ACRL Literatures in English Section Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan of the Literatures in English Section (LES) is modeled on the Plan for Excellence of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL).
Mission of Literatures in English Section
The Literatures in English Section, as part of the Association of College and Research Libraries, provides a forum in which academic and research librarians who support literatures in English programs exchange ideas, exercise leadership, and contribute to the improvement of library service in the field.
Goals and Objectives
Value of Literature Librarianship
Goal: Support and promote the role of literature librarians as integral partners in literary studies.
- Sustain and build upon our partnership with the MLA and investigate further partnerships with other professional or scholarly organizations, including those associated with Writing Studies, Creative Writing, and other disciplines allied with English Departments.
- Sponsor webinars that allow attendees to keep current in developments concerning student learning, research, and the scholarly environment as they relate to literary studies.
- Recruit and retain a diverse membership of literature librarians.
Student Learning
Goal: LES members actively support student learning in literary studies as a means to promote critical thinking and humanistic engagement with the world.
- Showcase model information literacy instruction units and lesson plans in literary studies that emphasize active learning and critical thinking at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
- Approve and implement the revised LES Research Competency Standards in English, and support the use of these in instruction.
- Seek out opportunities to recognize and align interests among English faculty, librarians, and other professional organizations to promote student learning.
- Encourage student learning in new literary research methods, including digital humanities.
Research and Scholarly Environment
Goal: LES will advance new modes and forms of literary scholarship while continuing to support traditional methods.
- Promote collection policies that are responsive to innovations in scholarly communication, yet recognize the value of traditional and print research materials.
- Advocate for open access, open educational resources, and alternative publishing in the humanities.
- Encourage its members’ knowledge of and engagement with digital humanities, including digital methods, tools, technology, and culture.
- Support literature librarians’ involvement in Writing Studies, Creative Writing, and other disciplines allied with English Departments.
- Foster an interdisciplinary approach to research in literary studies and the humanities, including support for research that connects literature with visual, material, and maker approaches to culture.
New Roles and Changing Landscapes
Goal: LES recognizes and fosters reflection and change in literary studies and the library profession.
- Uphold ACRL’s advocacy and support for the full range of the academic library workforce.
- Equip LES members to effectively lead, manage, and embrace change, advocate for their communities, and serve as a catalyst for transformational change in higher education.
- Support LES members as advocates for diversity, equity, and inclusion in their libraries and broader communities, and work to decolonize academic libraries and higher education environments.
- Recognize the changing nature of librarianship practice and scholarship, and support LES members as advocates within their workplaces.
Strategic Plan text last updated March 16, 2020
Web page last updated: May 25, 2021
Comments may be directed to the LES Website Administrator, Jenny Dale.
Special thanks to Jackie Hackman for designing the LES logo.