Section Discussion Lists

All section discussion lists are currently hosted through ALA Connect. In order to post to the list you will need to join the group’s ALA Connect community and address all discussion list email messages to the Connect discussion list address which can be found on the table below.

When a message is sent to the Connect email address, it will generate a post directly to your group’s ALA Connect community. Please note, your message will only be posted if you are a member of the Connect community. See steps below on how to join this community.

Current ACRL Members
All ALA members have an ALA Connect account connected to their ALA login. You are automatically added to your ACRL section’s Connect space when you join that section as part of your ALA/ACRL membership.

If you know you are a current ACRL member and cannot access the ALA Connect space for your section’s page in Connect, you may need to add this section to your ACRL membership. ACRL membership provides complimentary membership for all ACRL Communities of Practice, including sections and interest groups. Please call ALA Member & Customer Service at 1-800-545-2433 ext. 5 for assistance or check online with any membership questions. Here is a direct link to create an account. Please also visit the Connect FAQ page for more information.

Non-members are welcome to create a free ALA Connect account and have access to numerous resources as well as discussion viewing privileges. Non-members can post to the section and interest group lists once they create a free account, log in and join each community.

Notification Settings
ALA Connect allows you to adjust your email notification settings, including real-time receipt or daily digest mode. You can change your email receipt preferences at any time in Connect, by clicking on “My Connect,” then “Community Notification Settings.” This short tutorial shows how to adjust your notification settings.

For more helpful tips on using ALA Connect as a discussion list, please click here or visit the Connect FAQ page for more information.

Section Community in ALA Connect Email Address
Anthropology and Sociology Section
Arts Section
College Libraries Section
Community and Junior College Libraries Section
Distance and Online Learning Section
Digital Scholarship Section
Education and Behavioral Sciences Section
European Studies Section
Instruction Section
Literatures in English Section
Politics, Policy and International Relations Section
Rare Books and Manuscripts Section
Science and Technology Section
University Libraries Section
Women and Gender Studies Section