#15, Fall 1989
Biblio-Notes (ISSN 1076-8947) is published twice a year by the Literatures in English Section (formerly, English and American Literature Section) of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. Paper subscriptions are free to members of the section.
Editor: Candace R. Benefiel, Sterling C. Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-5000
Copyright 1989 by the American Library Association.
Midwinter Meeting Information Chicago
The general meeting for the Discussion Group at Midwinter ALA is Monday, January 8, from 9-11 AM. The first hour will be devotes to business. The agenda will include:
1) 1990 Program--Scott Stebelman
2) 1991 Program--Loss Pequeno Glazier
3) Humanities Bibliography--Scott Stebelman
4) Progress on Publication of 1989 Program Papers--Scott Stebelman
5) MLA News--Elaine Franco
6) New Business
The second hour will be a continuation of the discussion topic, "Major Literary Reference Tools," which was introduced at our Dallas meeting. Candace Benefiel will facililate the discussion.
Election of Steering Committee
We will be holding the annual election of new Steering Committee members after our Midwinter meeting. Members of the Steering Committee up for election are: Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary, and three members-at-large. If you would like to run for any of these positions, write to one of the following Members-At-Large:
Candace Benefiel
Sterling C. Evans Library
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77843-5000Rob Melton
Watson Library
University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas 66045-2800Rosamond Putzel
Alexander Library
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903
Responsibilities for each position are enumerated in Article IV of the Discussion Group Bylaws.
To be a member of the Steering Committee, you must also have personal membership in ACRL. You should also plan to attend both ALA Midwinter and Summer Conference meetings.
Nominations must be received by January 8.
Call for Articles
Although Biblio-Notes' primary function is to report decisions made by the Discussion Group, we welcome short articles from our members. Areas of primary interest to our readers include collection development, database searching, user education, reference work, and acquisitions and cataloging issues, as they relate to the field of English and American Literature. Inquires should be directed to:
Scott Stebelman, Chair
ACRL English and American Literature Discussion Group
The Gelman Library
The George Washington University
2130 H Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20052
The ACRL English and American Literature Discussion Group met on 25 June 1989 from 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the Dallas Convention Center. There was a panel discussion of "The Nature of Literary Scholarship." The panelists and their topics were: Harrison T. Meserole, "Introduction: the Nature of Literary Research"; Eric Carpenter, "Interdisciplinary Research and its Role in Literary Analysis"; Richard Heinzkill, "The Canon and Collection Building"; and Marianne Gaunt, "Machine-Readable Literary Texts." Loraine Jean presided at the business meeting which followed.
New Officers Announced
Scott Stebelman (George Washington University) becomes the Chair for 1989-1990. Other elected officers are Loss Glazier (SUNY/Buffalo), Vice Chair/Chair Elect; Betty Day (University of Maryland-College Park), Secretary; and Members-at-Large of the Steering Committee, Candace Benefiel (Texas A&M University); Robert Melton (University of Kansas); and Rosamund Putzel (Rutgers University).
Candace Benefiel will assume the editorship of Biblio-Notes for the next two years.
Lorraine Jean announced that the ballots received to date from the members of the discussion group overwhelmingly support the proposed by-laws changes. The amended by-laws of the English and American Literature Discussion Group will be submitted to the ACRL Office.
1990 Program
Scott Stebelman has completed the initial planning for the discussion group's meeting in Chicago. The topic to be discussed is "Methods for Assessing Literary Collections." Commitments have been received from the following speakers: Mark Sandler, "The RLG Conspectus as a Tool;" John Budd, "Using Retrospective Bibliographies in Selection;" Susan Steinberg, "Developing Current Acquisitions Profiles for Literature;" Maureen Pasteen, "Identifying Institutional Priorities."
1991 Program
Loss Glazier invites anyone with ideas for the program to contact him. There will be further discussion of the 1991 program at Mid-Winter.
Liaison Reports
RLG English and American Literature Bibliographers (Loss Glazier): The conclusion of the assessment of access to theatrical materials is that these materials are elusive. A report has also just been issued concerning the availability of gay and lesbian literature in libraries. According to the study that was undertaken, these materials are being well covered. Other topics/projects being considered by this group: establishing a core list of American authors in translation to be collected; machine-readable texts; building a cooperative list of critical journals in literature.
MLA: Scott Stebelman reported that Elaine Franco, member of the discussion group, has been appointed to the newly established MLA Bibliography advisory board. Ilene Nelson reminded members of MLA that the Association in [sic] calling for members to evaluate software and other technologically related materials and projects.
RASD: Lorraine Jean announced that EALDG will co-sponsor a program in Chicago with the RASD History Section's Bibliography Committee. The topic will be the use of bibliographies. The panelists will include a reference librarian, a graduate student, a researcher, and a publisher.
Publishing Opportunities
Richard Spoo, editor of the James Joyce Quarterly, is looking for persons interested in volunteering as bibliographers for the journal.
The Index to Reviews of Bibliographical Publications needs new contributors. Participation essentially consists of scanning 10-12 journals for book reviews of bibliographies dealing with literature.
Proposed Bibliographic Project
Scott Stebelman introduced his proposal for a bibliography on the topic of the manner in which humanities scholars conduct research. There was discussion of the suggested title. There was also debate about the amount of appropriate material available. The conclusion was that the project is worthwhile whether it ends up as a book or as an article. A suggestion was made that a request for pertinent citations be made in Biblio-Notes and Literary Research. Those in attendance formally approved sponsorship of the project by the English and American Literature Discussion Group. Scott will approach other appropriate groups and solicit their participation.
Ilene Nelson, Secretary
This issue, as you may have noticed, starts a new look for Biblio-Notes. I welcome suggestions for changes in future issues, and any questions or comments concerning Biblio-Notes are welcome. My address is listed below, or send material to Scott Stebelman, whose address is on page 2. I look forward to hearing from you. See you in Chicago!
Candace R. Benefiel
Biblio-Notes is published biannually by the ACRL English and American Literature Discussion Group.
Editor: Candace R. Benefiel
Humanities Reference Librarian
Reference Division
Sterling C. Evans Library
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-5000
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