Committee Meeting Highlights and Minutes ALA Midwinter 2007 in Seattle
Executive Committee
Advisory Council
2006 Program Planning Committee
2007 Program Planning Committee
Best Collaborative Practices in Education (Ad Hoc)
Communication Studies
Curriculum Materials
Curriculum Materials Centers Directory (Ad Hoc)
EBSS Distinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award
Education Research Libraries Forum
Electronic Resources in Communication Studies
ERIC Users Group
Higher Education
Information Literacy Steering Committee (Ad Hoc)
Instruction for Educators
Membership & Orientation
Mentorship (Ad Hoc)
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Research Committee
Social Work/Social Welfare
Committee Name: Executive Committee
Time and place convened: 8:00 am, January 20, Ballard Room, Sheraton Seattle
Name of person submitting Minutes: Sharon Naylor (Secretary)
Members Present: Lisa Romero (Chair), Penny Beile (Vice-Chair), Doug Cook (Past Chair), Sharon Naylor (Secretary), Jessica Albano (Ex-Officio Member, Webmaster: Member-at-Large), Leslie Bjorncrantz (EBSS liaison to ACRL Board), Beth Broyles (Ex-Officio Member, Newsletter Editor), Melissa Cast-Brede (Member-at-Large), Debora Cheney (Ex-Officio Member, Publications and Communications), Lori Goetsch (Board Liaison, ACRL), Mary Jane Petrowski (Staff Liaison, ACRL).
Members Excused: None
Guests: Heidi Senior (Communication Studies), Judy Walker (NTLS Activities/ERIC Users)
Introductions and Greetings:
Lisa Romero (Chair) convened the meeting at 8:00 in the Ballard Room of the Sheraton Seattle. Introductions were made.
Approval of Agenda
Penny Beile (Vice-Chair) moved to approve the agenda, and Doug Cook (Past Chair) seconded the motion. The agenda for the meeting was approved by consensus. Approval of Executive Committee Annual 2006 Minutes
Leslie Bjorncrantz (EBSS liaison to ACRL Board) moved to approve the minutes, and Doug Cook (Past Chair) seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by consensus.
- ERIC Users: Sunday 10:30-12:30
- Current Topics: Saturday 1:30-3:30
- EBSS Social: Saturday 4-6 at McCormicks Fish House and Bar
- EBSS Advisory Council: Sunday 4-6
- Communication Studies Tour: Monday 10:00 at the Dart Center
- ACRL’s 13th National Conference: March 29-April 1 in Baltimore
Candidate Visits
- Scott Walter, candidate for Vice-President/President Elect of ACRL
- Erika Linke, candidate for Vice-President/President Elect of ACRL
Officer Reports
- Vice Chair/Chair Elect
Penny Beile reported that our Action Plan is due July 15th. She also shared which action plans had previously been funded. Mary Jane Petrowski (Staff Liaison, ACRL) explained the status of the planning and the process for requesting funding. Funding should be built into the Action Plans. Penny also reported that ACRL has been involved in discussions about restructuring. One possible change is that the bylaws be replaced with “policies and procedures” which would only require board approval. Lee LaFleur was sponsored by EBSS to travel to the Midwinter 2007 and Annual 2007 conferences to attend the Emerging Leaders program. Petrowski noted that the program involves completing a project and being featured on the Meet Our Members profiles on the ALA web site. Penny learned at Sections Council that the online appointment form is ready, but she also plans to use paper forms during this transition period. Penny also noted that Kate Corby had suggested that a venue for research presentations be considered at the Division level. Petrowski reminded the group that a “place holder” would be required and that proposals are due by May 1st. - Past Chair
Doug Cook reported on the dilemma regarding the Nominating Committee. He also discussed his experience as chair of the Information Literacy (Ad Hoc) committee. He cautioned us that our disciplinary standards need to be in line with the requirements of ILAC (the Information Literacy Advisory Committee). Although ILAC has indicated that there will be liaisons from the Information Literacy committee to the EBSS committees working on standards, they have made no appointments. ILAC has, however, provided a six-page “tip sheet.” Doug also expressed the concern that there seem to be multiple layers of approval required for the standards, including the approval of ILAC, the EBSS Publications Committee, as well as the EBSS Executive Committee. - Members-at-Large
Melissa Cast-Brede and Jessica Albano encouraged attendance at the Current Topics sessions. - Publications and Communications
Debora Cheney reported that she would not be meeting with her committee until the next day. She noted that the roster on the web page in incorrect. Beth Broyles, as newsletter editor, and Judy Walker, as listserv moderator, should also be listed. Penny offered to notify ACRL about the error. - ACRL Board Liaison
Lori Goetsch reported that the Board is in the process or examining their current structure and bylaws. They are also considering adding forums for areas that currently are not represented by existing committees. - Webmaster
Jessica Albano reported that she will update the EBSS Manual that currently resides on the web site. She is in the process of updating all of the logos on the web site with the new logo that was created by Amanda Hornby. Jessica also suggested using the shortcut to get to the web site. She will soon be receiving training in using the new content management software. - Newsletter Editor
Beth Broyles said that she will send out a request for articles on March 12 with a follow-up reminder on March19. She mentioned that she particularly likes to get pictures
Action Items
- Ad Hoc Committees
We currently have four Ad Hoc Committees: 1) Information Literacy, 2) Mentorship, 3) Instruction for Educators, and 4) CMC Directory. These were originally established for two-year terms, and we need to determine whether there is a need for them to continue. There is a clear need for the CMC Directory group to continue since they have not completed their work. As Chair of the Information Literacy Ad Hoc committee, Doug expressed reservations about the need to continue the IL committee, but he felt that we need feedback from the members of the committees before making a final decision. Since the deadline for committee appointments is February 15th, we will gather more information and complete this work through e-mail. [Secretary’s note: See Advisory Council minutes for additional information.] - Nominating Committee Dilemma
We have currently been appointing the EBSS Past Chair to chair the Nominating Committee. If we followed this pattern, Doug Cook, as current Past Chair, would be appointed as chair of the Nominating Committee for the 2008 slate. The problem is that this is against the ACRL bylaws which state that an elected officer of the Executive Committee cannot chair the Nominating Committee. The Executive Committee decided that Penny Beile (as current Vice Chair) will name the Nominating Committee for ’08 and designate a chair who is not the immediate Past Chair of EBSS (Doug). Now that the “cycle” has been broken, we should be able to follow the EBSS bylaws. The members of the Executive Committee suggested potential committee members. - Distributed Lists
The ALA management software currently does not support distributed e-mail lists. Various options were discussed. Judy Walker, as moderator of the listserv, offered to manage lists for the Executive and Advisory committees. It will be the responsibility of the chairs of the other committees to determine how the committee will communicate. - NTLS Activities
Judy Walker reported that she had represented EBSS at the National Technology Leadership Summit (NTLS) in Washington, DC. This is a coalition of organizations involved in teaching teachers. Judy reported that discussions had been encouraging, that a strand for Information Literacy has been added for an upcoming conference, and that she is involved in planning two panels. NTLS would like for us to become an official member. In order for this to happen, we would need to go through proper ACRL channels. Lori Goetsch (liaison from the ACRL Board) asked whether there would be any fees involved, and Judy responded that there would not be. Lori indicated that although not unprecedented, this type or arrangement does not come up frequently and that she would need to investigate the process and get back to us.
Committee Name: Advisory Council
Time and place convened: 4:00 pm, January 21, Seattle Hilton
Name of person submitting Minutes: Sharon Naylor (Secretary)
Members Present: Lisa Romero (Chair), Penny Beile (Vice-Chair), Doug Cook (Past Chair, Ad Hoc Information Literacy Steering Committee), Sharon Naylor (Secretary), Jessica Albano (Ex-Officio Member, Webmaster: Member-at-Large), Mary Jane Brustman (Social Work/Social Welfare), Jo Ann Carr (Ad Hoc Mentorship), Lori Mestre (Ad Hoc Best Instructional Collaborative Practices in Education), Leslie Bjorncrantz (EBSS liaison to ACRL Board), Beth Broyles (Ex-Officio Member, Newsletter Editor), Melissa Cast-Brede (Member-at-Large), Debora Cheney (Ex-Officio Member, Publications and Communications), Vanessa Earp (Curriculum Materials), Laura Koltutsky (Instruction for Educators), Sally Neal (Psychology/Psychiatry), Nancy O’Brien (Distinguished EBSS Librarian Award), Venta Silins (Membership and Orientation), Kate Silfen (Reference Sources and Services), Heidi Senior (Communication Studies), Bruce Stoffel (Psychology/Psychiatry), Benita Strnad (Ad Hoc CMC Directory Committee), Judy Walker (ERIC Users, Listserv Moderator), Carol Wright (Higher Education).
Introductions and Greetings:
Lisa Romero (Chair) called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm, January 21, in the Hilton Seattle Conference Room. Introductions were made.
Approval of the Agenda:
Reports for the Social Work/Social Welfare Committee, the Past Chair, and the Webmaster were added to the agenda. Doug Cook moved that the agenda be approved with those additions. Jo Ann Carr seconded the motion. The agenda for the meeting was approved.
Approval of Advisory Council Annual 2006 Minutes
Vanessa Earp noted that the name Darla Bressler (Curriculum Materials) should be added to the list of attendees. Judy Walker moved that the minutes be approved with this addition. Vanessa Earp seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
- New Members Welcome
If we continue the activity, we should rename it the “Sage New Member Welcome” if Sage will agree to continue sponsorship. Lisa Romero volunteered to write an article for the Newsletter and will solicit comments/quotes from new members who attended. - Emerging Leaders Program
Lisa Romero reported that EBSS had sponsored Lee LaFleur to attend the Emerging Leaders Program. The first session has been completed and there will be one more session. Lee will complete a project as part of the program.
- Past Chair
Doug Cook reported that there have been some discussions about how to restructure ACRL. He also asked the question “How do we know if our section is healthy?” He noted that EBSS is notably active and healthy. The section has twenty five committees. Although we are not the largest section or the section with the most committees, we have a higher percentage of our members involved in committee work than any other section. - Members-at-Large
Melissa Cast-Brede and Jessica Albano reported that the Current Topics sessions had gone very well. There were approximately fifty attendees for the first half of the program and eighty for the second half. A number of “new faces” were in evidence at the sessions, which is very encouraging. Lisa Romero complimented Melissa and Jessica on the excellent publicity. - Newsletter
Beth Broyles is soliciting articles and pictures for the next newsletter. She will put out the first call on March 12 and a reminder March 19. Her deadline is March 26. - Membership
Venta Silins announced that EBSS membership surpassed 1,000 in November and December. This is a milestone that we had been working toward. The new brochures have been sent to the printer and will be available at Annual. On a related issue, Jessica Albano noted that she has replaced most of the logos on the web page with the new logo. There are two styles of the new logo, and the full name for EBSS is written out on one of them. Jessica will work on making a downloadable logo available. - Publications and Communications
Debora Cheney reported that the committee plans to have a liaison to every subject committee. - Secretary
Sharon Naylor reminded the group that she needs the committee Highlights as soon as possible and would like to have committee Minutes by February 1. - Vice Chair
Penny Beile reported that ALA now has electronic volunteer forms available. She will be contacting all of the committee chairs about the status of their membership. Chairs can indicate if they choose not to reappoint members who have not performed. If there are gaps in committees, a call for members will be put out. She also reminded the group that ALA needs to know if the four ad hoc committees plan to continue. - Conference Planning ‘07
Penny Beile reported the program will be entitled “Empowering Data: Persuasion through Presentation.” There will be a three speaker panel presentation followed by a question and answer session. A Research Forum will follow the program, and APA will sponsor a reception. There will be poster sessions, presentations related to the poster sessions, and presentations of research in progress. - Conference Planning ‘08
Kate Corby and Deborah Schaeffer are chairing this committee. Penny Beile reported for them that the committee has been brainstorming potential programs that would support the strategic plan and/or benefit the section's 40th anniversary. - Chair
Lisa Romero reminded the committee that our Action Plan must be tied to the ACRL Strategic Plan. She has proposed sponsoring a workshop on how to conduct better meetings, including how to work with people to get things done. This has not been officially funded yet. Tentative plans are to make it also available through podcasts.
Committee Reports
- Communication Studies
Heidi Senior reported that the group will be working on Information Literacy standards for communication and journalism. - Curriculum Materials
Vanessa Earp reported that the committee has been brainstorming new projects. They have considered projects related to electronic textbooks, working with textbook publishers, and updating the existing CMC guidelines. - Distinguished EBSS Librarian Award
Nancy O’Brien reported that the committee had reached a decision. She reminded the group that the notification must come from ACRL and that the award will be made at Annual. - Electronic Resources in Education Studies
Lisa Romero gave the report for the group. There are four subgroups: Communication (with users, faculty and other librarians), Evaluation and Assessment of E-Resources, Scholarly Communication Principles, and updating and enhancing the Library Resources for Communication Studies website. Some of the accomplishments so far include: creating a list of contacts for communication studies related vendors; creating a list of listservs used by communication studies researchers; revising the list of criteria to be used when evaluating electronic resources; creating a list of comm. studies databases and their journal coverage; creating a list of scholarly journal titles to submit for inclusion in LOCKSS and JSTOR; begin revising areas within the committee’s website. - ERIC Users
Judy Walker reported that ERIC is working on a microfiche digitization project for archival purposes. They are also pursuing copyright for pre-1993 documents and hope to make many that are currently only available in a microfiche format available electronically. There has been discussion of a field trip to CSC (Computer Sciences Corporation, the company that was awarded the contract for ERIC) when we are in Washington, D.C. for Annual. - Higher Education
Carol Wright reported that the committee has researched the indexing for a list of journals that support the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and have identified “orphans.” They plan to try to identify additional open access titles and then prioritize the titles by quality and importance. They are also looking for librarians who have duel appointments between libraries and teaching centers. - Instruction for Educators
Laura Koltutsky noted that the group is continuing to try to get an article about NCATE accepted. Members of the Advisory Council made additional suggestions about how to make the committee’s work public. The committee will be taking over the work of the Instruction for Educators Ad Hoc committee on creating Information literacy standards for Education. To help them with this work, they have created a wiki. - Nominating Committee
Judy Walker reported on the current slate of candidates. She also explained that according to the ACRL bylaws, an elected officer of the Executive Committee cannot chair the Nominating Committee. We have been in violation of this restriction in the past since we have had the immediate Past Chair serve as the chair of the Nominating Committee. The Executive Committee now is aware of the situation and will no longer continue this practice. Penny Beile (as current Vice Chair) will name the Nominating Committee for ’08 and designate a chair who is not the immediate Past Chair of EBSS (Doug Cook). - Psychology/Psychiatry
Sally Neal and Bruce Stoffel reported that eleven people had attended their committee meeting, which they considered a very positive development. The group is currently working on developing subject specific Information Literacy standards for Psychology. They also expressed interest in Open Access/Open Source issues as a possible program topic. Other potential projects under consideration include updating Psychology: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources, which was last updated in 1993 and creating a core journal list for psychology. The committee brought in two faculty members, despite a last minute cancellation, for the Current Topics session and will get the information from the session to Jessica to post on the web site. - Reference
Kate Silfen reported that the group is using a wiki to update their directory of statistical sources. They are also considering other potential projects. - Research
Melissa Cast-Brede reported that the committee has reviewed and selected proposals for the Research Forum which will be held at Annual. The committee was pleased with the response the received and the quality of the submissions. Lisa Romero complimented the committee on the quality of the proposal format. - Social Work/Social Welfare
Mary Jane Brustman reported that the committee has been working on Information Literacy standards. They have been considering what would be an appropriate process for completing their work and what trends should be considered. They plan to work collaboratively with the Council on Social Work Education. Revisions to the Social Work Selector’s Toolbox are almost complete. - Ad Hoc Best Instructional Collaborative Practices
Lori Mestre reported that the committee will be ending and that the Instruction for Educators committee will be taking over work on the Information Literacy standards. The committee plans to finish their work by March and resubmit their web site to the Publications committee. - Ad Hoc CMC Directory
Benita Strnad reported that the committee has submitted a request to the Publications committee. They are continuing their work designing a questionnaire and are waiting to hear back from ACRL about available software. They plan to produce a hard copy publication with some information available online. They have identified a huge number of potential CMC’s by going through NCATE data. The survey itself is in electronic format but will be followed up with a hard copy reminder. Benita estimated that the new directory could be twice the size of the previous directory. The committee requested a two-year extension. Melissa Cast-Brede made a motion to accept the extension, and Doug Cook seconded the motion. The Executive Committee was unanimous in favor of extending the committee. - Ad Hoc Information Literacy
Doug Cook clarified that the group’s work has entailed facilitating the work involved in creating Information Literacy standards in the subject disciplines. He noted that he will report to ILAC (the Information Literacy Advisory Committee) and clarified that any written standards must be approved by the Publications committee and the Executive committee as well as ILAC. Although Doug had expressed the some reservations about the need for the committee to continue, the general consensus was that the subgroups that are developing the standards felt they needed a liaison with ILAC. The committee requested a two-year extension. However, Doug does not want to continue as chair. Penny Beile suggested that we have a chair in place before proceeding. Doug will be responsible for crafting a new charge, and the Executive Committee will proceed through e-mail. - Ad Hoc Mentorship
Jo Ann Carr reported that the group would not meet until the following day. She noted that the committee will need a one-year extension. Doug Cook moved that the Executive Committee approve the extension and Melissa Cast-Brede seconded the motion. The decision was unanimous in favor of extending the committee. - Webmaster
Jessica reported that she will receive training in using the new content management software on Thursday. She explained to the group that the ACRL software does not support e-mail distributed lists. The Executive Committee discussed three options: 1) eliminating the distributed lists and leaving it up to the committee chairs to decide how to communicate, 2) using the ALA Communities, 3) creating a position for a person who would host the lists. The Executive committee decided that Judy Walker, as moderator of the listserv, would manage lists for the Executive and Advisory committees and that it will be the responsibility of the chairs of the other committees to determine how they will communicate. - NTLS Disscussion
Judy Walker reported that she had represented EBSS at the National Technology Leadership Summit (NTLS) in Washington, DC. This is a coalition of organizations involved in teaching teachers. Judy reported that discussions had been encouraging, that a strand for Information Literacy has been added for an upcoming conference, and that she is involved in planning two panels. NTLS would like for us to become an official member. Lori Goetsch, our liaison from the ACRL Board, is investigating the appropriate process required for this to happen.
The major decision involved the future of the four ad hoc committees. The Ad Hoc Best Instructional Collaborative Practices group decided to disband. Those interested in continuing to work on Information Literacy standards are encouraged to join the Instruction for Educators committee. The Ad Hoc Mentorship committee requested and was granted a one-year extension. The Ad Hoc CMC Directory group requested and was granted a two-year extension.
Secretary's note: Since we learned after the conference that it is not possible to extend the terms of the members of the Ad Hoc CMC Directory Committee to 2009 due to the four-year consecutive term limit, the Executive Committee later voted to extend the committee for one additional year rather than two. The Executive Committee also voted via e-mail to extend the Ad Hoc Information Literacy Committee for two years (2007-2009). Judy Walker will serve as chair. Penny Beile moved that we accept an updated charge, and Melissa Cast-Brede seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The updated charge is as follows:
The charge of the Ad Hoc Information Literacy Committee is to guide the creation of subject-related information literacy guidelines for the disciplines represented by EBSS, in compliance with ACRL guidelines for process and structure. The committee will also oversee the details of the EBSS Action Plan to bring non-library faculty to Annual 2006 to consult on this project.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00.
Respectfully submitted, Sharon Naylor (Secretary)
Committee Name: 2008 Program Planning
Time and place convened: January 21, 2007, 8:00-10:00, Hilton Top Conference Room
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Penny Beile
Kate Corby, co-chair, shared information gleaned from the ACRL program planning meeting. She noted that Julie Todaro requested sections consider her strategic planning goals when planning program content. The committee brainstormed potential programs that would support the strategic plan and/or benefit the section's 40th anniversary. Several exciting options were put forward.
The committee discussed whether to add more members. They also decided the next step was to try and gauge interest in the various proposals. Kate Corby agreed to contact absent committee members before proceeding.
Name of person submitting Minutes: Kate Corby
Members Present: Tobeylynn Birch, Penny Beile, Kate Corby, co-chair
Members Excused: Deborah Schaefer, Stephanie Davis-Kahl
1. Introductions and decisions about record keeping.
We had bad luck on attendance with two out of our five having last minute emergencies which kept them from attending conference. Kate agreed to keep the minutes, but will send for approval/additions to Tobeylynn and Penny first.
2. Discussion of ACRL program planning meeting (Deborah and Kate)
Kate attended the ACRL program planning meeting. She received a handout about the program priorities for Julie Todaro’s term. The three areas Julie has chosen to focus on are: 1) Legislative tracking for academic libraries. 2) Balancing in-person and digital services and maintaining an important role for libraries as a physical presence on campus. 3) Training for librarians on how to position the academic library within the institution. The handout also included a list of web resources for program ideas.
Other information from this meeting: We need to submit a general program idea and specific budget request by May 1.
3. Discussion of program ideas or idea generating schemes.
(Kate failed to bring the pertinent papers, so these minutes include additional information.)
Stephanie Davis-Kahl suggested via email that she would like to see a program about project management, perhaps tied to the new ACRL SPEC kit. She also suggested that LPSS had gone through the “information literacy standards” process and might be interested in speaking about it.
EBSS has successfully put forward the idea to ACRL of formal research presentations at annual. We might want to have a program that either presents research papers or helps prepare ACRL librarians for making such presentations. One idea would be a basic introduction that talks about critical inquiry as the basis for the research mindset. (What is research and why should I do it?). Evidence based practice, or assessment as a part of the research process were also mentioned. We could invite mentors from professional associations or faculty to talk about how they got started on the research process or their experiences presenting research.
The EBSS current topics discussion was very successful, we could plan a follow-up on that. Having faculty perspective represented is often a good draw. Could have something that explored what faculty want students to know about the research process/information literacy.
We also could search for Anaheim area resources to highlight. Tobeylynn mentioned Marshall Goldsmith who is an important and well respected person at her institution.
Kate mentioned that she had gone to the SPARC forum and found it interesting. There are now tools on the web that make it possible to present discipline specific information about open access impact. MIT is very active in this area. The library as a leader in repositories, or even publishers for peer reviewed journals is a possible tact. This will be EBSS’s 40th anniversary. Their first program was about indexing and abstracting tools, so a program about the new roles in organizing and making information available might be a fitting choice. Also, the Education Research Librarians forum, group loosely affiliated with EBSS, has had a proposal accepted for a special issue of Teachers College Record about education informatics (roughly how information about education is organized and disseminated). So this might be a good tie in with that. (Penny reports that when she presented our summary at advisory, many liked this proposal.)
We agreed that all of the ideas seemed to lend themselves to a three presenters, followed by a Q&A format.
4. Timelines and assignments for interim between meetings
We didn’t discuss this because of the limited attendance. Tobeylynn expressed an interest in having more committee members to spread out the work and generate ideas. Decision on this suggestion is one of our first orders of business. We hope the committee can have a lively email discussion of the various proposals, as we have a limited time to pull together a proposal and budget.
5. Decision on meeting time for annual.
Not discussed, also because of limited attendance. Need email feedback on this issue.
Committee Name: 2007 Program Planning
Time and place convened: January 21, 2007, 10:30-12:30, Hilton Top Conference Room
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Penny Beile
The 2007 EBSS program "Empowering Data: Persuasion through Presentation" will be a three speaker panel presentation followed by a question and answer session. Speaker agreement forms have been signed by Bob Molyneux of SIRSI/Dynix, Steve Hiller from University of Washington, and Maribeth Manoff from University of Tennessee. The Research Committee's inaugural forum will follow the program.
The bulk of the meeting was spent reviewing a detailed calendar and task list associated with the 2007 program. After refining the documents committee members volunteered for activities that ranged from serving as speaker contacts, conducting and collating the program evaluation, and reporting, moderating, and publicizing the program.
Denise Rosenblatt was acknowledged for her work on the committee and at the National Library of Education. Denise resigned from the committee due to an impending relocation to Fiji.
Name of person submitting Minutes: Penny Beile
Members Present: Laura Barrett (co-chair), Penny Beile (co-chair), Kathy Dobda, Karen Hartman, Alex Hodges, Paula McMillen, Lori Mestre, Lisa Romero (ex-officio, section chair), Marcia Stockham, Jill Woolums, Sue Wortman
Virtual Member: Kate Corby
Members Excused: Laura Lillard, Darby Orcutt
Guests: Denise Rosenblatt
Meeting convened at 10:35 a.m.
I. Introductions
Welcome was extended and introductions were conducted.
II. Approve minutes
Kathy Dobda moved to approve Annual 2006 minutes; Marcia Stockham seconded. Minutes were approved without correction.
III. Review agenda
The agenda was accepted with no additions or revisions.
IV. Update on activities since last meeting
Co-chairs Laura Barrett and Penny Beile reported that the program format had been finalized based on committee member input and will consist of a three speaker panel presentation followed by a question and answer session. Since last meeting potential speakers had been identified, vetted through the committee, and finalists contracted. Speaker agreement forms have been signed by Bob Molyneux of SIRSI/Dynix, Steve Hiller from University of Washington, and Maribeth Manoff from University of Tennessee. Penny reported on the Research Committee's plans for the forum.
V. Future program activities
The committee reviewed a detailed calendar and task list for the 2007 program. Members reviewed the draft, suggested revisions, and volunteered for various activities. The bulk of the meeting was spent refining the calendar and list; the documents as agreed upon by the committee are attached.
VI. Announcements
Denise Rosenblatt was acknowledged for her work on the committee and at the National Library of Education. Denise resigned from the committee due to an impending relocation to Fiji.
VII. Adjournment
With no further announcements or business the meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Committee Name: Best Instructional Collaborative Practices (Ad Hoc)
Time and place convened: January 20, 2007
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Lori Mestre
Major Topics of Discussion:
Refined categories for the web site.
Identified extra information that needs to be entered.
Discussed next steps for each member to complete.
Major Decisions:
Pursue having the Instruction for Educators Committee take over the web site as part of their ongoing work.
Finish work by March and resubmit to the Publications committee.
Upcoming Activities:
Send revisions back to members for comment.
Name of person submitting Minutes: Lori Mestre
Members Present: Lori Mestre (chair) and Merinda Mclure
Members Excused: Lisa Nichols and Laura Koltutsky
Meeting Overview
Lori reviewed changes she had made to the web site’s layout, including a new template, consolidation of resources, and a new drop down menu for Types of Activities. Discussion then focused on additional changes that might be made to improve the ease of navigation, representation of resources and future maintenance of the site.
Decisions Made:
- On template
- Make the border on the pages invisible
- Change template so that Connecting the Standards… is not on every page, just the first. Allow the name of the page (i.e. Introduction, Standards) to be in that space instead
- Create breadcrumbs for pages
- Change categories to now be: Connecting the Standards Home; Introduction; Standards by Level; Collaborations; Examples by Standard; Bibliography
- About Page: Take out e-mails of members who worked on the site. Change Contact Information to read: Contributors. In preface include information about being maintained by the Instruction for Educators committee with a link (need to get approval first). Also include a note about the time frame for the work on this project (examples solicited in 2005. The university mentioned is the one at the time of the submission…).
- Consolidate all of the pages defining and discussing standards into one called Standards and create a table at the top of that page with links to Purpose, K-12, Higher Ed, Teacher Ed) and all the preambles.
- On Types page (now to be called Examples by Standard)
- change categories to be those of the standards (e.g. defining, identifying, evaluating etc.) rather than by activity and reorganize examples into those categories.
- Create two columns - left column for Instruction Activity Examples with the standards underneath with drop down menu to go to the activity, and the right column for Collaboration Initiatives – which include descriptions of brad collaborative initiatives between teachers, librarians, associations (currently collab.html). Also include a separate bullet for the link “Why Collaborate?”
- For the drop down menu of Instruction Activity Examples include after the name of the example whether it is K12, HE (higher ed) or both K12/HE. Include a key to this at the top of the left column explaining the relevance of those codes.
- Also include a drop down for Multiple Standards (like the Jeffco)
- If an activity is focused only in one or two standard areas link them in the appropriate categories (defining, evaluating). If more than two put them in with the Multiple Standards category.
- Create a separate entry page for those examples that currently only link out to a web page.
- Changes to entry pages for examples:
- Take out e-mail of contributor
- For standards addressed indicate which broad standard (e.g, defining, identifying, evaluating…) and from which body (ACRL, Big 6, NCATE) and link to the main page of that body that identifies and defines the standards.
- Take out the specific numbers for standards that were previously included.
- Indicate if the format for the example is in pdf or html.
- Delete k12examples.html and teacheredexamples.html once all examples are categorized on the Examples by Standards pages and a separate entry page created
- Additional internal edits for pages were also suggested and noted.
Next Steps:
- Lori will make revisions as discussed and send out to group
- Group will make additional suggestions/corrections and look at the headings, descriptions, clarity, brevity, logical flow.
- Revisions/suggestions back to Lori by March 1.
- Resubmit to publishing committee for final approval.
- Go live and publicize by annual
Recommendations for Maintenance:
- Recommend that the maintenance of this site go to the Instruction for Educator’s Committee (which is where this originated).
- Maintenance would include:
- Checking web links
- Updating bibliography as needed
- Adding new activities (recommend indicating that submissions could be made anonymously; suggest asking for top instruction activities (and the committee can assign standards to them); possibly look at education tutorials geared to the standards for inclusion
- Could develop into a type of Primo for Education Standards Examples database
Committee Name: Communication Studies
Time and place convened: Meeting convened by Heidi Senior on January 20, 2007 at 10:30 am at the Westin Hotel, Seattle
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Heidi Senior
Major Topics of Discussion:
The Committee hosted three faculty members: University of Oregon journalism professors Kathy Campbell and Stephen Ponder; and Cascadia Community College media and communication studies professor David Ortiz. We discussed the research process for journalism and communication studies students as taught in the classroom, with the goal of building on the discussion to develop information literacy outcomes.
Major Decisions:
The Committee will divide up responsibilities and set deadlines via e-mail.
Name of person submitting Minutes: Amanda Hornby
Members Present: Graham R. Walden, Tasha Cooper, Marsha Forys, Ken Liss, Monique Threatt, Cathy Michael, Kathy Dabbour, Heidi Senior, Amanda Hornby
Members Excused: Missy Murphey
Guests: Kate Adams, Doug Cook, Johan Oberg, Kathy Campbell, Clayton Garthwait, Steve Ponder, David Ortiz
1. Discussion of information literacy standards with visiting faculty
Introduction: The Committee's goal is to create Information Literacy (IL) outcomes for Communication Studies students. Guides for creating IL standards include the ACRL IL standards, and the professional AEJMC Teaching Standards.
Committee tasks: The Communication Studies Committee will divide up responsibilities for creating IL outcomes
The ACRL official IL outcomes tip sheet is final, this provides guidelines to help the Committee develop standards.
To further help inform Committee about creating IL standards in journalism, Amanda, Cathy, and Missy did a literature review and created a bibliography of suggested readings in the field.
a. How do faculty use either ACRL or professional standards in their teaching?
The group welcomed Communications faculty: Kathy Campbell and Steve Ponder from the University of Oregon, and David Ortiz from Cascadia Community College.
Kathy and Steve began the conversation. Both looked at the ACRL standards, which they thought were good. Kathy mentioned the key to the standards will be implementation, which will be the charge of librarians. Kathy mentioned the Bornstein article from the bibliography as a good example of implementing IL into Journalism/Communications classes.
Kathy and Steve discussed their Journalism class, J 202: Information Gathering, nicknamed "Info Hell".
The Information Gathering class is a 20-year old class, Steve has taught it for 16 years, Kathy has taught it for 4 years. Information Literacy skills/outcomes taught in the class have been standardized. The Information Gathering class was developed as part of the Oregon Report (Oregon Report: Project on the Future of Journalism and Mass Communication Education). The need for information competency/literacy in Journalism courses came out of this report.
J 202 is a quarter-long course created in collaboration with faculty and librarians, since both are working together for a common goal. The course is adapted and updated every year. The librarians working on J 202 are: Paul Frantz, Tom Stave, and Barbara Jenkins.
Steve remarked on how ten years ago when he taught J 202, students were resistant to the requirement of creating/using an email address for class; now, students expect a website and more. This underscores the challenge in information/technology, and the need to continually update coures content.
Kathy sent around copies of the J 202 course syllabus, assignments, and worksheets; J 202 also uses a Blackboard course management site. J 202 is a pre-major course, and is referenced throughout Journalism majors' courses.
The course content was described in depth:
Students are given 150 newspapers articles from which to select a topic - a public policy question - for their final research paper. For the final paper, students must use 35 different types of sources, including personal interviews, news sources, government documents, etc. Paper requirements include an annotated bibliography and a 20-page paper.
The final paper is an exercies in extended critical thinking.
The course has approximately 150 students, and is taught in both a large lecture style (lead by faculty) and in small 18 student discussion groups (lead by TAs), often held in the Library.
The Committee discussed different types of sources, and how students determine its relevance, "bias", and appropriateness to a research topic. In J 202, part of the paper's goal is to have students "argue" about appropriateness of source.
Kathy discussed a tutorial that she and Steve use to model good research to students. The tutorial is an example of how to "blow up" a story by going through it in-depth.
The tutorial demonstrated how to select sources and create a public policy question from the sources; then the tutorial went through a public policy report in detail, listing names, events, and categorizing an assessing sources; students are quizzed on the tutorial at the end.
Other tutorials are used to model different skills to beginning Journalism students.
b. How could we expand on the ACRL standards to create outcomes for disciplines within Communication Studies?
David Ortiz discussed his experience with Information Literacy in Communication courses at Cascadia Community College.
David encourages/challenges students to use global and social media.
David read the ACRL standards and encourages the Committee to define Information Literacy in a flexible way and to include multiple perspectives.
New media and technologies are part of social media: students are creating content, knowledge through these technologies, so it's important to include these into information literacy, as a type of literacy.
In David's Communication courses, he has different "evolutions" of media literacy.
Media literacy in the 21st century requires understanding that content providers include all iterations of mass media, the web, students, etc.
David's courses ask students about the implications of placing their own content on YouTube, myspace, etc., are there consequences when a corporation owns or mediates the content?
Cascadia Community College has institutional outcomes that sometimes overlap with Information Literacy, one key outcome is: "communicate clearly and effectively" - this outcome goes across all types of courses, Communication Studies, Science, History, etc.
David gave an example of a learning community course at Cascadia, a course combining the disciplines of History and Film Studies.
The "glue" for the learning community course is information; David and his co-instructor are using Harvard's coordinated study rubric to make the course goals transparent to students.
David encourages the Committee to ensure that there is room in the IL standards for moving across different disciplines, especially because Communications/Journalism is interdisciplinary.
David emphasizes that critical thinking is a key piece of information literacy. David's collaboration with librarians moved from "scavenger hunts" to working closely with librarians, and including Amanda Hornby -librarian liaison-on the syllabus.
The group discussed David's use of multiple literacies - media, information, and visual literacy.
The group discussed the evolution of ACRL standards, what will the Committee do with the standards - the context and how the standards are used is as important as the content.
The group discussed the new trends in teaching, such as team-teaching, less research papers, creation of films, group work, portfolio work.
Kathy brought up the challenge of teaching students to think about several types of information at a time, including blogs, citizen journalism, community blogging.
The group discussed information as existing along a continuum, so how students analyze and examine information; there are tensions, but information literacy needs to include these broad ways of defining information literacy.
Faculty talked about how to assess and grade new and unique types of sources; the syllabus should be clear to students about how they will be assessed when using/evaluating these types of sources.
Steve and Kathy discussed the difference between "information and knowledge" and faculty and librarians can help give students tools to create knowledge from all the information they have access to.
The group discussed that the field of journalism is "in turmoil" with the information revolution and prominence of blogs
Heidi Senior discussed the idea that journalism students overly emphasize "objectivity" in journalism.
Faculty discussed how critical thinking, understanding of the multiple kinds of writing and research, etc. can help move students from this assumption.
II. Dividing of responsibilities for creating outcomes & setting deadlines
The Committee discussed next steps for creating IL standards. Heidi brought forth the ANSS IL standards as a good model
The ACRL IL standards were created in 2001, and are a good basis, but the group agreed new IL standards need to incorporate broader critical thinking, interdisciplinary, technology, etc.
Different types of information were discussed - open access journals, broadcasting, different languages and international sources; how will we replicate and store this?
The meeting was adjourned at 12pm
Action Items: Committee members will divide up responsibilities for creating outcomes over email
Committee Name: Curriculum Materials
Time and place convened: 10:35 am, January 20, 2007, Westin Seattle Hotel
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Vanessa Earp
Major Topics of Discussion:
Update on Guide to Writing CMC Collection Development Policies
New project possibilities:
Update guidelines for CMCs
Type of materials should CMCs collect
Submitting Current Topics ideas
Upcoming Activities:
Setting up a blog for CMC librarians
Name of person submitting Minutes: Vanessa Earp
Members Present: Lisa Baures, Ann Brownson, Vanessa Earp (chair), Cindy Judd, and Dorothy Schleicher
Members Excused: Darla Bressler, Collette Childers, Anna Lewis, and Justina Osatohanmwen Osa
Guests: None
The meeting was convened at 10:35 am by Vanessa Earp at the Grand Ballroom I of the Westin Seattle Hotel.
Agenda Item Minutes:
Approval of minutes from annual meeting in New Orleans, the minutes were approved as amended. (Lisa's last name was spelled incorrectly).
Current Projects:
Webliography: The content needs to be updated and there are some bad links that need to be replaced. There is a little confusion about how to make changes since we now report the changes to Jessica Albano.
Guide to Writing CMC Collection Development Policies: This document is with the ACRL publications committee.
New Business:
Ideas for new projects:
Update of Guidelines for Curriculum Materials Centers, work on advocacy to textbook publishers to donate textbooks to CMC's, and write an article on electronic text books.
Time adjourned 11:57 a.m.
Motions: Motion made to remove all but the current webliography selector (Schleicher/Brownson). The motion passed unanimously.
Action Items:
The chair will contact Jessica to see if there is a specific format she wants the updates in.
The chair will contact the current selectors to verify they still want to be included.
The chair will mail out a link to the current Guidelines for Curriculum Materials Centers for committee members to review.
Committee Name: Curriculum Materials Centers Directory (Ad Hoc)
Time and place convened: January 2007, Westin Grande Ballroom 1, 10:30am
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Benita Strnad
Major Topics of Discussion:
Publications report - Debora & Benita
Statement of Purpose - Benita
Format for Directory Report - Jame & Alex
Institution Numbers Report - Bernadette & Winifred
Major Decisions:
Currently we have a survey almost completely formulated. We have researched and decided what format we want the directory to take. We have decided how we want to distribute the survey and how we will handle the follow-up to the initial electronic distribution of the survey.
Upcoming Activities:
We are waiting on the approval from the ACRL publications committee. We are also waiting on the publisher. We need to know what software they want us to use to distribute the survey and where this software and the incoming data will reside. We are also waiting on the publisher to let us know what kind of software they want us to use to format the data for publication. (What I mean by that is do they want it in the form of a word document or some other publishing software.) We also need to know who buys the software. At this point we're pretty much waiting on the publisher.
Name of person submitting Minutes: Benita Strand
Members Present: Jennifer Fabbi, Jane Smith, Alex Hodges, Bernadette Lear, Benita Strand
Members Absent: Winifred Flint
Guests: Debora Cheney
Introductions & Roll Call
All members were present except for Winifred Flint.
1. Old Business
A. publications report
- Benita Strnad and Debora Cheney
Benita sent the Preliminary Publication Information in to ACRL on December 12, 2006, but had not heard anything back from the committee. She then made contact with the EBSS Publications Committee. Debora Cheney’s name has been added to the CMC Directory distribution list and she attended the meeting on 1/20/07. - The committee requested of Debora that she try very hard to make it known to the ACRL Publications Committee that we want to have a paper copy of the directory with an accompanying CD.
- The committee realizes that the format of the directory will be dependent on the software that ACRL has for the survey. The final format will also be dependent on the ACRL publications software.
- It was decided that the committee would like to keep the cost of the book to $50.00
The committee also decided that Benita should contact Judy Walker or Nancy O’Brien about how ACRL handled the historical textbook collections directory.
B. Statement of Purpose – Benita should write and submit to the committee for approval.
2. New Business
A. Institutional Numbers Report – Bernadette Lear & Winifred Flint. (Winifred was unable to attend and so Bernadette gave the report to the committee.) To facilitate the work of the committee Bernadette created CD’s for all committee members.
- Bernadette discussed her methodology for gathering the information for the about the potential number of institutions that could be included as CMC’s.
- Potentially there are an estimated 700 institutions with CMC’s.
- How to contact each of these CMC’s was discussed. It was decided to contact each of them individually by letter if they do not respond to other queries. Benita will take on this task when we get to that stage.
- Bernadette and Jennifer Fabbi will work on checking and adding to the present Excel file.
a. Jennifer will look at NCATE list to see if CMC was in the COE or administered elsewhere.
b. Bernadette will look at EROD and Google
B. Format for book report – Alex Hodges & Jane Smith
- Jane & Alex reported on several options for the format for the pages of the directory.
- Committee decided that due to the number of questions we want to ask & the possible length of answers we should ask for one complete page per entry.
a. the directory could be 350 pages if all of the institutions contacted respond. This may present problems. But we will deal with that when we start seeing responses to the survey. b. to prepare for the possibility that the directory may get too big Jane & Alex were charged with deciding what questions are essential. They are to prioritize the survey questions.
C. Introduction – it was decided that a section of the Intro should have an explanation of the methodology used to gather the information. Bernadette and Benita will write this.
3. Statement of Purpose – Committee decided that due to the number of questions we want to ask & the possible length of answers we should ask for one complete page per entry.
a. the directory could be 350 pages if all of the institutions contacted respond. This may present problems. But we will deal with that when we start seeing responses to the survey.
b. to prepare for the possibility that the directory may get too big Jane & Alex were charged with deciding what questions are essential. They are to prioritize the survey questions.
D. Introduction – it was decided that a section of the Untro should have an explanation of the methodology used to gather the information. Bernadette and Benita will write this.
E. Statement of Purpose – Jennifer Fabbi & Jane Smith
the committee decided that a detailed statement of purpose was needed and should include the following elements.
a. Define the scope – what is included and what isn’t
b. Geographical area covered and why
Important Notices
A. Right now the committee is waiting on help from the ACRL publications committee. Aside from a few small details with the contact list the committee is waiting on the ACRL publications committee to provide direction and guidance with the planning for the survey and the directory.
B. As soon as we get survey software from ACRL we will be ready to put out the survey.
Major Decisions:
- The committee requested of Debora that she try very hard to make it known to the ACRL Publications Committee that we want to have a paper copy of the directory with an accompanying CD. The committee realizes that the format of the directory will be dependent on the software that ACRL has for the survey. The final format will also be dependent on the ACRL publications software.
- It was decided that the committee would like to keep the cost of the book to $50.00
- Benita should contact Judy Walker or Nancy O’Brien about how ACRL handled the historical textbook collections directory
- Benita should write and submit to the committee for approval a statement of purpose
- It was decided to contact each CMC individually by letter if they do not respond to other queries. Benita will take on this task when we get to that stage.
- Bernadette and Jennifer Fabbi will work on checking and adding to the present Excel file. Jennifer will look at NCATE list to see if CMC was in the COE or administered elsewhere. Bernadette will look at EROD and Google.
- Committee decided that due to the number of questions we want to ask & the possible length of answers we should ask for one complete page per entry.
- to prepare for the possibility that the directory may get too big Jane & Alex were charged with deciding what questions are essential and prioritize them.
- Bernadette and Benita will write introduction
- Jennifer Fabbi and Jane Smith will write statement of purpose defining the scope and include geographical areas of the survey.
Upcoming Activities:
Right now the committee is waiting on help from the ACRL publications committee. Aside from a few small details with the contact list the committee is waiting on the ACRL publications committee to provide direction and guidance with the planning for the survey and the directory. As soon as we get survey software from ACRL we will be ready to put out the survey.
Committee Name: EBSS Distinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award
Time and place convened: Sunday January 21, 2007, 8-10 a.m., Fairmont Olympic Hotel, Belvedere Room. CLOSED MEETING
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Nancy P. O'Brien
Major Topics of Discussion:
The committee discussed nominations and selected a recipient for the 2007 EBSS Distinguished Librarian Award. Also discussed were procedures and strategies for soliciting future nominations. The award certificate does not currently indicate that financial sponsorship is provided by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. so Leslie will investigate how other sections handle that and report back. In order to provide continuity, Nancy recommended that she step down as chair for 2007/2008 while remaining on the committee, and have other member serve as chair. Paula McMillen agreed to serve as chair since she will have one year of membership experience by July 2007.
Major Decisions:
An award winnter was selected and the information will be sent to ACRL for first announcement. Debora will be asked to handle the certificate again this year. Calls for future nominations will be sent not only to the EBSS listserv, but also to the Communications, Psyc/Psyc, EBSS Chairs, and other listservs if possible.
Upcoming Activities:
Sending award decision to ACRL; developing certificate; working with sponsor (John Wiley & Sons) to coordinate award ceremony; insuring that award ceremony is included in the EBSS conference program at ALA 2007 annual conference; and, beginning process for soliciting 2008 nominations. Also arrange for new chair for 2007/2008.
Name of person submitting Minutes: Nancy P. O'Brien
Members Present: Leslie Bjorncrantz, Paula McMillen, Nancy O'Brien (Chair)
Members Excused: Debora Cheney, Julie Cunningham
Discussion and selection of 2007 Award recipient:
Members were welcomed. The committee discussed the importance of confidentiality and that ACRL makes the first announcement of award winners. After reviewing and discussing nominations, a recipient was selected for the 2007 EBSS Distinguished Librarian Award with unanimous agreement. The committee reviewed the process for announcing the award which requires that documentation be sent to ACRL which has the first right of announcement. The committee chair will compile the documentation and send a final version to ACRL.
Coordination of 2007 Annual Meeting activities with EBSS, ACRL and John Wiley and Sons:
Once the award decision has been sent to ACRL, several other issues need to be addressed. The 2007 EBSS conference planning committee needs to be reminded that time for the award presentation should be incorporated at the beginning of the program. A certificate for the award recipient needs to be created. Debora will be asked to handle the certificate. Megan Griffin ( at ACRL is the contact for ACRL signatures for the certificate. Reimbursement requests will also need to be submitted by Debora through Nancy for the cost of the certificate and the frame. The sponsor (John Wiley & Sons) will need to be contacted regarding participation in the award ceremony. Nancy will handle that.
Discussion of future nominees and procedures for publicizing award and soliciting nominations:
Leslie pointed out that the award certificate does not currently indicate that financial sponsorship is provided by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., so Leslie will investigate how other sections handle that and report back. In order to provide continuity, Nancy recommended that she step down as chair for 2007/2008 while remaining on the committee, and have another member serve as chair. Paula McMillen agreed to serve as chair since she will have one year of membership experience by July 2007.
The committee discussed procedures and strategies for soliciting future nominations. It was agreed that calls for future nominations will be sent not only to the EBSS listserv, but also to the Communications, Psyc/Psyc, EBSS Chairs, and other listservs if possible. Another avenue for publicity includes the EBSS newsletter. C&RL News routinely includes information about award nominations as well.
In order to further promote the award nomination process, Leslie suggested that requests for nominations ask a question such as “Do you know someone who [insert an admirable quality here such as: demonstrates leadership, mentors new librarians, publishes widely]? This kind of question will also help to promote the active work within EBSS.
The committee adjourned at 9:00 a.m.
Committee Name: Electronic Resources in Communication Studies
Time and place convened: January 21, 2007
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Minutes: Lisa Romero
Major Topics of Discussion:
Members of the E-Resources in Communication Studies Committee are focusing their efforts on 4 major areas (subgroups): Communication (with users, faculty and other librarians), Evaluation and Assessment of E-Resources, Scholarly Communication Principles, and updating and enhancing the Library Resources for Communication Studies website. Some of the accomplishments so far include: creating a list of contacts for communication studies related vendors; creating a list of listservs used by communication studies researchers; revising the list of criteria to be used when evaluating electronic resources; creating a list of comm. studies databases and their journal coverage; creating a list of scholarly journal titles to submit for inclusion in LOCKSS and JSTOR; begin revising areas within the committee's website.
Major Decisions:
The committee will continue their work in the above mentioned areas.
Upcoming Activities:
Meeting at ALA 2007 Annual Conference in Washington, DC
Name of person submitting Minutes: Erica Carolson Nicol
Members Present: Jessica Albano, Sharon Black, Mark Emmons, Jenifer Flaxbart, Adrian Ho, Elliot Kanter, Sharon Ladenson, Ken Liss, Cathy Michael, Erica Carlson Nicol, Lisa Romero
Members Excused: Vicky Lebbin, Darby Orcutt, Amy Robb
Guests: Wayne Perryman, Heidi Senior, Angela Maycock
Committee Chair Lisa Romero called the meeting to order in the Conference Room of the Hilton Seattle, Seattle, WA at 1:30 p.m.
I. Committee members and guests introduced themselves.
II. Ken Liss motioned to approve the meeting's agenda, Jessica Albano seconded the motion, and the agenda was approved.
III. Announcements:
Sharon Black discussed the work of the Data Consortium Project/Communication Access Group, which is scheduled to meet at ALA Annual, Washington, DC Sunday June 24 10:30-12:30. The group is made up of professors, people in the advocacy community and researchers, and is interested in working with libraries and librarians. The DCP/CAG is looking for membership, and right now there is a minimal fee, $10.00, to join. Their meeting is scheduled to fall right before the Electronic Resources in Communication Studies meeting at the Annual conference.
Lisa Romero noted that we need to know what their issues are, their concerns & hot button issues so that we can promote their meeting and group. We can start looking for what kind of input they want from us and begin publicizing the ALA meeting in April, and again in May & June. It was also suggested that we could cross-post announcements regarding the DCP/AG meeting to BRASS & EBSS.
IV. New Business:
1. Email List
There has been some difficulty communicating though the Electronic Resources in Communication listserv. The chair noted that a few of her emails sent out to the list seem to have disappeared and that she has since copy-and-pasted committee members' email addresses into an email list. She will set up a new master email list through UIUC to facilitate communication among the committee.
2. The Committee split up into subgroups to discuss progress and future directions.
3. Review progress of 4 subgroups:
- Communication [Jenifer Flaxbart, Ken Liss, Cathy Michael, Erica Carlson Nicol, Darby Orcutt, Lisa Romero]
This subgroup continues to work on developing relationships with organizations in the field of communication such as NCA, ICA, and AEJMC.
Jenifer Flaxbart has gathered information about NCA & their timeline for conference materials. There Is a March Deadline for submission of proposals for their November Conference. The AEJMC Conference will be held in early August. Programs & meetings are already decided for the AEJMC 2007 conference in DC. Lisa put together a list of listservs for AEJMC that will go up on the web site. Conference & contact information will be put on the Library Resources for Communication Studies web page, and be updated annually. You get on listservs w/out being a member. JourNet was mentioned as being a particularly helpful listserv.
Ken has a contact at the Eastern Conference Association of the NCA and can investigate putting programs together with them.
Jenifer has begun putting together a list of vendor contacts. If you have contact information for relevant vendors, please send the information to her. Let her know if the rep you know is regional, and she will note that on the list. Jenifer will compile a list for vendor contacts that will be placed on the web site.
Lisa has added a link to the COMLIB-L listserv archives. The link can be found through the EBSS Electronic Resources in Communication Committee web page, or accessed through the URL,
- Evaluation/Assessment [Jessica Albano, Sharon Black, Sharon Ladenson, Vicky Lebbin, Ken Liss, Elliot Kanter]
Ken reported that this subgroup has been working with the "big 3" (CSA, CIOS, & CMMC). The group is comparing journal coverage and expects to have all of their comparison data together by April 30 and work at ALA Annual to decide what form of report to present the information in. They then plan on putting the report together over the summer. Ken shared the Evaluation Subcommittee's impressive comparison spreadsheet.
Sharon noted that there was some feedback on criteria, and that they've incorporated it into their list. The new criteria on the list includes
- Is indexing of titles comprehensive or selective?
- Archival rights?
- Is price based on institution type, size, FTE?
- Is usage data available, in regular reports?
- Can the user easily identify the fields covered [in a keyword search]?
- Is phrase searching possible?
- Search history, ability to save and rerun searches?
- Search alerts available (email, RSS)?
- Is the database integrated into a multidisciplinary suite of products? If so, is it possible to easily cross-search the communication database and those in the other disciplines?
- Context sensitive help?
When the list of criteria is complete, it can go on the web site. Ken's list of "Big 3" Comparisons will be part of the final report & in a more final version before it is made public on the web site.
- Scholarly Communication/Principles [Mark Emmons, Darby Orcutt, Adrian Ho, Erica Carlson]
Erica discussed the findings and feedback from Darby's survey on librarian scholarly activities in the field of Communication studies. Darby received 5 responses, including one from himself, and compiled a list of the sorts of activities in which communication librarians reported engaging at present:
- Participation and presentations at disciplinary meetings,
- Development of web sites or blogs (mostly originating as means of campus faculty outreach with some audience beyond the local),
- Reviews of books/media
- Hopes/plans for publishing in disciplinary journals.
The subcommittee discussed activities that may be popular among librarians but unreported, such as conference attendance, and instruction. <?p?>
Erica asked in members of the committee who had attended non-library communication conferences had felt welcome, and Lisa noted that the conferences were friendly, though it's difficult to present at AJ (unlike NCA). Adrian noted that he is a member of ICA and has found the people approachable and networking opportunities good. There is a strong presence of international scholars in ICA, and a high interest in organizational communication, as well as special interest groups in journalism & ethnic studies. They are also publishing a new open access journal, JCMC.
Ken suggested exploring work with faculty publications in Institutional Repositories and open access publications and announced that the Institute for the Future of the Book has chosen media studies for their new project, MediaCommons.
The subcommittee will virtually re-group with Darby (Erica will email him) and get back to the group Feb. 20.
Mark reported back on his communications with JSTOR and Communication journals. He has contacted Marita LaMonica of JSTOR Public Relations, and was informed that, while JSTOR has discussed communication studies as a category, they have no current plans to include communication studies journals. It could happen further down the road.
The Criteria for inclusion from the JSTOR website that Mark gathered are as follows:
- Number of subscribers
- Citation analysis
- Recommendations
- Years in publication
JSTOR is currently starting up a new Arts & Humanities Collection, but not all publishers are interested in letting JSTOR Include their publications.
Mark will check with Darby to see if Project Muse has been contacted yet - if not, Mark has volunteered to do it.
The subcommittee will pick some journal titles (a top ten) to recommend to JSTOR for collection, bring the list back to the group; Journals all 3 of the big 3 index, impact factor (Lisa R will get impact data back if ME sends her titles). Feedback from the larger group will be gathered by March 15. Then the subcommittee will contact JSTOR (Mark can talk with JSTOR rep). A letter to JSTOR containing the names and institutions of the entire committee will be drafted and sent to the committee for review by April 15.
Mark discussed Darby's findings on LOCKSS and Portico, and reported some of Darby's questions to the committee (How safe are e-journals in these sites, really? Which sites are interested in Communication publications? The Subcommittee will continue an email discussion about this rather than engaging in further discussion at this meeting.
- Website [Jessica Albano, Mark Emmons, Elliot Kanter, Vicky Lebbin, Lisa Romero]
The editorial board made web page assignments at the ALA Annual meeting In New Orleans, and Lisa sent the assignment list out to group and emailed the web site criteria to the group. The committee didn't receive the November email from Lisa containing the revisions for the Collection Development Toolkit, so Lisa handed out a paper example of her revisions. Persons assigned to web pages will send page changes to the larger group, and after receiving feedback from the larger group, will send changes to Jessica, who will update the web pages and let Lisa know that the pages are updated. Cathy Michael submitted print copies of her revisions to the group as well.
Committee members will stick to pre-established timeline, with encouragement to submit changes to the webmaster by May 1st so that revisions are reflected by the annual meeting. The timeline is as follows:
- March 30 - website revisions should be submitted to the committee for review.
- April - send any major changes to EBSS board for approval
- May - forward changes to EBSS web master
- Lisa will send a revised list to the group of who is working with what pages, and resend the list of criteria. When revisions are up on the site, we will publicize the updates.
The URL for the Library Resources for Communication Studies site will change when site goes on the ALA server.
V. Future activities:
Finishing current activities is sufficiently ambitions for now.
VI. The meeting adjourned at 3:32 p.m.
Action Item Summary
January 2007
Lisa Romero will set up a new email list for the committee.
February 20, 2007
Erica Carlson Nicol will contact Darby Orcutt and arrange to virtually regroup with the Scholarly Communication Subcommittee to discuss future directions for librarian scholarly activities in the fields of Communication Studies.
Winter/Spring 2007
Sharon Black and the Communication Subcommittee will discover what kind of input from the committee is desired by the Data Consortium Project/Communication Access Group.
March 15, 2007
Mark Emmons and the Scholarly Communication Subcommittee will gather a list of 10 top journals in Communication and gather feedback on the list from the larger committee.
March 30, 2007
All committee members responsible for updating web pages should submit their revisions to the committee for review.
April 15, 2007
The Scholarly Communication Subcommittee will make available for review and feedback a draft of the letter to JSTOR, recommending that their list of 10 top journals be included in JSTOR.
April 30
The Evaluation/Assessment Subgroup should have all of their comparison data together by this date.
April, 2007
Committee will publicize the Data Consortium Project/Communication Access Group ALA meeting, continuing to publicize in May and June of 2007.
May 1, 2007
All committee members responsible for updating web pages should forward their changes to the EBSS webmaster.
Lisa Romero will work with Jessica Albano to post and maintain a list of contact information, conference dates, and listservs for AEJMC to the web site.
Committee should respond to Jenifer Flaxbart with vendor contact information, remembering to note when vendor contacts are regional. Jenifer will compile the list of vendor contacts to be placed on the web site.
Committee Name: ERIC Users Group
Time and place convened: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 10:30-12:30, Westin Seattle, Grand BR 1 (Part of the EBSS Consolidated Mtg.)
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Minutes: Judy Walker
Members Present: Nancy Dupree, Suzanne Brown, Jeannie Kamerman, Laura Lillard, Wil Frost, Sara Beasley, Judy Walker (chair)
Members Excused: None
Guests: Kate Corby, Larry Henry (CSC), Nancy Cawley (CSC)
1. Logistics s for ERIC Forum on Sunday.
ERIC/CSC folks had an open presentation this morning at 8 AM which had about 45 attendees. Several members of committee attended the session and provided feedback. The overall impression was positive. As a result of this discussion the folks from ERIC indicated they would pare down the session slightly to allow for more discussion. It was decided they would address four areas: the new web interface; the new digitization of older microfiche project, an update on content and what they are doing with the thesaurus. They will however concentrate on the thesaurus and indexing since that was a specific request from the annual forum discussion.
2. ERIC issues – The committee also discussed a number of issues of concern.
a. Content – there are still some publishers that are dragging their feet. The Department of Education insists that ERIC have an agreement with every company in the database. Some of the problem is just bureaucracy within the company not a conscience effort not to be included in the database.
Since there is still problems here the committee felt they need to encourage those companies who have not signed a contract to do so. Judy will put together a list of those companies/journal titles and tweak the letter Laura used with the ISI folks. Then we will send the letters out to the publishers. She will also do a comparison with Education Research Complete and Education Index. We will send the letters to the editors as well as the publisher. Kate and Sara will look at this and see if they can come up with anything that is relatively simple and understandable.
b. Peer Review – this is still an issue especially for older materials. One of the problems has to do with the changing status of the journals. What is peer reviewed now may not have been peer reviewed in the mid 90s. Larry suggested that we propose an approach for identifying peer reviewed that can be applied to the backfiles. If it looks doable they will take it to the Dept. of Ed. for permission to implement it.
c. Journals appearing as ERIC Documents. This appears to be the result of individual authors submitting their articles to ERIC through the web site. Anything that comes through the website is automatically given an ED number. Most of them still get the 080 pub type designation. This does impact how folks should instruct their students. They should move from using ED and EJ for determining journals to using the publication type. That’s the field that CSA uses to determine if a record is a journal. We see something is a journal and it doesn’t have a 080 we should let the ERIC folks know.
d. Indexing issues
1. Age groups – ERIC is only including a specific age group in the metadata when the content clearing and specifically state a grade level. They don’t try to determine a grade level for it themselves. ERIC needs to make this clearer to the user. Need to talk about this at the open forum.
2. Research design/methodology terminology – With a great emphasis on research nowadays just indicating something is research is not helpful to the user looking for a specific type of research. ERIC does include a list of methodologies in their structured abstracts form that folks submitting items through the web site. They are discussing structured abstracts for journals but that is a complex matter determining which pieces of metadata are important. The structured abstracts are not appearing in the database yet. One basic issue is which methodologies to include. How specific should they get? There is no one source that is considered definitive defining research methodologies. The committee indicated they would compile a list gleaned from faculty and the EBSS listserv to see if there is any consensus on what terms should be included. Judy will send a request to the list.
3. For the last ½ hour of the meeting the committee discussed housekeeping business.
a. Taking notes at the ERIC User’s Forum. Nancy, Wil and Sara indicated they would take notes at the meeting along with Judy. Suzanne will also compare her notes for the Sunday meeting to those she took at the Saturday session for any major omissions.
b. Penny Biele will be contacting folks for reappointment. Judy will be stepping down as chair after annual so we need someone to take over as chair.
Action Items:
- Kate and Sara will investigate possible ways to identify peer review journals for records prior to 2004.
- Judy will resurrect the list of publishers not being indexed in the database and work on the letter to send the publishers.
- Judy will query EBSS-L for suggestions one research methodologies that need to be identified in the database.
Committee Name: Higher Education
Time and place convened: January 20, 2007
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Sharon Naylor for Carol Wright
Major Topics of Discussion:
Discussed status of current project, an analysis of the indexing available for a list of journals related to teaching in higher education.
Titles have been checked against major education indexing tools, and around 40 titles have been identified that are not indexed in any of the sources checked.
Major Decisions: by February 15,
Sharon will write the scope of the list
Carol will examine DOAJ for additional titles
Leslie will check the "orphan" titles to see if they are indexed in discipline-specific indexes
Upcoming Activities:
Will prioritize the "orphans" and possibly contact the publishers or make recommendations to ERIC
Since there is some similarity with a project initiated by the Education Librarians Research Forum, Carol will serve as an informal liaison with this group.
Continue to investigate formal liaisons between libraries and teaching/learning centers on campus.
Name of person submitting Minutes:
Members Present:
Members Excused:
Committee Name: Information Literacy Steering Committee (Ad Hoc)
Time and place convened: Sunday, January 21, 1:30 to 3:30pm, Sheraton Seattle - Dashpoint
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Doug Cook
Major Topics of Discussion:
The Committee with the help of the Psychology Committee and the Communications Committee held a Discussion Session on Saturday, January 20, 2:30-3:30pm at the Sheraton Seattle-Grand Ballroom. Approximately 80 people attended. Panelists were funded by an EBSS Action Plan grant from ACRL. Discussion Session notes will be placed on the EBSS website. The following classroom faculty members spoke about their students current research needs:
- Dr. Kathy Campbell, School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon
- Dr. Stephen Ponder, School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon
- Mr. David Ortiz, Cascadia Community College
- Dr. Catherine Crain, Cascadia Community College
- Ms. Erica Feldman, University of Washington
Major Decisions:
The Ad Hoc Committee voted to ask for another two year term, as Committee Chairs present felt very strongly that the ACRL Information Literacy Advisory Committee standards approval process was complex enough that a Steering Committee was still necessary. NOTE: The Executive Committee later voted to renew the Committee's charge if a Chair would volunteer. Doug Cook will be stepping down after ALA Annual - Washington, DC.
Name of person submitting Minutes: Doug Cook
Members Present: Doug Cook, Susan Beck, Kate Silfen, Tasha Cooper, Barb Mann, Cynthia Crosser, Merinda Hensley, Amanda Myers
Members Excused: Claire Clemens was absent due to illness
Guests: We had a large number of visitors who visited as they were interested in what EBSS was doing in regards to Subject-Related Information Literacy. Helga Visscher, Laura Koltutsky, Cheryl Ghosh, Ann Ewel, Marija Freeland, Bruce Stoffel, Sharon Simes, Doug Ammans, Kate Gronemyer, Sally Neal, Dana Peterman, Jim Langan, Nere Erkiaga, Linh Le.
1. Report on the Discussion Session on Saturday, January 20, 2:30-3:30pm at the Sheraton Seattle- Grand Ballroom. Approximately 80 people attended. Panelists were funded by an EBSS Action Plan grant from ACRL. The following classroom faculty members spoke about their students current research needs. All who attended felt that the information received was very insightful. Interestingly most of the panelists agreed that they would prefer librarians to teach students higher level critical thinking skills rather than “how to find resources.” Discussion Session notes by Kate Silfen will be placed on the EBSS website.
- Dr. Kathy Campbell, School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon
- Dr. Stephen Ponder, School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon
- Mr. David Ortiz, Cascadia Community College
- Dr. Catherine Crain, Cascadia Community College
- Ms. Erica Feldman, University of Washington
Doug Cook will send classroom faculty an ‘official’ thank you letter. Also their names should be included in any specific subject-related standards which result.
2. Reports from each subject area liaison
a. Subject Standards for Psychology (Psychology/ Psychiatry Committee)
- Sally Neal, Bruce Stoffel - Psyc/Psyc Comm Chairs
- Cynthia Crosser – Info Lit Committee Liaison
- Barb Mann – Info Lit Committee Liaison
They are identifying organizations to contact regarding related Standards. Two Psych classroom faculty were present at the Discussion group.
b. Subject Standards for Education (Instruction for Educators Committee)
- Laura Koltutsky – IE Comm Chair
- Claire Clemens – Info Lit Committee Liaison
- Susan Beck – Info Lit Committee Liaison
They are identifying members of the committee who are willing to work on this project. They have begun to look at previous Education Standards produced by the committee.
c. Subject Standards for Communications (Communication Studies Committee)
- Heidi Senior - Communication Comm Chair
- Tasha Cooper – Info Lit Committee Liaison
- Amanda Myers – Info Lit Committee Liaison
They sponsored three classroom faculty at the Discussion group. Faculty also met with the Committee and gave more detail regarding their information literacy needs. They have produced a preliminary bibliography.
d. Subject Standards for Social Work (Social Work/Social Welfare Committee)
- Mary Jane Brustman – Social Work Comm Chair
- Kate Silfen – Info Lit Committee Liaison
- Merinda Hensley – Info Lit Committee Liaison
They are at the beginning stages of the process.
3. Business
a. Numerous members present have graduated from the IS Immersion Program and would be eligible to be ILAC Consultants. When Doug reports our progress to the ILAC he will also ask for the following members to be named as Info Lit Consultants:
- Laura Koltutsky – Chair, Instruction for Educators
- Tasha Cooper – Steering Comm. Member, Communication Comm. Member
- Barb Mann – Steering Comm. Member
- Cynthia Crosser – Steering Comm. Member
- Sally Neal – Psychology Comm. Co-Chair
- Merinda Hensley – Steering Comm. Member
b. Our primary charge has been completed by spending our grant money to bring classroom faculty to Midwinter. Since our committee is Ad Hoc our charge ‘runs out’ June 2007. It was decided to ask the Executive Committee for another two year term. Doug Cook, however, is not able to remain as Chair.
NOTE: The Executive Committee later voted to renew the Committees charge if a Chair would volunteer. Doug Cook is in contact with potential Chairs.
Committee Name: Instruction for Educators
Time and place convened: Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:30 am - 12:30 pm, Westing Seattle, Grand BR I
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Laura Koltutsky
Major Topics of Discussion:
Education Information Literacy Standards
Wiki created for committee work on standards
Major Decisions:
Committee will work on literature review for standards project to be completed by Annual 2007
Co-chairs to be appointed to Instruction for Educators committee
Upcoming Activities:
Further work on standards
Possible discussion topic for Midwinter 2008: Assessment
Name of person submitting Minutes: Laura Koltutsky
Members Present: Laura Koltutsky (Chair), Kathy Dobda, Alison Graber
Members Excused: Mary Cassner, Ada Woods
Guests: Meg Meiman, Kate Zoellner, Rachel Wadham, Marcia Stockham, Jennifer Neumyer, Diana Wu, Sarah French, Jeris Cassel
Annual 2006 Minutes approved, suggested that Ada Woods be contacted to confirm accuracy. Done by chair after conference.
NCATE article
Ada Woods is continuing to submit the article, “Partnering with Librarians to Meet NCATE Standards in Teacher Education.” for publication. The article has been submitted to Teacher Educator. Kate Corby has told Ada that she may be able to help with another publication, Education Policy Analysis Archives. If not accepted Ada plans on submitting to the journal, Education.
Ad hoc Best Collaborative Instructional Practices Committee
Formerly a subgroup of Instruction for Educators, the committee is tying up some loose ends and are in the final stages of polishing the website. The charge for this committee expires at Annual 2007 and will submit the website as a publication.
Education Information Literacy Standards
This project will be the main focus of Instruction for Educators for the next year at least. The committee has liaisons with the ad hoc Information Literacy Steering Committee and Laura will meet with them at a later meeting at conference. Laura has created a wiki ( for the committee to begin work on the standards and she has uploaded several files for committee members to look at. Among the files is the “Tip Sheet for Developing Subject-Specific Information Literacy Standards.” Planning for the project is in the preliminary stages and while there is much to do, the committee will continue to work between now and Annual on a literature review.
Several guests who were originally interested in serving on the Ad hoc Best Collaborative Instructional Practices Committee, were redirected to the Instruction for Educators committee meeting. Several individuals were interested in discussing collaboration with faculty and it was agreed that there possibly could be committee activity related to this topic. Mention was made of the Midwinter 2006 Current Topics Session organized by Instruction for Educators and it was suggested that members could develop something for Midwinter 2008.
Assessment was also discussed as being a priority by some guests. Developing this idea further could result in a topic for a Current Topics session or perhaps a program at Annual.
In the development of the standards there could be the designing of outcomes as exists in the general ACRL standards. Laura stated that she would find out how prescriptive the subject-specific standards needed to be. Committee members were asked to read through the Tip Sheet document (available on the wiki) and Laura said that she would see what she could do about finding the Science Standards published in College and Research Library News. The committee could look to these to see how they were customized for the discipline.
Laura will be leaving as chair after Annual 2007 and has volunteered to help the committee if necessary. She encouraged guests who would be interested in volunteering for the committee to fill out the ACRL Volunteer form and gave the URL.
Kathy Dobda and Alison Graber will be recommended as co-chairs for Instruction for Educators.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30AM, January 20th, 2007 by the chair.
Action Items
The committee will continue to work within the wiki on the standards and there will be further delegation of these processes after Midwinter. A literature review will be done for Annual.
Ada Woods will continue guiding the, “Partnering with Librarians to Meet NCATE Standards in Teacher Education,” article through the publication process.
Minutes submitted by Laura Koltutsky January 28, 2007
Committee Name: Membership & Orientation
Time and place convened: January 20, 2007
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Venta Silins
Major Topics of Discussion:
Recruiting new EBSS members
Completion of new brochure project
Major Decisions:
There were only two committee members at the meeting, and it was decided to postpone decisions until Annual in Washington, DC.
Upcoming Activities:
The EBSS Social Hour from 4:00-6:00 at McCormick's Fish House & Bar
Name of person submitting Minutes:
Members Present:
Members Excused:
Committee Name: Mentorship (Ad Hoc)
Time and place convened:
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Minutes: Jo Ann Carr
Members Present: Jo Ann Carr, Signia Warner
Members Excused: Paulita Aguilar, Adis C. Beesting, Kay Annette Buchanan, Lee LaFleur, Suzette H. Hollins
Guests: Mac Nelson, University of North Carolina-Greensborol Nancy Kolenbrander, Western Carolina University
The meeting was convened at 8:10 a.m. on Monday January 22 in the Makani room of the Hilton Seattle. Following an introduction of members and guests we reviewed the committee activities and revised timeline. Lacking a quorum of members we focused our discussion on communication which Jo Ann received from the ACRL office. In this communication Mary Jane Petrowski indicated:
- we need to have clear criteria for selecting mentees.
- ALA policy does not allow the payment of registration for the mentor, we should provide this support as a stipend.
- Targeting individuals close to the conference site may serve as an incentive for participation.
- List serves should be used for ads for mentors.
Our second major item of discussion was criteria to be used in selecting the mentee. Criteria inherent in the approved action plan includes:
- Students with junior or senior standing.
- Students from underrepresented populations.
- Promise of academic success (this can be based on GPA and letters).
- Commitment to the profession.
- Service orientation.
Additional criteria which we may wish to use for the mentees include:
- History of involvement in volunteer activities.
- Good communication skills
- Evidence of application/admission to an ALA accredited program.
We also need to have a plan for awarding the scholarship to an alternate if the awardee decides not to enter librarianship or is not admitted to a program. We may also want the applicants to address Leslie Burger’s 11 competencies for librarianship . As we move forward we need to specific about our expectations for the mentee’s participation during the conference-specific events as well as number of sessions they are expected to attend. A check in lunch midway during the conference would be one expectation.
We also discussed potential models to use including the North Carolina model, ALA spectrum scholars, ALA emerging leaders, and GODORT.
Action items
- Develop and implement a publicity plan to recruit mentees to include entries in blogs, student newspapers at Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
- Recruit mentors by sending letters to the ACRL chapters and AASL Affiliates that describe the program, ask the chapters and affliates to publicize, encourage the development of this model within their state, and encourage good students to apply to program.-Signia
- Work with Jessica Albano to post information regarding this program and application on the EBSS web site.
- Draft criteria for selecting mentees
Committee Name: Psychology/Psychiatry
Time and place convened: Saturday January 20, 2007, Fairmont Olympic Hotel-Congress Room
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Bruce Stoffel
Major Topics Discussion:
Psychology/Psychiatry involvement with Information Literacy Standards initiative.
Preparation for Current Topics discussions later in the day.
Criteria for Core Journals list.
Committee membership and volunteer opportunities.
Programs at future conferences.
Update to Psychology reference guide.
Major Decisions:
Will pursue a program for Annual 2008. Suggested a topic for EBSS 2008 Annual Program (changes in scholarly publications in education and the behavioral sciences). Will consider a program on evidence-based research in the behavioral sciences as part of 2008 research forum.
Upcoming Activities:
At Annual 2007, will finalize program plans for annual 2008.
Will discuss organizing a new edition of Psychology: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources.
Will discuss compiling a roster of Psychology/Psychiatry librarians.
Will continue to work on Information Literacy Standards.
Name of person submitting Minutes:
Members Present: Tobeylynn Birch, Laura Barrett, Laurel Haycock, Sally Neal (Co-Chair), Bruce Stoffel (Co-Chair)
Members Absent: Sala Shierling, Lorna Lueck, Deborah Schaeffer
Online Member: Darlene Nichols
Guests: Laura Mullen, Cynthia Crosser (Psychology Liaison to EBSS Ad Hoc Information Literacy Steering Committee), Monica Haga, Paula McMillen
Discussion with Susan Hillson and Linda Beebe, American Psychological Association
Designation of Recorder/Conveners
Co-Chairs Bruce Stoffel and Sally Neal convened the group. Sally volunteered to take notes for the meeting.
Members and attendees introduced themselves around the table.
Bruce and Sally encouraged those attending the meeting as non-members to consider applying to serve on the committee. In fact, Bruce invited a number of former committee members and former attendees to today’s meeting to encourage participation. The committee will have approximately three-four positions opening up for appointments as of July 2007. The term of the committee appointments would be for: July 2007 – June 2009. If interested in serving on the committee go to:… and fill out the electronic volunteer form.
Due to limitations with serving on the same EBSS committee for two consecutive terms, Lorna Lueck will be rotating off the committee. Also, due to the inability to reach Sala Shierling, her position may be open as well.
Conference activities announcements
Bruce and Sally reminded attendees that the Consolidated EBSS committee meetings would start at 10:30 in the Westin Seattle Hotel. Since we have our meeting earlier, this is a great opportunity to sit in on other EBSS committee meetings. The discussions are being held in the Sheraton Seattle hotel (Tests and Measures, 1:30 – 2:25 and Subject-Specific Information Literacy Standards, 2:30 – 3:23).
Old Business
Information Literacy Subcommittee
The group discussed the upcoming afternoon’s Subject-Specific Information Literacy Standards. The psychology faculty that the group invited to the discussion, Mark Appelbaum, University of California at San Diego, had to cancel at the last minute therefore, Bruce Stoffel and former Psyc/Psyc committee member Suzan Parker, University of Washington, Bothell, worked together to invite Dr. Catherine Crain from Cascadia Community College, Bothell, Washington. Laura Barrett also invited a graduate Teaching Assistant from University of Washington at Seattle, Erika Feldman.
The group discussed next steps for the psychology information literacy standards. Cynthia Crosser is the psychology liaison to the Ad Hoc Information Literacy Group. Both she, Sally, and Bruce will attend Sunday’s Ad Hoc IL meeting to find out more concerning direction with this initiative. Specifically, the group generated the following questions for the Ad Hoc group:
- Are we to come up with unique, new Standards or add on any competencies that are unique to the Psychology discipline?
- Are we confirmed that there should be subject-specific standards or will EBSS produce group/joint standards (much like STS’s Information Literacy Standards for Science and Engineering/Technology – see
- Will rubrics be eventually built around these standards?
- Are there any deadlines for creating these standards?
The Working Group that was formed at ALA Annual in New Orleans to specifically work on this project includes:
Sally Neal
Lorna Lueck
Tobeylynn Birch
Deborah Schaeffer
Darlene Nichols
Cynthia Crosser – volunteered during the meeting.
Others interested in working with this group, please contact Sally.
Finally, to start this work, a literature review related to psychology information literacy still needs to generated. Lorna Lueck, who was not able to attend the conference due to illness, has started to work on this and will share her results on e-mail.
Test and Measures
Bruce shared the discussion questions that he and Laurel developed for the Tests & Measures discussion and requested a note taker for the session. Laurel noted that there was interest in this topic on the EBSS listserv so, hopefully, the session will be well attended.
Committee Web Pages
Sally is still serving as the Psychology/Psychiatry Web Links page editor. If there is anyone who would like to assume this responsibility, please let her know. Currently, we are simply maintaining current links on the page and editing dated content. The page is at: These updates can be made in Word or Dreamweaver. Jessica Albano, EBSS Executive Committee Member at Large, actually loads our pages on the ALA server.
Core Journals Listing
Bruce maintains and is still regularly updating the committee’s Core Journals in Psychology list: He is interested in another committee member taking on this project and asked for volunteers. The criteria used for inclusion on the list include:
- the journal ranks in the top ten of its subject category by impact factor in the ISI citation indexes
- the journal is cited in Baxter’s A Guide to Reference and Information Sources by Pam M. Baxter (1993)
- the journal is held by 500 or more libraries, according to OCLC WorldCat
The group briefly discussed some of the growing limitations of the criteria used:
- ISI does not always cover the psychology discipline well, therefore, we may not be picking up all pertinent journals
- Baxter is becoming dated
- With more and more institutions buying journal packages, the individual titles in these packages may/may not be showing up as Library holdings in WorldCat.
While the group did not make any decisions concerning changing the criteria at this time, it is something to monitor/consider for the future. Laura Mullen noted that she would be particularly interested in learning more about indexing decisions made by ISI Web of Science concerning inclusion of behavioral science journals. Perhaps this could be a future discussion that the committee could pursue with ISI.
New Business
Committee reappointments, new members
This was discussed at the beginning of the meeting.
Program for Annual 2008
We have two Psychology/Psychiatry Committee members who have been appointed to the Program Planning Committee for Annual 2008: Tobeylynn Birch and Deborah Schaeffer (Deborah will be Co-Chairing with Penny Beile). The group generated some ideas for Tobeylynn to share with the Planning Committee:
Ideas for the Official EBSS Program
- Information Literacy related to the EBSS disciplines
- Changes in Scholarly Communication in the social sciences (might dovetail nicely with annual 2008 occurring in Anaheim, California – University of California is doing a lot in this arena)
- How libraries are partnering to assist open access
Ideas for a quasi-program, like our EBSS-hosted discussion at ALA Annual in New Orleans, could include: • Evidence-based research in psychology
If the committee wants to pursue this, we will need to make a decision on it at Annual 2007.
As a word of note, Laura Barrett informed the group that at 2007 ALA Annual in Washington, the Official EBSS Program is being held in conjunction with the new EBSS Research forum. Thus, after the official program, the research forum will take place.
Psychology: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources, new edition? & Roster of psychology librarians?
With time running out on the meeting, Bruce noted that the Baxter book is out of date and questioned whether the committee might want to take on updating it? Libraries Unlimited, the original publisher of the title is not interested in an updated version, stating that there is no market for such a title. Bruce will contact APA to see if there is interest on their end.
Bruce also noted that at a past committee meeting, there was interest in creating a national roster of psychology librarians to aid in networking, seeking subject expertise, etc. This discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 am.
Motions: none made
Action Items:
- Obtain clarification about subject-specific information literacy standards initiative and set goals for this project – Sally, Bruce, Cynthia, and Psyc/Psyc Information Literacy Working Group
- Research interest in creating/publishing an update to Baxter’s A Guide to Reference and Information Sources by Pam M. Baxter (1993) - Bruce
- Monitor 2008 Program Planning Committee programming ideas. Based on what this group decides, be ready to discuss Psyc/Psyc putting on a quasi-program/discussion at ALA 2008 Annual. - Committee
Committee Name: Publications & Communications
Time and place convened: January 21, 2007 8-10 a.m., Convention Center, room 206
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Minutes: Debora Cheney
Members Present: Beth Broyles (Newsletter Editor), Jessica Albano (Web Manager), Judy Walker (Listserv Manager), Karin Suni, Kathy Dobda, Jill Woolums
Members Excused:
Agenda Items:
- Review of EBSS Publications Chart and status of individual publications and those that —the Committee reviewed the publications and agreed to create a liaison from the Committee to each publication and to determine the status of several projects which have not progressed in more than a year.
Action item: Debora will contact committee members to determine which EBSS Committees they would like to serve as liaison we will review and finalize at ALA-Annual (Wasshington, D.C.)
- Jessica Albano (Web Manager) reported the new EBSS logo was approved by Executive Committee and is now available for use on webpages and EBSS publications; she will be trained for the new CMS ALA is implementing; presented options for discontinuing centralized committee e-mail distribution lists created by Kate Corby (and on her server) which are generating a spam and also appear to be little-used; Committee Chairs will keep their own e-mail distribution lists and Judy Walker will create a single e-mail list for the Executive Committee.
- Beth Broyles announced the newsletter deadlines for the Feb/Mar issue of the Newsletter and requested ideas for stories or stories be forwarded to her.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30.
Committee Name: Reference Sources and Services
Time and place convened: Saturday, January 20, 2007, Westin Seattle, Grand BR 1, 10:30am-12:30pm
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Kate Silfen
Major Topics of Discussion:
Editing and refining our Statistics Directory and reformatting it for a Wiki
Discussion of our next project, which will involve finding public domain tests and measures.
Major Decisions:
We will update our Wiki to have sections for the following statistics: Education, Social Work, Psychology, Federal Statistics, State Statistics, and statistics on the national level.
Upcoming Activities:
The committee will collect and publicize web sites with public domain testing resources.
Name of person submitting Minutes: Kate Silfen
Members Present: Cheryl Ghosh, Adina Mulliken, Geoff Morse, Marija Freelan, Susan Ariew
Members Excused: Scott Collard
Guests: Jiaxun Wu
Meeting convened by Kate Silfen
Agenda Items:
- Welcome & Introductions
- Review of Statistical Sources—do we need any final edits? Do we want to continue working with the Wiki in order to maintain and manage next projects?
- Quick reminder about being re-appointed to the committee.
- Discuss next projects for committee
- Informal discussion and sharing of news
Summary of Meeting:
- The committee agreed on final edits to our social sciences statistical directory.
- The directory is now on a Wiki, and Kate agreed to edit the Wiki into a final format.
- Kate will e-mail the
Committee Name: Research Committee
Time and place convened: January 20, 2007, Westin Seattle Grand Ballroom I
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Melissa Cast-Brede
Major Topics of Discussion:
Reviewed and selected research proposals for EBSS Research Forum
Discussed structure of Forum
Discussed ideas for future activities
Major Decisions:
Selected five presenters out of eight proposals
Finalized organization of the forum and the room setup
Will evaluate criteria and proposal requirements
Upcoming Activities:
Contact proposal submitters with feedback
Send directions to presenters
Determine future activities
Reviewers will send comments to chair to share with submitters
Name of person submitting Minutes: Melissa Cast-Brede
Members Present: Melissa Cast-Brede, chair; Sue Wortman; Laura Mullen; Penny Beile; Dana Peterman; Helga Visscher; Merrie Davidson; Jill Woolums; Denise Rosenblatt; Signia Warner; Kevin Barry; and Jen Fabbi
Members Excused: None
Guests: Karen Hartman
I. Discussed revising criteria for next year's submissions. Suggestions were:
Add importance or impact
Reconsider use of the term "original"
Add "Clarity of Writing" or "Organization of Proposal"
II. Suggested future activities such as tips sheet or webpage that could advise about research methodologies, librarian research skills and proficiencies, and writing proposals.
III. Concern was expressed as to what happens to the proposals after the forum. The question was raised as to whether or not they could be posted online. Cast-Brede will check with the Publications Committee as to whether or not the committee would need to go through them.
IV. Reviewed the eight submitted proposals. Five were accepted. Cast-Brede will contact each submitter and relay the reviewers comments.
V. Format of the poster session/discussion groups
3:30pm Opening statement, Poster session and reception
Time allowed for participants to get impressions of the topics of the posters and choose which discussion groups to attend
3:50pm Short (10-15 min.) simultaneous presentations followed by discussion groups for the research projects:
Information Literacy Rubrics with the Disciplines
Innocense Lost: Communication Studies Publishers and the Modern Library
4:30pm Short (10-15 min.) simultaneous presentations followed by discussion groups for the research projects:
Information Seeking Behavior of Graduate Education Students
A Comparative Study of Book and Journal Use in the Social Sciences
Blogging to My Peeps: Communication with Psychology, Linguistics, and Sociology Departments
5:05pm Wrap up
5:10pm Evaluation of the forum
Presenters are expected to bring their own display panels
We will assign a facilitator and recorder to each discussion group to assist the participants.
Room set up will include five tables around the room, three tables in the middle, and a microphone.
Committee Name: Social Work/Social Welfare
Time and place convened: January 21, 2007, 10:30am-12:30pm
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights: Mary Jane Brustman
Major Topics of Discussion:
Social Work/Social Welfare Discipline-specific information literacy standards. Process for developing, trends to consider.
Revisions and updates to Social Work Selector's Toolbox.
Revisions and updates to Social Work Webliography
Plans for June 2007 meeting
Sharing of information about new resources
Major Decisions:
Committee members were assigned responsibility for drafting sections of information literacy standards. Standards will be reviewed by our members and by the Council on Social Work Education Librarian's Group via Wiki. A bibliography will be developed from all member's sources.
Brustman will submit the rest of revisions for Social Work Selector's Toolbox. Mulliken will then take over maintenance.
Nason Davis will take over maintenance of the Social Work Webliography.
Upcoming Activities:
At the June meeting we will invite representatives from SocIndex and NASW's publications office.
Continuing work on Information Literacy Standards
Name of person submitting Minutes: Mary Jane Brustman, Chair
Members Present: Mary Jane Brustman, Jennifer Nason Davis, Adina Mulliken, Allison Sutton
Members Not Present: Ellen DeMarinis, Karen Hartman, Arif Jamal, Sally Lawler, JoAnn Mulvihill, Deborah Schaeffer, Frada Mozenter (virtual member)
Guests: Monique Andrews, Angela S. W. Lee, Kate Silfen, Grace Xu
Agenda Items:
Discipline-Specific Information Literacy Standards for Social Work
Social Work Selector’s Toolbox Project – Final Editing
Social Work Webliography - Revisions
Future presentations from database producers
Time Adjourned: 12:20pm
- The minutes from the June 25, 2006 meeting were approved.
- Discipline-Specific Information Literacy Standards for Social Work/Social Welfare. Kate Silfen attended as representative of the EBSS Information Literacy Steering Committee. Committee members discussed the process for developing the standards and trends in the field which should be considered. The following decisions were made about process: Frada Mozenter will be asked to set up a Wiki for the committee to use in drafting the standards. Two committee members will be assigned to work on each of the five current ACRL Standards. The full committee will look over the drafts. Angela Lee, who attended the meeting as a guest, will ask members of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Librarians Group to review the drafts. She will also find teaching faculty who are willing to review the draft standards. Other committee members indicated that they know faculty who would likely be interested in commenting on the drafts. Angela Lee suggested we might also want our standards to be “accredited” by CSWE. (We agreed this would be desirable if it did not involve a lot of effort.)
- Some trends in social welfare education and research: evidence-based, internationalization, disaster management, qualitative/quantitative/empirical methods, policy assignments, ethics (e.g. with tests and measures, data, IRB process, continuing knowledge in the profession, community development
- Copies of the following documents were handed out:
- ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education
- Informatio n Competencies for Social Work Students
- LES Draft Research Competency Guidelines for Literatures in English
- Tip Sheet for Developing Subject-Specific Information Literacy Standards
Allison Sutton will look for a copy of Social Work Performance Standards that were developed by this committee about 6-8 years ago.
- Social Work Selector’s Toolbox. Almost all changes to the Social Work Selector’s Toolbox have been completed and are ready to upload. After this is done, Adina Mulliken will take over maintenance of the Toolbox. (The publicity plan for the Toolbox still needs to be implemented.)
- Social Work Webliography (completed in 2004). Jennifer Nason Davis will take over maintenance of the Webliograpy. Grace Xu will assist her. More discussion of new sections to added will be at the June 2007 meeting.
- Shared information on new resources. It was agreed that this will be a formal part of the agenda for future meetings.
- For the June 2007 meeting we will invite representatives from SocIndex and Social Work Abstracts. An invitation to Foundation Center will be extended at a future time.
Committee Name: Education Research Libraries Forum
Time and place convened:
Meeting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Highlights:
Name of person submitting Minutes: Helga Visscher
Members Present: Helga Visscher, University of Alabama; Adele Dendy, St. Philips’ College; Marija Freeland, University of Michigan; Denise Rosenblatt, NLE; Jo Ann Carr, University of Wisconsin Madison, Gary Klein, Willamette University; Mark Emmons, University of New Mexico; Leslie Bjorncrantz, Northwestern University; Nancy O’Brien, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Alison Graber, University of Colorado-Boulder; Donna Nix, University of St. Thomas (Minnesota); Marilyn Hicks, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Sharon Naylor, Illinois State University; Lynn Willis, PsycInfo (APA); Lee Ann Lannan, Vanderbilt University Washington University; Stephan J. Macaliso, State University of New York at New Paltz; Carol Wright, Pennsylvania State University; Kate Corby, Michigan State University
Members Excused: None
Guests: None
I. Welcome and introductions
Helga welcomed us, asked to sign attendance sheet. All in attendance introduced themselves.
II. Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve minutes with minor corrections made by Nancy O’Brien, seconded by Lesley Farmer. Approved.
III. Additions to the agenda: Two additions: Convener for ALA 2007. National Library of Education
IV. Reports on projects
A. TCR report-Jo Ann Carr reported that a proposal for a special issue of Teacher’s College Record on education informatics has been accepted. The proposal will feature articles by many higher education faculty in education however an author for an article on the changing face of education information still needs to be identified. This topic may be appropriate for an education librarian. Contact Jo Ann at with recommended authors.
B. History of Education website: Nancy O’Brien reported that the site is up but the only new information is on fundraising. Categories and information sites for inclusion have been identified. Let Nancy O’Brien know of additional resources for this site. See
C. J-STOR: Carol Wright contacted J-Stor about the process for adding more education journals and was told they are very open to these suggestions. JSTOR is planning a new arts and humanities collection that will include a fair amount of international titles. JSTOR is having a session Sunday Morning 8:00-10:00 at the Fairmont Olympic Metropolitan to discuss their approach to collection development. There is also a group working on titles in child development and oral histories for JSTOR. Recommendation is that one of our members attend the Sunday meeting-if this is not possible Carol will contact JSTOR to obtain criteria for inclusion of titles. We also agreed to put out a call for recommendations on the EBSS list serve.
V. Meeting an Annual
Room and location set at ALA. Subgroup needs to meet to discuss this topic. Plan is to meet with publishers from education associations to discuss issues regarding access to their materials through databases and other sources. Working group is Kate Corby, Leslie Farmer, Carol Wright, and Nancy O’Brien.
Question regarding whether focus would be on K-12 or higher education. This is still under discussion. An additional question was posed on the status of ERIC contracts will be available at ERIC meetings.
The ‘orphan’ journal (e.g. journals that are not indexed or that are indexed but not accessible [published in PDF, etc.]) project being developed by Judy Walker could also be a focus of this meeting. This status is impacted by the willingness of database vendors to host articles and journals on their own web servers.
Leslie Bjorncrantz reported that she contacted APA and there does not appear to be a group and/or network of association publisher and/or editors with whom we could work.
We also need to look at the lack of access to ‘open access’ journals which are only accessible through login.
The goal of this meeting is to foster a dialog between the education association publishers and education research librarians.
The organizers of the meeting will need to determine what electronic support will be needed for the meeting in June.
VI. Future Projects
A. Identification of student published journals: The EBSS higher education committee has begun discussion of this topic but no decision regarding this project has been made. This would focus on journals in which undergraduates and graduates can publish.
B. ERIC Microfiche-status of level II & III. The link to the Excel database was sent to the list serve however some adjustments need to be made. This information is important as finding information about the availability of titles in microfiche is difficult to find. If cannot produce something electronically because of copyright NLE will send through ILL. NLE has a pilot project to convert some older documents to electronic access. British Library is getting a 30% copyright release. Education librarians should also be aware they can loan these materials through ILL including processing through fiche scanners, etc.
C. Conference presentations on education informatics: Lesley Farmer volunteered to assist with the development of a proposal on this topic for ALA 2008. Kate Corby will take this topic to the AERA SIG for discussion.
VII. Addition to agenda
A. Convener for ALA 2007: Next meeting Friday, June 22 1:30-4:30 which will include the discussion with publishers. Tasks would be : advise EBSS advisory of the NLE opportunity; arrange media support with EBSS that hosts our events. This is an independent group that has a courtesy relationship with EBSS. Carol Wright volunteered to serve as convener.
B. National Library of Education: Meet at NLE during the ALA conference for a meeting or for a social event. NLE is easily accessible by Metro We decided that the most appropriate plan was to schedule a social event such as a morning coffee break on Monday morning.
VIII. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 with a reminder to attend the EBSS New Member Welcome