STS Manual: Section History


The Science and Technology Section (STS) was established in 1961 as the Agriculture and Biological Sciences Subsection, a part of the ACRL Subject Specialists Section. In 1972, when the Subject Specialist Section was dissolved, its subsections were given full section status. The resulting Agriculture and Biological Sciences Section later changed its name in 1979 to the Science and Technology Section to better reflect the interests of the membership.

During its first twenty years, section activities were primarily focused on providing science-oriented programs at conferences and granting the Oberly Award for Bibliography in the Agricultural Sciences every two years. However, in the early 1980's, new challenges were taken on, leading to a surge in activity and a growth in membership. In 1983, the section formed its first large task force in order to explore the world of conference publications. This task force divided into four ad-hoc committees, each dealing with specific aspects of conference proceedings. One product of these endeavors was the issuance of guidelines for publishers of proceedings in 1986. The Subject and Bibliographic Access Committee developed out of this initial effort and continues to monitor access to scientific materials of all types. Soon after the Task Force on Proceedings began its work, the level of activity in the section was further boosted by the creation of a second large task force to study organizational changes in academic libraries. This later became the Comparison of Science and Technology Libraries Committee whose work has included the collection, analysis, and distribution of comparative data. This committee was later deactivated and a new committee was formed, the Assessment Committee, whose charge is to provide focus, direction and leadership in the key areas of assessment for the Section.

During the 1990s the section branched out in many ways. A Government Information Committee began to monitor legislative issues. Research forums were sponsored at annual conferences and several discussion groups provided a channel for those with an interest in science and technology librarianship to share ideas and concerns. Communication among the members was also facilitated by the Section's newsletter, the STS Signal, as well as an active listserv, STS-L, and an electronic journal, Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. In addition, the Continuing Education Committee coordinated and promoted continuing education activities in the section and its Collegial Counsel service assisted in the mentoring process for those new to the field. The Collegial Council was renamed the STS Sci/tech Library Mentors.

In the new millennium scholarly communication is increasingly “virtual.” STS programs address issues related to the shift from print to electronic collections such as subscription costs, preserving access, and archiving content. The increase in library collaboration through consortial arrangements and information literacy requirements in the information age are also areas of interest.

In 2000, faced with declining attendance at the annual evening reception, the section substituted a reception to follow the Section program and a poster session at each Annual Conference.

During the 2005 Annual Conference, several changes were approved and subsequently implemented during the 2006 Midwinter and Annual Conferences. Five discussion groups were reduced to four. The original five discussion groups included:

College Science Librarians


Publisher/Vendor Relations

Science and Technology Information

Issues in Science and Technology Management

The four Discussion Groups beginning in Midwinter 2006 included:

College Science Librarians

Annual Hot Topics

Publisher/Vendor Relations

Midwinter Hot Topics

It was also decided to hold two Discussion Groups at Midwinter, Publisher/Vendor Relations and Midwinter Hot Topics, and two at Annual, College Science Librarians and Annual Hot Topics, to avoid conflicts in the schedule. An All-Member Breakfast was added to the Sunday morning schedule and a Welcoming Reception was added to the Friday evening agenda prior to Council 1. The Information Literacy Committee was also approved at the 2005 Annual Conference after having been a successful task force for several years.

In 2006 the Section approved the creation of two new elected member-at-large positions to serve staggered terms as members of the Executive Committee. In the 2007 election, this position was ratified by the STS membership. The Liaison Committee was approved at the 2007 Annual Conference after two years as a task force. that coordinated ACRL Action Plan funding for STS members who served as liaisons to other professional organizations. Its successful proposals for Action Plan funding for the STS Liaison Program led to the decision to make it a more permanent part of the STS structure as a committee.

In 2008 the first member-at-large was elected and began serving at the end of Annual Conference. Member-at-Large is a two year term, staggered, and we now have two of them. The two Hot Topic Discussion Groups were merged into one, with four members whose responsibilities include planning discussions for both Midwinter and Annual Conferences.

This table will be updated to include additional data as the information is received.

Elected Officers of the Science and Technology Section are as follows:

STS Elected Officers 1961 to Present
Year Section Chair Secretary Publicity Officer Member-at-Large #1 Member-at-Large #2
61/62 H. Donald Ferris
62/63 John Sekerak
63/64 Kirby B. Payne Ann E. Kerker
64/65 Wayne R. Collings
65/66 Fleming Bennett Pauline W. Jennings
66/67 Pauline W. Jennings Charlotte S. Mitchell
67/68 Pauline W. Jennings Blanche Oliveri
68/69 Louise Darling Ann Dougherty
69/70 Howard Rovelstad
70/71 Joseph C. Shipman Ann Dougherty
71/72 Elizabeth Ferguson Elizabeth A. Windsor
72/73 Elsie Bergland Ann E. Kerker
73/74 Richard A. Farley Barbara B. Gordon
74/75 Ann E. Kerber Barbara B. Gordon
75/76 Earl Farley Arne H. Richards
76/77 Barbara B. Gordon Linnea Sodergren
77/78 Doris Bolef Linda Phillips
78/79 David K. Oyler Dolores Owen
79/80 Leila Moran Anaclare F. Evans
80/81 Thomas Kirk Larry A. Kimble
81/82 Charles R. Long Eleanor Mathews
82/83 Charles Gilreath Alan Benefield
83/84 Jan Kennedy Olson Sheila Grant Johnson
84/85 Linda Phillips James E. Bobick
85/86 Eleanor Mathews Michael Fineman
86/87 Sheila Grant Johnson Antoinette P. Powell
87/88 Katherine Chiang Barbara A. Kautz
88/89 Laura Osegueda Beverlee French
89/90 Martin Kesselman Caroline D. Harnly
90/91 Colleen Power Marilyn Von Seggern
91/92 Beverlee French Lois Pausch
92/93 Karen Cargille Janet Chisman
93/94 Janet Fore Billie Joy Reinhart
94/95 Katharine Clark Julie Hurd
95/96 Alison Ricker Mary Markland
96/97 Amy Paster Terry Wittig
97/98 Allison Level Elizabeth W. Brown
98/99 Billie Joy Reinhart Norma Kobzina
99/00 Pat Kreitz Amy Shannon
00/01 Julie Hurd Jeannie Miller
01/02 JoAnn DeVries Nan Butkovich
02/03 Barton Lessin Catherine Soehner
03/04 Jill Newby Kathryn Kjaer
04/05 Jeanne Davidson Susan Jane Kimball
05/06 Julia Gelfand Beth Thomsett-Scott Susan Jane Kimball
06/07 Catherine Soehner Beth Thomsett-Scott Ed Lener
07/08 Barbara MacAlpine Lori Critz Ed Lener
08/09 Virginia Baldwin Lori Critz Kara Whatley Denise Bennett
09/10 Maliaca Oxnam John J. Meier Matthew R. Marsteller
10/11 Linda L. Eells John J. Meier Norah Ningning Xiao Matthew R. Marsteller Maxine Schmidt
11/12 Maribeth Slebodnik Marianne Stowell Bracke Peter Larsen Maxine Schmidt John Meier
12/13 Lori Ostapowicz-Critz Marianne Stowell Bracke Elizabeth Berman John Meier Kathy Szigeti
13/14 Matt Marsteller Andrew Stuart Elizabeth Berman Kathy Szigeti

Annie Zeidman-Karpinski

14/15 Marianne Stowell Bracke Andrew Stuart Clara Fowler Annie Zeidman-Karpinski Moriana Garcia
15/16 Mary Linn Bergstrom Barbara Harvey Clara Fowler Moriana Garcia

Beth Blanton-Kent

16/17 Andrew Stewart Barbara Harvey Bonnie Fong Beth Blanton-Kent

Rachel Hamelers

17/18 Kara Whatley Hannah Gascho Rempel Bonnie Fong Rachel Hamelers

Sara Russell Gonzalez

18/19 John Meier Hannah Gascho Rempel Angela Davis Sara Russell Gonzalez Sam Putnam
19/20 Tim Klassen Jeanne Hoover Angela Davis Sam Putnam Sarah Jeong
20/21 Rachel Borchardt Jeanne Hoover Virginia Pannabecker Sarah Jeong

Rebecca Hill Renirie

STS program titles follow:

  • 2008: One Part Inspiration: Creative Trends That Further Science Learning
  • 2007: Issues and Trends in Digital Repositories of Non-Textual Information: Support for Research and Teaching
  • 2006: Kaleidoscope of Scientific Literacy: Fusing New Connections
  • 2005: The New Crossroads: Science Librarians in the 21st Century
  • 2004: Making Connections on Campus: Collaborative Approaches to Information Literacy in the Sciences
  • 2003: Partners in Science: An Exploration of a Scientist-Librarian Relationship

  • 2002: Old, New, Borrowed, and Blue: Science and Technology Intellectual Property Issues in the Digital Age
  • 2001: Quantum Leaps by Decade: Forty Years of Science Librarianship Through Collaboration
  • 2000: Communication and Information Models for the New Millennium: Scientists and Librarians Face the Future
  • 1999:The Future is Here: Changing Realities for Sci-Tech Librarians
  • 1998: Engineering the Future: A New Look at Organizational Thinking and Hyper-learning
  • 1997: Scientific Researcher: Hardwired for Retrieval or Wedded to Print?
  • 1996: Leaders on the Web Trail: Redefining the Scholar's Workstation
  • 1995: Preserving the Record of Science and Technology: a Call to Action
  • 1994: Scholarly Resources on the Internet: Beyond the Basics
  • 1993: Technological Tobasco: Hot Ideas for Keeping up with Technology
  • 1992: Issues in Sci-Tech Information: Librarians' Right to Know
  • 1991: Promoting Scientific Literacy and Education: Can Libraries Meet the Challenge?
  • 1990: Access for Success: Addressing Scientific Information
  • 1989: Designer Genes: A Crash Course in Biotechnology Issues and Resources
  • 1988: Libraries Without Walls: Emerging Technologies and Practical Information Access
  • 1987: Artificial Intelligence: Convergence of Mind and Machine
  • 1986: End User Searching : Issues in Instruction, System Selection, and Administration
  • 1985: Mathieson Report on Integrated Automated Information Management Systems

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