Committee Meeting Highlights ALA Midwinter 1999

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Advisory Council
Current Topics Discussion
Curriculum Materials Committee
Executive Committee
Instruction for Educators
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Social Work/Social Welfare
Ad hoc Committee on the Test Collection Directory

Committee: Executive Committee
Chairperson: Jan Wilson
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 1-29-99
For Committees:
Members present:
Jan Wilson ; Nancy Becker; Ellie Marsh; Ellen Gilbert; Francine DeFranco; Helga Visscher; Leslie Bjorncrantz; Mary Gilles
Members absent: Beth Anderson
Visitors: Charles Thurston; Penny Beile
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: Jan announced slate of nominees for EBSS offices for 1999 ballot:
Vice-Chair/Chair Elect - Lorna Lueck
Secretary - Jody Bales Foote & Lorene Sisson
Member-at-Large - Barbara Celone & Kay Wornack
The Executive Committee approved the establishment of and charge for an Ad Hoc Curriculum Materials Centers Directory Committee to produce the next edition of the directory; Fred Olive will serve as Chair. Discussion of print versus web based Orientation Manual resulted in consensus to mount it on the EBSS Home Page.
Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee: Advisory Council
Chairperson: Jan Wilson
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 1-31-99
For Committees:
Members present:
Ellie Marsh; Jack Black; Penny Beile; Fred Olive; Judy Walker; Helga Visscher; Sally Lawler; Brian Quinn; Bob Hinton; Dane Ward; Leslie Bjorncrantz; Kate Corby; Jan Wilson; Nancy Becker; Francine DeFranco; Charles Thurston; Ellen Gilbert; JoAnn Carr; Nancy O'Brien; Mary Gilles
Members absent: Beth Anderson
Visitors: Mary Lee Sweat, ACRL Liaison to EBSS
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: Jan announced the Action Items from the Executive Committee meeting. The remainder of the meeting consisted of reports from Standing and Ad Hoc committees, and officers. Reports focused on two topics: committee publications and web related issues.
Publications, at various stages of development, include:

  • a new edition of the Curriculum Materials Centers directory, undertaken by a newly approved ad hoc committee;
  • the CMC's Webliography, for which the committee is refining the scope and size;
  • Connections: Librarian/Faculty Collaboration, a monograph of the Instruction for Educators' Committee is well underway;
  • an article on non-education databases for education research which the Reference Sources and Services Committee intends to complete soon;
  • Social Work/Social Welfare's web site focusing on information competencies for social work students;
  • a CD-ROM publication on the management of Curriculum Materials Centers by the ad hoc committee of the same name;
  • the Test Collection Directory being compiled by that ad hoc committee.

Web related issues included approval of a new look and feel to the EBSS home page; agreement to mount and update the EBSS Orientation Manual in a downloadable form on the web only for now; concern about maintenance and updating of web sites as responsibilities for them change; guidelines for web sites at ACRL and ALA levels; and archiving of web based materials.
Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee: Curriculum Materials
Chairperson: Penny Beile
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 1/30/99
For Committees:
Members present:
Penny Beile, Chair; Judith Druse; John Hickok; Jeannie Kamerman; Gary Lare; Jeneen LaSee-Willemssen; Betty Ann Porter; Benita Strnad; Judy Walker
Members absent: None
Visitors: Patricia Lenkowski; Ellie Marsh; Fred Olive; Alexias Smith; Betty Nibley; Stephen Fitt
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: At the midwinter meeting, committee members revisited the CMC Webliography, an electronic publication listing selected web sites for librarians and users of curriculum materials centers. The site is in the process of being moved and updated. The committee discussed the need for more detailed guidelines, including maintenance, archiving and size and scope of the site. More specific procedures will be developed in compliance with ACRL guidelines for Electronic publication.

Committee members also reported results of inquiries sent to state departments of education and national and regional accrediting agencies regarding standards of guidelines used in the evaluation of curriculum materials centers. Of the 30 state departments of education that replied, only four noted they have written standards. No minimum standards, or quantifiable recommended collection size or scope, services or human resources were mentioned in any of the accrediting agencies documentation. Committee members felt strongly that this initiative should be pursued as a publication.
Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee: Instruction for Educators
Chairperson: Dane Ward
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 1/30/99
For Committees:
Members present: Doug Cook; Katie Lenn; Jean Caspers; Tom Wright; Jenne Versteeg; Shellie Jeffries; Sarah Beasley; Gail Gradowski; Bee Golleyos
Members absent:
Susan Arew; Helga Visscher; Scott Walter; Francine DeFranco
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: The committee continued work on its book project, "Connections; Ideas for Librarian/Faculty Collaboration." Dane Ward provided a status report. There was much optimism and excitement about the project. We set a May 1 deadline for all drafts to be sent to Dane and Katie. Dane discussed his work on the first chapter with Dick Raspu, awaiting Pat Libutti's contribution. A new subcommittee was created to complete the Case Studies section, consisting of Sarah Beasley, Susan Arew, Jenne Versteeg, Gail Gradowski and Scott Walter. After receiving the go-ahead to distribute the "Collaborations in the Field" survey beyond ACRL, we agreed to send Bee Gallegos and Tom Wright listserv suggestions. Additionally, we decided that it was necessary to propose creation of an Ad Hoc Committee on Collaborating to finish the project. Finally, we decided to seek a grant to manage some of the typing.
Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee: Membership & Orientation
Chairperson: Charles Thurston
Date(s) of Meetings(s): January 30, 1999
For Committees:
Members present:
Joan Fiscella; Charles Thurston; Lorna Lueck; Barbara Kemp
Members absent: Nancy O'Brien (excused)
Visitors: Ellen Gilbert
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: The committee discussed a proposal to discontinue the loose-leaf version of the section's Orientation Manual in favor of solely maintaining the Internet version.
The committee also discussed the letters sent to library school dean in the Philadelphia area, informing them that EBSS is prepared to accept a library school student as an intern. The letters, sent in late 1998, drew no responses. Plans were effected to try again during Spring of 1999.
Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee: Psychology & Psychiatry
Chairperson: Brian Quinn
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 1/30/99
For Committees:
Members present:
Members absent: 3
Visitors: 2
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: Carolyn Gosling and Susan Knapp attended as guests and updated committee members on recent developments in information resources from the American Psychological Association. This was followed by a discussion of how to use ACRL Initiative Funds for the committee's liaison activities with Division Two of the American Psychological Association, specifically a joint project by the two groups to update user instruction guidelines for psychology. This was followed by a report from Betsy Simpson on the activities of the EBSS Ad Hoc Committee on the Directory of Test Collections. Afterward, there was a brief discussion of information sources for tests, and the various advantages and weaknesses of these resources.
Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee Reports: Publications & Communications Committee
Francine DeFranco, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Summary: News from the Executive Committee that was of particular interest to the PCC included the announcement of the transfer of the EBSS web page from Deb Rollins at the University of Maine to Kate Corby at Michigan State University. Members applauded the cooperation between the web page managers that ensured a smooth transition.

The Membership & Orientation Committee suggested making the Orientation Manual for new and continuing committee chairs available via the EBSS web page. This would facilitate updating this product and would allow committee chairs and other EBSS members with the opportunity to refer to or print sections or the entire document as necessary.

ACRL is considering locating all meetings in a single hotel. This would greatly facilitate members attending meetings and allow for greater collaboration between committees and members; the timetable is not finalized.

Francine DeFranco discussed current publication projects as outlined in the recent e-mail to the committee. Several committees were scheduled to meet outside the consolidated meeting time slot on Saturday morning.

Newsletter Editor - Helga Visscher reported that there had been problems with ACRL producing labels for the EBSS Newsletter due to new software problems. Consequently, the newsletter was sent out later than expected. It is hoped that these problems have been resolved. Her term expires soon and plans for finding a new editor in 2000 need to be made.

Listserv Moderator - Judy Walker clarified the question of who is on the EBSS listserv. She noted that the list is available without restriction to members of ACRL or ACRL/EBSS.

EBSS Web Page Manager - Kate Corby discussed four possible formats for a revised EBSS homepage. The committee discussed the various formats and features and selected the one felt to be superior. Also, the issue of ACRL policies and procedures for revising/section web pages was raised. Kate Corby will present the committees choice for the new web page and will raise issue of ACRL policies/ procedures at the Advisory Meeting.

Laverna Saunders suggested that EBSS investigate a mechanism for sharing information regarding the various university and professional association accreditation reports as related to library issues and reports. It was agreed that this suggestion would benefit the section members in the accomplishment of this responsibility. DeFranco will take this suggestion to the Advisory Committee meeting.

Chairperson: Jack Black
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 1/30/99
For Committees:
Members present:
Julie Tharp; Kate Corby; Jody Bales Foote; Kay Womack; Michelle Clifford, Sharon Naylor
Members absent: Barbara Wales
Visitors: Marilyn Scott; Jenny Innes; Nancy Becker
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in
the ACRL Strategic Plan:
Discussed Article project. A group of committee members worked to complete and edit the article. Will submit to ACRL requesting that we be allowed to publish in non-ACRL publication.
Discussed future projects.
Recommendations for Division Board action:

Chairperson: Sally Lawler
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 1/29/99
For Committees:
Members present:
Mary Jane Brustman, Ellen DeMarinis, Stephen Fowlkes, Michael Miller, Cynthia K. Pierard, James Williams.
Members absent: Gary McMillan
Visitors: Karen Reiman-Sendi and Professor Sibyl E. Moses
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: The group worked on Information Competencies for Social Work Students, formerly a written project that has evolved into an EBSS Web page (URL: The committee reviewed an outline, based on the work of two previous committees, for appropriateness as the outline for the Web Page. After sharing many ideas and comparing instruction practices, members agreed to develop links for Basic Skills and Advanced Research Skills, and to add Professional Organizations. Guests Professor Moses and Karen Reiman-Sendi also recommended that we add Local Resources and GIS to our Web-based project. Members agreed to set the end of March as the deadline for the next draft of the Web Page.
Discussed future projects.
Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee: Ad Hoc Committee on the Test Collection Directory
Chairperson: P. Fehrmann, N. O'Brien
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 1/29/9999 8-10: p.m.
For Committees:
Members present:
P. Fehrmann (co-chair); N. O'Brien (co-chair); R. McGiverin; B. Simpson; T. Wygant
Members absent: D. Burgard; J. McKeever; P. Monat
Visitors: Liselle Drake
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: The meeting was spent discussing the pilot survey to solicit information about test collections. Several changes and improvements were recommended for the final version of the survey and the cover letter. Revisions will be completed by February 20, 1999 and shared with committee members. Compilation of electronic addresses for survey recipients will be undertaken with distribution of the survey proposed for late spring 1999. A copy of the ACRL preliminary publication form had been sent to Hugh Thompson at CRL and was distributed to committee members for their review.
Recommendations for Division Board action: None at this time.

Committee: Current Topics Discussion
Chairpersons: Ellie Marsh, Member-at-Large; Beth Anderson, Member-at-Large
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 1/30/99
For Committees:
Members present:
Members absent:
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan:
The EBSS Current Topics Session included simultaneous discussions on three topics: Information Literacy and bibliographic instruction for graduate Social Work Students (discussion leader: Mary Jane Brustman); Curriculum Materials Collections: housing, administration, standards and trends (discussion leader: Penny Beile); ERIC: SSCI and other indexing (discussion leader: Kate Corby). Twenty-seven persons attended this session.
Recommendations for Division Board action: