General Meeting Pattern

Monitor LES-L and the LES website for specific information (including room locations) about the conferences.


Executive Committee I, 8:00-9:00

Section officers, committee chairs, the listserve moderator and the newsletter and Web editors convene to report on and discuss Section activities, initiatives and future plans. These meetings are open so others may attend if they'd like.

MLA International Bibliography in Academic Libraries Discussion Group, 9:30-12:30

This is a discussion group of ALA, not LES, but many LES members attend and find the group useful. Meetings include announcements from the Editorial staff of the Bibliography, information from vendors, and discussion among literature and other interested librarians.

Program or Membership Forum, 2:00-4:00

The Program is held at Annual Conference only. The topic and format vary each year. During the Membership Forum, one hour is usually devoted to a presentation and discussion focused on a particular topic. The second hour centers on information sharing and conversation about Section activities.


Reference Discussion Group, 9:30-11:00

Specific topics vary, but attendees share information and expertise in providing literary reference service.

Nineteenth Century Materials Discussion Group, 11:30-12:30

Specific topics vary, but discussion centers around the preservation of publications from this period.

New Member/First Time Conference Attendee Welcome, 1:45-2:00

Come to the Membership Forum a little early to receive a welcome from Section officers.

Program or Membership Forum, 2:00-4:00

The Program is held at Annual Conference only. The topic and format vary each year.

During the Membership Forum, one hour is usually devoted to a presentation and discussion focused on a particular topic. The second hour centers on information sharing and conversation about Section activities.

Reception, 4:15-?

Members convene at a pre-designated site to unwind and socialize as the end of the conference nears. (If the Membership Forum is held on Saturday, the Reception will be on Saturday, as well.)


All Committees Meeting, 9:30-11:00

All LES committees meet during this period. With the exception of the Nominating Committee, all meetings are open so that people curious about the work of a committee, or who are considering volunteering for service, are welcome to participate.

Executive Committee II, 11:30-12:30

Section officers, committee chairs, the listserve moderator and the newsletter and Web editors convene to discuss Section activities, initiatives and future plans. These meetings are open so others may attend if they'd like.

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Comments may be directed to Linda Stein, the Web Editor. Special thanks to ALA and ACRL for hosting this site. This site was established 24 March 1996 at the University of Connecticut and moved to its current location at ALA on August 23, 2001.

Most recent update: May 9, 2013.