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#28 -- Fall 1996

Biblio-Notes (ISSN 1076-8947) is published twice a year by the English and American
Literature Section of the Association of College and
Research Libraries
, a division of the American Library
. Paper subscriptions are free to members of the section.

Editor: Scott Stebelman, Gelman Library,
George Washington University, 2130 H Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20052; telephone

Copyright © 1996 by the American Library Association.

News from the Chair

I suppose it is a curse and a blessing for everyone involved
that the EALS Section Chair holds office for only one year. On the one hand, there is the
great joy of throwing the scoundrels out each year; on the other, the members must cope with
the earnest enthusiasm of each new chair. But I will not miss this opportunity to wax
lyrical on our section.

EALS is the fastest growing section in ACRL. I remember being
taken aback when I first joined ALA and ACRL, that there was no sanctioned group for
English and American literature librarians, for I have always felt that a library's
heart was its literature collection. It was more relief than surprise when Michaelyn
Burnett told me about our previous incarnation, the EAL Discussion Group.

It is fascinating to look at the roster of EALS members, where some people list their
work address and department for mailings. Our members include public librarians, school
librarians, rare book librarians, reference librarians, catalogers, and bibliographers,
all here because we share an interest in English and American literature and
librarianship, and understand its importance to all libraries.

Everyone grumbles about ALA meetings (the prices! the shuttle buses!), and I do my share,
but I enjoy the EALS meetings at ALA tremendously because of the people who attend; some
old friends, some new acquaintances, and always a congenial, intelligent group willing
to openly discuss issues of importance to the profession. Especially now, as both the
discipline of English and American literature, and the profession of librarianship, are
expanding their scope and changing so rapidly, we need more than ever a place to discuss
ideas and developments, and our members bring fresh energy to the task. I am confident
that we can maintain the collegial nature of our group, both electronically and in
person, as we expand our membership.

I neglected to thank our outgoing officers at the meeting in New York, but I think a
special thanks should go to Tim Shipe, the outgoing chair, who worked so hard to get the
bylaws written, and to generally shepherd us into ACRL Section-dom. Also, many thanks to
last year's program committee for having put together such a wonderful program for the
meeting -- hearing Edward Albee, Ming Cho, Estelle Parsons and the others was the
highlight of this ALA Convention for me.

Perry Willett, Chair

Book Review

The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. Ed. Stephen Regan. Published for
The English Association. Oxford: Blackwell; Atlantic Highlands: Humanities, 1994- . Annual.

This first volume of a projected annual series is a companion to The Year's
Work in English Studies
(1921-) and, indeed, continues the chapter on literary
theory that appeared in YWES from 1982-93. The key features are: eight chapters
that review English-language books and articles (1991 covered in vol. 1) in several
areas, a list of books received (about 225), a section of essays, and an index. The
eight chapters cover: 1) critical theory in general, 2) rhetoric and deconstruction, 3)
psychoanalysis, 4) feminism and gender studies, 5) historicism, 6) colonial discourse
and postcolonial theory, 7) art history, and 8) popular music. Future volumes will also
cover media and film studies, and the section of commissioned essays will be on
different topics. Vol. 2 has appeared but I have not seen it.

The only rival to YWCCT is "Recent Work in Critical Theory" published annually
in Style (originally a review essay now an annotated bibliography).
Style's coverage is broader because it includes numerous essay collections
and studies on individual authors and totals nearly twice as many items, but seems less
focused and a less authoritative selection of the best work (it's primary author is
William Baker, English librarian at Northern Illinois University). Neither annual review
pretends to be an exhaustive bibliography, but this is a difficult field to be
bibliographic in. Of the serial bibliographies the MLA International
has the largest and broadest selection of entries, but its
coverage is, at best, spotty: for example, of the thirty-one books reviewed in chapters
1 and 6, the MLAIB cites only fifteen, less than half! Clearly, specialized
bibliographies such as YWCCT remain essential.

The essays are fair, non-polemical, and sympathetic with their subject. Treatment does
vary in the different chapters. The chapter on feminism, for example, is by several
writers and proceeds topically from feminist theory through black women's writing and
criticism, international and postcolonial feminism, European feminism, lesbian feminism,
psychoanalysis and feminism, representation, and finally to gender studies and
masculinity. In contrast, the chapter on historicism is by one reviewer and proceeds
from name to name, from Trotsky through Lukacs to Bloch, Benjamin, and others. The
British emphasis and point of view may be a drawback in the chapter on popular music,
but on the whole the volume is quite relevant to North American scholars. It looks
beyond English-language theorists and critics and so seems to survey current
international critical and theoretical discourse (in English).

There are flaws of course. The list of books received is useful, but the long lag between
year covered and year published makes this less useful for selection than for
double-checking selection later. The index is barely adequate: it omits titles of books
and journals, and it provides scanty reference to extensive topics such as Marxism.
Nowhere are theory, cultural, and critical defined. Books are privileged over journals.
Several times reviewers prefer journal articles over books, but these articles are not
included in the bibliographic lists or the index , not adequately cited, and not fully
recognized conceptually. If criticism and theory are a dialogue, then the most lively
stage is the journal in which article can be quickly followed by counter-article,
letters respond, dispute, and elaborate, and announcements of new books and upcoming
conferences keep readers informed about the whole field. This point leads to the further
thought that the year's conferences, seminars, new courses, programs, and centers,
announcements of book series, textbooks and anthologies, and even biographical and
institutional events -- theorist X hired away by University Y, given a named chair, set
up with a research center and budget -- all ought to be reviewed. We need a review of
the year's "work," not just its publications. Nevertheless, YWCCT provides an
important means, albeit imperfect, for scholars and librarians to keep up with the field
of critical and cultural theory.

William Wortman
Miami University

Death of Anita Lowry

It is terribly sad to note the passing of Anita Lowry, the head
of Information, Research and Instructional Services of the Main Library at the University of
Iowa. Although not an EALS member herself, Anita touched many EALS members through her work
with electronic texts, her instruction at the Rutgers/Princeton Center for Electronic Texts
in the Humanities (CETH) Summer School, her writings, and her general good humor and deep
insight. I had asked Anita to participate in a proposed panel sponsored by EALS on
electronic texts and libraries at the 1997 ACRL National Conference in Nashville, and was
very happy when she agreed.

I worked with Anita at my first job at Butler Reference of
Columbia University in New York, where she was the Deputy Head at the time. I noticed
that everyone listened carefully when she chose to speak, because they knew that she
would make a significant contribution to the discussion. She was not shy about speaking
her mind, but saved her words for moments in which they would have the greatest

My contact with her has since been limited to conferences and other brief interactions,
but I can probably remember each one, and I learned something from her each time. She
may not have known this, but I chose her as one of my mentors. I learned from her a
great deal about this profession, how by bringing passion, compassion and ideas, one
person can make a difference in the lives of others.

Our profession will be poorer, as we who knew her and learned from her struggle to cope
with her loss.

Perry Willett
Indiana University

Internet Training for English Graduate Students

For nearly twenty years I have
taught English graduate students how to conduct scholarly research. In the 1970's the focus
was almost exclusively on print tools. In the 1980's, commercial databases, particularly
those marketed by DIALOG, provided speed and, in the case of interdisciplinary topics, a
comprehensiveness that could not be easily matched by print sources. In the 1990's, no
scholar can pretend to have mastery of the research apparatus of their discipline without
some knowledge, and skill, in navigating the World Wide Web.

At George Washington
University, the course entitled "Introduction to Graduate Studies in English" has an
electronic component. In addition to preparing mock conference papers, and writing
essays on traditional literary subjects, students must keep a journal of their
experiences on the Internet. Each student is required to:

  • communicate with the instructor and me through e-mail
  • subscribe to a minimum of two electronic lists
  • review the contents of two electronic journals
  • visit several Web sites in their projected area of specialization
  • subscribe to the class electronic list and post/respond to messages

I have tried to make students' work easier by placing every thing they need on my home
page. The one site I emphasize the most is the Voice of the Shuttle
(http://humanitas/ucsb/edu/shuttle/english.html), created and maintained by Alan Liu, an
English Professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Professor Liu groups
sites by traditional literary periods, as well as by genres, national literatures, and by
popular cross-disciplinary subjects, such as gender studies. I also link key electronic
journal mega-cites, such as the CIC Journals Collection, and sources that I know students
will find particularly valuable, such as those explaining how to cite electronic materials
and communications.

One of the things I have learned over the years is to check in with
students about six weeks into the semester, to ensure that everyone is successfully
subscribed to groups, and is linking to resources that he or she finds valuable. Factors
that I cannot control, but which affect student attitudes, include:

  • the volume of student traffic in the computer lab, which determines whether my
    students are able to secure a terminal
  • the quality of communication on a list (i.e., is it too "chatty"?)
  • the number of e-journals that have full-text, not just tables-of-content
  • the speed with which Web files are transmitted to students' computers
  • the quality of Web sites, some of which, like e-lists, are superficial

Based on journal comments from previous years, the electronic communication unit is one
of the most popular offered by the instructor. Students have the opportunity to see the
richness of diverse scholarly materials, from illustrated medieval manuscripts to the
full-text of 19th century women writers. Perhaps most valuable is the networking that begins
in these classes: through the course's own e-list, students begin to discuss and analyze
literary issues more collaboratively, and to see academic discourse as an ongoing process
that is not relegated to a specific day and time; through the academic e-lists, they
inaugurate collegial relationships that may assist them with job searches and with
dissertation writing. Interestingly enough, a growing number of jobs are announced in
The Chronicle of Higher Education, and on e-lists, that require knowledge of
computer-based research methods as well as more traditional professional specializations. I
think that, increasingly, students who take this course will have an edge in getting
positions over those who stuck to print resources or, at best, never extended their
electronic expertise beyond OPAC database searches.

If you would like to see the kinds of
resources I have placed on my home page, the URL is:

Scott Stebelman

Recent Studies of Interest to English and American Literature Librarians
by Scott

Citations are limited to the period 1995-96. 1995 citations listed in the
Fall 1994 issue of Biblio-Notes are omitted.

Beck, Jonathan. "After New Literary-History

and Theory: Notes on The MLA Hit-Parade and

The Currencies of Academic Exchange." New

Literary History 26 (1995): 697-709.

Bennett, James R. "Departments of Literatures

in English: The Changing Canon." The Arkansas

Review: A Journal of Criticism vol. 4 no. 2 (Fall

1995): 138-48.

The Canon in The Classroom: The Pedagogical

Implications of Canon Revision in American

Literature. Ed. John Alberti. New York: Garland, 1995.

Composition Studies: A Forum for Doctoral

Education. Fort Worth, TX: Texas Christian

University, 1995. [special issue of Composition

Studies/Freshman English News 23 no. 2]

Computers and The Teaching of Writing in

American Higher Education, 1979-1994: A

History. Norwood, N.J.:Ablex Pub., 1996.

Creech, John. "Internet Reviews: On-Line

Literary Resources." College & Research Libraries News 57 (1996): 307.

Day, John T. "Rethinking Graduate Education

in English: The Liberal Arts College Perspective." ADE Bulletin 111 (Fall 1995): 33-37.

The Ethnic Canon: Histories, Institutions, and

Interventions. Ed. David Palumbo-Liu. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1995.

Fish, Stanley. Professional Correctness: Literary

Studies and Political Change. New York: Clarendon Press, 1995.

Gaunt, Marianne. "Literary Text in An Electronic Age: Implications for Library Services."

Advances in Librarianship 19: 191-215.

Greenhalgh, Michael. "Setting Up and Exploiting Humanities Research Resources on the

World Wide Web." Australian Academic and

Research Libraries 27 no. 2 (June 1, 1996):

95-. (last page number unavailable)

Harris, Michael H. "The Fall of the Grand Hotel:

Class, Canon, and the Coming Crisis of Wesern Librarianship." Libri: International Journal of

Libraries and Information Services 45 (1995):


Huber, Bettina J. "What's Being Read in Survey

Courses? Findings from a 1990-91 MLA Survey

of English Departments." ADE Bulletin 110

(Spring 1995): 40-48.

Hurley, Cheryl. "The Library of America: Facing

the Classic Challenges." Library Chronicle of

the University of Texas 25 no. 4 (1995): 48-55.

"Information Technology as an Aid to Literary

Research, I & II." Literary and Linguistic Computing: Journal of the Association for Literary

and Linguistic Computing 10 no. 1; 2, 1995;

23-68; 129-64.

Johnson, Lisa. "The Life of the Mind: American

Academia Reflected through Contemporary

Fiction." RSR: Reference Services Librarian 24

no. 3 (1996): 23-44.

Jones, William Goodrich. "The Disappearance

of the Library: Issues in The Adoption of Infomation Technology by Humanists." New Directions for Higher Education 90 (Sum. 1995):


Knapp, James F. "Graduate Education and The

Preparation of New Faculty Members." ADE

Bulletin 112 (Winter 1995): 7-10.

Langland, Elizabeth. "The Future of Graduate

Education: Or, Which Graduate Programs Have

a Future?" ADE Bulletin 111 (Fall 1995): 28-32.

Manoff, Marlene. "Revolutionary or Regressive?

The Politics of Electronic Collection Development." In Scholarly Publishing: The Electronic

Frontier. Ed. Robin P. Peek and Gregory B.

Newby. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996:


Networking in The Humanities: Proceedings of

The Second Conference on Scholarship and

Technology in The Humanities, Held at

Elvetham Hall, Hampshire, UK, 13-16 April

1994: Papers in Honour of Michael Smethurst

for His 60th Birthday. Ed. Stephanie Kenna and

Seamus Ross. London: Bowker-Saur, 1995.

The Origins of Composition Studies in The

American College, 1875-1925: A Documentary

History. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh

Press, 1995.

Perry, L. Stephen. "American and International

Studies: Internet Resources." College & Research Libraries News 57 (1996): 570-75.

Reconceptualizing American Literary/Cultural

Studies: Rhetoric, History, and Politics in The

Humanities. Ed. William E. Cain. New York:

Garland, 1996.

Shaw, Debora J. "Bibliographic Database

Searching by Graduate Students in Language

and Literature: Search Strategies, System

Interfaces, and Relevance Judgments." Library

& Information Science Research 17 (1995):


Trends in English and American Studies: Literature and The Imagination. Lewiston: Edwin

Mellen Press, 1996.

Turner, Mark. The Literary Mind. New York:

Oxford UP, 1996.

Waetjen, Walter B. "Technology and The

Humanities." Yearbook (Council on Technology

Teacher Education) (1995): 153-77.

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