#13, Fall 1988
Biblio-Notes (ISSN 1076-8947) is published twice a year by the Literatures in English Section (formerly, English and American Literature Section) of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. Paper subscriptions are free to members of the section.
Editor: Timothy Shipe, University of Iowa Libraries Iowa City, IA 52242
Copyright 1988 by the American Library Association.
Program Planning meeting
Date and time: Mon., 9 January 1989, 8:00-9:00 A.M.
Place: Sheraton, Cotillion Ballroom T-5.
Discussion Group membership meeting
Date and time: Mon., 9 January 1989, 9:00-11:00 A.M.
Place: Mayflower Hotel, Colonial Room.
Topics: Bylaws revision and other business. Members are invited to submit additional topics for discussion to the Chair. Those proposing topics will lead the discussion. Please write to Lorraine Jean (The University Libraries, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802) by 20 December, or call her at (814) 865-0670, so that she may prepare an agenda. Lorraine Jean may be reached at the Mayflower Hotel beginning Friday of the Midwinter Meeting.
An informal lunch is planned for 12:30; see Scott Stebelman's note below.
Discussion Group program and membership meeting
Date and time: Sun., 25 June 1989, 2:00-5:30 P.M.
Place: To be announced.
Topic: "The Nature of Literary Scholarship: How Does It Affect the Selection Process?" The areas of discussion and their presenters are as follows:
- Introduction: the nature of literary research, and how it differs from research in the sciences and social sciences (Harrison T. Meserole, Texas A&M University).
- Machine-Readable Literary Texts (Marianne Gaunt, Rutgers University).
- Interdisciplinary Research and Its Role in Literary Analysis (Eric Carpenter, Oberlin College).
- The Canon and Collection Building (Richard Heinzkill, University of Oregon).
Several members suggested at our last meeting that we get together informally for a meal in Washington. Since our Discussion Group is meeting on Monday, from 9-11, the most advantageous time to have lunch would be from 12:3-2:00 that same day. If you are interested in joining other members for lunch at a relatively inexpensive Washington restaurant (that is not an oxymoron), drop a line to Scott Stebelman by 30 December, or call him at (202) 994-6049. His address is: Scott Stebelman, The Gelman Library, The George Washington University, 2130 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20052.
The ACRL English and American Literature Discussion Group met on 11 July 1988 from 2:00 to 5:30 P.M.. Melissa Cain chaired the business meeting.
- New officers were announced. Lorraine Jean (Pennsylvania State University) becomes Chair for 1988-89. Newly elected officers are Scott Stebelman (George Washington University), Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect; Ilene Nelson (Duke University), Secretary; Betty Day (University of Maryland-College Park), Samuel Fustukjian (University of South Florida), and Timothy Shipe (University of Iowa), Members-at Large of the Steering Committee.
- Program planning for Dallas was discussed. The program will be: "The Nature of Literary Scholarship: How Does It Affect Selection?" Scott Stebelman will plan the program.
- It was decided that a revised version of the Bylaws should be submitted for the Group's consideration. Proposed changes include allowing more time for program planning and fixing a schedule for newsletter issuance, elections, and program planning.
- It was decided that the mailing list, now over 200, be trimmed.
- The flyer for the New Orleans program was discussed. Judging by program attenders who were seen carrying the flyer, it seems to have been an effective means of promoting the program. A flyer should be a continuing part of program promotion.
- The feasibility of a Discussion Group social event was discussed.
Respectfully submitted,
Loss Glazier
The Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the Bylaws (appointed by Lorraine Jean on 12 August 1988) herewith offers the following changes to the Bylaws for discussion at Midwinter, 1989. Changes have been suggested that would increase planning time for EALDIG programs and create a smoother election process. All suggested changes are in Articles IV, V and VI. If these changes are adopted, it will be necessary for the Chair to appoint an ad hoc program chair to plan a program for one year to allow implementation of the new timetable. These proposed changes will be discussed at the Midwinter Meeting. If you wish to offer suggestions or comments, but will not be in attendance in Washington, please write to me at Lockwood Memorial Library, SUNY/Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260.
Loss Glazier, Chair
Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the Bylaws
Article IV. Steering Committee (current)
Section 1. The Steering Committee shall be comprised of a Chair, Vice Chair/Chair Elect, Secretary, and three members at large. Terms of office shall be for one year, beginning immediately after the annual membership meeting. Members of the Committee may serve in the same capacity for only two consecutive years.
Section 2. The Chair shall have the following responsibilities: to preside at meetings; appoint ad hoc committees; act as a liaison with ACRL; maintain and update the Discussion Group Mailing List; edit and distribute the newsletter.
Section 3. The Vice Chair/Chair Elect shall preside at meetings in the absence of the Chair and be responsible for planning the program at the annual summer conference.
Section 4. The Secretary shall take minutes at all meetings and make them available to the Chair and Steering Committee.
Section 5. Upon the resignation of any Steering Committee member, the other committee members shall select a replacement for the remainder of the term.
Article IV (suggested revisions)
Section 1. Change 2nd and 3rd sentences to read: "Terms of office for Secretary and members at large shall be for one year; the position of Vice-Chair will involve a two year commitment, the first year as Vice Chair and the second as Chair. Terms begin immediately after the annual membership meeting."
Section 2. Replace last 5 words with the following: "appoint the newsletter editor; to chair the program occurring at the end of his or her term of office as Chair. "
Section 3. Insert at end of sentence: "two summers from the date of taking office."
Section 4. No changes.
Section 5. Change to Section 6.
Section 5 (new). The members at large shall be responsible for the election of the following year's officers, according to the provisions of Article VI.
Article V. Newsletter (current)
A Discussion Group newsletter shall be published within one month after each meeting and be mailed to all names on the Discussion Group Mailing List. The newsletter shall include the minutes of the meeting and any other information judged necessary by the Chair or Steering Committee.
Article V (suggested revision)
Change "within one month after" to "six weeks before."
Article VI. Elections (current)
Within six weeks after the Midwinter Conference, the Steering Committee shall choose an Election committee and solicit nominations for new officers in the January/February newsletter. Elections will be held in the Spring, with the results announced at the Summer Conference.
Article VI (suggested revision)
The members at large shall be responsible for the election of the following year's officers. Nominations will be solicited in the newsletter preceding the Midwinter meeting; nominations may be made in writing at Midwinter or mailed to the members at large by the date of the meeting. The members at large will send out ballots by February 1, and will tabulate results and transmit them to the Chair by March 15. The names of the new officers will be published in the issue of the newsletter preceding the summer meeting.
Laura Fuderer would still like to receive replies to the survey which was sent out with the spring newsletter. Please note that her position has changed. Send your completed form by 31 January to Laura Fuderer, Rare Books Librarian, Hesburgh Library, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556.
I would like to report on American and English Literature of the 21st Century: Collecting for the Future, the publication proposed and accepted at the June 30, 1987 meeting of the English and American Literature Discussion Group in San Francisco.
Progress includes the formation of an editorial board (as of yet, not all members are confirmed); proposals for articles have begun to come in and a list of topics has been drafted (see below). This list serves to guide the development of the book and to give some indication of its scope and content.
I would like to formally invite all members of the English and American Literature Discussion Group to submit proposals for chapters. You may wish to pursue one of the topics which we have suggested; however, other relevant papers are very welcome. Proposals should be one to two pages, describing the thesis and development of the argument of the paper. These can be mailed to Loss Pequeno Glazier, English and American Literature Subject Specialist, Reference and Collection Development Dept., Lockwood Memorial Library, SUNY/Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260.
List of Topics
- Overview of issues in collection development.
- Collections of marginal authors.
- In-house collecting vs. resource sharing.
- Impact of resource sharing on publishing.
- The future of publishing.
- The future of literary studies.
- Manuscript, non-book, and microform collections in the 21st century.
- Serials in the literature of the future.
- The evolution of reference sources for literary studies.
- Preservation and research.
The Discussion Group is trying to update its mailing list by obtaining new addresses for attendees who have moved, and by removing names of those no longer interested in receiving the newsletter. If you wish to remain on the EALDIG mailing list, please help us by returning the following form or a reasonable facsimile to Lorraine Jean, The University Libraries, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802. Thank you.
Yes, please retain my name on the EALDIG mailing list. My current address is as follows:
Name _______________________________
Position ____________________________
Phone number_____________________ E-Mail address __________________________
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