#31 - Spring 1998
Biblio-Notes (ISSN 1076-8947) is published twice a year by the English and American
Literature Section of the Association of College and
Research Libraries, a division of the American Library
Association. Paper subscriptions are free to members of the section.
Editor: Scott Stebelman, Gelman Library,
George Washington University, 2130 H Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20052; telephone
Copyright © 1998 by the American Library Association.
News from the Chair
Through active involvement of EALS members, the section has moved into a stage where we
are creating opportuni ties to examine the multiple issues facing us as English and
American literatures librarians. A quick survey of current section activity demonstrates
the breadth of this activity.
The impact of electronic media on our profession is being addressed both by the program
"Re-Imag(in)ing the Text: The Literary Text in the Electronic Age" to be held on June 28
from 2-4 in Washington and the continuing progress on our book tentatively titled
"English and American Literature Librarianship in the Electronic Age." The program,
which is being co-sponsored with the Rare Book and Manuscript Section and the Electronic
Text Center Discussion Group, features Professor Jerome McGann, John Price-Wilkin, and
Marianne Gaunt, who will discuss both theoretical and practical implications of the
evolving text.
The EALS-sponsored book continues to progress a bit more slowly than planned but still
progresses. The proposal has been submitted to ACRL for approval but a response has not
been received. Most chapters have been submitted and are in the process of editing and
revision. Section activity is not just focused on the impact of electronics on our
profession. At the midwinter membership meeting, two discussion groups were formed to
create ongoing discussion of issues related to literary reference books and the state of
nineteenth century collections. Candace Benefiel has gathered a group of over 31
librarians for the reference discussion group and Margaret Powell has organized the
discussion for nineteenth century collections. Both groups immediately assumed virtual
identity via EALSL but will also meet at ALA meetings.
EALS continues to be the fastest growing ACRL section. Our expanding membership will
continue to enrich our activities and our profession. I look forward to seeing you all
in Washington.
Betty Day, Chair
APRIL 8-11, 1999
June 15 is the deadline for submitting proposals for papers and panel sessions for ACRL's
9th National Conference, to be held in Detroit, Michigan, April 8-11, 1999. The
conference theme, "Racing Toward Tomorrow," is explored in six subthemes: creating
lifelong learners; shaping the changing environment; changing work roles; developing
alternate resources; expanding knowledge base; and creating alliances and
Details about preparing a proposal and attending the conference are available on ACRL's
Web site at The "Call for Participation" was also
published as an insert in the January issue of C&RL News.
Designing a Departmental Library Web Site
Changes in the English Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
in 1996 inspired a complete redesign of the World Wide Web site which had been in place
since 1994 ( We believed that a new design could more
effectively portray the Library and promote electronic services. We wanted to create a
site that could describe the English Library itself; that could simplify some of our
paper-driven tasks; that could be a unique source for local information; that could
provide a selective set of links to other sites; and, most fundamentally, that would
portray the English Library as a distinct entity within the University Library through
complementary design and content.
The organizational setting of the English Library drove some of our considerations of
content. The English Library is one of some forty departmental libraries within the UIUC
University Library system. Consequently, any public information that the English Library
offers must conform in a broad sense to that supplied by other libraries in the system.
Such information typically includes a mission statement; a listing of staff members; the
location and telephone number of the library; and a sketch of collections and services.
Beyond such "boilerplate" information, each departmental library is free to add locally
produced guides and lists, or to offer links to specific relevant online resources.
The design of the site evolved in tandem with the content. We began by brainstorming a
list of all the information and services that the site needed to cover. Once we listed
our needs, an organizational structure for the site became apparent. With the home page
containing basic library information about staffing and circulation policies, other
satellite pages (Internet Resources, English Library Periodicals, New Books in the
English Library, and so on) could handle the other features that we wanted the site to
contain. By making a map of the site for use in our thinking, we could then decide how
we wanted the site to work. We also took into consideration some basic principles of web
design. Working with these principles and our site map led us to the following
- We needed a "table of contents" to the site that would be easy to spot and to use.
Much of our basic information was contained on the home page itself, but we felt
that users would need an easy way to find this information as well as to identify
the rest of the pages on the site. We decided that an index running down the left
side of the home page would allow users to see both the information on the home page
and the index to the site at once. We also recognized that the descriptions in the
index needed to be clear. We wanted to make sure that users would know exactly what
path to take to find what they were seeking. - We knew that we would need navigational links on each of the satellite pages. Each
page has a link back to the home page, to the UIUC Library home page, and to the
UIUC home page. - We had to specify the name of a contact (in this case the English Librarian) so that
users could send comments or questions. - We wanted the page to look professional, but not dull. Understanding that the mood
of a site can be greatly determined by its color, we chose a vivid claret color for
the background that captured a mood both intellectually stimulating and cozy, one
that a sterile grey or white background could not provide. We chose colors for the
texts and for the links that would be easy to read and that would stand out strongly
against the dark background. - We opted to avoid graphical illustrations, which can slow the loading of a site and
can complicate the visual effect. Instead we chose to use a simple but striking
graphical design of strong color and bold text. The claret background with its
coordinating tan stripe down the left side (to highlight the subject index) is the
only graphical feature on the site. - We strove to keep the look of the satellite pages consistent: headings are always
one size, subheadings another, text another. The navigational links are in the same
location on each page. This adds to the professional look of the site as well as
helps users to orient themselves on each page.
Several paragraphs on the home page of the present site describe the English Library. The
index on the home page is divided into three sections for ease of use: the top section
con tains links to the basic description of the English Library and to its other pages;
the second section contains links to the three units served by the Library (the English
Department, the Theatre Department, and the Unit for Cinema Studies); and the third
section contains links back to the UIUC Library pages and to the main UIUC page. There
are links to five satellite pages. One of these is an interactive form that patrons may
use to request purchase of books or periodicals for the collection. Two of these lead to
lists maintained by the English Library: a listing of some six hundred current
periodicals, updated every few months, and a listing of new books, updated weekly.
Tables at the top of both lists provide internal links that allow users to locate items
alphabetically. Recently added is a link to an in-house guide to large microform
collections in English and American literature and theater held through out the
University Library system. Finally, there is a list of sixteen links to external web
sites that we feel are of particular importance to our clientele. There seemed to be no
point in attempting to keep up either the breadth and frequent updating of sources such
as Voice of the Shuttle. Our site provides links to several such metasites, to some
exemplary resources such as WATCH: Writers, Artists, and Their Copy right
Holders, as well as to several resources that are licensed to campus users, such
as the MLA International Bibliography and the Old English Corpus.
The simple design of the page focuses attention on the text and allows for easy and
consistent updating -- a necessary feature, as we frequently make changes to the list of
links and to various details within individual pages. "More matter, with less art!"
(Hamlet II.2.95)
Shannon E.G. Stiles
Clackamas Community College (formerly UIUC)
William S. Brockman,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Report on Membership Survey
Eighteen members of EALS filled out the two-page Membership Survey that was published in
a previous issue of Biblio-Notes. This is probably too small a sample from which
to draw conclusions about the views of EALS members as a whole. Nevertheless, the
information may be useful for officers and other section leaders in the future.
Of the eighteen respondents, thirteen reported that they work in University libraries,
three in college libraries, one in a government library, and one currently unemployed.
Of the 17 currently employed, seven describe themselves primarily as bibliographers,
five as reference librarians, two as English subject specialists, and one each as
curator of special collections, public services librarian, and library director. Of the
seven bibliographers, six mention that they have other responsibilities within their
libraries. The two "subject specialists," also probably have a range of
responsibilities, including collection development and subject-specific reference and in
Eleven respondents described EALS as their section of primary interest within ACRL. For
six, it was their secondary interest, and one respondent checked it as "lower down the
list." Two-thirds of the respondents were aware of the EALS website. Of those twelve,
nine find it useful, two do not, and one did not respond. The two who do not felt that
it was insufficiently up-to-date. Of the nine who felt it useful, there were suggestions
for faster updates (minutes of conference meetings, announcements of upcoming programs)
and more information on the Section's business and history. Two respondents pointed out
that this was particularly crucial for members who are not able to attend all
Fourteen of the eighteen respondents were aware of EALS-L. Of those 14, eleven had
received useful information from it within the past year. Interestingly, the same eleven
also responded that they had posted questions or received responses to questions within
the past year. The only survey question to receive a unanimous response was that our
newsletter, Biblio-Notes, offers useful information. There was no unanimity,
however, in terms of what types of information members would like it to provide! Many
members prefer section news; for others, that is the least important aspect of the
newsletter. (One respondent suggested that the web site could assume this
responsibility.) Since respondents answered the question in somewhat varying ways
(proving that EALS members are no more careful at reading survey instructions than
anyone else!), it is impossible to give a precise summary of the responses. However,
interpreting the responses within the context of each respondent's presumed methodology,
Section News is highly important for 6, moderately important for 3, and relatively
unimportant for nine members. Articles addressing professional issues of interest to
English and American literature librarians was highly important for eleven, moderately
important for four, least important for one, and received a check-mark from another.
Book and product reviews were highly important for four, moderately important for 10,
and least important for three, with one check-mark. The bibliography "Studies of
Interest to English and Amer ican Literature Librarians" was highly important for four,
moderately important for nine, and least important for four, with one check-mark.
Several respondents used a 4-3-2-1 ranking instead of the 10 to 1 ranking requested,
with the higher numbers representing greatest importance. If 4 is equated to 9 or 10, 3
to 7 or 8, 2 to 5 or 6 and 1 to 0 through 4, the responses for this question would
- Section News: 9-10: 7; 7-8: 3; 5-6: 3, and 0-4: 4.
- Articles: 9-10: 12; 7-8: 3; 5-6: 1; and 0-4: 1
- Reviews: 9-10: 5; 7-8: 5; 5-6: 4; and 0-4: 3
- Bibliography: 9-10: 8; 7-8: 2; 5-6: 4; and 0-4: 3.
There seemed to be a consensus that articles of professional interest are of most
importance, but that significant numbers also find the other three categories to be more
or equally useful. Only four respondents offered suggestions for articles or other
information: one suggested more polls like the membership survey to determine membership
concerns and more guest columnists; one hoped the bibliography could add annotations,
when possible; and two singled out the recent articles comparing MLAIB and ABELL and the
review of Chadwyck-Healey's LION as examples of extremely useful information. One also
urged us to do more on postcolonial literature in English and on new trends in literary
and cultural theory.
Only five respondents offered suggestions for what EALS can do to keep their membership.
The currently unemployed respondent understandably urged us to hope that s/he finds a
job in the profession. Two urged us to keep both Biblio-Notes and the web site
up-to-date. Another simply urged us to take advantage of her volunteer spirit. And one
offered the general observation that EALS has been "long needed" and that it should
serve as an intellectual home in ALA for the dwindling number of humanists who still
find literary expression and literary research rewarding.
Perhaps not surprisingly, all eighteen respondents checked "English" literature as one of
their primary areas of interest in English-language literatures. Seventeen checked
American literature. Of the remaining options given, six checked Irish, three
Australian/New Zealand, two Canadian, and one Indian (sub-continent). No one
specifically checked African literature in English. In response to the "Other" option,
various respondents mentioned Filipino literature in English, gay and lesbian
literature, comparative literature, Russian literature, film studies, and theater and
Members were asked if they had suggestions for future programs at ALA Annual Conference,
and ten respondents did. Almost all of them mentioned electronic resources and/or Web
sites. In particular, the evaluation of web sites, creating and maintaining web sites,
teaching their use to patrons, and keeping abreast of them ourselves were cited by two
or more members. Others mentioned interdisciplinary issues in collection development,
faculty liaison strategies, and the perrennial gamut of issues faced in collection
management and bibliographic instruction.
Although it may not be realistic to draw any conclusions from the disappointingly small
number of responses received, these eighteen indicate that we have a diverse membership
in terms of professional responsibilities, type of institution, interests, and needs.
EALS must strive to meet as many needs as possible.
Rob Melton, Chair
Membership Committee
EALS Meeting Times for ALA Conference
Executive Board - Saturday June 27 4:30-5:30
General Membership - Sunday June 28 9:30-11:00
Program - Sunday June 28:
"Re-Imag(in)ing the Text: The Literary Text in the
Electronic Age" 2-4 p.m.
All Committees Meeting - Monday June 29 9:30-11 a.m.
1997 ACRL President's Program "Imagining the Learning Library" Now Available on
Complete and abridged versions of the 1997 ACRL President's Program in San Francisco are
now available for borrowing by ACRL chapters wishing to use these as part of local
programming, as well as by libraries and individuals. The program, "Imagining the
Learning Library,"features presentations by Betsy Baker, of Northwestern University, and
by several members of the Disney "Imagineers".
The full program runs 2.5 hours on two half-inch tapes; the abridged version runs 72
minutes on one half-inch tape. ACRL encourages state and regional chapters to bring this
program to those of their members who may not have been able to travel to ALA last
To borrow the tape for a 3 week period, send an ALA-approved interlibrary loan form to
the ALA Headquarters Library, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611-2795. A
nominal fee may be charged to cover postage. Advanced reservations for the tapes will be
honored by calling 312-280-3277 or via e-mail at Questions regarding the
program contents should be addressed to Elisa Topper in the ACRL Office, 312-280- 2523
Recent Studies of Interest to English and American Literature Librarians
by Scott
(Due to space constraints, only half of the citations could be printed in this issue; the
remainder will be included in the Fall issue.)
Bambrick, J. "Computers and Libraries: New Links to the Medieval World." Proceedings of
the 18th National Online Meeting. Ed. M. E. Williams. Medford, NJ: Information Today,
1997: 27-34.
Bridges, Anne E. and Russell T. Clement. "Crossing the Threshold of Rocket Mail: E-mail
Use by U.S. Humanities Faculty." The Journal of Academic Librarianship 23 no. 2 (March
1997): 109-117.
Cole, Charles. "Information as Process: The Difference between Corroborating Evidence and
"Information' in Humanistic Research Domains." Information Processing & Manage ment
v33 no. (1997): 55-67.
Computing and the Humanities: Summary of a Roundtable Meeting. NY: American Council of
Learned Societies, 1998.
Conley, Valerie M. Characteristics and Attitudes of Instructional Faculty and Staff in
the Humanities: 1993 National Study of Post-secondary Faculty. Washington, DC: U.S.
Dept. of Education, 1997.
Cory, Kenneth A. "Discovering Hidden Analogies in an Online Humanities Database."
Computers and the Humanities 31 no. 1 (1997): 1-12.
Coy, Catherine and Marni Ludwig. "Contemporary Poetry: A Rich Landscape." Collection
Building 16 no. 4 (1997): 173-78.
Dillon, D. "The Changing Role of Humanities Collection Development." Acquisitions
Librarian no.17-18 (1997): 5-15.
Dilworth, Collett and Nancy Mellin McCracken. "Ideological Cross-Currents in English
Studies and English Education: A Report of A National Survey of Professors' Beliefs and
Practices." English Education 29 no. 1 (Feb. 1, 1997): 7-17.
Guernsey, Lisa. "A Humanities Network Considers What Lies Beyond E-mail: Debate at H-NET
Reflects Ideas of Two Men Who Run the Popular Project." Chronicle of Higher Education 43
no. 20 (January 24, 1997): A23- A24.
"Information Technology in Humanities Scholarship: Achievements, Prospects, and
Challenges--The United States Focus." In American Council of Learned Societies.
Occasional Paper No. 37. 1997. (
Jadali, Farhad. "Differences in Perceived Technological Problem-Solving Ability of
University Technology and Humanities Students." Diss. Iowa State University, 1997.
Jones, P. "Whither Humanities and Advanced Technologies?: Scholars Need Not be
Programmers to Enjoy the Fruits of Technology." EDUCOM Review 32 no. 1 (1997): 26-29.
Kratzert, Mona and Debora Richey. "Native American Literature: Expanding the Canon."
Collection Building 17 no. 1 (1998): 4-15.
EALSL and Related ALA Resources
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