Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities

Photo of people walking around the ACRL Conference floor

Increase your visibility and engage with ACRL members. The ACRL Sponsorship Program offers numerous sponsorship opportunities with tangible benefits for every budget. Check out our current sponsorship opportunities below.

ACRL Conference Sponsorships

A view of the city of Pittsburgh with a stylized image of a hexagon (a nut) superimposed over it.

Align your brand with the premier event in academic and research libraries. Take advantage of this once-every-two-years opportunity to gain direct access to key decision-makers at the largest gathering in academic and research librarianship.

Learn more.

RBMS Conference Sponsorships

RBMS 2024 Momentum

ACRL's Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) invites conference sponsors to partner with us and play a leading role in local, national, and international special collections communities. Sponsors have a targeted reach, measurable returns, and access to our international network of rare books and manuscripts librarians.

Learn more.

Section Events

ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition San Diego June 27-July 2, 2024 logo

Engage more closely with ACRL's membership by sponsoring events with our various sections at the ALA Annual Conference.

For more information about available opportunities, contact us at acrl@ala.org.

Advertise with ACRL


Reach a wider audience through ACRL's variety of marketing channels, including our journals and magazines, email newsletters and publications, and sponsored webcasts.

Learn more.