessment, and she is co-editor of Disciplinary Applications of Information Literacy Threshold Concepts (ACRL, 2017). She holds a Master of Library and Information Science from San Jose State University and a Master of Arts in Education from the University of California at Berkeley. Learn more about Samantha in her ACRL Member of the Week profile on ACRL Insider.
Brittney Johnson is the Library Curriculum and Instruction Developer at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas, where she develops (and teaches) programmatic curriculum for information literacy that integrates into the general education curriculum, as well as research- and writing-centric courses. In previous work at Texas State University, she developed curriculum for and coordinated a digital literacy micro-credentialing program that was embedded within the library's technology spaces. Brittney also teaches in higher education, both online and face-to-face, and most recently has taught introduction to education and senior-level capstone courses. Brittney holds a Master of Science in Cognitive Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Master in the Art of Teaching in Education from the University of Alaska - Southeast and is working on her doctorate in Curriculum, Instruction, and the Science of Learning at University at Buffalo. Along with Andrea Baer and Lindsay Matts-Benson, Brittney co-designed this workshop curriculum. Learn more about Brittney in her ACRL Member of the Week profile on ACRL Insider.
Lindsay Matts-Benson is the Teaching and Learning Program Lead for the University of Minnesota Libraries in Minneapolis where she collaborates and consults with librarians and library staff on enhancing their teaching practices - both in-person and online and developing strategy, programs and partnerships around campus to further the Libraries impact on student learning. Lindsay has designed online learning modules and developed semester-long courses ranging from insurance law and trial advocacy skills to library research skills and job searching using library databases. Lindsay holds a Master of Arts in Learning Technology with a certificate in e-learning from the University of St. Thomas, and a Master's in Library and Information Science from Dominican University in River Forest, IL. Along with Andrea Baer and Brittney Johnson, Lindsay co-designed this workshop curriculum. Learn more about Lindsay in her ACRL Member of the Week profile on ACRL Insider.
Kim Pittman is the Information Literacy and Assessment Librarian at the University of Minnesota Duluth, where she coordinates the library’s instruction program, leads assessment efforts, and teaches a first-year seminar course. She is a founding member of the Lake Superior Libraries Symposium Steering Committee and co-founder of the Minnesota Library Association Instruction Roundtable (IRT). With IRT co-chairs Amy Mars and Trent Brager, Kim helped develop the 23 Framework Things online program. She participated in ACRL’s Assessment in Action program in 2015-16, leading a Framework-inspired project investigating student persistence in the research process. She holds a Master’s in Library and Information Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Learn more about Kim in her ACRL Member of the Week profile on ACRL Insider.
Organizational members of ACRL receive a 10% discount off the hosting cost. Not sure about your organization's membership status? Contact Margot Conahan at mconahan@ala.org to find out.
Smaller Groups
Cost: $3,500 (as low as $145/person!)
Plus travel expenses for one presenter
Participants: up to 24
Presenters: 1
Larger Group
Cost: $6,000 (as low as $100/person!)
Plus travel expenses for two presenters
Participants: 25 - 60
Presenters: 2
Even Larger Group
Have more than 60 participants? Get in touch and we'll work to accommodate your community!
Host Responsibilities
- Reservation of meeting space and audio-visual equipment, and printing of workshop handouts and materials, per the requirements provided by ACRL.
- On-site instructional technology and AV support as needed (more information below).
- Reservation and purchase of presenter lodging and ensuring presenters are given a clear understanding of satisfactory ground transportation options.
- Communicate regularly with presenters regarding program and logistics.
- Catering for workshop participants and presenters, if desired and as appropriate.
- Staff as needed (e.g., general oversight, check-in assistants).
- Management of registration process.
- Compilation of attendee roster with complete contact information and registration list.
- Providing participant and presenter name badges.
- Marketing and publicity of the workshop.
- Restrict participant number to limits set by ACRL to allow for maximum interactivity.
ACRL Responsibilities
- One full-day workshop at the Host’s site.
- Expert presenters to teach the workshop. ACRL will cover the expenses for presenter honorarium; presenter travel expenses will be invoiced to the hosts.
- Delivery of workshop handouts to be printed prior to workshop date.
- Evaluation design and compilation for overall workshop. ACRL will provide a final evaluation summary report.
Code of Conduct
To provide all participants in ACRL's professional development events equal opportunity to benefit, ACRL is committed to providing a harassment-free environment for everyone. This is articulated in our Statement of Appropriate Conduct used in all ACRL conferences. We invite and encourage you to use it as a model for your workshop.
AV and Materials Needed
Specifics may vary by workshop, but generally, the following audiovisual equipment is needed for all workshops:
- Room set with roundtables, plus head table for presenters.
- Two wireless/lavalier microphones.
- Projector, screen, and computer (laptop or desktop).
- Printing of handouts and other necessary documents, communicated to the hosts by the presenters prior to the workshop.
Other materials may include Post-It Notes, markers, flipcharts, dot stickers, masking tape, writing utensils, etc.
Don't take our word for it. See what participants are saying!
"I have a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges I'll face when applying the frames to my instruction, our curriculum mapping project, and my ability to speak to my colleagues about the frames."
“This has been one of the most insightful workshops that I have taken. Thank you!!”
"This was the best workshop I've attended in years. I went from being one of the 'reluctant' adopters of the Framework, to put it kindly, to absolutely loving it. This workshop completely turned me around and helped me understand the great value of the Framework."
“I was delighted to be surrounded by friendly-intelligent-and knowledgable fellow librarians.”
"The workshop encouraged me to think about my teaching and also to expand the ways I think about my teaching beyond simply as bibliographic instruction. I was encouraged to view my teaching within a larger context."
“I liked the organization of the workshop and found it very engaging.”
“The presenters were great. They were knowledgeable and easy to listen to and understand.”
“The content was rich, and it helped me better understand and appreciate the Framework.”
"This made the Framework real and applicable for me. Finally. Thank you!"