Committee Meeting Highlights ALA Annual Conference 1998
Curriculum Materials Committee
Instruction for Educators
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Social Work/Social Welfare
Ad hoc Committee on the Test Collection Directory
Committee: Curriculum Materials Committee
Chairperson: Lorna Lueck
Date(s) of Meetings(s): June 27, 1998
For Committees:
Members present: Lorna Lueck, Chair, Sarah Leadley, Penny Beile, Gary Lare, Benita Strnad, Judy Walker
Members absent:
Visitors: Jeanne Kamerman, Betty Porter, Trish Lenkowski
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: The Curriculum Materials Committee selected a new Web manager for their Webliography, an electronic publication listing selected Web sites for education librarians. Procedures for updating and adding new sections to the Web page were also discussed. Members reported on the results of preliminary research for a possible publication outlining guidelines for evaluating curriculum materials centers. Members also discussed the new ACRL draft Guidelines for the Interlibrary Loan of Audiovisual Formats and the implications for Curriculum materials centers.
Recommendations for Division Board action:
Committee: Instruction for Educators
Chairperson: Dane Ward
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 6/27/98
For Committees:
Members present: Jean Caspers, Doug Cook, Bee Gallegos, Gail Gradowski, Michelle Jeffries, Jinnie VerSteey, Tom Wright, Pat Libutti
Members absent: Katie Lenn
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan:
The IE Committee continued discussing and developing our book project "Connections: Ideas for Librarian/Faculty Collaboration". We established a time table for completing the text by Midwinter; reviewed work up to this point; agreed to set up a listserv for the remainder of the project; made plans to move beyond the project.
Recommendations for Division Board action:
Committee: Membership and Orientation
Chairperson: Charles Thurston
Date(s) of Meetings(s): June 27, 1998
For Committees:
Members present: Charles Thurston (Chair)
Members absent: Nancy O'Brien (excused), Kathy Cook (excused), Dane Ward (excused)
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: Lacking a quorum, the meeting was not held.
Recommendations for Division Board action: None
Committee: Psychology/Psychiatry
Chairperson: Jane McKeever
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 6/28/98
For Committees:
Members present: Jane McKeever, Brian Quinn, Donna Pontau, Monica Hagan, Annette Curtis, Betsy Simpson, Dan Burgard
Members absent: None
Visitors: Carolyn Gosling, Linda Sammatara, Deborah LaFond, Christy Harrington, woman from Duke U.
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan:
1) Plans for tour of APA on Mon, 6/30/98
2) Permissions received to post "BI guidelines for Psychology" on EBSS Website
3) Update on new PsycInfo developments, and clarification of when PsycLit can be networked.
4) Relations with the Society for Teaching of Psychology (APA Division2)
a. Brainstormed areas of common interest
b. Drafted proposed charge for a "Teaching of Psychology Joint Interest Group"
Recommendations for Division Board action:
Consideration/Approval of the draft charge (item 4b above). If approved, EBSS Board Notification to ACRL.
Committee: Publications & Communications
Chairperson: Barbara Kemp
Date(s) of Meetings(s): June 27, 1998
For Committees:
Members present: Francine De Franco, Deb Rollins, Joan Fiscella, Helga Visscher, Barbara Kemp
Members absent: Kathy Cook (chair notified)
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: B. Kemp reviewed the June 26 Executive Committee actions - She noted that the Social Work/Social Welfare Committee met on Friday. Since they are working on a publication, the liaison contact is somewhat of a concern. F. De Franco will work with the incoming chair on this matter. Progress on developing publications was reviewed by liaisons. Continued interest in policies for electronically publishing Section documents, including the Newsletter, was expressed. The proposed revision of the Committee charge was reviewed and accepted. Kemp will present the revised charge to the Advisory Council for final approval. Kemp distributed a publication proposal from the Instruction for Educators Committee. De Franco will e-mail a response date to committee members. Procedures for recruiting a new Web manager for EBSS were developed.
Recommendations for Division Board action:
Committee: Reference Sources and Services
Chairperson: Anne Page Mosby
Date(s) of Meetings(s): 6/27/98
For Committees:
Members present: Anne Page Mosby, Barbara Wales, Jody Bales Foote, Jack Black, Sharon Naylor, Julie Tharp
Members absent: Jill Althage, Michelle Clifford, Mary Ellen Collins
Visitors: Kate Corby (incoming member), Joan Fiscella, Lori Mestre (U. Mass, Amherst)
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: The committee continued work on the draft of a publication, comparing and analyzing various education-related databases. We are working with the EBSS Publications Committee to meet ACRL requirements for publications.
Recommendations for Division Board action: Continue active communication with the EBSS Publications Committee.
Committee: Social Work/Social Welfare
Chairperson: Ellen Gilbert
Date(s) of Meetings(s): Friday, 6/26/98
For Committees:
Members present: Lawler, De Maranis, Pierard, Miller, McMillan, Brustman, Gilbert
Members absent:
Visitors: (2) Stephanie Neely (Boston College); Tammy Rabideau (U. Michigan)
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: The committee noted that our project-in-progress, a web-based guide to Social Work Literacy, nicely dovetails with recommendations contained in ALA's recently issued "A Progress Report on Information Literacy." As committee membership evolves, the need for a centralized base for this project is essential: we agreed to look into how it might be placed with the ALA Literacy initiative or on the EBSS Webpage.
Recommendations for Division Board action:
Committee: Ad hoc Committee on the Test Collection Directory
Chairperson: Paul Fehrmann; Nancy O'Brien
Date(s) of Meetings(s): June 26, 1998
For Committees:
Members present: Paul Fehrmann (Co-Chair); Bee Gallegos, Cheryl Grossman, Rolland McGiverin, Betsy Simpson, Ted Wygant
Members absent: Jane McKeever (excused); Peter Monat; Nancy O'Brien (excused)
Visitors: Dan Burgard, Annette Curtis-Carroll
Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan: The focus of the discussion was on the survey, as drafted by T. Wygant, and revised with comments from committee members and interested others via e-mail prior to the annual meeting. Each question was carefully reviewed, and other questions were added. T. Wygant will redistribute the survey via e-mail with the revisions agreed upon. Some discussion occurred related to whether the survey should be distributed via e-mail or the Web. Technical considerations, data collection, and universal access to the Web were discussed. Further consideration will be given to this matter. Separate lists of potential survey recipients were compiled by R. McGiverin and C. Grossman. R. McGiverin will undertake further comparisons to eliminate duplication and add addresses missing from the list compiled. P. Fehrmann and N. O'Brien will make recommendations to the committee regarding distribution of the survey. Publications Committee liaison F. DeFranco will be consulted regarding electronic or print publication of the Directory. A search for Web sites of test collection information did not yield useful information.
The cover letter was discussed and edited. An ongoing discussion of "circulation" and "access" confirmed that these terms must be clearly defined in the survey when distributed. P. Fehrmann and N. O'Brien subsequently developed the following timetable for the committee's work.
Spring 1999 -Distribution of survey
Summer 1999 - Collation of survey data and formatting of publication
Fall 1999 - Publication of Test Collection Directory
Recommendations for Division Board action: None at this time. A draft survey will be routed to the appropriate ACRL committee for review and approval during late summer or early fall 1998.