Ilene F. Rockman Instruction Publication of the Year Award
ACRL's Awards program will be on hold for the 2021-2022 award season, during which time nominations will not be accepted or juried and no recipients will be chosen for any ACRL awards. For more information, please contact Brian Lim.
This annual award recognizes an outstanding publication related to instruction in a library environment published in the preceding two years. The award honors Ilene F. Rockman's professional contributions to academic librarianship in the area of information literacy. This award is administered by the Instruction Section (IS) and is juried by the ACRL/IS Ilene F. Rockman Instruction Publication of the Year Award Committee.
$1,000 award and a plaque, sponsored by Carrick Enterprises. The award is presented in odd years virtually and during the ACRL Conference.
Publications are judged on the basis of relevance to the field of instruction in academic or research libraries, originality, timeliness, and quality of writing.
The Awards Committee has developed a rubric in an effort to narrow the pool of nominations and to provide some guidance during the committee's selection process. Rubric scores are not the deciding factor for each year's selection.
Publications include journal articles, books, book chapters, and published proceedings. Submitted publications may be authored by one or more individuals, a group, organization, or committee. Instruction Section publications are not eligible for award consideration. Publications from 2019 and 2020 can be considered for the 2021 award.
Submissions are not currently being accepted.
Electronic submissions through the online nomination form are required. Nominations must include a complete citation of the publication as well as a short description (75-100 words) detailing how the publication meets the selection criteria. If possible, an electronic version of the publication should also be included.
If you have questions or require assistance in completing a nomination packet, please contact award committee chair Melissa Autumn Wong,
View the full Award committee roster here.
2021 Recipients
Alison J. Head, Barbara Fister, and Margy MacMillan, for their report “Information Literacy in the Age of Algorithms: Student Experiences with News and Information, and the Need for Change”
Full citation: Head, Alison J., Barbara Fister, and Margy MacMillan. Information literacy in the age of algorithms: Student experiences with news and information, and the need for change. Project Information Research Institute, 2020.
Previous Recipients
- 2020 — Folk, Amanda L. “Reframing Information Literacy as Academic Cultural Capital: A Critical and Equity-Based Foundation for Practice, Assessment, and Scholarship.” College & Research Libraries 80, no. 5 (July 2019): 658–73. Open access copy available - Award Announcement
- 2019 — Bluemle, Stefanie R. "Post-Facts: Information Literacy and Authority after the 2016 Election." portal: Libraries and the Academy 18, no. 2 (2018): 265-282. Open access copy available - Award Announcement.
- 2018 — Nutefall, Jennifer E., ed. Service Learning, Information Literacy, and Libraries. ABC-CLIO, 2016.
- 2017 — Pagowsky, Nicole, and Kelly McElroy. Critical Library Pedagogy Handbook. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2016, 2 vols.
- 2016 — Swanson, Troy A., and Heather Jagman, eds. Not Just Where to Click: Teaching Students How to Think about Information. Chicago, Illinois: Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2015.
- 2015 — Drabinski, Emily. "Toward a Kairos of Library Instruction." The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 40, no. 5 (2014): 480-485. Open access copy available.
- 2014 — Holliday, Wendy, and Jim Rogers. "Talking About Information Literacy: The Mediating Role of Discourse in a College Writing Classroom." portal: Libraries and the Academy 13, no. 3 (2013): 257-271. Open access copy available.
- 2013 — Townsend, Lori, Korey Brunetti, and Amy R. Hofer. "Threshold concepts and information literacy." portal: Libraries and the Academy 11, no. 3 (2011): 853-869. Open access copy available.
- 2012 — Booth, Char. Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning: Instructional Literacy for Library Educators. Chicago: American Library Association, 2011.
- 2011 — Oakleaf, M. (2009). "The Information Literacy Instruction Assessment Cycle." Journal of Documentation 65, no. 4 (July 2009): 539-560. Open access copy available.
- 2010 — Jacobs, Heidi L. M. “Information Literacy and Reflective Pedagogical Praxis.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 34, no. 3 (May 2008): 256–62. Open access copy available.
- 2009 — Radcliff, Carolyn J. A Practical Guide to Information Literacy Assessment for Academic Librarians. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007.
- 2008 — Ragains, Patrick, ed. Information Literacy Instruction That Works: A Guide to Teaching by Discipline and Student Population. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2006.
- 2007 — Elmborg, James K., and Sheril Hook. Centers for Learning: Writing Centers and Libraries in Collaboration. ACRL Publications in Librarianship ; No. 58. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2005.
- 2006 — Simmons, Michelle Holschuh. “Librarians as Disciplinary Discourse Mediators: Using Genre Theory to Move Toward Critical Information Literacy.” portal: Libraries & the Academy 5, no. 3 (July 2005): 297–311. Open access copy available.
Prior to 2006, this award was known as the IS Publication of the Year Award
- 2005 — Jacobson, Trudi E., and Lijuan Xu. Motivating Students in Information Literacy Classes. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2004.
- 2004 — Grassian, Esther S., and Joan R Kaplowitz. Information Literacy Instruction: Theory and Practice. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2001. And, Grafstein, Ann. “A Discipline-Based Approach to Information Literacy.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 28, no. 4 (July 2002): 197.
- 2003 — Elmborg, James K. "Teaching at the Desk: Toward a Reference Pedagogy." portal: Libraries & the Academy 2, no. 3 (2002): 455-64. Open access copy available.
- 2002 — Baker, Betsy. "Values for the Learning Library." Research Strategies 17, no. 2/3 (2000): 85-91.
- 2001 — Shirato, Linda, ed. Special issue of Reference Services Review 27, no. 3 (1999): 213-90.
- 2000 — Lindauer, Bonnie Gratch. "Defining and Measuring the Library's Impact on Campus-wide Outcomes." College & Research Libraries 59, no. 6 (1998): 546-70. Open access copy available.
- 1999 — Bruce, Christine. The Seven Faces of Information Literacy. Adelaide, Australia: Auslib Press, 1997.
- 1997 — Leckie, Gloria J. "Desperately Seeking Citations: Uncovering Faculty Assumptions about the Undergraduate Research Process." The Journal of Academic Librarianship 22, no. 3 (1996): 201-08.
- 1996 — Hardesty, Larry. "Faculty Culture and Bibliographic Instruction: An Exploratory Analysis." Library Trends 44, no. 2 (1995): 339-67. Open access copy available.
- 1995 — Jacobson, Frances F., and Michael J. Jacobson. "Representative Cognitive Learning Theories and BI: A Case Study of End User Searching." Research Strategies 11 (1993): 124-37.
- 1993 — Mech, Terrence F., and Donald W. Farmer, eds. Information Literacy: Developing Students as Independent Learners. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1992. Also published as New Directions in Higher Education, Issue 78 (1992): 1-125.