Committee Meeting Highlights ALA Annual 1999

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Advisory Council
Curriculum Materials Committee
Executive Committee
Instruction for Educators
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Social Work/Social Welfare
Ad Hoc - Management of Curriculum Materials Centers
Ad Hoc - Committee to Revise the CMC Directory
Ad Hoc - Test Collection Directory

Committee: Advisory Council
Chairperson: Jan Wilson
Date(s) of Meetings(s): Sunday, June 27, 1999
For Committees:
Members present:
Beth Anderson, Nancy Becker, Penny Beile, Jack Black, JoAnn Carr, Kate Corby, Francine DeFranco, Paul Fehrmann, Ellen Gilbert, Mary Gilles, Bob Hinton, Sally Lawler, Ellie Marsh, Brian Quinn, Charlie Thurston, Helga Visscher, Judy Walker, Jan Wilson
Members absent: Leslie Bjorncrantz, Dane Ward
Visitors: Doug Cook, John Hickok, Jeannie Kamerman, Lorna Lueck, Lorene Sisson, Julie Tharp

Introductions and Greetings Jan Wilson, Chair, convened the meeting at 8:45 am. Members and guests introduced themselves.

Additions to and Approval of Agenda The agenda was approved with the addition of an announcement: F. Field Trip to University of Wisconsin in Conjunction with ALA Annual Conference, July 2000, Chicago.

Approval of minutes, Midwinter Meeting, January 31, 1999 It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes. The motion was adopted.

  1. Announcements:
    1. A. EBSS FY99 Budget Jan announced that very little of this year's budget has been spent. She reminded members to submit a Reimbursement Request form if they have incurred allowable expenses.
    2. EBSS Representative on IFLA Section on Social Sciences Standing Committee Jan announced that Barbara Kemp, EBSS member, has been approved as the representative on the IFLA Section on Social Sciences Standing Committee. EBSS had recommended the appointment.
    3. EBSS at ACRL Conference Sally Lawler, Social Work/Social Welfare Chair and the event coordinator, reported that twenty people attended the "Dinner With A Colleague" event sponsored by EBSS at the ACRL National Conference in Detroit. All who participated enjoyed themselves.
    4. ALA/AASL Task Force on the Educational Role of Libraries JoAnn Carr, Chair of the Ad Hoc Management of CMC Committee, reported on this AASL/ACRL Task Force whose purpose is to look at cooperation between these ALA divisions in order to facilitate the teaching role of school, college and university libraries. The Task Force is composed of three members from AASL and three from ACRL; EBSS is not represented on the Task Force. JoAnn is receiving the Task Force's minutes as a means of staying informed about their deliberations and she attended their meeting on Friday, June 25. JoAnn reported that the Task Force will identify those ALA committees that deal with information literacy and the Task Force is considering other activities.
    5. Actions Taken at Executive Committee Meeting 6/25/99 Jan reported that the Executive Committee adopted a motion to form an Ad Hoc Committee of the Curriculum Materials Committee to develop published standards or guidelines for curriculum materials centers in the areas of, but not limited to, collection, services, management, budget, personnel and facilities, contingent upon identifying a chair. Jan noted that a chair will be identified by Midwinter.
    6. Field Trip to University of Wisconsin in Conjunction with ALA Annual Conference, July 2000, Chicago JoAnn Carr announced that plans are underway for a field trip from Chicago to the University of Wisconsin in conjunction with Annual Conference to visit the Center for Instructional Materials and Computing (CIMC), of which JoAnn is Director, and the Cooperative Children's Book Center. It is scheduled for July 6, 2000 and information will be distributed via the EBSS listserv.
  2. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Conference Program 1999 Jan reported that the EBSS Program entitled "Oh, Say Can You See! Librarian Leadership, Civic Action, and the Electronic Age" was scheduled for that afternoon, 2-4 pm. It will feature four speakers: Steven L. Clift, Democracies Online; Joanne Dittersdorf, Neighborhood Leadership, Libraries Project, Citizens Committee NYC; Linda Alec Draper, Detroit Community AIDS Library, Wayne State University, Shiffman Medical Library; Robin Tremblay-McGaw, Information Services, Trauma Foundation, San Francisco. Jan recognized the efforts of the other members of the Conference Program Planning Committee: Ellen Gilbert, Sally Lawler, Bob Hinton and Barbara Celone.
    2. Conference Program 2000 Ellen Gilbert, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, reported that the multimedia presentation to be held at the Chicago Historical Society will describe the Society's work with school children. Other ACRL sections have expressed an interest in co-sponsoring the program. Ellen queried the group about a preference between Saturday and Sunday; there was no preference.
    3. Curriculum Materials Centers Penny Beile, Chair, reported that the committee is currently dealing with several issues related to their Webliography, such as how to pass the home page from one member to another, how to list sites, what to link and marketing of the Webliography. New business included the expansion of classification schemes for CMCs and tools for Acquisitions.
    4. Distinguished Librarian Award In Leslie's absence, Jan reported that JoAnn Carr is this year's recipient of the EBSS Distinguished Librarian Award and the award will be presented at the EBSS Program.
    5. Government Policy Bob Hinton, Chair, reported that the Committee will identify publications and websites of similar ALA committees since the Government Policy Committee is considering a web presence. They will review guidelines for web sites. They also plan to initiate discussion on the EBSS listserv about the Committee's continued existence. Bob will report with a short list of similar ALA committees and web information by Midwinter. A brief discussion ensued about increasing the number of subscriptions to the EBSS listserv. The idea of an automatic subscription by virtue of EBSS membership again surfaced. Jan noted that this is an issue throughout ACRL. One section has a distribution list as well as a listserv, which would accommodate distribution of the Newsletter electronically. Jan and Ellen will post this issue on the ACRL Sections Council listserv.
    6. Instruction for Educators Doug Cook, In-coming Chair, reported that the Committee's book has been approved and will be published by ACRL. Dan Ward, Out-going Chair, has requested that all chapters be completed by August. There was a question about the EBSS Publications and Communications Committee's role regarding the Committee's book; Francine DeFranco, P&C Chair, will consult Hugh Thompson of ACRL.
      Doug solicited ideas for future effort by the Committee.
    7. Membership & Orientation Charlie Thurston, Chair, reported that the Committee voted affirmatively to abandon the print edition of the EBSS Orientation Manual and update the Web edition twice a year - following Annual Conference and Midwinter. Lorene Sisson, In-coming Secretary, suggested that the date be revised twice a year even if there are no changes. Kate Corby, Web Page Manager, requested that the M&O Committee send her a list of specific changes after each meeting, as a Word document. Advisory Council agreed that the M&O Committee has the authority to determine the format of the Orientation Manual and no action is required by the Executive Committee. Charlie reported that no one has volunteered for an EBSS intern appointment. Barbara Kemp noticed a travel grant of $1,000 provided by a corporate sponsor; the Committee will discuss possibilities of that nature. Nancy Becker introduced the idea of mentoring; she will provide Charlie with information about that and funding.
      Charlie proposed changing the Section Bylaws so that the M&O Committee would be responsible for the New Chairs Orientation. Currently, the Past Chair has this role. JoAnn reviewed the process for changing the Bylaws. M&O will begin that process. In the meantime the role of New Chairs Orientation can be delegated to M&O; there was agreement to do that.
    8. Nominating 2000 Nancy Becker, Past Chair, reported that the Committee has a list of prospective nominees and will be contacting these individuals soon. The slate of nominees will be announced at Midwinter.
    9. Psychology/Psychiatry Brian Quinn, Chair, reported that Paul Columbo, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Tulane University, was a guest speaker at the Committee's meeting. Professor Columbo reported on emerging trends in psychology, fields that are waxing and waning and the continued interest in access to raw data. A report from the American Psychological Association (APA) highlighted: full text of APA journals is being offered with PsycINFO to schools with an enrollment below 2,500; digital object identifiers that link the citation to the full text of APA journals will be available in PsycINFO next year; APA is updating cross references and has eliminated the sponsor field in PsycINFO; APA has a new journal entitled Psychology of Men and Masculinity; there is a new version of the APA Style Helper and a new version for faculty.
    10. Publications and Communications Francine DeFranco, Chair, reported that the Committee plans to develop a draft of web page guidelines by Midwinter. The committee is currently discussing the issue of accreditation and how to provide information on the Web, such as the names of institutions whose accreditation has been reviewed recently, individuals who could serve as resource people, and information on accrediting associations. Francine will solicit opinions via the EBSS listserv about including accreditation information on the EBSS web page. The P&C Committee has reviewed the proposal from the Ad Hoc Management of Curriculum Materials Centers Committee.
    11. Reference Sources and Services Jack Black, Chair, reported that the Committee worked on their article, which will be published in C&RL News. It is a comparison and analysis of education databases. The Committee's next project is a web site intended as a mentoring handbook for new education libraries.
    12. Social Work/Social Welfare Sally Lawler, Chair, reported that the Committee reviewed a template for their web page, Information Competencies for Social Work Students. They are in the process of identifying the core values in social work and discussed incorporating the publication, Human Service Organizations and Their Publications, into their web page. The Committee plans to read Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning, an ALA monograph.
  3. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
    1. Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the Curriculum Materials Centers Directory John Hickok reported for Fred Olive, Committee Chair. The committee began discussing some of the issues related to the Directory: format; print versus electronic; the data elements to include on the questionnaire; and geographical scope.
    2. Ad Hoc Management of Curriculum Materials Centers Committee JoAnn Carr, Chair, reported that the cost of producing a CD-ROM product is greater than the amount ACRL will support. The Committee is now viewing the guide as Web based and wonders if consideration should be given to an inclusive product of the CMC Directory and the management guide.
    3. Ad Hoc Committee for the Test Collection Directory Paul Fehrman, Co-Chair, reported on behalf of Nancy O'Brien and himself. The Committee intends to have the Directory completed by Midwinter. The survey was sent in April. Sixty responses have been received; the Committee will follow-up with non-respondents. The Committee will determine what types of indexes to include.
  4. Officer Reports
    1. Chair Jan reported that she attended the Sections Council and Leadership Council meetings and related these highlights:
      The call for nominations for the Academic Librarian of the Year award. The ACRL Strategic Plan 2005 draft includes mission and vision statements as well as strategic directions and goals. CARL is seeking comments on the draft.
      ACRL approved a proposal to advance money to a section to pay deposit costs for social events. The section will repay ACRL after the event.
    2. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect Ellen Gilbert noted that there is considerable redundancy between the committee reports made at the Membership/Business meeting and the Advisory Council meeting. There was consensus that each committee would make one report at the Annual Conference, either at the Membership/ Business meting on Saturday or the Advisory Council meeting on Sunday. Ellen also suggested that EBSS consider combining the Membership/Business meeting with the Social Hour.
    3. Past-Chair Nancy Becker expressed her appreciation to the group and thanked them for their support during her years as an EBSS officer. She also commended Jan for her work as Chair and earlier as Vice-Chair. The Advisory Council echoed Nancy's sentiments.
    4. Secretary Mary Gilles requested that committee meeting minutes be sent to her by July 30. Helga Visscher, EBSS Newsletter Editor, requested a committee report by the same date.
    5. Members-At-Large Ellie Marsh, continuing Member-at-Large, invited members and committees to submit ideas for the Midwinter Current Topics Discussion. She noted that she and Kay Womack, incoming Member-at-Large, will monitor discussion on the EBSS listserv for topics, as well. Ellie thanked Beth Anderson, outgoing Member-at-Large, for her work.
    6. ACRL Board Liaison There was no report.
  5. New Business There was no new business. Jan thanked everyone for their support and hard work during her term as Chair.
  6. Adjournment Jan adjourned the meeting at 11:15 am.

Task List

  1. The Publications and Communications Committee will develop a draft of Web Page guidelines by Midwinter.
  2. The Government Policy Committee will compile a short list of similar ALA committees by Midwinter and will have developed more detailed ideas about a Web presence for the EBSS Committee.
  3. Francine DeFranco, Chair, Publications and Communications Committee, will check with Hugh Thompson at ACRL about the role of P&C vis-à-vis ACRL on the Instruction for Educators book.
  4. The Membership and Organization Committee will begin the process to change the Bylaws so that it is responsible for the New Chairs Orientation.
  5. Nancy Becker will provide Charlie Thurston with information regarding mentoring and possible sources of funding for attendance at conferences that could benefit interns.
  6. Francine DeFranco will solicit opinions about including accreditation information on the EBSS Web Page.
  7. Jan and Ellen will solicit opinions, on the ACRL Sections Council listserv, about methods of communicating electronically with the entire EBSS membership, e.g. automatic subscription to the EBSS listserv or a distribution list or other.

Committee: Curriculum Materials
Chairperson: Penny Beile
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 6/26/99
For Committees:
Members present:
Penny Beile, Judy Druse, John Hickok, Jeannie Kamerman, Gary Lare, Benita Strnad, Judy Walker, Jeneen Willemssen
Members absent: None
Visitors: Ann Brownson (incoming member), Ellie Marsh, Dorothy Schleicher (incoming member), Venta Silins
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in
the ACRL Strategic Plan:
Discussion of the CMC Webliography centered on updating/maintaining the website. Pending criteria from the Publications Committee, CMC decided to place links alphabetically on the page. Link URLs instead of titles, and transfer pages from outgoing to incoming members. The issue of ownership of the individual pages, or intellectual property, was brought to the table, and forwarded to the Advisory Council and Publications Committee as a concern. Upon transfer to a new server, the Webliography site will be widely marketed.
The charge for an ad hoc committee to develop standards for CMCs were approved by the Executive Committee.
The topic of classification schemes for CMCs - including both organization of materials and descriptive cataloging - will be pursued with the Management of CMCs committee and possibly as a Discussion topic.
A preliminary survey of catalogs and other acquisition materials available on the web will be performed to determine the feasibility of producing a web site to aid in CMC Collection Development..
Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee: Executive Committee
Chairperson: Jan Wilson
Date(s) of Meetings(s): Friday, June 25, 1999
For Committees:
Members present:
Beth Anderson, Nancy Becker, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Ellen Gilbert, Mary Gilles, Ellie Marsh, HelgaVisscher, Jan Wilson
Members absent: Francine DeFranco
Visitors: Penny Beile, Lorna Lueck

  1. Introduction & Greetings Jan Wilson, Chair, convened the meeting at 6:45 pm. Members and guests introduced themselves.
  2. Additions to and Approval of Agenda The agenda was approved as presented.
  3. Approval of Minutes, Midwinter Meeting, January 29, 1999 It was moved and seconded that the minutes be approved as presented. The motion was adopted.
  4. Announcements
    1. EBSS Meetings, Program and Gatherings at Annual Jan announced that the consolidated meetings are scheduled for Saturday, June 26. The New Chairs Orientation will be on Saturday and the Membership/Business meeting is that day also. The EBSS Social Hour will be 6-7 pm on Saturday at the Monteleone. The EBSS Program will be presented on Sunday afternoon, June 27 and the Dutch Treat Dinner will be that evening.
    2. EBSS FY 99 Budget Jan announced that the EBSS Budget is $2,000 and can be used for photocopying, telephone and postage costs.
    3. EBSS Representative on IFLA Section on Social Sciences Standing Committee Jan announced that EBSS member, Barbara Kemp, was approved as the representative and she will attend the IFLA Annual Conference in Bangkok, Thailand in August.
  5. Action Items
    1. Updating Guidelines for Orientation Manual In Charles Thurston's absence, Leslie Bjorncrantz, ACRL Liaison, reported that she has asked ACRL if there are guidelines for archiving materials on the Web. She has not yet received a response. The intent of the Membership and Orientation Committee is to mount the EBSS Orientation Manual on the EBSS Web site and maintain it there. There was no formal action on this item.
    2. Ad Hoc Committee on Curriculum Materials Centers Standards Proposal Penny Beile, Chair of the Curriculum Materials Committee, presented a proposal to establish an ad hoc committee to develop standards. The Executive Committee discussed the pros and cons of "standards" and "guidelines" and it was noted that the approval process for "standards" is more involved and rigorous. Penny reported that there has already been some preliminary exploration of the topic through a literature search and a survey of state agencies. It was moved and seconded to: Form an Ad Hoc Committee of the Curriculum Materials Committee to develop published standards or guidelines for curriculum materials centers in the areas of, but not limited to, collection, services, management, budget, personnel and facilities, contingent upon identifying a chair. The motion was adopted.
  6. Discussion Items
    1. Executive Committee Members as Resource to EBSS Committees There was agreement that members of the Executive Committee will continue to serve as a resource to specific EBSS committees, with the following assignments: Jan Wilson - Psychology & Psychiatry; Nancy Becker - Reference Sources and Services; Beth Anderson - Social Work/Social Welfare; Ellie Marsh - Curriculum Materials; Mary Gilles - Government Policy.
    2. Responses to Letters to Non-Renewing Members Jan reported that 6 of 20 individuals responded to the letter she sent regarding non-renewal of EBSS membership. Three individuals stated they intended to renew their membership; one was cutting back on activities; one cited economics and one discontinued membership in ACRL. None noted dissatisfaction with EBSS.
  7. Officer Reports
    1. Chair Jan reported that she attended the Sections Council and Leadership Council meetings and related these highlights:
      • The call for nominations for the Academic Librarian of the Year award;
      • The draft Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education is available at the ACRL Web page;
      • The ACRL Strategic Plan 2005 draft includes mission and vision statements as well as strategic directions and goals. ACRL is seeking comments on the draft;
      • The EBSS Section statement that appears in the ACRL information brochure will be revised to better reflect the purpose and activities of the section. The revision should be submitted by September 15, 1999;
      • EBSS Bylaws adequately cover officer vacancies, a topic of concern to some other sections;
      • ACRL approved a proposal to advance money to a section to pay deposit costs for social events. The section will repay ACRL after the event;
      • Sections can now post materials directly to the Web page administered by ALA; The ALA Web Advisory Task Force Report will be posted on the ALA Web page
    2. Vice Chair/Chair Elect Ellen Gilbert, Vice Chair/Chair Elect, reported on Program 2000 which will be held at the Chicago Historical Society. It will be a multimedia presentation about the Society's work with school children. Ellen announced Chair appointments for several EBSS Committees:
      • Fred Olive - Ad Hoc CMC Directory Committee
      • Doug Cook - Instruction for Educators Committee
      • Adele Dendy - Distinguished Librarian Committee
      • Jeannie Kamerman - Curriculum Materials Committee

      The new chairs will assume their duties after the Annual Conference.

    3. Past-Chair Nancy Becker, Past-Chair, had no report.
    4. Secretary Mary Gilles, Secretary, and Helga Visscher, EBSS Newsletter Editor, will identify a date for submission of meeting minutes and committee reports. There was agreement to post The Committee Meeting Highlights on the EBSS Web Page.
    5. Members-At-Large Ellie Marsh and Beth Anderson, Members-At-Large, reported on the success of the Current Topics Discussion at the Midwinter Meeting. There were simultaneous discussions of three topics selected from recent interest on the EBSS listserv.
    6. Publications and Communications Committee Chair There was no report.
    7. ACRL Board Liaison Leslie Bjorncrantz, ACRL Liaison, will attend the ACRL Board meetings. Since the first meeting doesn't occur until Saturday, Leslie had no report.
  8. Adjournment Jan adjourned the meeting at 8:35 pm.

Committee Reports: Instruction for Educators Committee (IE)
Dane Ward, chair
Summary: The Instruction for Educators Committee continued to work on its book "Connections: Ideas for Librarian and Faculty Collaboration." Dane Ward reported that as the Committee moves to complete the project, ACRL's Publication Committee has enthusiastically approved the project. The Committee hopes to submit the text to ACRL in the next few months. Many chapters have been written and require only minor revisions.

The Committee took a moment to marvel at the variety of information that this book will provide to those seeking to develop collaborative relationships. As it has evolved, the work contains an essay on the interpersonal aspects of collaboration; a great literature review with a classification scheme; an essay providing practical guidelines for pursuing collaboration; five case studies of well-established formal collaborations; twenty-five outstanding examples of collaboration solicited from a widely distributed survey; a "postmodern" directory of web resources; a bibliography of print sources by collaborator extraordinaire Pat Libutti, and a concluding essay prophesizing the future of collaboration.

After this meeting, Committee member Doug Cook will serve as Chair and lead the group further into the evolving world of instruction for educators.

Committee: Membership & Orientation
Chairperson: Charles Thurston
snapshot Date(s) of Meetings(s): 6/26/99
For Committees:
Members present:
Joan Fiscella, Lorna Lueck, Barbara Kemp, Charles Thurston
Members absent:
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in
the ACRL Strategic Plan:
The committee discussed EBSS revision of the ACRL brochure "ACRL Professional Interests Section: Your Best Professional Investment".

The committee agreed, by acclamation, to present a motion to EBSS Advisory that the section Orientation Manual be revised (Web version) after Midwinter and Annual Conference.

The committee agreed, by acclamation, to present a motion to EBSS Advisory that we assume formal responsibility to new chair orientation.
Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee: Psychology & Psychiatry
Chairperson: Brian Quinn
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 6/26/99
For Committees:
Members present:
Brian Quinn, Don Burgard, Karen Hartman, Margaret White, Christine Harrington, Betsy Simpson, Marian Shenberg, Juanita Benedicto, Donna Pontau
Members absent: Lisa Beall, Annette Curtis
Visitors: Jim Shetler, Linda Sammataro, Darlene Nichols
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in
the ACRL Strategic Plan:
Brian Quinn gave an update on recent developments at the American Psychologial Association, including full text access to APA journals, the addition of digital object identifiers to link Psycinfo citations to full text of articles, the renumbering of "see record … " Accession Numbers, a new journal on the psychology of men, new versions of APA Style Helper, and two new Psycinfo vendors. Betsy Simpson gave an update on the activities of the Directory of Test Collections Committee, which is the process of analyzing the results of their survey and on the directory structure. Donna P gave a report on Collaboration with the Society for the Teaching of Psychology. They are presenting a program in Boston in August at the APA Annual Convention. They will attempt to solicit feedback from psychologists about "Library and Information Resources Instruction for Psychology" on the EBSS web page. The ultimate goal is to try and update it for psychology students, and to obtain endorsement of Div. 2 for the guidelines. Dr. Paul Colombo of Tulane University attended as a guest speaker and spoke about "Emerging Trends in Psychology," including the waxing and waning of various Subfields in psychology, the growing importance of electronic journals and desktop access, and the creation of databases of raw data that allow psychologists to manipulate the data.
Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee: Publications & Communication
Chairperson: Francine DeFranco
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 6/26/99
snapshot For Committees:
Members present:
Kate Corby, Francine DeFranco, Judy Walker, Ted Wygart, Helga Visscher
Members absent: Laverna Saunders (excused), Steven Sowell (resigned), Fran Caspers (excused)
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in
the ACRL Strategic Plan:

  • Committee discussed publication activities within committee they liaison with. Committee members reviewed comments/offered suggestions.
  • Discussed EBSS Web Page and the need for policies and procedures for the section. The EBSS Web Manager will pursue ALA/ACRL Task Force information recently generated.
  • Will develop criteria/guidelines for committee web pages. Draft document to be reviewed at Midwinter.
  • Accreditation Assistance - will pursue recommendation to assist section in handling professional, regional, and natural accreditation. Possible FAQ or link to other committee information.

Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee: Reference Service & Resources
Chairperson: Jack Black
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 6/26/99
For Committees:
Members present:
Jack Black, Kay Womack, Kate Corby, Barbara Wales, Jody Bale Foote, Julie Tharp, Michelle Clifford, Sharon Naylor
Members absent:
Nancy Becker
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in
the ACRL Strategic Plan:
Article on Education databases edited in preparation for publication in C & RL News. Discussion of next project which is a web site to provide basic information for education librarians as a handbook or training tool.
Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee: Social Work/Social Welfare
Chairperson: Sally Lawler
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 6/25/99
For Committees:
Members present:
Stephen Fowlkes, Gary McMillan, James Williams, Mary Jane Brustman, Linda Sammataro.
Members absent: Cynthia Pierard
Visitors: Felicia Harris Hoehne, Katherine Downton, Vanette Schwartz
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: This was a working meeting to discuss and improve the Committee's Web Page, Information Competencies for Social Work Students. We decided to separate "Prerequisite" computer literacy skills from Basic Skills, to support communication with faculty about what entering graduate students should have learned as undergraduates. We also decided to articulate problems worth investigating under Research Process Skills in terms of core ethics and values of Social Work such as sensitivity to vulnerable populations. Under Critical Thinking Skills we added the ability to identify key stakeholders in policy issues. We are exploring incorporating Human Service Organizations and Their Publications, a 1996 committee publication, into the website, with the permission of the editors.
Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee: Ad Hoc Management of Curriculum Materials Centers<&lt;br /> Chairperson: Jo Ann Carr
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 6/26/99
For Committees:
Members present:
Beth Anderson, Jo Ann Carr, Stephen Fitt, Allison Krause, Gary Lare, Jeneen Lasee Willemmsen
Members absent:
Todd Hively (U of So Miss); Adelaide Phelps (Oakland Univ); Judy Walker
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in
the ACRL Strategic Plan:
Reviewed and revised draft publication proposal for an Interactive, dynamic Internet based management guide and directory of CMC's

  • Identified issues, concerns and benefits of such a publication for ACRL and EBSS Directory Committee
  • Identified potential authors for essays

Recommendations for Division Board action:

Committee: Ad Hoc - Committee to Revise the CMC Directory
Chairperson: Fred Olive
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 6/27/99
For Committees:
Members present:
Penny Beile, Judy Druse, John Hickok
Members absent:
Visitors: Teri Weil (Visitor) and Judy Walker (for Publications Committee)
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan:

The Committee reviewed the Committee Charge which is to prepare the Directory for publication at five-year intervals; to examine previous editions, develop a questionnaire and cover letter for preparation of the next edition; to develop a mailing list from the previous edition and other sources; to mail the questionnaire; to compile the responses received; to develop a format that will incorporate additional directory entries and the increased information requested; and to control publication costs by staying within the paging of the previous edition.

After introductions, the agenda was approved. Their was a report from the Chair and others regarding the CMC Directory which included a report from Jo Ann Carr, Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Management of CMCs. Jo Ann suggested that the Ad Hoc Committee on Management of CMCs and this Committee work to combine the two publications into a single online product. There was a discussion regarding the Directory's distribution format as well as a discussion of the draft of the survey instrument.

Committee: Ad Hoc - Test Collection Directory
Chairperson: P. Fehrmann & N. O'Brien
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 6/25/99
For Committees:
Members present: D. Burgard, P. Fehrmann, C. Grossman, R. McGiverin, N. O'Brien, B. Simpson, T. Wygant
Members absent: A. Curtis-Carroll, B. Gallegos
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in
the ACRL Strategic Plan:

The survey distributed by committee members has resulted in over 50 responses to date. Committee members agreed to send follow-up surveys as needed with a deadline of the first Friday in August.

Cheryl Grossman has been appointed as the test collection directory compiler. Format of entries to be forwarded to Cheryl was discussed and agreed upon.

P. Fehrmann and N. O'Brien were assigned to write the introduction for the directory which will include a history of test collections, the need for test collections and the directory, and related resources.

A list of potential indexes to be included in the directory was also discussed.

Recommendations for Division Board action: None at this time