STS Manual: Budget and Finance
Budget procedures:
The fiscal year begins September 1. ACRL staff submits the budget to ALA the spring prior to the beginning of that fiscal year, and the ACRL Board approves the budget at Annual Conference.
Basic services
All sections are eligible for Basic Services Funding. The level of funding will be based on the size of the section's membership and will be automatically allotted to the section. Support for electronic communication and services is a basic service provided by the ACRL office. Basic Services Funding may be used for the following activities: to reimburse section committee members for photocopying, postage, telephone, and other activities not prohibited in the following paragraph.
Basic Services Funding exists to facilitate sections' ability to carry out their basic mission and strategic goals of ACRL. Basic Services Funding may not be used for equipment and software purchases, speaker expenses and travel honoraria for librarian speakers in accordance with ALA fiscal policy. In addition, audiovisual production projects including film and film development require advance approval from ACRL.
The formula for basic services funding for sections effective with the 1997-98 fiscal year is shown below. The formula will be adjusted in the initial years to reflect significant changes in the size of membership in ACRL and in its sections.
Membership section levels | Allocation amount |
Small - under 1,000 | $750 |
Medium - 1,001 to 2,499 | $1,500 |
Large - 2,500 and over | $2,250 |
Source: ACRL Executive Committee, October 2002
Strategic Initiative Action Plans funding
Sections may request financial support for new and ongoing projects that challenge the status quo or explore leading edge ideas that would show tangible results to either ACRL, the professions of academic librarianship, or higher education and support specific strategic directions of the Strategic Plan. Proposed projects may also target activities and programming with specific higher education discipline-based organizations. Plan requests are due July 15 for the fiscal year beginning one year from the following September.
Action plan reports are due to the ACRL office twice yearly for plans being implemented in the current fiscal year ending August 31, a high-level interim report by December 15 and a complete final report by July 15. Assessment of the project is a required component of the plan and should be addressed in the reports. The interim report need only report on actions taken to date. The final report should provide a brief narrative of the project, its outcomes, and it success in advancing the strategic plan.
(For additional information see ACRL's Strategic Initiative Action Plans)
Action planning process launched by the Board during the ALA Annual Conference 2005.
Reimbursement of expenses is handled in accordance with ALA and ACRL policies and procedures. Submit the Reimbursement Request Form, original receipts such as airline ticket stubs, hotel bills, etc., to ACRL before August 15 of the current fiscal year.
Source: ACRL Budget and Finance Committee, 1994.
Membership Labels/Lists
Sections may request up to 2 sets of labels or membership lists from the ACRL office per fiscal year. Additional sets will be charged against the section's allocations. The section chair should send a written request by mail or e-mail to ACRL Member Services to process the request.
ALA is the legal and financial entity with respect to financial and contractual obligations incurred by ACRL as a division of ALA. The ACRL executive director is accountable to ALA for compliance with financial and other policies and guidelines. All contracts must be approved by the ACRL executive director and signed by an ALA associate executive director.
For additional information see ACRL's Guide to Policies and Procedures.
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