ACRL-STS Liaison Program Reports
Each liaison is expected to serve for a two-year term, attend the assigned organization’s annual conference, and prepare an informal report on what was discussed. This report can be in a standard Word or PDF document, or can be presented via an online or in-person poster session to the STS Liaisons Committee. Terms of service may be consecutive if desired.
American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS)
Description from Website
“AIBS builds community in support of researchers, educators, and scientists who understand the importance of sharing biological discovery and knowledge.”
American Chemical Society (ACS)
Description from Website
"ACS is a congressionally chartered independent membership organization which represents professionals at all degree levels and in all fields of chemistry and sciences that involve chemistry."
American Physical Society (APS)
Description from Website
“The American Physical Society is a non-profit membership organization working to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy and international activities.”
Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T)
Description from Website
“Since 1937, The Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) has been the society for information professionals leading the search for new and better theories, techniques, and technologies to improve access to information.”
Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries (CBHL)
Description from Website
“The Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries, Inc. (CBHL) is an international organization of individuals, organizations and institutions concerned with the development, maintenance and use of libraries of botanical and horticultural literature.”
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD),
American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)
Description from Website
“The division consists of librarians and information professionals concerned with the support of engineering education.”
Geoscience Information Society (GSIS)
Description from Website
“The Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) facilitates the exchange of information in the geosciences through cooperation among scientists, librarians, editors, cartographers, educators, and information professionals.”
International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC)
Description from Website
"The International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) is an association of individuals and organizations interested in library and information science, especially as these are applied to the recording, retrieval and dissemination of knowledge and information in all aspects of aquatic and marine sciences and their allied disciplines. The association provides a forum for exchange and exploration of ideas and issues of mutual concern."
International Association of University Libraries (IATUL)
Description from Website
“IATUL provides a forum for the exchange of ideas relevant to librarianship in technological universities throughout the world. It also provides library directors and senior managers an opportunity to develop a collaborative approach to solving common problems.”
Medical Library Association (MLA)
Description from Website
“The Medical Library Association (MLA) is organized exclusively for scientific and educational purposes, and is dedicated to the support of health sciences research, education, and patient care. MLA fosters excellence in the professional achievement and leadership of health sciences library and information professionals to enhance the quality of health care, education, and research.”
National Science Digital Library (NSDL)
Description from Web Site
"The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) is a national network of digital envirionments dedicated to advancing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teaching and learning for all learners, in both formal and informal settings."
Special Libraries Association (SLA)
Description from Website
“The Special Libraries Association (SLA) is a nonprofit global organization for innovative information professionals and their strategic partners. SLA serves more than 9,000 members in 75 countries in the information profession, including corporate, academic and government information specialists.”
NOTE – any specific scientific division of SLA may qualify for a liaison position
United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN)
Description from Website
"The United States Agricultural Information Network is an organization for information professionals that provides a forum for discussion of agricultural issues, takes a leadership role in the formation of a national information policy as related to agriculture, makes recommendations to the National Agricultural Library on agricultural information matters, and promotes cooperation and communication among its members."
Liaisons appointed by ACRL are under the terms and guidelines of the Liaisons Coordinating Committee (LCC). Please see the ACRL Liaison Activities website for more information.
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
(AAAS is a three-year term position)
Description from Website
"The American Association for the Advancement of Science, "Triple A-S" (AAAS), is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science around the world by serving as an educator, leader, spokesperson and professional association."
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)
(IFLA Liaison is a four-year term position)
Description from Website
"The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession."
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Last updated: June 28, 2017