ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award

Anne Arundel Community College Application

Table of Contents

Mission Critical: Opportunity, Potential And Access
Creating Innovative Solutions To Meet Student Needs
Colleagues In Learning And Teaching
Leadership In Exemplary Programs
Making A Difference
Sharing Our Expertise
Fact Sheet - Appendix

I. Mission Critical: Opportunity, Potential And Access

At Anne Arundel Community College, the library serves as a critical linchpin in fulfilling the college mission to provide an opportunity for individuals to pursue their potential. The college mission statement contains the following key components:

  • Ready access and easy availability
  • Opportunity to discover and develop talents, energy and interests
  • Pursuit of unique potential
  • Achievement of an intellectually, culturally and economically satisfying relationship with society

The library takes these powerful convictions seriously in planning services and programs. We strive to reach each student and encourage use by all county residents. Through our broad collection, unique services, and varied programs, we foster discovery and development of potential. In the sections below, we outline some of these programs and services, reflecting the library's commitment to the college mission.

The library mirrors the mission and ideals of the college in the way we make decisions and organize our work. We work to provide each person full opportunity to discover and develop individual talents, energy, and interests. The library implemented an in-house professional development program linked to the career paths of its staff members. Cross training, transfers between departments, and positions split between functional areas encourage and free paraprofessionals to develop to their fullest potential. Paraprofessionals staff the reference desk, perform original and Internet resource cataloging, and manage such areas as interlibrary loan and reserves.

In step with the college's strategic directions, we map our three-year strategic plan directly to the college plan. The library supports college strategic directions by its actions and programs. Directions relate to student success, teaching and learning, meeting community needs, professional development, human resources, technology and funding. Library plans covered 1994 -1996, 1996 -1999 and 1999 - 2001. The next phase of the library's planning is in process and will result in a strategic plan to guide the library through the next several years. We have used a variety of techniques including nominal group, visioning, retreats, external and internal analyses, and brainstorming to involve each member of the library team in the planning process.

II. Creating Innovative Solutions To Meet Student Needs

In line with the strong college emphasis on student success, the library creates services to help students succeed. We search out innovative solutions and improvements to meet the changing needs of our clientele.

Research anytime and anyplace. With a mean age of 29 years in 1999, 83 percent of all Anne Arundel students work as well as attend college. Fifty percent of all students work full

  • New York Times and Wall Street Journal
  • The Capital and Maryland Gazette (local newspapers)
  • Contemporary Women
  • Books in Print
  • CQ Researcher
  • AMICO Library (database of art images)
  • Harrison
  • Encyclopedia Americana
  • AccessScience

All of the library's databases are accessed through the library homepage. This page was the 10th most frequently requested page on the college's web site in 2000 and during the month of October 2001, it was the 2nd most frequently requested.

Electronic reserves were introduced in Fall 2001, serving a student population that has been a heavy consumer of traditional reserves – Nursing majors. Students in this program read several articles each week. Now all required readings are available electronically, on campus and remotely, providing a quick and easy to use service to a group of students with heavy lecture and clinical course loads, available at any time a student needs them.

Reaching across distances. Because of large telecourse and Internet class enrollments, the college has historically had the highest number of distance education students of any Maryland community college. It is now possible to complete certain degrees and certificates entirely through distance and other flexible formats. The library developed a web page aimed at distance learners that consolidates access to databases and electronic requests for library services. Anne Arundel was the first Maryland community college to provide a separate library web page specifically for distance learners. Distance learners can apply for a library card – necessary for remote use of databases - on their web page. Students attending classes at off-campus centers can request books from the library using a form on the library web page. Books are sent to a site coordinator at the center, where students pick them up and return them for delivery back to the library. Librarians also travel to these off-campus centers to provide library instruction.

Teaching more students. The number of information literacy classes taught by librarians swelled by 27 percent in the past three years. In order to reach even more students, we developed a web tutorial that covers the basics of library locations, types of materials in the library, the differences between public and academic libraries and how to borrow materials. During the first year the tutorial was in use, 489 students successfully completed the tutorial. For a 4-week period earlier this semester, there were 482 successful completions.

Jumpstarting student research. The type of research required by college-level classes often overwhelms community college students. This is particularly true in second-semester freshman English course, when most students write a critical research paper on a literary topic. Students sometimes have difficulty just getting started with their research. We created "Jumpstart" pages for frequently assigned books, which list relevant web pages, databases, reference material, catalog subject headings and circulating books in the library collection. Because Jumpstart pages are on-line, distance learners also benefit.

Friendly atmosphere and the "approach and catch" model. As important as innovative technological solutions are, the library takes equal pride in our friendly, welcoming service. Knowing that many of our students are first-generation college students and first-time academic library users, we insist upon an "approach" model of reference service for everyone staffing the reference desk. The model entails rising from one's chair, walking over to the user, and delivering a personal variation on the line, "Is there anything that I can help you find today?" Not flashy, but effective, the model results in about a 40 percent "catch" rate; in other words, 40 percent of the users do in fact ask a reference question when approached Thus we have privately dubbed that technique the, "approach and catch" model. Does it make a difference? Our students think so. On the library's "How are We Doing" cards, students write comments like these: "I am finishing my first 2 years at AACC & have begun some classes at a state university. The difference in student service is like night and day. I will miss AACC when I transfer. Your staff are wonderful." While other academic libraries are reporting decreases in use, Anne Arundel's activity is increasing. As an example, reference inquiries during October 2001 numbered 69% more than the previous October.

III. Colleagues In Learning And Teaching

At Anne Arundel Community College, the college administration often addresses letters to the entire college community with the phrase "Dear Colleagues in Learning." The concept of a community of colleagues in learning means that the college works together to improve student learning and learns from each other how to serve our students even more effectively. The library embraces this concept and develops programs to share our expertise with faculty, staff and students.

Jointly designing assignments. Several years ago the library began offering a workshop to help faculty design effective research assignments. Titled "Creating Research Assignments for Student Success," this workshop covers the concept of information literacy and stresses key components of successful research assignments. Faculty work in small groups to create model research assignments for their disciplines. The workshop, offered at mandatory faculty orientation days, also is available on demand by academic departments as a stand-alone workshop. These experiences prompted faculty coordinators to request that we write mandatory assignments for several credit courses. For the first-semester English composition course we developed four assignments now used by many part-time instructors and full-time instructors. The instructor selects the assignment that best fits the syllabus and course content. One of the four assignments is designed for distance learners and does not require a visit to the library. Because of some changes in classroom activities, the assignments are being revised this year. The library also developed assignments for the one-credit Student Success course that introduces students to faculty expectations at the college level and helps develop tools to insure academic success. The college offers more than 20 Student Success sections per semester.

Building courses together. Librarians co-developed a two-credit Internet fundamentals course in conjunction with computer science faculty. The class was one of the first credit Internet courses taught at a community college.

For an on-line English class, the professor and our reference librarian joined forces in advance to incorporate appropriate library resources. The resources included primary sources on the web, quality and contextually appropriate links, a list of reserve items, scanned and electronically reserved articles from the print collection, and links to appropriate databases. Students were able to use remote reference services and were "visited" on the class bulletin board by the librarian. Finally, we evaluated the bibliographies of student work in both the on-line English class and the traditionally taught on-campus class. Other examples include working with the Art faculty to incorporate digital images in classes and for the future, a possible collaboration with the Writing Across the Curriculum project.

Sharing our strengths. The college recognizes librarians as the campus experts in areas beyond "librarianship," such as copyright, intellectual freedom, intellectual property, web design and web searching. Evidence of this recognition is in the range of faculty professional development workshops librarians have taught:

  • Moving Violations on the Internet
  • Web Using Netscape
  • Applied Netscape for Research
  • Internet Special Topics in Business, Law, Literature, and Sociological Stimulants
  • Effective Research Assignments
  • Cyberplagiarism: Detect or Deter
  • Critical Thinking and Student Inquiry
  • Cyberlaw and Cybercivility: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
  • Internet Plug
  • Finding Great Stuff on the Net

Librarians teach these workshops in a variety of arenas: at faculty orientations twice each year, at part-time faculty orientation, at departmental meetings and as stand-alone offerings. Librarians present sessions in the "Learning College", an orientation offered to new faculty during their first year at Anne Arundel. To reach faculty who do not attend formal workshops, the library prepares one-page resource guides on "hot topics" and sends copies to each faculty member. Recent topics include: Writing across the Curriculum, Diversity in the Classroom, Outcomes Assessment, Plagiarism and Term Papers on the Web, Online Learning, and Deciphering Electronic Resources. Plans for the upcoming spring semester orientation include a "Library Myths" handout and "Library Questions", a FAQ guide to the library for faculty. Development of a page on the library web site devoted to faculty issues is also underway, as is one that will cover copyright information.

Librarians in the classroom. Librarians enjoy full faculty status at Anne Arundel and librarians often teach credit classes at the college. Two teach the Student Success course and another teaches the one credit Technical Writing for Emergency Medical Technicians course. A former librarian taught Legal Research. Librarians also teach continuing education and contract classes, including Business Resources on the Internet and Internet Real Estate Resources. The library will soon be responsible for the management of the Student Success course and plans to develop a one-credit elective course on library research.

Building partnerships. The library takes a proactive approach to building partnerships with faculty. Librarians work on important committees such as Outcomes Assessment, Promotion and Tenure, Educational Policies and Curriculum, and Instruction - four powerful campus committees whose charters require library faculty as members. A librarian represents the library faculty in The Faculty Organization. The library has a faculty Library Committee, however, we have moved beyond the structured type of interaction provided by a committee. Our collection development librarian has established a more productive arrangement of collection liaisons. Volunteers in various academic disciplines regularly read Choice book reviews and recommend titles to be purchased for the library collection. Collection liaisons are also "on call" for special assignments: making recommendations on weeding or adding materials in support of new courses or programs. This results in a collection that is very closely related to the college curriculum. Special advisory committees are formed when necessary, such as when the college's audiovisual materials collection was merged with the library 2 years ago.

Each academic department also has its own librarian liaison, whose responsibilities include informing faculty of new programs and services, identifying specialized needs of academic departments, training faculty in use of library resources, subject guide/pathfinder preparation, and keeping up with curricular changes in the department. To fulfill these responsibilities, librarians meet with department chairs and key faculty in the department, attend faculty meetings, send e-mail updates and create resource lists. As an outcome of one of these partnerships, the library mounted a display on Latin American geography to encourage enrollment in a course on that topic.

The library partners with the student government association and the college store to help students cope with the cost of college. In 1996, we started a program in which textbooks are made available at the library. Any student can request that the library add any textbook to the library reserve collection. In addition, the library works with the bookstore to insure that the "best-selling" textbooks are automatically placed on reserve each semester. The student government association pays for the cost of the textbooks. In busy months, students check out more than 150 textbooks from this collection. A student selected by the Student Association sits on the Library Committee as a full, voting member.

College-wide information literacy outcomes. The state mandates general education requirements for all associate-degree programs at the college. The college defines general education courses as those that cover seven areas of mastery. One of these masteries is to "demonstrate research, interpretive and analytical skills." Because a librarian sits on the Educational Policies and Curriculum Committee, we analyze all new and revised courses to see whether information literacy objectives are appropriate for the course. The college recently developed an outcomes assessment plan and a librarian served on the committee that developed it. The library is included in implementation of the plan and recently developed a first draft of general outcomes for its instruction program that will be used in training other faculty around the college in writing outcomes assessments. Another college team developed nine attributes of an Anne Arundel Community College graduate. One attribute is "Information Literacy and Research Ability: Demonstrate ability to identify, locate, and use informational tools for research purposes". The library is instrumental in working with faculty whose courses include this skill.

Team learning. The library is extremely fortunate to have a visionary college president, a supervising vice-president who wholeheartedly supports the library and a creative, knowledgeable staff team. The college supports its strategic priority of professional development in several ways. All staff members are eligible for tuition reimbursement for classes taken at other institutions of higher education. Staff can enroll free in any course offered at the college. The library developed a matrix of training and development opportunities for its staff. At the most basic level, we offer in-house workshops on topics such as the MARC record, reference interviewing, general and specialized reference sources (both print and online), PC troubleshooting, and the various modules of the library's integrated library system. A very popular workshop offered to staff on a regular basis is a "reference refresher", in which the reference coordinator uses questions from the past semester to review reference sources. All staff members can attend, not just those in the relevant functional area. At the next level, we identified several credit college courses, such as Introduction to Computers and Internet Fundamentals, that any library staff member can take on work time. Moving up a level, staff members can take more specialized job-related credit courses, such as Information Systems Security or Data Communication Concepts, on work time. The college adds to this matrix a foundation of about 30 different topics per semester via its Institutional Professional Development program. All staff attend off-campus workshops, seminars, and conferences with full funding from the college.

IV. Leadership In Exemplary Programs

Working together to support electronic research. A student fee at AACC supports funding for student access to electronic research. In the early 1990s, the student government association on campus and our then-dean for educational services began discussing how the college could afford to automate the then-unautomated library. Together, they developed a model whereby students would pay a $1 fee for each credit hour. The college board of trustees enthusiastically approved this fee in 1993. The stated purpose of the fee was to support the purchase, installation, maintenance, upgrading, and expansion of an integrated library system and other automated services.

Initially the fee was used to acquire the DRA integrated library system and convert bibliographic records to machine readable format. After this implementation the fee began to support first general, then more subject-specific electronic resources for the library. As new programs developed, the library was able to acquire appropriate electronic resources to support them. For example, the School of Health and Wellness added several new programs over the past few years, including Physical Therapist Assistant and Physician's Assistant. The fee allowed the library to acquire Health and Wellness Resource Center and Harrison's Online to support these new programs.

Because Anne Arundel has extensive experience in negotiating database contracts with vendors, the library took the lead on investigating consortium pricing on several databases for the Maryland Community College Library Consortium. This pricing would allow smaller community colleges to purchase research databases that they would not otherwise be able to afford. The project resulted in most of the community colleges in Maryland subscribing to Literature Resource Center at a cost much less than that of an individual purchase.

Library as Cultural Center. Although heavily invested in technology, we are equally committed to playing a key role in the cultural and intellectual life of the college. The library uses its exhibit space to tie into campus or community cultural events with exhibits such as "Black Watermen of the Chesapeake," "Women Who Changed History," "Poems that Make a Difference," "World War II: Victory over Darkness," and "1000 Years ... What's Next?" Within the past five years, we have worked with the Cultural Events Committee to bring well-known writers to campus for public readings in the library. These writers include Reginald McKnight, Henry Taylor, Merle Collins, and Maxine Clair. Maryland's Poet Laureate will read his work next semester in the library. Student writers who contribute to the college's literary magazine annually read their works at a program held in the library.

With the School of Arts and Sciences, we co-sponsor Reading Circles, jointly chaired by a librarian and an English professor. Each semester, the chairs create a reading list of books in a particular area. The list is distributed campus-wide. Participants meet in discussion groups with books supplied free of charge. Topics over the years have included The American West, Banned/Challenged Books, Eco-literature, Poetry, Literature from the Middle East, Latin American Literature, Native American Literature, Canadian Literature, Asian American Literature, Australian Literature and Literature from the Indian Subcontinent. The current topic is "macho" literature.

In 1998 the Humanities chair and the library director sponsored a seminar series, titled "Truxal Seminars." The topic was the effect of recent cultural and social changes upon higher education. Participants read and discussed two books, then wrote essays on various aspects of the works. These essays were published as Proceedings of the Truxal Seminars. The Humanities Division and the library sponsored another seminar series titled "Straight Talk at a Round Table: Conversations on Contemporary Culture", with conversations based on short readings on thought-provoking topics.

Pursuing potential. The college mission clearly states that the opportunity to pursue one's potential and interests should be easily available and readily accessible to all Anne Arundel County residents. The library offers an active program for all county residents and targets several groups for special attention. Any county resident is eligible for a library card. Non-student residents account for 10 percent of all library borrowing. One way that the library staff promotes resident borrowing is by being active members of the college Speaker's Bureau, which allows librarians to go into the community, talking to groups such as Rotary, chambers of commerce and professional associations. The library recently hosted a group of 45 staff members from the county public library, who were interested in learning more about our resources so they can refer their patrons to us when we would have more appropriate resources for an information need.

Senior citizens are a key library target. The library works closely with the Senior Guild, a highly active college seniors group, and compiles lists of readings for the guild's newsletter. The library itself has presented guild lectures on topics such as the Library of Congress, organizing collectibles, and basic preservation techniques. To connect with the business community, the library offers free research services, training, and database access to the Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation, a non-profit corporation established to provide superior customer service and leadership in economic development for Anne Arundel County.

Statewide initiatives. Anne Arundel offers library cards to any county resident who requests borrowing privileges. Because of Anne Arundel's positive experience with this service, the former library director drafted a reciprocal borrowing policy for all Maryland community college libraries. The Maryland Community College Library Consortium approved this policy in November 1999.

V. Making A Difference

At the college, our goal is to make a difference in the lives of students by giving each student an opportunity to succeed academically. In our activities at the library, we strive to make a difference to each patron we serve, utilizing a number of different measures for assessment.

Tops on Campus. Each spring, the college conducts a student satisfaction survey. In 2001 with more than 2500 students completing the survey, 97% of students ranked library services and resources to be very or somewhat important to them. One question on the survey asked students to rate their level of satisfaction with various college services and activities. Nearly 82% were very or somewhat satisfied with the library. The only other services ranking higher than the library were the catalog and schedule of classes and bill paying procedures. Only 2.6 % of respondents reported being dissatisfied with the library, one of the lowest rates among all college services. When the Institutional Research office analyzed the comments made on the survey, the library was one of the few services that received no negative comments.

Making a difference through instruction. Each year, the library teaches more than 150 course-integrated instructional sessions. For each session taught, the librarian discusses the session with the classroom instructor, probing for the instructor's objectives in bringing the class to the library. The librarian analyzes the syllabus and assignment(s) to determine appropriate content and teaching methodologies. Teaching methodologies might include lecture, pair-and-share, small group, brainstorming, or demonstration, but almost always include an active learning component in which students apply the skills they have just learned. Assessment is handled several ways. Perhaps the most useful method is actually the simplest, performed in class. Students write down one of two things: what they already know about the library or what they would like to know about the library. This enables the instructor to have a baseline assessment of the knowledge and comfort level of the students. Another method used is an in-class assignment, designed by the librarian to complement the instructor's research assignment and assessed by the librarian. These assignments generally ask students to find three or four key resources on their research topics. Assignments are checked by the librarian and returned to the instructor for distribution to the student. These assignments have a success rate of about 80-90 percent; that is, 80-90 percent of students in a given class are able to find relevant materials. The web tutorial has an assessment survey built in and 90% of the students completing the tutorial rank the overall effectiveness of the tutorial as "excellent" or "good." Lastly, each semester, the library samples about 10 percent of all classes taught, sending a short open-ended questionnaire to the instructors for students to fill out.

Two years ago the library piloted a different means of assessing outcomes. The instructor for the second semester literature and composition course and the librarian worked together to construct requirements for a research paper. The librarian then analyzed the bibliographies of the students' work in both the on-line English class and the traditionally taught on-campus class. Only the method of delivery and the means of communication differed between the on-line and the traditional classes. It was found that students in the classroom have a higher electronic to print ratio than on-line students and that they had a slightly higher average number of citations per paper. On-line students used a higher percentage of reserved materials, which indicates they made a trip to campus and were more economical with the amount of time devoted to producing a research paper. Further comparisons are ongoing. The library continues to investigate other ways in which we can assess its instruction program.

Web-based instruction. The library developed a web tutorial for students who need a basic introduction to the library, for distance education students, and for students in certain courses such as Student Success. An assessment component is built into the tutorial. Students are asked at the beginning of the tutorial how they feel about coming to the library and what type of training they have had in using libraries. Students then answer multiple-choice questions to reinforce and test their learning. At the end, students are once again asked how they feel about coming to the library and how they will use what they learned. There is an opportunity to include an open-ended comment.

How are We Doing? The library wants to know how we can improve services. We designed a "How Are We Doing?" comment card placed on the reference and circulation desks. One question is "How can we improve our service?" An analysis of the cards shows that almost three times as many comments are submitted now than 8 years ago and that the comments have moved from an even division between positive comments and suggestions for improvements to almost entirely positive. On earlier cards, patrons suggested longer weekend hours, more books on particular topics and more monitoring of quiet study areas. Recent comments include: "If you can get better than this, more power to ya", "Outstanding assistance", and "Service is remarkably wonderful".

For two years a survey went to all patrons who requested research services requiring in-depth searching by reference staff. Both years, the results of the survey were overwhelmingly positive. Patrons responded that results were delivered in a timely manner and were helpful. All, 100 percent, thought materials delivered met their expectations. Respondents also included subjective comments such as "Very, very responsive. Asked me questions I hadn't thought of myself. Thorough and friendly."

The Right Stuff. Just as we want our services to meet needs, the library also wants its collections tailored to the curriculum and the community. To this end, each year our collection development librarian chooses two areas of the collection to evaluate. At least one area is a career or technical discipline. Standard lists in the area are checked against library holdings and the collection development librarian makes a judgment as to whether resources in that area are adequate to support the curriculum. We consult faculty specialists as necessary and purchase additional resources when an area is weak. Some areas recently reviewed are law enforcement and criminal justice, nursing, physical therapy, dance and interior design. Another indicator of collection quality is the high level of interlibrary borrowing requests we fill each year. Although Anne Arundel has the third-largest community college library collection in the state, it fills more loan requests than any other community college library, 17 percent higher than the second-place library and 36 percent higher than the third place library.

VI. Sharing Our Expertise

Because of library accomplishments, our personnel are often asked to serve in leadership positions where their experience and talents can be brought to bear. We are proud that each librarian has served in a campus-wide or statewide leadership position in 2000 - and this not atypical.

Involvement in accreditation standards. The previous library director was a member of the Task Force on Learning and Teaching, a Middle States Association task group that rewrote accreditation standards. The current library director is a member of the ACRL/Community and Junior College Libraries Section Standards Committee, which is revising the guidelines for 2-year college libraries and learning resources centers and she is also chairing the colleges self-study process that will result in a consideration for reaccreditation by the Middle States Association in spring 2004.

Statewide leadership. Cynthia Steinhoff, library director, served as President of the Maryland Library Association (MLA) in 2000-2001. She is currently a member of the association's Steering and Finance Committees and chaired MLA's annual conference in 1998. Reference Librarian Louise Greene served on the MLA Public Service Division's steering committee in 1999 and currently edits the association's newsletter, The Crab. Vicki Cone, Information Management Librarian, is the MLA Secretary and for the past 2 years, chaired the Vendor Relations Committee for the MLA annual conference. She also served as president of MLA's Technical Services Division. While collection development librarian, Cynthia Steinhoff negotiated agreements with a book vendor for monographs and standing orders for Maryland community colleges. Anne Arundel twice in the past 6 years took a leadership role by hosting and coordinating a statewide users' meeting for libraries in Maryland that use the DRA integrated library system.

Campuswide leadership. Cynthia Steinhoff is an at-large member of the Board of the college's Administrative Staff Organization, one of three constituency groups on campus (faculty and staff make up the other two groups). She currently chairs the Middle States self-study process on campus, is chair of a work group reviewing the college's copyright policy and devising strategies to better inform the campus community about copyright issues, and chairs a committee developing an intellectual property policy for the college. She recently served several years on the faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee, serving one year as secretary. Louise Greene co-chaired the Reading Circle for two years, co-chaired the Writing Across the Curriculum task force, is a member of the Educational Policies and Curriculum Committee, and serves as a Teaching Faculty Organization Senator. Vicki Cone is a member of the Outcomes Assessment Team for Student Success and chairs the Reading Circles. Librarians and library staff serve on a variety of technology-related committees on campus, including the Technology Council, Lab Administrators' Workgroup, Technology Policies and Procedures Workgroup, and Distance Learning Workgroup. In past years, librarians co-chaired the committee that developed the college's appropriate computer use policy and the work group that established web site policies.

National service. Cynthia Steinhoff, a past secretary of CJCLS, is now the chair-elect of CJCLS. The former director chaired the ACRL Instruction Section, served on the ACRL Budget Committee, and co-chaired the ACRL Program Committee. Michelle Robertson, Automation Services Librarian, is actively involved in two ALCTS committees, Catalog Form and Function Committee and Subject Access Committee's Subcommittee on Subject Reference Structures in Automated Systems.

Awards and recognition. Cynthia Steinhoff received a TWIN award from Anne Arundel County's YWCA in 1999. The TWIN program recognizes women for their outstanding contributions in executive and managerial roles. In 1998, the library served as the site of the Community and Junior College Libraries Section's tour during the Annual ALA Conference. Simmona Simmons-Hodo, part-time weekend librarian, received the 1999 James Partridge Award for outstanding service from the University of Maryland College Park. Vicki Cone received a Distinguished Service Award from the college's Student Association in 2001 for her work on the Outcomes Assessment Team.

VII. Summary

At the Truxal Library of Anne Arundel Community College, we help people discover their full potential by offering easy access to the information they need to learn and work productively. We constantly look for new ways to get information to students, faculty, staff, and the community. We are proud to believe ourselves deserving of the Excellence in Academic Libraries Award; however, we are proudest of the difference we make for our students.


Anne Arundel Community College & Library Fact Sheet
Category Measure

Credit Enrollment Headcount (FY2001)


Credit Full-Time Equivalent Students (FY2001)


Non-credit Enrollment Headcount (FY2001)


Non-credit Full-Time Equivalents (FY2001)


Total items in library (FY2001)


Number reference questions (FY2001)


Circulation (FY2001)


Monograph titles cataloged (FY2001)


Student classes taught


Database items retrieved


Interlibrary items lent


Interlibrary items borrowed


Staff: Librarians


Staff: Paraprofessionals (FTE)


Staff: Student assistants (FTE)


Serials budget


Monographic budget


Electronic services (data, hardware, software)
