STS Meeting Schedule and Space/Equipment Planning


This page does not reflect current information, it is for planning purposes only

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Standard Requests for Meeting Space, Audiovisual, and Equipment

These pages contain the traditional requirements for all STS meetings at Midwinter and Annual including standard meeting times and days, room and equipment requirements, and any special needs. Committee and Discussion Group chairs should verify that the data for their Midwinter and Annual meetings is correct. Any changes should be sent to the STS Chairperson.

STS Chairperson Sends in Forms and Makes All Changes

The ALA Conference Meeting Space (including equipment) Request Forms should not be filled out by the individual chairs. The STS Chairperson fills out all the forms for the Section and sends them to ALA. This centralization is required by ALA and is valuable to the Section. The STS Chairperson plans a master Section schedule to avoid conflicts within STS and with official no-conflict times. Any corrections or changes must also go through the STS Chairperson. In particular, this is important with equipment requests made after the deadlines because there may be no way to cover the additional cost ALA charges.


The Meeting Space Request Form is used for both programs and meetings. At the beginning of the Fall, the STS Chairperson will ask you for any changes in these meeting requirements. It is wise to email your committee members or discussion group co-chair in August to make sure that the scheduled day and time work for everyone. Meeting space request forms are due to ALA on the following dates:

  • October 2nd for Midwinter
  • October third week for Annual Programs
  • October last week for Annual Meetings

Sample Form:

It is helpful to familiarize yourself with the sample copy of the ALA Annual Conference Meeting Space Request Form because it clarifies what options are available for meeting times, room set up, equipment (including computers, internet connections, etc.) that ALA will provide. Although this form is for a past Annual meeting, these basic options don't vary much.

Equipment requests:

It is particularly important to request all the equipment you may think you need, even if you're not sure. After the meeting form deadline has past, ALA will require separate payment for any additional equipment (and labor to set it up). STS's annual budget cannot be spent on 'late' charges for equipment. If you are wondering what options you have for room set up or for equipment, see the sample form. If you have a non-standard request, talk to the STS Chairperson well in advance of the meeting form deadline.

Meeting time slots:

ALA has only certain options for meeting and program time slots. These are the times that will show in the printed program. If you choose to have your meeting begin earlier, or know that it won't last as long as the standard time, let your committee know in advance. Be careful not to begin too early or run much later than your official time because ALA may schedule another group before or after your meeting in the same room. Also, if your committee or group traditionally has visitors or drop-ins, you may wish to stick to one of the options available. If you wish to encourage visitors but need to shift the time, do announce the 'real' meeting time on STS-L and clarify that it is different than what will show in the official program.

Please send comments & questions to the STS Web Editor

Last updated: October 22, 2003