Conferences and Learning
ACRL offers a variety of professional development events. From multi-day conferences and in-depth institutes to affordable right-sized online learning, there is something for everyone and every budget. RoadShow workshops let you bring the learning to your institution or region for maximum impact. ACRL professional development programs help fund advocacy, research, and continuing education programs for the academic library community worldwide and scholarships are often available.
ACRL Professional Development Programs
ACRL 2025 will be held April 2 - 5, 2025, in Minneapolis and online. Share your insights and expertise with your colleagues. Register today!
Take a deeper dive online. ACRL's online courses are primarily asynchronous, multi-week courses offered through Moodle. Courses include readings, weekly assignments, optional live chats, and a final assignment or project.
ACRL offers a wide array of live and interactive webcasts throughout the year on a variety of topics. Webcasts are recorded and the archive is shared with registrants shortly after the live event.
Critically examine colonialism's impact on libraries and cultural heritage institutions. Explore practices that make collections more inclusive and representative of often marginalized voices.
Discover how Project Outcome for Academic Libraries can support your library through measuring learning outcomes. ACRL offers introductory webinars and half-day workshops to help you make the most of this powerful tool.
ACRL's traveling RoadShow workshops are beginning to resume, and we're also working to bring you the same great content through virtual experiences.
Also known as summer camp for librarians.
Offerings include webinars, research papers, podcasts, and the new Toward Inclusive Excellence blog.
ACRL has a variety of free, high-quality professional development options including ACRL Presents webcasts, online discussion forums, and the ACRL-Choice webinar program.

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Past Events
Recordings are now available from ACRL Together Wherever, our free summer virtual event. Watch what you missed, rewatch what you loved.
We've made recordings of some of the most popular sessions from the ACRL 2021 Virtual Conference freely available.
Browse past programs and proceedings from the ACRL Conference and ALA Annual Conference.