EBSS Discipline Resources and Tools
A collaborative space where EBSS committees can create and modify information. The LibGuides are primarily for committee projects and publications.
Education Librarian's Toolbox — Reference Sources & Services Committee
A springboard that librarians can use to help them in education librarianship. The resources included within this site were selected by education librarians serving as members of the EBSS Reference Sources & Services Committee.
A Guide to Writing CMC Collection Development Policies — Curriculum Materials Committee
This guide provides practical information about the thoughtful development of P-12 curriculum materials collections (CMCs) and advises CMC librarians on how to construct a collection development policy with the goal of making current and high quality educational materials accessible to the communities they serve.
Guidelines for Curriculum Materials Centers — Curriculum Materials Committee
Curriculum materials centers are essential to the instructional and research needs of students and faculty in programs preparing educators for P-12 schools. These guidelines describe essential elements of administration, services, and collections for curriculum materials centers in all university and college settings.
Library Resources for Communication Studies — Electronic Resources in Communication Studies Committee
A springboard that librarians, students, and researchers can use to find information in the area of communication studies. It is not exhaustive, rather it includes the core or primary resources within each category. Resources included are those EBSS librarians find helpful in their work. Pages also include a Webliography and list of Reference Sources.
Open Education Resources for Teacher Education — Education Committee
This guide is designed for Education Librarians looking for high quality, college-level, open educational resources to refer to faculty in teacher education programs.
Resources for Psychology Librarians — Psychology Committee
These pages are designed to serve as a resource in assisting librarians who have recently assumed responsibilities in psychology (with particular emphasis on reference and acquisitions) and more generally, to provide a starting point for any librarian interested in exploring the field of psychology.
Social Work Liaison Toolkit — Social Work/Social Welfare Committee
A collection of useful resources for social work liaisons and social work researchers.
A Statistical Directory for Education & Social Science Librarians — Reference Sources & Services Committee
This entry was compiled by the EBSS Reference Sources & Services Committee, a division of the Association of College and Research Libraries. We created this directory with the goal of creating a resource for librarians who regularly need to find statistics for their patrons. We welcome additions or comments.