ALA Midwinter 2011 Virtual Meetings
Current Topic Discussions
Topic: Are reference collections DOA in the 21st century?
Time: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 4-5 pm Eastern (1-2 pm Pacific)
Facilitator: Angela Boyd, Psychology & Web Services Librarian, University of California, Santa Barbara Library
Topic: Mid-career development of librarians
Time: Thursday, November 18, 11 am-12 pm Eastern (8-9 am Pacific)
Facilitator: Sandra Riggs, Reference/Instruction Librarian, University of Georgia, Zell B. Miller Learning Center (support from EBSS Membership & Orientation Committee)
Topic: Using Libguides for instruction and research assistance
Time: Wednesday, December 8, 4-5 pm Eastern (1-2 pm Pacific)
Facilitator: Jenny Innes, Public Services Librarian, Western Connecticut State University
Topic: Using Web 2.0 tools for collaboration and information literacy instruction
Time: Friday, January 21, 11 am-12:30 pm Eastern (8-9:30 am Pacific)
Facilitators: Mona Anne Niedbala, Education & Curriculum Materials Librarian, University of Rhode Island Libraries; and Lisa Baures, Public Services/College of Education Liaison Librarian, Minnesota State University, Mankato (members of EBSS Online Learning Research Committee)
Transcript and other discussion documents:
Please contact Members-at-Large Dana Peterman or Cheryl Goldenstein with questions about the current topic discussions.
Committee Meetings
Communication Studies Committee
Friday, Feb. 25, 2-3PM CST
I. Next steps with Journalism Information Literacy Standards
a. Timeline/Checklist is here:
b. Most recent draft of standards is here.
c. Here are the next steps:
d. Submit to ILSC for review
e. Complete ACRL Standards and Accreditation Committee's "Transmittal Sheet for Draft Standards and Guidelines"
f. ILSC approves or returns for revisions
g. After approval is given, ILSC will forward the document and the SAC transmittal sheet to the ACRL Standards and Accreditation Committee
h. ACRL Standards and Accreditation Committee approves or returns for revisions
II. Media Tour at Annual
Curriculum Materials Committee
Thursday, December 9, 2010 2-4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
Contact Karla M. Schmit for further information.
Electronic Resources in Communication Studies
Meeting 1: December 13, 2010 4:00pm Eastern
I. Approval of minutes
II. Volunteer for minutes for Dec. 13 meeting
III. Subject Guides: and
IV. Progress reports from those working on guides
V. Unclaimed guides
VI. Questions/suggestions
VII. Planning for annual
IX. Vendor relationsMeeting 2: Thursday, April 21, 2011 4:00 p.m., ET
I. Progress report on subject page updates (
II. Creation of standing schedule for updates
III. Conference guide page feedback
IV. Platform changes
V. Collaboration with EBSS Scholarly Communication Committee
VI. Planning for annual meeting
Please contact co-chairs Shevon Desai ( or Tasha Cooper ( if you are interested in information about this virtual meeting.
ERIC Users Committee
December 23, 2010 8:00 EST
I. Welcome
II. Agenda Approval
III. Next ERIC Chair
VI. Approval of Annual Minutes
V. Upcoming Sessions
VI. National Library of Education (NLE)
VII. ERIC Projects
Instruction for Educators
Wednesday, December 8, 2010 2:00 CST
I. Welcome and Introductions
II. Approval of Annual 2010 Minutes
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Information Literacy Standards for Teacher Education and Checklist for Developing Subject-Specific Information Literacy Standards
a. History
b. Current Status
c. Next Steps/Vote
d. Timeline
V. Connecting the Standards: The Intersection of Education and ACRL Information Literacy Standards Wiki ( )
a. History ( )
b. Current Status
c. Next Steps
d. Timeline
VI. Future Projects
VII. Other Business
VIII. Good and Welfare
Membership and Orientation Committee
Tuesday, January 4, 2011, 3:00 – 4:00 pm (Eastern time)
I. Welcome and Introductions
a. Minute taker
II. Midwinter social in San Diego
III. Membership updates
a. Numbers
b. Letters
c. Surveys
IV. Outreach and retention programs
a. Buddies program (see )
i. Current status
ii.Extending to other mentoring levels
b. Brochure text revisions
V. Mid-semester meeting
a. Thoughts?
b. Schedule a date?
VI. Other business
VII. Meeting review
Online Learning Research Committee
January 21st, 2010, from 11 to 12:50 p.m. ET.
I. Welcome and introductions
II. Approval of 2010 ALA Annual Meeting minutes
III. New projects and presentations
IV. OLRC Toolkit Project
a. Pedagogy and Discussion (Mona, Lisa, Elaine)
b. Learning Materials/Objects
c. Web Conferencing
d. Course/Content Management Systems
e. Bibliography
2012 Program Planning Committee
Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm, EST
I. Introductions
II. Review of Charge
III. Overview of Conference Planning Process and Sample Timeline (Read beforehand)
a. Annual Conference Program FAQs
b. ACRL Annual Conference Program Planning Calendar (general one, a more detailed one will be available soon)
IV. Brainstorming of Ideas for the Conference Program
a. Review (ahead of time) past EBSS programs and Current Topics discussions and 2010-2011 EBSS Current Topics discussions
b. Review (ahead of time) ACRL programs presented at 2010 ALA Annual
V. Goals for Brainstorming
a. Develop topic
b. Keep in mind appeal for EBSS subject areas: Education, Communication Studies, Journalism, Psychology and specific areas within librarianship: instruction, collection development, professional development, etc.
c. Ideas for potential speakers or panelists
d. Time slots: the traditional, first choice for a program is Sat. 1:30-3:30, will need to select second choice & confirm first choice selection or other.
e. Potential Sponsors
f. Meeting deadlines – Map out Spring 2011 deadlines
Reference Sources and Services
December 13th from 10am – 11am CST
I. Welcome and introductions
II. Approve Committee Minutes from Annual 2010 mtg. (available on ALA Connect)
III. Status of current projects: Education Librarian's Toolbox and Statistical Directory.
IV. Discussion of article project on the Education Librarian's Toolbox.
V. Other potential committee projects.
VI.Volunteer for chair/co-chair of this committee
VII. Planning for ALA Annual in New Orleans
VIII. Other business
Social Work/Social Welfare
Wednesday, December 15th from 3:00 pm to 4:00pm EST
I. Welcome
II. Social Work librarians’ tool kit
III. Information literacy standards for social work students
IV. ALA annual conference update
V. New business or ideas