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#20, Summer 1992

Biblio-Notes (ISSN 1076-8947) is published twice a year by the Literatures in English Section (formerly, English and American Literature Section) of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. Paper subscriptions are free to members of the section.

Editor: Candace R. Benefiel, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-5000

Meeting Information: ALA Annual Conference, San Francisco

The main meeting will take place on Monday, June 29, 2:00-5:30 p.m., in the Moscone Convention Center, Room 230.

The panel on Popular Culture and Libraries will include popular culture scholar Dr. Donald Ault, English Department, University of Florida; Dr. Barbara Moran, Dean and Professor, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Doug Highsmith, Chair, ACRL Popular Culture and Libraries Discussion Group. Following the panel presentations, John Van Hook will facilitate a discussion on the quality of bibliographies. A short business meeting will follow, and officers for 1992-1993 will be announced.

Minutes from 1992 Midwinter Meeting, San Antonio

The ACRL English and American Literature Discussion Group met on January 26, 1992. The meeting began at 9:30 and was chaired by Candace Benefiel. Twenty-nine people attended.

I. Announcements

Plans are proceeding for the 1992 annual conference program on popular culture collections in libraries.

The mailing list for Biblio-Notes has been revised. Contact Benefiel if you are not receiving a copy and want to be on the list.

Charlie Fineman reported that WESS is trying to arrange another meeting of librarians, scholars, and specialists in London in 1994.

Marcia Pankake urged EALDG members to attend the June 29th WESS program on film collections in libraries.

II. Reports on current Discussion Group activities

Elaine Franco reported on the progress of the MLA Scope and Overlap Project, in which volunteers are exploring the extent of MLAIB's coverage of certain subject areas. This project, the first joint ALA-MLA undertaking, may lead to an on-going committee. Volunteers are still needed; please contact Franco at the University of California, Davis for more information.

William Gargan announced that the 1993 EALDG program will focus on literary scholarship in the year 2000.

Benefiel asked for volunteers to facilitate group discussion at the annual meeting. A possible topic: the SilverPlatter MLA compared to the Wilson product. Another suggestion was collecting popular culture in times of tight budgets.

III. Discussion

William Baker suggested that EALDG pressure such publishers as Gale and Hall to stop producing unreliable secondary bibliographies. Gargan stated that the worst problem is indexing which often gives no title and bad subject access. Benefiel is willing to send a letter to the offending publishers if Baker will draft it. The topic of compiling bibliographies is one that needs to be discussed at a future meeting, perhaps with publishers present.

After a short break, discussion turned to new cd-rom products such as Grangers and the Twayne disks and to on-line resources such as FirstSearch.

The meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Michaelyn Burnette


Call for articles, letters, anything!

Do you have a brief article you'd like to see in print? An idea? A helpful citation?

Biblio-Notes is looking for a few good paragraphs, and we'd love to hear from you. Areas of primary interest to our readers include collection development, database searching, user education, reference work, and acquisitioons and cataloging issues, as they relate to the field of English and American Literature.

Direct inquiries (or articles) to the editor of BiblioNotes or the Chair of the Discussion Group.

Biblio-Notes is published biannually by the ACRL English and American Literature Discussion Group. Editor: Candace R. Benefiel, Humanities Reference Librarian, Reference Division, Sterling C. Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-5000, (409) 845-5741.

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