Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Exhibition Catalogue Awards
ACRL's Awards program will be on hold for the 2021-2022 award season, during which time nominations will not be accepted or juried and no recipients will be chosen for any ACRL awards. For more information, please contact Brian Lim.
These awards are given annually in recognition of excellence in the publication of catalogues and brochures that accompany exhibitions of library and archival materials, as well as for electronic exhibitions of such materials. They are administered by the Exhibition Awards Committee of the ALA/ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS), whose operating expenses are covered by a generous endowment from Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab, editors of American Book Prices Current.
A printed citation to be presented to the recipient institution organizing the exhibition.
Catalogues must be issued between September 1, 2019 and August 31, 2020. Electronic library and archival exhibitions are limited to those with stable URL addresses that were initially released between September 1, 2019 and August 31, 2020. Electronic exhibitions submitted for consideration should be available online through September 2021, to allow adequate time for public views.
The entries will be divided into seven categories: expensive, moderate, inexpensive, brochure, electronic exhibition, innovation, and student. The seven categories shall be determined by production costs as outlined in the entry form. The budget categories will be defined by the committee according to the range of costs of catalogues submitted. Catalogues may be of varying formats, styles, and scope, e.g., an inclusive list of items in an exhibition, a selective list, or a narrative with some specific citations. Publicity materials, collections of essays, and other publications lacking specific references to displayed objects as such are not eligible.
Catalogues will be judged on originality, accuracy of detail, informational content, visual impact, contribution to scholarship, and usefulness to the intended audience. Full evaluation criteria is available on the RBMS website.
Submissions are not currently being accepted.
Printed catalogues and brochures: Four (4) copies of the catalogue or brochure must be submitted with accompanying entry forms. Electronic exhibitions: Only the entry form is required, though the committee encourages submission of CDs or DVDs for the Leab Award archives. All submissions should be addressed to the Emma M. Sarconi, Chair of the Exhibition Awards Committee, esarconi@princeton.edu.
All catalogue submissions become the property of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS), and are archived at the Bancroft Library, University of California; the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin; and the Grolier Club, New York, N.Y.
Further information about the awards, guidelines and rules for submission, and online entry forms are available at http://rbms.info/committees/exhibition_awards/.
Questions concerning the awards and the submission process should be directed to Emma M. Sarconi, Chair of the Exhibition Awards Committee, esarconi@princeton.edu.
View the full award committee roster here.
2021 Recipients - Award Announcement
Catalogs Category Recipient
The Getty Research Institute for Käthe Kollwitz: Prints, Process, Politics
Brochures Category Recipient
The Rosenbach Museum for Chart Your Own Voyage
Digital Category Recipient
University of Delaware Library Special Collections for Votes for Delaware Women
Innovation Category Recipient
Free Library of Philadelphia for Our 5 Senses Activity Booklet and Seek & Find
Student Category Recipient
Haverford College for Crossing Borders: From Slavery to Abolition, 1670-1865
Student Category Honorable Mention
Haverford College for Who Created the New and Copied the Old: Printed Books of the Fifteenth Century
Previous Recipients
2020 - Award Announcement
Category 1 (Expensive) Recipient
The Huntington Library for Nineteen Nineteen
Category 1 Honorable Mention
The Grolier Club for A Matter of Size: Miniature Bindings & Texts from the Collection of Patricia J. Pistner
Category 2 (Moderately Expensive) Recipient
The University of Pennsylvania Libraries Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts for Wise Men Fished Here: A Centennial Exhibition in Honor of the Gotham book Mart, 1920-2020
Category 2 Honorable Mention
Texas A&M University Libraries Cushing Memorial Library & Archives for The Stars Are Ours: Infinite Diversities in Science Fiction & Fantasy
Category 2 Honorable Mention
Yale University Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library for Bibliomania; or Book Madness: A Bibliographical Romance
Category 3 (Inexpensive) Co-Recipient
Oakland University Art Gallery for “Encountering the Rare Book.”
Category 3 Co-Recipient
The University of Guelph School of Fine Art and Music and the Archives and Special Collections, McLaughlin Library for Spaces of Wonder, Wonder of Space: Encountering the Eighteenth Century in Image, Object, and Text
Category 4 (Brochures) Recipient
The University of Alberta Bruce Peel Special Collections for Fishing with Flies
Category 4 Honorable Mention
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Rare Book & Manuscript Library for Making Mr. Darcy: Cultural Context for the Regency Gentleman
Category 5 (Electronic) Recipient
Northwestern University Transportation Library for Independence in the Air: African Aviation in the 1960s
2019 - Award Announcement
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
University of Alberta’s Bruce Peel Special Collections Library for Experiment: Printing the Canadian Imagination: Highlights from the David McKnight Canadian Little Magazine and Small Press Collection
Category 1 Honorable Mention (Expensive)
The Getty Research Institute for Artists and Their Books/Books and Their Artists
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately Expensive)
University of Miami Lowe Art Museum and University of Miami Libraries for Antillean Visions; or, Maps and the Making of the Caribbean: An Exhibition of Cartographic Art at the Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
Penn State Libraries Eberly Family Special Collections for Field Guide to Fairy-Tale Wolves
Category 3 Honorable Mention (Inexpensive)
Providence Public Library Special Collections for HairBrained
Category 3 Notable Citation (Inexpensive)
Washington University Libraries Julian Edison Department of Special Collections for The Monster’s Library: An Exhibition Curated by Students Enrolled in Frankenstein, Origins & Afterlives
Category 4 Co-Recipient (Brochures)
Austin History Center, Austin Public Library for Taking it to the Streets: A Visual History of Protest and Demonstration in Austin
Category 4 Co-Recipient (Brochures)
University of Pennsylvania Libraries Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts for Ok, I’ll Do It Myself
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic)
University of Victoria Libraries for Volatile Attractions: Saul Holiff, Johnny Cash, and Managing a Music Legend
Category 5 Honorable Mention (Electronic)
University of Delaware Library for Things Aren’t What They Seem: Forgeries and Deceptions from the UD Collections
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library for Gather Out of Star-Dust: A Harlem Renaissance Album
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately Expensive)
University of Toronto’s Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library for Struggle and Story: Canada in Print
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
Georgetown University Library for Margaret Bonds and Langston Hughes: A Musical Friendship
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library for H.G. Wells: Time Traveler
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic)
University of Alberta’s Bruce Peel Special Collections Library for Tinctor’s Foul Treatise
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
The University of Toronto’s Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library for So Long Lives This: A Celebration of Shakespeare’s Life and Works 1616-2016
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately Expensive)
The Mills College Center for the Book & Flying Fish Press for Reading the Object: Three Decades of Books by Julie Chen
Category 2 Honorable Mention (Moderately Expensive)
The University of Pennsylvania Libraries Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts for Covered With Vines: The Many Talents of Ludwig Bemelmans
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
Georgetown University’s Booth Family Center for Special Collections for Undiscovered Printmakers: Hidden Treasures at Georgetown University Library
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
Johns Hopkins University Special Collections for Lost & Found in the Funhouse: The John Barth Collection
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic)
The University of Maryland Libraries’ Special Collections and University Archives for Alice 150 Years and Counting…The Legacy of Lewis Carroll: Selections from the Collection of August and Clare Imholtz
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
The Grolier Club for “One Hundred Books Famous in Children’s Literature.”
Category 1 Honorable Mention (Expensive)
The Herbert and Eileen Bernard Museum of Judaica for “The Writing on the Wall: A Catalogue of Judaica Broadsides from the Valmadonna Trust Library.”
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately Expensive)
The University of Pennsylvania Libraries Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books, and Manuscripts for “The Images Affair: Dreyfus in the Media, 1894-1906.”
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
Yale University’s East Asia Library for “Treasures from Japan in the Yale University Library.”
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
Brigham Young University’s Harold B. Lee Library L. Tom Perry Special Collections for “Rose Marie Reid: Glamour by Design.”
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
The Grolier Club for “Pop-Ups from Prague: A Centennial Celebration of the Graphic Artistry of Vojtěch Kubašta (1914-1992) from the Collection of Ellen G. K. Rubin.”
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately Expensive)
The Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto for “Vesalius at 500: An Exhibition Commemorating the Five-Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Andreas Vesalius.”
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
Saint Louis University Libraries, Archives and Records Management for “Saint Louis University Libraries Special Collections Presents (Please Don’t) Steal this Poster! An Exhibition of Letterpress Prints by The Firecracker Press for the Billiken Club.”
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
The Bruce Peel Special Collections Library at the University of Alberta for “‘Wow, open this!’: Paper Engineering in Books & Artists’ Books.”
Category 4 Honorable Mention (Brochures)
The Getty Research Institute for “A Kid’s Guide to Connecting Seas: A Visual History of Discoveries and Encounters.”
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic exhibition)
The Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library at Harvard University for “Music, First and Last: Scores from the Sir Georg Solti Archive.”
Category 5 Honorable Mention (Electronic exhibition)
The University of Texas at San Antonio Libraries Special Collections for “Gebhardt Mexican Foods Company Collection: A Virtual Exhibit.”
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
Bruce Peel Special Collections Library at the University of Alberta for “All Under Heaven: The Chinese World in Maps, Pictures, and Texts from the Collection of Floyd Sully.”
Category 1 Honorable Mention (Expensive)
The American Antiquarian Society for “In Pursuit of a Vision: Two Centuries of Collecting at the American Antiquarian Society.”
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately expensive)
The Cushing Memorial Library and Archives at Texas A&M University for “Deeper than Swords: Celebrating the Work of George R. R. Martin.”
Category 2 Honorable Mention (Moderately expensive)
The Special Collections Library at Vassar College for “Shirley Jones and the Red Hen Press.”
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
The Lewis Walpole Library at Yale University for “Dancing on a Sunny Plain: The Life of Annie Burr Auchincloss Lewis.”
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
The Rare Books & Manuscripts Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for “Marcel Proust: Writing Without End.”
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic exhibition)
The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University for “Sugar and Visual Imagination in the Atlantic World, circa 1600-1850.”
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
Not awarded
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately expensive)
Hoover Institution Library and Archives at Stanford University for “A Century of Change: China 1911-2011."
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
“Medicine of the Maumee: A History of Health Care in Northwest Ohio,” submitted by the Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collections at the University of Toledo, Mercy College of Ohio, Mercy Toledo and ProMedica Toledo.
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University for their brochure entitled “Remembering Shakespeare.”
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic exhibition)
Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin for “The Greenwich Village Bookshop Door: A Portal to Bohemia, 1920-1925,” available online.
Category 5 Honorable Mention (Electronic exhibition)
Cuban Heritage Collection at the University of Miami Libraries for “Cuban Theater in Miami: 1960-1980,” available online.
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
“Altered and Adorned: Using Renaissance Prints in Daily Life,” submitted by the Department of Prints and Drawings at the Art Institute of Chicago.
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately expensive)
University of Chicago Library for “Adventures in the Soviet Imaginary: Children's Books and Graphic Art.”
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
“One Book, Many Interpretations: Second Edition,” submitted by the Chicago Public Library, Special Collections and Preservation Division.
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
University of Pennsylvania, Rare Book and Manuscript Library for their brochure entitled “Wharton Esherick and the Birth of the American Modern.”
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic exhibition)
Folger Shakespeare Library for “Manifold Greatness: The Creation and Afterlife of the King James Bible,” available online at http://www.manifoldgreatness.org/.
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
“Claude Bragdon and the Beautiful Necessity,” submitted by the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections at the University of Rochester River Campus Libraries.
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately expensive)
The Stanford University Libraries Department of Special Collections and the Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley for “Celebrating Mexico: The Grito de Dolores and the Mexican Revolution, 1810 | 1910 | 2010.”
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
“The Power of Refined Beauty: Photographing Society Women for Pond’s, 1920s to 1950s,” submitted by the Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History at Duke University.
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
The Sheridan Libraries at Johns Hopkins University for its brochure entitled “A View of the Parade: H. L. Mencken and American Magazines.”
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic exhibition)
The Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology for “The Grandeur of Life,” available online at http://www.lindahall.org/events_exhib/exhibit/exhibits/darwin/index.shtml.
Category 5 Honorable Mention:
The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University for “Remember Haiti,” available online at http://www.brown.edu/Facilities/John_Carter_Brown_Library/remember_haiti/index.php.
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
“Liberty and the American Revolution: Selections from the Collection of Sid Lapidus, Class of 1959,” submitted by the Rare Books and Special Collections Department at the Princeton University Firestone Library.
Category 1 Honorable mention:
The Poetry Collection at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York for “Discovering James Joyce: The University at Buffalo Collection.”
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately expensive)
Princeton University Library’s Department of Rare Books and Special Collections for “Beauty & Bravado in Japanese Woodblock Prints: Highlights from the Gilbert G. Griffin Collection.”
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
“The Lion and the Fox: Art and Literary Works by Wyndham Lewis from the C.J. Fox Collection,” submitted by the Special Collections Department at the University of Victoria Libraries.
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
The Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas at Austin for its brochure entitled “The Mystique of the Archive.”
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic exhibition)
University of Maryland Libraries’ Special Collections department for “Nancy Drew and Friends: Girls’ Series Books Rediscovered,” available online at http://www.lib.umd.edu/RARE/SpecialCollection/nancy/index.html.
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
The Getty Research Institute, for "China on Paper: European and Chinese Works from the Late Sixteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century," edited by Marcia Reed and Paula Dematte, with contributions by Gang Song and Richard Strassberg; designed by Jim Drobka with Stuart Smith.
Category 1 Honorable mention:
The Grolier Club, for "The Proper Decoration of Book Covers: The Life and Work of Alice C. Morse," by Mindell Dubansky, with Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen and Josephine M. Dunn; designed by Jerry Kelly.
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately expensive)
Stanford University Libraries' Department of Special Collections, for "Experiments in Navigation: The Art of Charles Hobson," by Charles Hobson; preface by May Castleberry; designed by Elizabeth Fischbach.
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
Rare Books and Special Collections department at the Thomas Cooper Library, University of South Carolina, for "Scottie Fitzgerald: The Stewardship of Literary Memory," by Matthew J. Broccoli; curated by Jeffrey Makala; designed by Kimberley Massey, USC Publications; CD produced by Edwin C. Breland.
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
The Book Club of California, for "The Book Art of Edward Gorey," by Malcolm Whyte; designed by Ivar Diehl.
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic exhibition)
Modern Books and Manuscripts unit at the Harvard University Houghton Library, for "Public Poet, Private Man: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow at 200," Christoph Irmscher, curator; designed by Enrique Diaz and Leslie A. Morris; available online at http://hcl.harvard.edu/libraries/houghton/exhibits/longfellow/.
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
Illustrating the Good Life: The Pissarros' Eragny Press, 1894-1914: A Catalogue of an Exhibition of Books, Prints & Drawings Related to the Work of the Press, submitted by The Grolier Club.
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately expensive)
Chicago Public Library, Special Collections and Preservation Division, "One Book, Many Interpretations," by the Special Collections and Preservation Division, Chicago Public Library; designed by Kathryn Tutkus, 2006. Softcover, 40 pp., 51 ills., Color
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
Vassar College, "Mapping America: 500 years of Cartographic Depictions," by Ronald Patkus, Mary Ann Cunningham, and Philippe Thibault; designed by the Office of College Relations, Vassar College, 2007. Softcover, 32 pp., 7 ills., Color.
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, "Collecting an Empire: The East India Company (1600-1900)," by Ayesha Ramachandran; designed by Jo Ellen Ackerman, Bessas and Ackerman, 2006. 12 pp., 6 ills., Color.
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic exhibition)
The North Carolina State University Libraries Special Collections Research Center for B. W. Wells, Pioneer Ecologist, http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/exhibits/wells/.
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
The co-recipient is "Half-Life: 25 Years of Books by Barbara Tetenbaum and Triangular Press" submitted by the Multnomah County Public Libraries, John Wilson Special Collections Room in Portland, Ore.
The co-recipient is "No Other Appetite": Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes, and the Blood Jet of Poetry, by Stephen C. Enniss and Karen V. Kukil, 2005, submitted by The Grolier Club.
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately expensive)
The New York Public Library, Dorot Jewish Division for their piece entitled "Letters to Sala: A Young Woman’s Life in Nazi Labor Camps," by Ann Kirschner.
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
The co-recipient is "Ezra Pound in His Time and Beyond: The Influence of Pound on Twentieth-Century Poetry," submitted by the University of Delaware Library.
The co-recipient is "Maxwell Did It! Photographing the Atlantic City Boardwalk, 1920s-1950s. Highlights from the R. C. Maxwell Company Collection," by Richard L. Collier, Jr. and Jacqueline V. Reid, 2006, submitted by John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History in the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University.
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
Getty Research Institute brochure entitled "A Tumultuous Assembly: Visual Poems of the Italian Futurists."
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic exhibition)
"Vanished Worlds, Enduring People: Cornell University Library's Native American Collection," by Mary Dana Marks, Ken Williams, David Block, Katherine Reagan, and Susette Newberry, 2005, submitted by the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
"A Heavenly Craft: The Woodcut in Early Printed Books," submitted by the Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division.
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately expensive)
Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Library, "Don't pay any attention to him. He's 90% water.": The Cartooning Career of Boris Drucker, by Johanna Drucker and Christian Dupont, 2005
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
"City Lights Pocket Poets series, 1955-2005: from the collection of Donald A. Heneghan," submitted by The Grolier Club.
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, "J. M. Barrie and Peter Pan: A children's guide," by Timothy G. Young, 2005.
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic exhibition)
The Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections at the Cornell University Library for "From Dublin to Ithaca: Cornell's James Joyce Collection," http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/joyce/introduction/
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately Expensive)
Huntington Library, Huntington Library Press for their piece entitled "Objects of American Art Education: Highlights from the Diana Korzenik Collection," by Diana Korzenik.
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
Vassar College’s brochure entitled "Uncle Tom’s Cabin in Print: The Collection of Mary C. Schlosser," by Mary Schlosser, Ronald Patkus, and Joyce Bickerstaff.
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
The Folger Shakespeare Library for Elizabeth I: Then and Now, by Georgiana Ziegler, compiler
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately Expensive)
Bruce Peel Special Collections Library at the University of Alberta for First Impressions: The Fledgling Years of the Black Sparrow press 1966-1970, by Professor Michael O'Driscoll, et al.
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
The Grolier Club for The Auroral Light: Photographs by Women from Grolier Club Member Collections, by Anne H. Hoy and Kimball Higgs
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
The Getty Research Institute for Robert Motherwell: A la pintura/To Painting
Category 5 Recipient (Electronic Exhibitions)
Bancroft Library of the University of California for The California Grizzly at the Bancroft Library
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
Getty Research Institute, Devices of Wonder: From the World in a Box to Images on a Screen
Honorable Mention: Stanford University Libraries, Johannes Lebek: The Artist as a Witness of His Time
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately Expensive)
College of the Holy Cross, Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery and the American Antiquarian Society, Sacred Spaces: Building & Remembering Worship in the Nineteenth Century.
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
The New York Public Library, Graphic Design Department, Victorians, Moderns, Beats: New in the Berg Collection, 1994-2001.
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
Library of Virginia, Virginia Roots Music: Creating and Conserving Tradition.
Honorable Mention: Pierpont Morgan Library, A Love Affair with Line: Drawings by Al Hirschfeld.
Special Commendations for Electronic Exhibitions: The Bancroft Library, University of California-Berkeley, Images of Native Americans
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
The Great Wide Open: Panoramic Photographs of the American West, Huntington Library.
Honorable Mention: Trout Gallery at Dickinson College for Writing on Hands: Memory and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe.
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately Expensive)
The Ecstatic Journey: Athanasius Kircher in Baroque Rome, Dept. of Special Collections at the Univ. of Chicago.
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
Cut and Paste--California Scrapbooks, California Historical Society at the North Baker Research Library
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
Ruskin's Italy, Ruskin's England, Pierpont Morgan Library Publications
Special Commendations for Electronic Exhibitions
From Domesticity to Modernity: What Was Home Economics, Cornell University Library, and Heading West/Touring West, New York Public Library.
Category 1 Recipient (Expensive)
Ulysses in Hand: The Rosenbach Manuscript, The Rosenbach Library
Category 2 Recipient (Moderately Expensive)
Word and Image: Samuel Beckett and the Visual Text, Emory University Robert W. Woodruff Library and Insistut Memoires de l'edition contemporaine, Paris
Category 3 Recipient (Inexpensive)
Curious George Comes to Hattiesburg: The Life and Work of H.A. and Margaret Rey, University of Southern Mississippi Libraries, de Grummond Children's Literature Collection
Category 4 Recipient (Brochures)
So Fairly Bound: Fine Twentieth-Century Bookbindings and Illuminated Manuscripts from the Edward R. Leahy Collection, University of Scranton, Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Memorial Library