STS Publications Committee Job Descriptions


Editor(s) of STS Signal

Editor of ISTL

Moderator(s) of STS-L


Editor(s) of STS Signal

The ACRL Science & Technology Section STS Signal Editor(s) is(are) responsible for the preparation and publication of the Section newsletter twice annually.

  1. It is recommended that two co-editors be appointed, and it is strongly suggested that one take the lead on each issue. This creates a better work-flow and is less confusing to the contributors.
  2. The duties of the STS Signal co-editors are as follows:
    • Contacting all committee chairs and discussion group chairs, and the Section chair and Section vice-chair, to request reports for inclusion in the newsletter.
      • The deadlines, as published in STS Signal, for submissions are March 1 and September 1. It is suggested that the editors request the information several weeks before this deadline in order to more realistically collect it by the deadline.
      • At each conference, at least one (1) editor will attend the first council meeting to remind contributors about submitting reports to STS Signal and to distribute all of the necessary submission information.
      • The editor should contact the contributors by e-mail with regular follow-ups (including a phone call if necessary) as the deadline approaches.
    • Incorporating other material such as committee volunteer forms, schedule of events for the upcoming meeting, directory of committee chairs, etc., as appropriate and as space allows.
      • Using past issues of STS Signal and the Outline of Issues as guidelines for inclusion, use this secondary information to fill and balance the layout of each issue. The chair and vice-chair may have particular items that have higher priority for any given issue.
      • According to the STS Manual the contents for each issue are:
        • Fall: Highlights of STS Council meetings at previous Annual Conference; chair and vice-chair statements to membership; STS meeting schedule for Midwinter conference; committee reports, plans, and projects; report on the previous STS Annual Conference program, update on the upcoming STS Annual Conference program; list of officers and phone numbers; vice-chair's call for volunteers for STS committee activities.
        • Spring: Chair's greetings and highlights notes; STS meeting schedule for Annual Conference; highlights of STS Council meetings from Midwinter Meeting; committee reports (short); publicity for STS program and discussion groups at Annual Conference; list of officers and committee chairs.
      • See attached Outline of Issues for information about specific inclusions and suppliers.
    • Editing all submissions for length, clarity, style, and proper grammar and spelling as needed.
      • When editing the submissions, they should be edited not only for correctness but also for consistency across the submissions.
      • Editing for length will be necessary to assure the issue stays within the set page limit. Currently STS Signal's length is set at 8 pages.
      • The Chicago Manual of Style is particularly recommended as a style guide.
    • Doing all formatting and layout as needed to prepare a camera-ready copy for printing and distribution by ALA Headquarters.
      • Send a camera-ready copy plus 2 copies to ALA Headquarters.
      • See attached Outline of Issues for information about the current contact person/address.
    • After the paper copy is mailed out, sending a copy of the file to the Section webmaster(s) for posting in electronic form on the STS website.
      • Create a pdf version of the issue; send to the STS website webmaster.
    • Updating the Outline of Issues as needed, especially before handing the editorship to new people. Keeping that document up-to-date with contact people, addresses, and technological changes.
  3. Qualifications:
    • Membership in the STS Publications Committee or agreement to accept appointment to the Committee after Annual Conference.
    • Access to computers with sufficient power to run some desktop publishing software capable of exporting PDF files (such as PageMaker 6.5).
    • Good editorial and proofreading skills.
  4. Terms of Commitment:
    • STS Signal editors are appointed by the STS Executive Board, upon the recommendation of the STS Publications Committee.
    • Terms begin immediately after the Annual Conference at which the appointment was confirmed.
    • Editors of the STS Signal serve two-year terms, which may be renewed.
    • If there are co-editors, the terms should be staggered.

Editor of Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship

The ACRL Science & Technology Section Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship ( ISTL) editor is responsible for the preparation and publication of this quarterly electronic journal.

  1. The editor works in association with the appointed editorial board.
  2. The duties of the editor (and editorial board) are as follows:
    • Determine special themes for issues (if any.
    • Prepare calls for articles.
    • Accept or reject articles.
    • Work with authors to ensure high quality and appropriate content.
    • Coordinate activities of column editors.
    • Publish quarterly issues on the web.
    • Publicize new issues.
    • Maintain web pages; update links as needed.
    • Maintain ISTL mailing list.
  3. Qualifications:
    • Membership in the STS Publications Committee or agreement to accept appointment to the committee after Annual Conference.
    • Superior editorial and proofreading skills.
    • Access to computers with sufficient power to allow maintenance of web pages and mailing lists.
  4. Terms of Commitment:
    • The ISTL Editor is appointed by the STS Executive Board, upon the recommendation of the STS Publications Committee.
    • The editor does not have a fixed term of commitment.

Moderator(s) of STS-L

The ACRL Science & Technology Section STS-L moderator(s) is(are) responsible for the maintenance and management of the Section's listserv.

  1. It is strongly recommended that these tasks be shared by two co-moderators, as they have been since the creation of STS-L.
    • One moderator reviews and post messages, and the other handles error messages and housekeeping tasks.
    • The co-moderators may switch tasks half-way through the year.
  2. The duties of the co-moderators are:
    • Post mail daily.
    • Review messages for content to ensure they fall into the guidelines of the list.
    • Reply to any mail sent with questions, concerns, etc., about the list.
    • Handle error messages generated by bad addresse.s
    • Add and remove subscribers upon request.
    • Interact with computing services at site where the list is located, when necessary.
    • Maintain communication with co-moderator and STS Council.
  3. Qualifications:
    • Membership in the STS Publications Committee or agreement to accept appointment to the committee after Annual Conference.
    • At least one of the moderators must work at the site where the list is located. If this is not possible, the list should be moved to the work site of one of the moderators.
  4. Terms of Commitment:
    • STS-L moderators are appointed by the STS Executive Board, upon the recommendation of the STS Publications Committee.
    • Moderators of STS-L serve two-year terms, which may be renewed.
    • Terms begin immediately after the Annual Conference at which the appointment was confirmed.
    • If there are co-moderators, the terms should be staggered.

STS Webmaster(s)

The ACRL Science & Technology Section webmaster(s) is(are) responsible for developing and maintaining the STS website, under the direction of the STS Executive Committee and STS Council. The site houses publications on the Section's news, committees, programs, and other resources and publications.

  1. It is recommended that these tasks be shared by two webmasters, to allow technical and editorial duties to be distributed.
  2. The duties of the webmaster(s) are as follows:
    • Coordinate the identification, solicitation, and creation of web based information with the Section's Publications Committee, STS Council and Section members.
    • Organize, format, publish and maintain information on the Section's website, including original format archival versions of past publications and web sites.
    • If there is more than one webmaster, duties may be divided up depending on each individual's strengths. For example, one webmaster may be responsible for gathering information, soliciting new content, and answering emails sent to the webmasters, while the other is responsible for actual markup and maintenance of the site.
  3. Qualifications:
    • Membership in the STS publications committee or agreement to accept appointment to the committee after Annual Conference.
    • Demonstrated abilities in HTML authoring, graphics creation, web site maintenance, and project management.
    • Experience with digital imaging tools, techniques and applications (e.g., Adobe Acrobat).
    • Institutional or personal web server space adequate for the maintenance of the Section's site for the minimum of a two year period.
  4. Terms of Commitment:
    • STS webmasters are appointed by the STS Executive Committee, upon the recommendation of the STS Publications Committee.
    • Webmasters serve two year terms, which may be renewed.
    • Terms begin immediately after the Annual Conference at which the appointment was confirmed.
    • If there are co-webmasters, the terms should be staggered.

Send comments/questions to STS Web Editor

Last updated: November 24, 2009